Top 13 Apps Similar to Farming Calculator

Farming Calculator PRO v1.3
A useful helper for many calculations in agriculture.
Yara CheckIT 4.2
Identification of plant deficiencies.
Agri Precision - Agriculture 1.17
AGRI PRECISION is an application to be usedinthe practice of Precision Agriculture.It performs the functions of a portable GPS, guiding userspointto point so that the samples are collected in the field.Also can be used to calculate the glebe's area, samplinggridgeneration, and exportation of border and sampling grid pointstosoftwares for PC platforms that apply PrecisionAgriculturetechniques for generating sampled and recommendedmaps.The main features are:> Registration of glebes and projects> Generation of glebe's border> Calculation of glebe's area> Generation of sampling grid> Edit the size, numbering direction, and location ofindividualsampling grid points> Point to Point navigation for sampling> Creation of data table and insertion of samplingresultvalues> Export the border, sampling grid points and data tablevaluesto filesThe AGRI PRECISION eliminates the need for a portable GPS,usuallyrequired in Precision Agriculture practice, making thisactivitymore accessible, practical and cheaper.Suitable for any practitioner of Precision Agriculture, mostofprofessionals, technical assistants, large and small farmers,evenfor students who want to understand, learn and practicethisactivity.Download the AGRI PRECISION now and enjoy thisamazingapplication!cd2f0745d4
PIA 2.7
Die Pflanzenschutz Informations App(PIA)stellt Landwirten, schnell und einfach wichtige Informationenrundum die Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmittel bereit.Eine intelligente Suche liefert Produktinformationen allerinDeutschland zugelassenen Pflanzenschutzmittel – auchohneNetzanbindung!Außerdem ermöglicht PIA registrierten Landwirten desBonusprogramms„BASF ist mehr“, die entsprechenden Bonuscodeseinzuscannen und aufihr Konto zu übertragen.Eine „Merkliste“ für häufig benötigte Informationen undwichtigeRufnummern für den Notfall runden das mobile ServiceangebotfürLandwirte ab.Schnelle Suchfunktionen für unterwegsMit cleveren Suchfunktionen hilft Ihnen PIA, InformationenüberPflanzenschutzmittel schnell und einfach zu finden! Die AppzeigtIhnen auf einen Blick die wichtigsten Informationen allerinDeutschland zugelassenen Pflanzenschutzmittel.Suchen per ScanMit PIA können Sie 2D Datamatrix-Codes auf dem Kanisterdeckeloderden EAN-Barcode auf dem BASF Produktetikett scannen undwerdendirekt zur passenden Produktinformation geleitet.Suche nach Name und WirkstoffÜber eine Suchmaske können Sie Pflanzenschutzmittel überdenProduktnamen oder einen enthaltenen Wirkstoff finden.Suche nach KulturenWenn Sie die zu behandelnde Kultur wählen, liefert Ihnen PIAdieProduktinformationen aller darinzugelassenenPflanzenschutzmittel.Detaillierte Produktinfos – jederzeit abrufbarDie Produktinformationen basieren auf der Datenbank desBundesamtsfür Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL).BASFProdukte werden um weitere nützliche Informationenergänzt.Alles auf einen BlickOb Auflagen, Gefahrstoffverordnung(GefStoffV),Anwendungsbestimmungen oder allgemeine Hinweise undBestimmungen –PIA bietet übersichtliche Informationen fürdenlandwirtschaftlichen Berufsalltag.Jederzeit bestens informiert – auch ohne EmpfangPIA funktioniert auch ohne Netzanbindung: Die monatlichenUpdatesder Produktinformationen werden automatisch und platzsparendaufIhrem Gerät gespeichert und sind in jedem Funklochabrufbar!„BASF ist mehr“ – jetzt auch mobil Punkte sammeln!Registrierte Landwirte des BASF-Bonusprogramms „BASF istmehr“können jederzeit die Bonuscodes mit ihrem iPhoneeinscannen.Die App scannt die grün-weißen Datamatrix-Codes aufdenKanisterdeckeln der am Programm teilnehmenden Produkte.Bonuspunkte können auch durch manuelle Eingabe in der Appgesammeltwerden.Funktioniert auch ohne Mobilfunk-Empfang: Einfach Codesspeichernund später online auf das Punktekonto hoch laden.Anzeige des aktuellen Punktestandes bei aktivem Login.Automatisches Datenbank-UpdateDie Produktinformationen werden monatlich aktualisiertundautomatisch zum kostenlosen Download angeboten. So bleibt PIAimmerauf dem aktuellsten Stand!ServiceLand-KontaktBei Fragen rund um den Pflanzenschutz ermöglicht PIAdirektenServiceLand-Kontakt per Anruf oder E-Mail-Versand. So habenSie Ihrpersönliches BASF Beratungsteam stets in der Tasche!
