Top 7 Apps Similar to PortosDicty русско-словенские

PortosDicty German Slovenian 1.0
This app features a list of 540usefulSlovenian phrases with native speaker recorded audio from15different categories. This is a great app for all those whotravelto Slovenia for different purposes as well as those whowouldsimply like to learn the language.PortosDicty Main app functions:•most essential words and phrases, each with nativespeakeraudio,•a list of all recently searched words and phrases,•relevant PDF brochures of Slovenia accessible throughrelatedcategories,•all words, audio and PDFs are downloaded to the deviceandaccessible offline without expensive roaming fees (even onanairplane),•online connection option for further information on Sloveniaandtravel arrangements.------Aplikacija PortosDicty vsebuje seznam 540 uporabnihslovenskihfraz iz 15 različnih kategorij.Glavne značilnosti aplikacije PortosDicty:• najpogostejše fraze jezika z zvočnimi posnetkislovenskegagovorca,• seznam nazadnje iskanih besed in fraz,• tematske brošure o Sloveniji,• vsa vsebina je dostopna brez povezave v splet,• možnost pridobivanja ključnih podatkov o Sloveniji in podatkovzanačrtovanje potovanja preko spletne povezave.keywords: Portosdicty,Portos,Phrase,Liste,Slowenisch,Reiseführer,nemško,übersetzen,slovar,Wörterbuch,translate,Slowenien,german
PortosDicty Hebrew Slovenian 1.0
This app features a list of 540usefulSlovenian phrases with native speaker recorded audio from15different categories. This is a great app for all those whotravelto Slovenia for different purposes as well as those whowouldsimply like to learn the language.Main app functions:•most essential words and phrases, each with nativespeakeraudio,•a list of all recently searched words and phrases,•relevant PDF brochures of Slovenia accessible throughrelatedcategories,•all words, audio and PDFs are downloaded to the deviceandaccessible offline without expensive roaming fees (even onanairplane),•online connection option for further information on Sloveniaandtravel arrangements•search field,•reverse button.-------Uporabne angleško-slovenske frazeTa aplikacija vsebuje seznam 540 uporabnih slovenskih fraz iz15različnih kategorij.Glavne značilnosti aplikacije:•najpogostejše fraze jezika z zvočnimi posnetkislovenskegagovorca,•seznam nazadnje iskanih besed in fraz,•tematske brošure o Sloveniji,•vsa vsebina je dostopna brez povezave v splet,•možnost pridobivanja ključnih podatkov o Sloveniji in podatkovzanačrtovanje potovanja preko spletne povezave,•iskanje po frazah,•obračanje smeri prevajanja.keywords: Portos, PortosDicty, phrase, list, Slovene,travel,guide, audio, hebrejščina, fraze, translate, slovar,dictionary,travel, Slovenia
DarsTraffic 1.2.1
DARS d.d.
The DARS app allows you to be up to datewiththe current situation on the Slovenian highways. The appincludesupdated traffic news, highway cameras, highway rest areasand theiroffer. It is designed for drivers of personal vehicles aswell astruck drivers. For an uninterrupted and safe drivingexperiencecheck out the useful information concerning tolls roadpasses, thesafe transportation on our highways and the trafficcalendar.
DEDI 1.0.1
Razširjena enciklopedija slovenske kulturneinnaravne dediščine - DEDIAplikacija DEDI je namenjena ljudem, ki si želijopregledovatizanimive objekte slovenske kulturne in naravnedediščine vSloveniji s pomočjo telefona. Aplikacija uporabljapodatkespletnega mesta, s primerno podporo Google-ovihmap.Ob namestitvi se prenese aplikacija, nato pa se prenesešerazširitveni paket, s katerim znižamo količino prenosapodatkovsame aplikacije.Aplikacija je v fazi beta – poročilo o težavi poš[email protected].
