Top 3 Games Similar to Car Control - Навипилот FREE

Car Control - Navipilot 3.7.8
Dmitry Kadykov
The program extends car multimediadevicecapabilities, helps to make some functinos easy of useduringdriving.Attention! Some function of the current version are expected tobeused only with Navipilot Droid 2 device.List of functions:1. Internet availability check2. Time from departure3. Internet download speed4. Music control (play, pause, next, previous) in one touch5. One touch switch in between Navigation, Radio, MusicandBluetooth6. Voice notification about weather and traffic7. Vocie search in Yandex in one touch8. Screen dimming9. Vocie notes10. Speed alerts11. Russian auto codes12. Configure and move control paneles on your screen13. Media audio level restoration on startup14. Music track information (OSD) *PowerAMP should be used asmediapalyerFull overview in Russian language:
Car Control 1.1
Car Control - Una sencillaaplicaciónpararegistrar eventos relacionados a tu auto paraobtenerestadísticasde costos y mantenimiento.Características:-Registra eventos de gasolina-Registra otros eventos (Servicios, estacionamiento,cambiosdeaceite, etc.)-Reporta (Consumo de gasolina, costos por fecha/tipo,costostotalesanuales, etc.)-Soporta multiples autos-Crea Notificaciones por distancia o fecha-Puedes Importar y exportar estadísticas-Respaldo en Google drivey... ¡MUCHO MÁS!Car Control -Asimpleapplication to record events related to your car togetstatisticsand maintenance costs.Characteristics:-Records Petrol events-Records Other events (services, parking, oil changes, etc.)-Reporta (Fuel consumption, costs by date / type, totalannualcosts,etc.)Supports multiple cars-Creates Notifications by distance or date'You can import and export statistics-Respaldo On Google driveand much more!
O2 Car Control 2.43
Využití aplikace je umožněno všem zákazníkůmsaktivní službou O2 Car Control. Pro vstup do aplikace zadejtevašepřihlašovací údaje do portálu. Více informací je rozdělena do několika modulů:- Úvod - Tento modul slouží pro zobrazení detailu,zarovnánítachometru při uzamčení jednotky z firmy- Mapa - V tomto modulu si můžeme nechat zobrazit pozici nebotrasujedné či více jednotek- Trasy - V tomto modulu vidíme výpis tras daného vozidlazajetýchza posledních 30 dnů. Pokud nějakou trasu vyberu, zobrazíse jejídetaily a mohu ji zobrazit na mapě či editovat údaje- Výdaje - Umožňuje zadání výdaje za tankování či jiný výdajprodané vozidloUse of the applicationisto provide all customers with active service O2 Car Control.Toaccess the application, enter your login information intotheportal. More information on application is divided into several modules:- Introduction - This module is used for detaileddisplay,tachometer alignment when locking units of thecompany- Map - In this module you can display the position or the routeofone or more units- Directions - In this module, we can see a listing of thetracksvehicle business as over the past 30 days. If a route Ichoose tosee its details and can be viewed on a map or editdata- Expenses - Allows you to enter expenses for refueling orotherexpenses for the vehicle