Top 31 Apps Similar to ToldYa

Testbirds Companion 1.72.1
Toolkit to support Testbirds testers
NLC21 CM21 3.2
Diese App hilft Ihnen Ihre Kontakte in die und zu Exportieren. Da für viele BenutzerderWeg über einen CSV oder V Card Export zu umständlich ist,bietenwir mit dieser App eine simple Möglichkeit alle oderSelektiereKontakte aus Ihrem Handyadressbuch in die KontaktlinsezuExportieren. Im Fokus bei der Entwicklung stand dieeinfacheBedienbarkeit ohne Spielereien sowie die Sicherheit. Siehaben dieMöglichkeit alle Kontakte oder von Ihnen ausgewählteKontakte zusenden. Dabei werden Ihre Kontaktdaten doppeltverschlüsselt aufunseren Server übertragen. Dort haben nur Sie dieMöglichkeit durchIhr Passwort die Daten abzurufen und Ihre Kontaktezu bearbeiten.Für den Export brauchen Sie ein Benutzerkonto Wichtigste Funktionen: Export allerkontakte auf ausIhrem Handy Export nach Adressbüchern Export nachEinzel AuswahlWebseite: und
LibChecker - View Apps Info
Viewing architecture of applications 4.0.289 is the leading information source on complexfinancialproducts and risk management, providing a competitive edgeto anyfinancial firm that needs to stay ahead of markets andregulatorychange. Like the highly successful website, theRisk.netapp will feature live updates throughout the day, but willalsogive users the ability to view articles offline, save andsharefavourite stories, and customise the type of content theyreceive.The app allows corporate licence customers andpremiumsubscribers to access all content via an interactive app, ata timeand place that suits you as well as ensuring you get accessto theinformation as soon as it’s published. If you have anyquestionsabout this Risk app or a subscription then please call on+44 (0)20 7316 9300. ** Subscription terms and conditions • Aone-weeksubscription costs £300.00. Your account will be chargedwhen youchoose to purchase a subscription. • At the end of theone-weekperiod, and unless you choose to cancel (see below),thesubscription will renew. Your account will be charged therenewalcost (£300.00) within 24 hours prior to the end of thecurrentsubscription period. Pleasevisit privacy policyand for our termsofuse
ExpertZone 4.2.2
Welcome to ExpertZone! Microsoft’s amazing products arealwaysgetting better.
RacketPal: Find Nearby Players 5.5
Connect with players in your area, play matches and joinlocalleagues. 🎾🏸🏓🏆
HABL, Social Curation Platform 1.1.27
Gather only the contents you like easily and get rewarded fromHABL!
Cadoo 5.3.1
Cadoo Inc
Get Fit, Get Paid! The most intense fitness motivation out there.
pymetrics is the next generation career searchplatform.Usingneuroscience and machine learning, we arereinventingtherecruiting industry by recommending optimal careerpaths tojobseekers and helping companies hire smarter. We assesscognitiveandpersonality traits using a series of fun andquickneurosciencegames, making it easier than ever to understandwhereyour inherentcharacteristics can lead to success. Playgames,discover yourcognitive profile, find your top fit careers,andconnect withcompanies. Be a part of the future ofself-discovery.Find your fittoday.
Rome Travel Guide 12.1.8 (Play)
The popular travel guide! Inspiration, information and maps.Itworks offline!
Smartabase Athlete 1.33.1
Empowers your athletes to engage with the SmartabaseHumanPerformance Platform
Cortex XSOAR 1.3.8
Cortex XSOAR is the only Security Orchestration,Automation,andResponse (XSOAR) platform that combinessecurityorchestration,incident management, and interactiveinvestigation toservesecurity teams across the incident lifecycle.Ourorchestrationengine coordinates and automates tasks across 100sofpartnerproducts, resulting in an increased return onexistingsecurityinvestments. Cortex XSOAR enables security teams toreduceMeanTime to Response (MTTR), create consistentincidentmanagementprocesses, and increase analyst productivity.Track andrespond tosecurity incidents on the go with CortexXSOAR'smobile-firstexperience for Android/iOS. Create andaccesspersonalizeddashboards, assign and complete tasks from anydevice,and improveinvestigation quality by working together. CortexXSOARfor Androidincludes: Agile incident management: Achieveat-a-glanceincidentoversight with personalized dashboards, incidentsummaries,andcurated task lists. Connect with context: Avoiddisparateemailchains and message threads by collaborating with therightpeopleand accessing the right security context on oneplatform.Keepresponse running: Assign, approve, and review tasksatlightningspeed and watch Cortex XSOAR's automation do therest.NOTE: ACortex XSOAR user account is required to accessthisapplication.