LWK Niedersachsen 1.77.0
Access to a variety of tools and tips for individualoperationcheck.
Agronomic Calculator 4.4.0
The Agronomic Calculator is anapplicationdeveloped especially for people from a farmingbackground, havingdirect contact with spray machinery who need tomake adjustments toeach application aimed at better use of inputsin agriculture.Among the results that can be obtained are:- Spray volume per hectare;- Syrup Flow per minute;- Defensive quantity required to spray;- Calculations of seeds per hectare.If you have questions, suggestions and complaints do nothesitateto use the evaluation of the application.
Yara TankmixIT 4.1.0
Tells you whether you can spray YaraVita products with pesticides
App Agronelli 3.1
A recuperação do solo é umadasrecomendaçõesessenciais para que produtor rural mantenhaboaprodutividade dalavoura. E a maioria das regiões produtivasdoBrasil predomina osolo com baixa fertilidade natural e comaltaacidez. Por isso, háa necessidade do uso de condicionadores desoloe fertilizantespara a adequação do solo antes do plantio.Por isso, a Agronelli com sua experiência de quase 30anosdemercado, traz mais uma solução em cálculo de adubação egessagem,oAPP Agronelli. Mais uma facilidade para os técnicoseprodutoresrurais chegarem ao máximo da produção de safra.Este aplicativo tem por objetivo realizar os cálculosdaquantidadede nutrientes a ser aplicados às culturas, com basenaanálise dosolo e na produtividade esperada.O manejo da fertilidade do solo começa com uma boaamostragemparaanálise química e física de fertilidade. O APPAgronellipermitiráfazer um planejamento da adubação, considerandoasculturas ecaracterísticas da área avaliada.A quantidade de gesso é determinada após a verificação dograudeacidez na camada subsuperficial do solo, abaixo dos 20cmdeprofundidade. Se essa camada apresentar grau deacidezqueprejudique a planta, bem como baixo teor de cálcio,éjustificado ouso do gesso agrícola. O gesso proporcionaráumamelhoria dafertilidade do solo e maior desenvolvimento dosistemaradicular daplanta. Consequentemente, haverá maiortolerância dacultura aosperíodos de déficit hídrico.Para se obter a recomendação da quantidade de e gesso,bastaousuário digitar as informações solicitadas nas células.Na tela de Cadastro da Amostra, o usuário deverá informarosseusdados e da área a ser avaliada. Informar também o tipo decicloe acultura. Após indicar o tipo de utilização, ousuárioseráconduzido a informar a profundidade da amostra dosolo.Sãolistadas cinco opções, conforme a especificaçãotécnica.Naprimeira opção (profundidade abaixo de 20 cm) é permitidosomenteocálculo de cálcio e enxofre. Desta maneira, o usuárioteráasopções de cancelar o processo de cálculo,escolheroutraprofundidade ou ir diretamente para o cálculo decálcioeenxofre.Nesta versão foram inseridas as adubações para asculturasperenes,anual e outras atividades. Foram disponibilizadastrêsopções paraindicação de uso: condicionador de solo,condicionadorde esterco ecompostagem e como fonte de cálcioeenxofre.Preenchendo todos ositens solicitados, o usuário chegaráátela do cálculo com ainformação de quantas toneladas deGessoAgrícola por hectareprecisará para a área avaliada.O usuário terá a opção também de pedir a cotação decompra,mantercontato com nossos vendedores, além de podercompartilharseucálculo de gessagem para outros aplicativos.É importante que cada usuário do aplicativo quedetenhaconhecimentoreferente à nutrição de determinadas culturas,analisecriticamentee nos comunique para que as melhorias sejamfeitas,aumentando,assim, cada vez mais a precisãodasrecomendações.The recovery of thesoilisone of the key recommendations that farmersmaintaingoodproductivity of the crop. And most productive regionsofBrazildominates the soil with low fertility and highacidity.Therefore,there is the necessity of using fertilizers andsoilconditionersfor the adjustment of the soil beforeplanting.Therefore, Agronelli with his experience of almost 30 yearsofmarketbrings another solution fertilizer calculation andgypsum,the APPAgronelli. Another facility for technicians andfarmers getthe mostout of crop