Maribor live 1.0
Maribor live je namenjen mestni občiniMaribor,ki je po velikosti drugo največje slovensko mesto. Jegospodarsko inkulturno središče severovzhodne Slovenije.V letu 2012 je Maribor s partnerskimi mesti Evropskaprestolnicakulture, prihodnje leto pa bo nosilec naziva Evropskaprestolnicamladih. Štajerska prestolnica je ponovno pokazala, damarljivostiin borbenosti ne nosi zgolj v imenu.S pomočjo mobilne aplikacije »Maribor live« lahko sedajspremljatemesto kjerkoli in kadarkoli:Arheološko izkopavanje, Glavni trg, Grajski trg, Piramida,Pohorskavzpenjača – zgornja postaja, Snežni stadion – Arena, Snežnistadion– Radvanje, Stara trta, Studenška brv, Rondo Dogoše, TrgSvobode,Tržnica, Vodni stolp, Vrbanski plato, Zavetišče za živali,TrgLeona Štuklja, Trg Leona Štuklja (center) in Pogled naTitovmost.Maribor live je brezplačno na voljo večini uporabnikovpametnihmobilnih telefonov z iOS in Android platformo.The “Maribor Live” mobile application is meant for thesecondlargest city in Slovenia, the Municipality of Maribor. Thecityrepresents the cultural and economic center ofnortheasternSlovenia.In 2012 Maribor and its partner cities are the European CapitolofCulture and next year, the city will have the title ofEuropeanYouth Capital. Styria's capital city has shown that hardwork and afighting spirit are not only parts of its name.With the help of the Maribor Live mobile app you can now followusanywhere, anytime: Archeologial dig sites, the Glavni trgsquare,the Grajski trg square, the Pyramid, the upper station ofthePohorje cable car railway, The Snow Stadium (Arena andRadvanje),the Old Vine, the Studenci footbridge, the roundabout inDogoše,the Trg Svobode square, the Marketplace, the Water Tower,Vrbanskiplato, the Animal Shelter, Leon Štukelj square and the viewofTito’s bridge.Maribor Live is available to most smartphone users using the iOSandAndroid mobile operating systems.
Laško2Go 2.4
Laško2go is a mobile guide for planning trips, hikingandcyclingtours in the Laško area. The applicationfeaturesinformation aboutthemed hiking trails, trails suitable forcyclingand Amber Road.You can also find a detailed map of the Laškoareaand top 50attractions in Slovenia, such as Postojna Cave,LjubljanaCaste andLake Bled. Trails are described in detail with:length,estimatedtime, level of difficulty, description of thetrail, photoof theblaze, elevation data with elevation profile andnearbypoints ofinterest. Each trail is checked and verified whetherit isfamilyfriendly, how much of the trail leads through theforest,main andside roads. The application encompasses: THEMEDHIKINGTRAILS •Mountain trail to Šmohor • The Rečica loop mountaintrail•Mountain trail to Kopitnik I and II • Mountain trailtoVelikoKozje I and II • Trail to the peak of Hum • Spa trail•Threechurches trail • The trail along the old Laško markettownborders• The Aškerc trail • Trail from Sloge to Log •Energetictrail tost. Trinity • Orion's trail • Perkmandeljcforesteducational trail• 2 km Walk Test and TRAILS SUITABLE FORCYCLING •1. Junior • 2.Vrh nad Laškim • 3. Trobni Dol • 4. Šmohor •5. Lisca• 6. Govce •7. Celjska koča • 8. Šentrupert • 9. Laškoround tripTrails andpoints of interest are shown on a detailedtopographicmap (Monolitmaps are widely used in different GPSnavigationdevices). Mainadvantages of the Laško2go app: - You cansave datafor theselected trail on your mobile phone’s internalstorage anduse iteven without a network connection. - You can viewyourcurrentstatus on the trail and a distance to finish. - Youcansearch orbrowse more than 30,000 points of interest, e.g.: top50Sloveneattractions, natural and cultural attractions,restaurantsandmountain huts. All interesting points of interestincludedetaildescription with photos. Application is currentlyavailableinSlovene, English, Italian, German and Russian languages.
EKO podeželje 1.2
Mobilna aplikacija EKO podeželje jeprvamobilna aplikacija v Sloveniji, ki na enem mestu združuještevilneekološke kmetije in ponuja takojšen vpogled v EKOponudboslovenskih ekoloških pridelovalcev.Mobile applicationECOcountryside is the first mobile application in Slovenia,whichbrings together a number of organic farms and providesimmediateinsight into the EKO offer of Slovenian OrganicFarmers.