Predictor for friends 6.6.2
Bet on the scores of the European top leagues andinternationalcompetitions
DribbleUp - Sports & Fitness 9.15.2
DribbleUp Inc
Basketball, Soccer, Medball, Boxing
Adobe Workfront 5.0.2
With Adobe Workfront’s new mobile app, marketing andenterpriseteamsare better able to manage their work, regardless ofwhetherthey arein a meeting, out of the office or on a traincommuting towork. Ourmobile app allows you to: * View and updateall the tasksand issuesyou’re working on. * Create and assign newtasks. *Review andapprove work requests and documents. *Collaborate onworkassignments. * Log time, review and adjusthours, asappropriate,ensuring the accurate allocation of time iscapturedand reflectedfor reporting and billing purposes. * Accessacomprehensive companydirectory for personnel andcontactinformation. Simply put - theAdobe Workfront mobile apphelps yourorganization better optimizeyour team, time, and work.NOTE: Ourapp requires that you login withyour Adobe Workfrontlogincredentials (username, password and uniqueURL). If youhavetrouble logging in, please contact yourWorkfrontadministrator.
Human Resource Management 8.37
Elevate your HR skills with our comprehensive educational app
The Student Room 2.0.8
Now it's easier than ever to join in the conversation onTheStudentRoom. Download our shiny new app and post messagesfromwherever youare. On TSR, there's always someone who canhelp.Whether yourquestion's about relationship troubles, yourUCASapplication, yourlatest coursework or anything else, you'llfindpeople to talk toabout it. In fact, there are more than 5millionstudents, studyingat school, college and university withinthe TSRcommunity. Here arejust some of the things you can do withourapp: • Chat with yourfriends and other students while you areawayfrom your laptop ordesktop • Get homework, coursework andrevisionhelp from A*students • Find new friends and learn frompeople withsimilarinterests and experience • Make the rightuniversity choicebyhearing what current uni students have to say •Sharpenyourdebating skills in the current affairs section •Getconfidentialand anonymous advice on a wide variety oftopics,includingeducation, jobs, relationships, health and muchmore •Send andreceive private messages from friends and other TSRmembersGetaccess to more than 500 forums - including: • The TSRcommunity•Chat • International students lounge • Life andstyle•Relationships • Health • Fitness • Fashion and beauty •Foodanddrink • Money and finance • Travel • Entertainment •Football•Sport • Cars and motoring • Music, films, books and TVshows•Debate and current affairs • News • Politics • Study help•A-levelrevision • GCSE revision • University revision •Universityanduniversity courses • Personal statement advice•Universityapplications and UCAS • Student finance •Universitystudent life •Mature students • Disabled students •Postgraduatesupport andapplications • University courses •Universities andhighereducation colleges • University forums fromall over the UK•Universities, colleges and courses outside of theUK •Distancelearning • Careers and jobs • Advice on jobapplicationsincludingCV help • Career advice and graduateemployment • Parttime work •Apprenticeships and alternatives touniversity •VolunteeringAlready a member of The Student Room? Loginwith yourusername andpassword, or login with the social account youused toregister onTSR New to The Student Room? It’s quick and easytojoin. Just useyour favourite social network to sign-up, orheadover to andsign-up onTSR.How you can help: If you enjoy using the new TSR app,pleasetake aminute to leave a review - it really helps out. Thanksforall yoursupport, it’s really appreciated! If you have anyissuesorfeatures you would like to see in future updates, pleaseletusknow through oursupportpage: -we’ll getbackto you asap. Future updates: We’re committed tocontinuingtoimprove our app so here’s a taste of what’s coming upinthefuture: • Adding images to discussions • Open web linkswithintheapp
Strategy Training 7.002.1
McKinsey, BCG et al former senior partners teachadvancedstrategy:ex-McKinsey Worldwide Strategy Practice Co-LeaderKevin P.Coyne,ex-McKinsey & BCG Senior Partner Bill Matassoniand more.Freeto our most loyal followers, Insiders. There is noother waytoaccess this App. Insiders receive immediate accessto:ADVANCEDSTRATEGY: The Bill Matassoni Show BillMatassoni’sMemoirCompetitive Strategy with Kevin P. Coyne How tobecome aMcKinseyPartner. 