production.This application aims to carry out the calculations of theamountofnutrients to be applied to crops, based on soilanalysisandexpected productivity.The management of soil fertility starts with a goodsamplingforchemical analysis and physical fertility. APP Agronelliwillmake aplanning of fertilization, considering culturesandcharacteristicsof the studied area.The amount of plaster is determined after checking thedegreeofacidity in the subsurface layer of soil, below 20 cm depth.Ifthislayer has acidity that damages the plant and lowcalciumcontent,it is justified the use of phosphogypsum. Theplaster willprovidean improvement of soil fertility and furtherdevelopment oftheroot system of the plant. Consequently, there willbegreatertolerance culture to periods of drought.To obtain the recommendation of the amount of and plaster,theusersimply enter the requested information in cells.The Sample Registration screen, the user must inform theirdataandthe area to be assessed. also inform the type of cycleandculture.After indicating the type of use, the user will berequiredtoinform the depth of the soil sample. They are listedfiveoptions,according to the technical specification. The firstoption(depthbelow 20 cm) is only permitted calcium calculationandsulfur. Inthis way, the user will have the option to cancelthecalculationprocess, choose another depth or go directly tothecalcium andsulfur calculation.In this version were inserted fertilizations forperennialcrops,annual and other activities. There were threeoptionsavailable foruse indication: soil conditioner, manure andcompostconditionerand as a source of calcium andenxofre.Preenchendo allrequesteditems, you will reach thecalculation screen with theinformationof how many tons ofphosphogypsum per hectare You needfor theevaluated area.You also have the option to ask the price of purchase, keepintouchwith our vendors, and to share their gypsum calculationforotherapplications.It is important that each application user who holdsknowledgeonnutrition of certain crops, analyze critically and letus knowsothat improvements are made, thus increasing more andmoretheaccuracy of the recommendations.
Cálculo da Semeadura 1.3
Aplicativo que calcula a quantidade desementese de adubo a serem aplicados na regulagem de semeadoras.Os usuáriosterão acesso, também, ao manual explicativo de operaçãoe decompreensão dos cálculos envolvido dentro dopróprioaplicativoApplicationthatcalculates the amount of seed and fertilizer to be applied intheadjustment of seeders. Users will have access also totheexplanatory operation and understanding of thecalculationsinvolved within the application itself
Agriculture Glossary 1.2
Agriculture is a general, is a scienceandartor the process of supplying human wants by raising theproductsofsoil and the associated industries. It is also knownascultivationof animals, plants and other life forms for foodandother relatedareas/products used to sustain human life.It is considered to be key for human civilization andstudyofagriculture is know as agricultural science. This Glossaryisaneasy to use application with comprehensive list of1300+termsrelated to Agriculture and related terms.It is useful for Farmers and persons related tofarmingandrelated activities.- No Internet connectivity required- Search through our database in alphabetical order- Search using keyword- Add term to your favorite list- Email term to your friends and family- Change the font size for better reading experience
Department of Agriculture 1.0.0
Department of AgricultureDataCollectionApplication
Agriculture Info Service 1.1
Agriculture Information Service, under the MinistryofAgriculture,provides information to the mass ontechnologyadvancements forenhanced development. Using theapplication, onecan get detailedinformation on how to plan for aprofitableagro-based product suchas crop cultivation, fisheriesandlivestock. Furthermore, one canalso get to know abouttheimplementation methodology, managementand maintenance oftheagro-based products.
General do Campo 1.0.2
General Field APP was created to help in agriculturalmechanizationprocesses