Top 6 Apps Similar to DarsTraffic

Cameras Slovenia 1.0
Cameras Slovenia App displays traffic cameras in Slovenia.
Slovenia Trails Hiking&Biking 2.4
Slovenia Trails is a new application for Slovenian hiking andbikingtrails. Application was developed in cooperation withcompanyMonolit d.o.o. and association Hiking&biking GIZ. It isa greattool for everyone who like to discover new places andenjoySlovenian beauties. The guide includes over 300 hiking andbikingtrails and data about special destinations for hikers andbikersthat are members of Slovenian Hiking and Biking association.Theguide covers the entire Slovenian territory. Trailsincludedetailed information as trail length, duration, descriptionof thetrail, picture of the trail blaze, elevation data withelevationprofile and interesting locations by the trail. Everytrail ischecked for availability for families and how manypercentage ofthe trail goes through the forest, main roads and sideroads. Somefeatures of the app: - Display of routes on a detailedtopographicmap (Monolit maps, used in different GPS navigationdevices), -enabled search through specialised hikers and bikersfriendlydestinations, - off line maps for easier and friendlier useof theapplication in the nature.
Slovenian traffic 1.9.1
Jernej Virag
Application to show you current status of all Slovenianroadsincluding traffic jams, accidents, roadworks and everythingelse adriver needs to know. The information is available in EnglishorSlovenian language.
Monolit2Go Slovenia
Outdoor guide - slovenian mountain, hiking, cycling trailsandtourist roads.
Croatia Traffic Info – HAK 2.9.4
Croatia Traffic Info is a must-haveappintended for tourists traveling to Croatia. It providesdetailedtraffic and travel information, as well as roadsideassistanceservices and is available in English, German, Italian andCroatianlanguage.Everything a driver needs when traveling to Croatia isavailableright here in this app developed by the nationalautomobile club inCroatia - HAK.Croatia Traffic Info – HAK provides an overview of the mostneededtravel information, such as:- detailed traffic conditions report (road conditions onhighways,border crossings, ferry terminals)- traffic limitations and traffic forecast for tomorrow- more than 200 live images from webcams, on most important roadsinCroatia- current fuel prices- a comprehensive POI database (15.000+ POIs) consistingofairports, camping sites, banks, ATMs, hospitals, hotels,postoffices, post boxes, kiosks, pharmacies, national parks,natureparks, stores and retail chains, tourist boards, police,wellness,etc.- a detailed list of 700 gas stations with current fuel pricesandfuel types available for each one- a toll calculator for Croatian highways- roadside assistance - just press the button for help andour24/7/365 service center will receive your exact location andhelpwill be on its way- where's my car? - find your way back no matter where you'veparkedyour car with this feature; save your location when you parkandfind your way back with turn-by-turn pedestrian navigation(GoogleMaps)--Brought to you by the Croatian Automobile Club (Hrvatski autoklub-HAK) Zemljevid 2.1
Mobilna aplikacija zemljevid je brezplačnasodobnainteraktivna storitev, ki omogoča iskanje po geografskihpojmih vSloveniji (kraji, ulice) , po organizacijah (podjetja,društva,javna uprava,…) in po interesnih točkah (kulturnezanimivosti,parkirišča, bankomati,….). Aplikacija vam je v pomočtudi priorientaciji saj lahko prikažete vašo trenutno lokacijonazemljevidu. V primeru vklopljene lokacije se iskalnirezultatirazvrstijo glede na oddaljenost od trenutne lokacije.Aplikacija je preprosta za uporabo in hitra, odlikujeta jovelikanatančnost iskanja ter kakovost in ažurnost geografskih inposlovnihinformacij. Z njo je mogoče najhitreje najti najbližjaoz. najboljeocenjena podjetje v Sloveniji (npr. picerija centerLjubljana). Vmeniju lahko izbirate med dodatnimi funkcionalnostmiaplikacije kotso, sloj »Promet«, »Iskanje poti«, pogledzemljevida(navaden/satelitski) in »Počist«, ki povrne aplikacijo vzačetnostanje.Prek brezžične internetne povezave so vam podatki na voljo vednoinpovsod – na poti, doma, v službi in na dopustu.Aplikacija omogoča:● Hitro iskanje ponudnikov v najbolj iskanih dejavnostihZ dotikom na iskalno polje se prikažejo ikone zaiskanjeposameznih dejavnosti brez vnašanja iskalnih poizvedb.