Top 11 Apps Similar to Spica All Hours Legacy

HoursTracker: Time tracking for hourly work 4.2.3
OVER 120,000 PEOPLE track their time and pay usingHoursTracker®.Try it today, and find out why it's the best andmosthighly-ratedtime tracker in Google Play! Easily track your timeandearnings,whether you're an hourly employee, a contractor, oryoujust wantto better manage your working hours. QUICK AND EASYtimeentry andediting make time tracking painless • Record timeusingtimers,complete with support for Breaks and Pauses • Trackyourpay,including Tips, Mileage, and flexible ± timeandearningsadjustments • Pick any time to start, stop, break orpausethetimer (7 minutes ago, 10 minutes from now, whatever youneed) •Setjob locations and get clock in and out reminders when youarriveorleave or fully automate your time tracking (geofencing)•Manuallyenter time entries with minimal effort thanks tosmart,adaptivedefaults • Enter comments of any length with yourtimeentries andoptionally include them in your exports ◆ADVANCEDFEATURES andcustomization set HoursTracker above the rest•Automatic daily andweekly overtime earnings calculations •Built-inreports by Day,Week, and Month and support for most commonpayperiod schedules •Robust tagging and filtering allow you tobuildyour own customviews • Reminders when you've worked yourtargetnumber of hoursper day (even takes time rounding intoaccount) •Automatic timerounding: up, down, or to nearest(including 6 min) •Ongoingnotification lets you view time on theclock, even clock outtake abreak without launching the app • CSVand formatted textexport •Cloud-based backup/restore with onere-usable backup slotincludedfree (free account sign up isrequired) • Web-basedreportingaccess, including charts, graphs,desktop exports, androllingbackups available with optionalsubscription • CustomizeyourHoursTracker experience in thePreferences section under theMoretab. Choose only one or many jobsclocked in at a time,opt-intoprompts for comments, choose anelapsed time format(hours:minutes,or decimal hours), and more "FreeEdition" stores upto 3 jobs and21 days of entries. For unlimitedentries, upgrade tothe"Personal" (up to 5 jobs) or "Pro" (unlimitedjobs) edition.Or,erase older data and continue to use the "FreeEdition"untilyou're ready to buy. Visit ourwebsiteat to learn more,andfollow@HoursTracker on Twitter or tohearaboutupcoming features first. If you have a question, problem,orneedhelp, please send us a support request via e-mail.
Timesheet - Work Hours Tracker 12.3.2-inApp
Track work hours, know your salary and send work log to managerorclient
Visma Stämpla 1.4
Visma Spcs AB
Appen Visma Stämpla ger användarenavinternettjänsten Visma Stämpla möjlighet att göra in-ochutstämplingar via sin telefon. Appen följer de inställningarsomfinns i internettjänsten Visma Stämpla ochsynkroniserasfortlöpande över nätet. Det gör att informationen iappen helatiden är uppdaterad. Appen Visma Stämpla är kostnadsfri,men kräveratt användaren har tillgång till internettjänsten VismaStämpla.INNEHÅLL:Stämpla in/ut – registrera realtidDagar – ger översikt över en dags registreringar och möjlighettillmanuell registrering av händelserSaldo – visar beräknade saldon av flex, tidssaldo, kompochsemesterNärvaro – visar alla din kollegor som använder Visma Stämpla, dukanäven ringa, mejla och skicka sms till dina kollegor.Visma Stamp appgivesusers of the Internet service Visma Stamp opportunity tomakeinputs and utstämplingar via their phone. The app followsthesettings available in the Internet service Visma Stampandsynchronized continuously over the net. This means thattheinformation in the app is constantly updated. Visma Stamp appisfree, but requires the user to have access to the internetserviceVisma Stamp.CONTENTS:Punch in / out - register realtimeDays - gives an overview of the day's records and optionalmanualregistration of eventsBalance - shows projected balances of flex, time balance, compandvacationAttendance - shows all your colleagues using Visma Stamp, youcancall, e-mail and send text messages to your colleagues.