1st Time Revealed DETAILED: Market EntryStrategyStudyDETAILED: How McKinsey Runs an Engagement (M&ATech)DETAILED:Corp. Strat. & Transformation Study DETAILED: HowtoSellMulti-Million Dollar Engagements Partnership. Memoir. Before30yrs21 Day Program: How to Develop Big Insights 21 Day Program:HowtoFind Great Mentors 21 Day Program: How to Reboot aStalledCareerTurnaround & Restructuring Study The Start-UpakaBuilding aLuxury Brand The Start-Up aka Building anElectricCarImplementation of an Operations Strategy (Re) BuildingaConsultingPractice Big Data Study IT & Digital StrategyStudyBusinessCase Analysis First 90 Days in ConsultingFOUNDATIONALSTRATEGY AKACASE INTERVIEWS: TCO Solution Videos TCO I,Felix,McKinsey OfferTCO I, Sanjeev, joins BCG TCO I, Rafik TCOI,Samantha TCO II,Alice Qinhua Zhou joins McKinsey NYC, trainedbyKevin P. Coyne TCOII, Michael Klein TCO III, Jennifer NwankwojoinsBain Boston TCOIII, Zach Steinfeld joins Deloitte S&O TCOIV,Assel joinsMcKinsey EMBA / Experienced Hire Program InsightsfromCoaching& TCO Please browse the library to see whatisavailable. Allconveniently available as: 900+ hours ofpartner-ledtraining, withnew training added on a weekly basis NoInternetrequired. Syncvideos to watch offline, or connect withWi-Fi, 3Gand 4G Push Appto background and play audio StreamingvideosAutomatically beamvideos from your phone to your ChromecastdevicesCreate playlistsPick up where you left off Strategy Trainingis anon-line 24-hourstrategy training channel offeringincrediblydetailed, andrealistic, training programs instrategy,operations,implementation, leadership, management,critical problemsolvingand case interviews. All our content isproduced by eminentformerMcKinsey, BCG et al partners like Kevin P.Coyne, BillMatassonietc. WHAT WILL YOU RECEIVE: Streaming access toall thecontent onStrategy Training. This is a self-taughtprogramwithoutemail-based teaching. Questions posted in thecomments willonly beanswered in our Top-10 ranked podcast channelsfor careers:CaseInterviews & Management Consulting and StrategySkills.*
Hearonymus - your audio guide 3.1.5
Your smartphone turns into a modern audio guide!
Kick-IN 4.3
The official Kick-In application
Meltwater Mobile 4.5
Stay on top of your media intelligence needs on the go,whereveryouare! Meltwater Mobile allows you to complete the tasksthatyouwould on your desktop, right from your hand set. Inadditiontoreading content, you can tag, translate, and sharearticlesasneeded, and you can also tap into analytics to stay ontop ofhighlevel trends that will impact your company, just as youwouldinthe desktop app. Use Meltwater Mobile to: - Monitorglobalonlinenews, broadcast, and social media - Create ad-hocsearchacross allmedia types and be alerted when new results come in- Setinstantnotifications to alert you to business critical contentasitbreaks - Analyze content and see analytics without needingtologin to a desktop application - Tag and curate yourcontent-Collaborate easily from your phone with our abilitytosharecontent via text, email, Slack or any other collaborationapp
Sitrion ONE 3.15
Sitrion ONE is an award-winningenterprisemobile productivity solution that enables organizationsto mobilizetheir workforce by empowering employees to quickly andsecurelyaccess SAP, Microsoft SharePoint, Salesforce, and Office365 tasksand processes on the go. Sitrion ONE solves the challengeofaccessing these complex enterprise applications by combiningasingle login for multiple backend systems with a seamlessuserexperience.The innovative, easy-to-install Sitrion ONE platform providesasecure, cloud-based BYOD environment with dozens ofpre-builtmobile use cases (called micro-apps) like enabling yoursales teamon the road to be rock stars or giving yourcorporatecommunications teams the ability to communicate in atimely andengaging way.Once users have downloaded the free app and enteredvalidcredentials, they can be effortlessly connected in minutestoimportant business information and approvals using their tabletormobile device.Sitrion ONE features:• A single, native app with out-of-the-box enterpriseapplicationintegrations with SAP, Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365,SQL,, and any REST endpoint.• A secure, cloud-based architecture that provides allcorecapabilities like administration, role management,notifications,tasks, single-sign on, and backend integrations andsupports a trueBYOD mobile strategy.• Pre-built mobile use cases (called micro-apps) that canbeassigned in real-time to users based on role,geography,permission, etc. and are instantly available within theONEapp.• An aggregated productivity stream to get all relevantinformationin one place on any mobile device like time offrequests, purchaseapprovals, sales forecast changes, inventorylevel alerts, andcorporate news.Production use of this client is governed by yourcompany'sagreement with Sitrion
Teooh - Meet in Virtual Spaces
Teooh Limited