● Bogat opis podjetij in organizacijPodjetja in organizacije so predstavljena z osnovnimipodatki(naziv, naslov, delovni čas, opis, dejavnosti), slikami,komentarjiin ocenami obiskovalcev. Komentarje, ocene in slike lahkooddatetudi sami.● Prikaz prometnih informacijSloj »Promet« posreduje ažurne podatke o prometnihinformacijahkot so zastoji, delo na cesti, zapore, prometne nesrečein omogočaprihranek časa, ki bi ga sicer porabili za čakanje vkolonah iniskanje obvozov.● Navadni ali satelitski pogledZemljevid si lahko ogledate v klasičnem ali satelitskem pogleduscestami in oznakami krajev za lažjo orientacijo.● Prikaz informacij o mestnem potniškem prometu inpostajališčihBicikeljNa zemljevidu se na zadnjih štirih povečavah pokažejoavtobusnepostaje mestnega potniškega prometa za mesto Ljubljana inMariborin postajališča omrežja BicikeLJ. Pri postajališčihmestnegapotniškega prometa se na kartici postajališča prikažejotudiavtobusne linije, ki vozijo na posameznempostajališču.Postajališča mestnega potniškega prometa in izposojeBicikeLJ jemogoče najti tudi s splošnim iskanjem. Na zadnjih štirihpovečavahaplikacije se prikažejo tudi parkirišča.● Iskanje potiPoiščete lahko tudi pot med dvema točkama v Sloveniji. Vmenijuaplikacije izberite gumb »Iskanje poti« in ob vpisu začetneinkončne lokacije (kraja, naslova, naziva podjetij) se zgumbom»Najdi pot« izpišeta dolžina poti in čas potovanja tergrafičniprikaz poti na zemljevidu (modra črta, ki vodi od začetnedo končnelokacije načrtovane poti). Na voljo je podroben, opisnačrtovanepoti, ki se prikaže z dotikom gumba »seznam«. Pot jemogočenačrtovati za vožnjo z avtomobilom ali peš.Mobileapplication map is a modern free interactive servicethatallows you to search by geographic concepts in Slovenia(places,streets), the organizations (businesses, associations,publicadministrations, ...) and points of interest (culturalattractions,parks, ATMs, ....). This application helps you orientyourself aswell as you can display your current location on themap. The caseturned on the location of the search results rankedaccording todistance from your current location.The application is easy to use and fast, distinguished byhighprecision search and the quality and timeliness of geographicandbusiness information. It is possible to quickly find thenearestor. highest-rated company in Slovenia (eg pizza CentreLjubljana).In the menu you can choose between additionalfunctionalities suchas Application Layer "Transport", "search path"map view (plain /satellite) and "Clear," which returns theapplication to theinitial state.Through a wireless internet connection you informationavailableanytime, anywhere - on your way home, at work and onvacation.This application allows you to:● Quick Find providers in the most sought after activitiesBy tapping on the search box to display icons for eachsearchoperations without entering a search query.● A rich description of businesses and organizationsCompanies and organizations are presented with basicinformation(name, address, hours of operation, description,activities),photographs, comments and rating. Comments, reviews,and images canalso submit your own.● Displaying traffic informationLayer "Transport" to the up to date information ontrafficinformation such as traffic jams, road works, closures,trafficaccidents and saves time that would otherwise be spentwaiting incolumns and find detours.● Conventional or satellite viewMap can be viewed in either a classic or satellite viewwithroads and labels places for easier orientation.● To view information on urban passenger traffic andstopsBicikeljOn the map the last four magnifications show the bus stoppublictransport to the city of Ljubljana and Maribor and stopsnetworkBicikelj. In the case of public transport stops aredisplayed onthe tab stops buses running on each stop. Stops ofpublic transportand rent Bicikelj can be found in the generalsearch. In the lastfour magnifications applications also appear inthe parkinglot.● Finding the wayYou can also search path between two points in Slovenia. Inthemenu, select the "Search path" and when entering the start andendlocations (place, title, title companies) with a button "FindaWay" outputs the length of the route and time of travel,andgraphical display route on the map (blue line that leads fromthethe initial to the final location of the planned route). Thereis adetailed description of the route, which is indicated by thetouchof a button "list". The path can be planned to drive by car oronfoot.