TimeTec TA 5.3.7
TimeTec TA Mobile is a mobile application for the TimeAttendanceCloud Software, TimeTec TA. TimeTec TA Mobile allowsTimeTec TAadministrators and users to access and use the mainfeatures ofTimeTec TA software straight from their mobile devices.TimeTec TAMobile constantly communicates with the TimeTec TA cloudserver tobring you updated results of your clocking data,attendance sheetsand so on. FEATURES • Clock-in your attendance nomatter where youare! • Get the overview of the your company’s andpersonalattendance performance at all times. • Check yourattendancehistory and your self-discipline indicator. • Access torosters todetermine your tasks of the day and plan ahead. • Managecalendarto consolidate your activities, work or personal • Generateapersonal or staff attendance report right from your mobiledevice!• Check your current location from your mobile devicebeforeclocking in. • Check your clocking data history • Getnotificationson any announcements, attendance, system updates andrequests. •And many more...
Eabsen ASN 1.0.2
Aplikasi Eabsen ASN (AparaturSipilNegara)menawarkan kemudahan bagi ASN untuk melakukanmonitoring jamkerjaharian, perekapan absensi harian, dan perekapanabsensibulanan.Serta memudahkan para pimpinan instansi untukmonitoringabsensiASN pada instansi terkait kapan dan dimana saja."Aplikasi Eabsen ASN hanya dapat digunakan olehkantorPemerintahyang sudah terintegrasi dengan"Kirimkan kritik dan saran Anda seputar Aplikasi AndroidEabsenASNvia email ke: [email protected]​ - Absensi Online Real-Time Civil Apparatus) offers convenience for ASN tocarryoutmonitoring of daily working hours, perekapan dailyattendance,andperekapan monthly attendance. As well as facilitatetheleadershipof the agency's monitoring ASN attendance atrelatedagenciesanytime and anywhere."Applications Eabsen ASN can only be used by agovernmentagencythat has been integrated with"Send your comments and suggestions about the AndroidAppEabsenASN via email to: [email protected] - Attendance Online Real-Time
TimeDock - employee time clock 2.3.7
TimeDock keeps you up to date withreal-timejob timesheets, forcing your team leaders into the habitofclocking staff in at the point of doing work.Stop chasing timesheets last minute before payday, and compileyourlabor positioning reports at the click of a buttonat (Premium Account or Trial required to usethisapp).Suitable for...Remote team-based workforceEach employee carries an ID card with a Barcode or NFC tag thentheyapproach the designated person when they start work who clocksthemin. Then, at the end of the day, they present their ID card toclockout. Great for construction crews, agriculture, service teamsandother wage-based organisations with designated personsresponsiblefor tracking hours worked.Fixed-premisesInstall a modular wall-mounted Wifi time clock that uses the sameIDcards as our mobile app. Or optionally install your own tablettothe wall with this app set to front-facing camera forself-servicecheck-in as employees arrive.Repeatable laborCleaners, healthcare workers, security staff and otherswhoregularly visit set locations can check-in by scanning a fixedtagat each location to create a new jobsheet entry with theirhoursassigned. Review in job-sheet format with total hours perrepeatedjob.Top reasons to choose• Scales from 1 to 1000's, without diminishing workflow.• Lets you react to labor fluctuation and project overrun beforeithappens.• Gives you real-time labor costing for keybusinessdecisions.• Eliminates the hassle of chasing timesheets andresolvingtimesheet errors.• Forces point-in-time workflow and actively fightstimesheetlateness and consistency issues.• Modular architecture lets you integrate as many mobile devicesandwall-mounted punch clocks as you need, across many locationswithdiffering internet connectivity.• Works seamlessly online and offline.How this app works:1. Download the app and connect to a TimeDock account asatime-tracking device.2. Optionally pre-select a job code or activity code (configuredbythe admin through the online web portal).3. Use the in-app camera to scan staff ID's as they arrive, orwavetheir NFC badges next to the NFC sensor, to clock into work.Repeatsteps 2-3 for switching jobs, then clock out at the end oftheyday.What you'll get from the online web dashboard:• Instant timesheets for each employee and job. Plustimesheetoverview.• Positioning reports and analytics for configurable costcodes,activity types, tasks.• Manually adjust or enter hours missed.• Configurable CSV exports for sending time data directly topayrollapplications.TimeDock's card-based interface is highly scalable, allowingtheissue of thousands of ID cards and eliminating the need formanualinteraction at the point of recording time.Designed for payroll administrators, TimeDock gives youinstantonline access to timesheets in real-time. Time can also beappliedto jobs on a job-sheet, allowing you to monitor in real-timetotalhours worked on a specific job or location.Install any number of attendance clocks on any number of devicesandthey all work together as employee time clock devices,collectingtimesheet information for your central TimeDock account.Unlike yourtraditional punch clock, employees can check in fromone device andout another.* TimeDock software subscription required to usethisapplication.