Video Calls Suck! Experience the future of remotegatherings.Work,hangout and meet in virtual spaces as avatars. Chatlikeyou'rereally there. "If you’re tired of Zoom meetings,Teoohhasintroduced a new way to connect with colleagues,friends,&family" Fast Company Teooh is free and available onanydevice. Nomatter your meeting needs, Teooh has a space foryou.Whether it'sa remote meeting, a friendly get-together, or astudygroup,Teooh's got you covered. 📅 Remote Meetings - Looking foraremoteoffice? Virtual meetings don’t have toinvolvesmart-on-top,pyjamas-on-bottom video calls. Get office-readyin atap and workwith your colleagues, clients, and team for freefromanywhere. 📅Online Hangouts - Host family birthday parties,competein a pubquiz, or get your sports team together in onlinemeetups —all inTeooh’s unique, virtual spaces. 📅 Virtual Events -Shareideas withyour online communities, host fireside chats, oreasilybreak outinto smaller tables for private chats. Find yourVirtualSpace: 🟥The Virtual Office - 12 chairs around a largecentraltable, with 4private breakout tables. Perfect for: Teammeetings,dailystand-ups, and intimate chats. Capacity: 40 🟦 TheCommunityLounge- 5 chairs on stage, and 9 private tables facing thestage.Perfectfor: Social hangouts, study groups,discussion-basedpresentations.Capacity: 40 🟪 The Boardroom - 28chairs at a largecentral tablewith 6 breakout tables. Perfect for:Larger meetings,teamget-togethers, and group discussions. Capacity:28 🟩TheFiresideChat - 2 chairs on the stage and 15 tables facingthestage.Perfect for: All-hands meetings, small breakoutgroups,trainingseminars Capacity: 50 🟨 The Fireside Panel - 5chairs onstage and15 tables facing the stage. Perfect for:Paneldiscussions, bigannouncements, small breakout groups.Capacity: 50🟧 The Big Stage- 5 chairs on stage with chairs facingthe stage anda breakoutroom. Perfect for: Speeches, bigpresentations, and largeeventsCapacity: 50 Using Teooh is as easyas 1, 2, 3: 1. StyleyourAvatar Your avatar looks good so you don'thave to.Getoffice-ready in a tap or express yourself with a newhair 'do.Bluehair, don't care. 2. Create or Join an Event Whetheryou'rethehost or the MVP invitee, get your gang together invirtualspacesand make the experience uniquely yours. 3. Meet, Chator JustHangShare presentations with your colleagues or laugh withyourfriendsas though you're sitting at a table together. Why Teooh?⭐Bringback the coffee break gossip - private audio means youcanchat topeople on your table without other people hearing. ⭐ Kidsinthebackground? You can’t tell in Teooh. Style your Avatartobeprofessional even when you don’t feel it. ⭐ Banish Zoomfatiguebyinteracting in 3D virtual reality spaces. Teooh App KeyFeatures👉Join or Host a meeting on Android, Windows or Apple,fromanywhere.👉Choose your Space from multiple options. 👉 Set upyour"Alwaysavailable" or "Scheduled" event. 👉 Assign moderators toanevent 👉Invite speakers and panelists 👉 Gather in the GreenRoombeforegoing on stage 👉 Share your Event Code with othersforimmediateand direct access to your dedicated room. 👉 Inviteothersdirectlyfrom the App. 👉 Create your own personalised avatar.👉Change seatsand meet new people. 👉 Share your mood viaanimatedemojis. 👉 Takepictures of your event with the in-builtcamerafunctions. 👉 Sharecontent online. 👉 Talk to the audienceusing thepublic Mic or tothe nearest attendees with the table Mic.👉 Many tomany audiocapabilities 👉 Record your event. 👉 Get alertswhen yourmeeting isabout to start. 👉Use the Chat function toshareinformation withmembers or specific attendees. 👉 Submitfeedbackdirectly via theapp to the Teooh team. 🌐Find out moreat🐦Follow us @TeoohEvents 📧Need Support?Emailus [email protected]
easy2coach - Soccer 1.13.56
Your Soccer Team Manager App - Easy Team Organization
Dive Planner PRO 1.6.3
Full featured Dive planner! - NO DECOMPRESSION DIVES ONLY!
MSU Mobile 1530.100.16
Official Missouri State University app
PADI Adventures 2.1.4
PADI Travel
Find and book diving and snorkeling activities worldwide.
Envoy Mobility 2.0.1
On Demand Electric Vehicles Parked Where You Live, Work and Stay
Zwift Companion 3.52.0
Zwift, Inc.
Make Zwifting more fun.
SolarWinds Service Desk 2.5.3
The SolarWinds Service Desk app for Android givesyourtechniciansand end-users instant access to core servicedeskcapabilitiesdirectly from their mobile device. Your technicianscanwork onincidents and provide services from anywhere and withthenewlyincluded end-user version, your service desk isavailableanytimefrom anywhere, ensuring your employees have accessto thesupportand resources they need to stay productive. ForTechnicians:-Receive real-time notifications - Track open andincoming tickets-Assign or reassign active incidents - Update andresolve issues-Reference historical data for troubleshooting ForEmployees:-Submit a ticket (such as a broken device) - Requestservices(suchas access to an application) - Access self-servicearticles -Checkrequest status - Add comments to open tickets©SolarWindsWorldwide, LLC. All rights reserved.
MyState 4.7.10
MyState is your Iowa State University toolkit. Built bystudents,for students.