Working hours 0.0.1
Junus Ergin
Track you working time. This is the strict and easy german wayoftracking working ours as fast as possible. Try it yourself.Ittakes less than one minute a day to note your working hours.Thewhole interface is available in english and german. You cansetdefault settings which allow you to add a new working shift byoneclick. In addition, the 'summary tab' gives you a brief summaryofthe hours you worked every week, extra hours and much more.
.Hours - Time Clock/Card free 1.1
.Hours - Time Clock/Card Pro Created by Thetraditionalemployee time clock has become a thing of the past Atop-rated,full featured multi-language , multi-client time clockapp with allthe features you need. creates a time card that you canemail tomultiple employers automatically. With GPS locationconfirmationand real time tracking and automated GPS alerts andloggingfunctions. Hours was created with simplicity in mind. Simplycreateclients or jobs, clock in, and instantly view your hoursworked,instantly view your current paycheck and instantly send yourtimecard to your employer in CSV. Whether you are a smallbusiness,with only 1 or 2 employees, or a large corporationemploying tensof thousands in multiple locations you want to knowwhere the timegoes. Employees - No more having to fill in your timecards. Savetime and money by sending your hours to your boss andnow get paidinstantly with Go Payment by Intuit, the creators ofQuickBooks .Track multiple clients with ease and quickly deliveryour hours tothe boss without actually having to drive to theoffice. Employers- No more crumpled up , hard to read time cards.No more late timecards and excuses. Efficiently track , manage andreport youremployees time and eliminate "round off" scenarios(whereemployeesgo ahead and give that extra 15 minutes a nudge :-)) Timeiscalculated exactly and is precise to the minute. Saveprocessingtime and money getting your time cards on time and in ahighlyusable form. Time card is sent by email as an attachment.Openingthe attachment utilizes your favorite spreadsheet program .Importyour hours Spreadsheet is fully compatible withQuickBooks,Peachtree, Excel, Google Docs and Lotus, as well as manyotheremployee management software's. On average, our clients see 1dayreturn on investment - the system pays for itself Employeesandemployer alike save time immediately! Our clients see up to a80%decrease in payroll processing time GREEN! Hours is ECO_FRIENDLY-Paper time cards are replaced by digital and think of the gasyoursaving not having to drive your time card to the boss! NoBatteryusage : as a matter of fact , once you log in with one ormore ofyour clients the system runs with the phone on or off!Secure withautomated backups. Whether your phone is lost, stolen ordamaged,off-cell cloud backups make your hours secure and yourclientsinformation safe.
Easy Attendance Register 1.2
Now get rid of the paperwork and attendance register. Now useyourdevice for the attendance of the employees, interns orstudentsusing the attendance register. Leave the old days oftracking theattendance for specific individual rather keep track ofeveryoneattendance with the application in the most efficient way.Some ofthe features of the application are: - Admin account -Option toadd multiple accounts with the basic information - Optionto checkthe Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Report - Option to mailtheattendance report in the Excel Sheets - Option to calculatetheindividuals pays (For Employees & interns) - Option toenterthe In-time and Out-time by using the individual accounts-Settings to set the working days in the year - And much more....
Working Log 1.1.90
Simple in/out time card you can manage and track yourattendancetime!
AssessTEAM - Performance Mgmt 1.25
Simple performance management app including 360-degree&real-time feedback