Top 9 Apps Similar to First Aid PRO App

First Aid - Pocket Doctor 3.7b
Manual for first aid from a doctor, scientist, teacher Chaytsev V
First Aid 2.1.5
The application that everyone needs .. FIRST AID..!
First Aid: abc protocol 1.0
First aid as taught in the Dutch army. What you can do tillanambulance arrives
First Aid Basic Guide 2.0
First Aid Basic Guide, Tips, TrainingandHelpfor Emergency Assistance and Treatment to Save LifeThis Free First Aid Basic Guide works Offline.Mostcommonsituations, sudden illness or injury are covered inthisFirst AidGuide.This Free App is very useful and Handy to giveFirstAidassistance and treatment to any person suffering asuddenillnessor injury, to take care and save a life and preventtheconditionfrom worsening, and to recovery.*************************Most Common Emergency Situations that Need First Aid thatareCoveredin this App are:*************************- First Aid Kit Essentials- Acne, Anaphylaxis, Animal Bites / Dog Bites, Asthma- Back pain, Black Eye, Bleeding Gums, Blisters,Bruises,Burns- Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), ChemicalBurns,ChemicalSplash in the Eye, Chest pain, Chicken Pox,Choking,CornealAbrasion, Cuts- Dandruff, Diabetes, Dislocation- Electric Shock, Fainting, Fever, Fracture,Frostbite,FoodPoisoning- Gastric, Gastroenteritis- Headache, Heart Attack, Heat Cramps, Heat Stroke- Insect Bites and Sting-Nose Bleed (Epistaxis)-Poisoning, Puncture Wounds- Severe Bleeding, Shock, Snake Bites, Spinal CordInjury,Sprain,Stroke, Sun Burn- Tick Bite, Tooth Ache, Tooth Loss***************************If you like this App, then Please RATE 5 STAR, Comment and+1onGoogle Plus. Thanks.***************************
First Aid 1 1.0
Australia's #1 First Aid app for iPhoneisnowavailable for Android. By popular demand of course."It really is a must-have app as it could spellthedifferencebetween life and death." Macworld MagazineSt John Ambulance Australia provides First Aid trainingto400,000people in Australia each year. St John AmbulanceAustraliais themost trusted name in First Aid training, kitsandsupplies.Now you can carry over 125 years of First Aidresearch,experienceand knowledge right in your pocket. ‘First Aid’isAustralia’s onlyAndroid app that presents step-by-stepemergencyFirst Aidinformation to the user with a large clear imagefor eachstep.Saving the life of a loved one is easier than youmightexpect.‘First Aid’ by St John Ambulance Australia isundoubtedlytheeasiest First Aid app on the market to use. Packedwith some ofthemost common and critical conditions that requireimmediatelifesaving First Aid.Topics include:Allergic ReactionAsthma AttackBites and StingsBurnsChest PainChokingDefibrillationDiabetic EmergencyFracturesRecovery PositionRemoval of HelmetSevere BleedingShockSprains & Strains'First Aid' by St John Ambulance Australia has beendevelopedwiththe help of Intensive Care Paramedics, Nurses,Doctors andFirst Aidtraining specialists. 'First Aid' is exclusiveto theAustralian AppStore and includes the latestCardiopulmonaryResuscitation (CPR)guidelines, as set out by theAustralianResuscitation Council(ARC).
First Aid Guide 2.6
First aid training courses are the best way to get trained upinfirst aid at work to make the working environment evensafer.Whether you are an employee or an employer, first aidtraining canbe valuable in many situations and should thereforealways beconsidered. Accidents can happen anywhere, even in thesafest ofoffices. Simple trips and falls can have seriousconsequences, andunexpected problems such as heart attacks canbecome life-or-deathsituations. Having someone in the officetrained to deal with firstaid can help to make the accident victimsmore comfortable, as wellas potentially save lives, and first aidat work is thereforehugely important. Accidents are Just Around TheCorner Someworkplaces are clearly more dangerous than others. Thoseworkplaceswhere heavy machinery is being operated will pose certainrisks,but even a simple office can pose risks. Tripping on wires,liftingheavy objects, falling down the stairs - anything ispossible andthat's why training for first aid at work is so vital.EveryWorkplace Needs Someone Just knowing that there is someonetrainedin first aid in the workplace is a reassurance. If you haveto callfor an ambulance then having someone on hand to administerfirstaid in the first few minutes could prove to be essential. Evenformore minor incidents such as small cuts, it is good to havesomeonewith first aid training to ensure that employees get thecare theyneed. Ever wondered how you would react in an emergencysituation?This application provides you with the life-savingdetails and toget trained in first Aid.
First Aid Help & Tutorial
First Aid Help & Tutorial in your pocket with nearby HospitalonMap.
First Aid White Cross 15.0.4
Realer GmbH
First aid basics for adults, children and infantsincludingvideocliops for free
First Aid Home WiFi
DescriptionOFFLINE EMERGENCY TOOL built on hundreds of thousands of reallifeemergency situations over the past four years. This is ascaleddown, Wi-Fi device (Tablet) enabled version of ourad-freecomprehensive Medical Health Care Guide. If you use aPhone-enableddevice, please use our main app AR First Aid Emergencyand Home. Aunique search engine that is customized for you! Pleasetake sometime to explore the app.Comprehensive Medical Health Guide & symptom checker designedtohelp in Emergency First Aid, at Home or Outdoors. 24/7 accesstohealth information.24/7 access to health information.+ Now features "Quick Links" for easy First Aid andEmergencyMedical content access and Symptoms Checker.+ Lab values and tests.+ Natural search, based on comprehensive information (likelocalconditions, medical history, vital signs, past search,andmore).+ Ranking emphasis on Medical First Aid and lifethreateningconditions. App is a result of about a million real timesearchesperformed. Outdoors, home and car medical topics. +Internetconnectivity is not required, after initial sync for theapp towork.+ Our content is original (no infomercials), 100% written andeditedby MDs. We are uncompromising with the quality ofmedicalcontent.+ Based on our custom platform, we provide real solutions tolifesituations by professional ER team.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++AR First Aid features :~ Quick links~ Content is available off-line, no connectivity required aftertheinitial sync~ Natural search~ Voice Search~ Human Atlas + Search.~ Symptoms and signs checker~ Articles are written for the purpose of this application andtohelp in mobile non-hospital conditions.~ Emergency medical conditions ranking. Using a proprietarysymptommedical chart and custom artificial intelligence (AI) torank. AIauto-improvements based on the current usage data,symptoms, signsvitals and much more.~ Emergency, life threatening and every day conditions. Mosthomemedical remedies are covered. We are adding more and improvingourexisting articles based on the current usage data. Daily. Ourappdoes not try to diagnose. It can't replace your MD'sopinion.~ Local medical service providers, on your finger tips,fromGoogle~ Medical Profile, used to rank search for First Aid and more~ Articles specifically written for the application, not 'paidby'infomercials.~ We constantly expand our database with more and more medicaldata.Wide variety of answers for new non-emergencyconditions/cases areadded every day.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Cannot be moved on SD due to copyright protection.Our Emergency Response application is aimed to help untrainedusersto recognize and react to a medical situation. It issometimescrucial to identify the most probable cause, depending onpatientcondition and medical history. We incorporate aseparatetime/location factors in order to rank the resultset.AR First Aid features a comprehensive search engine whichevaluatesthe search query for known combinations of symptoms,signs, andconditions. Our basic IA ranks possible causes andidentifiespotentially dangerous situations given the patientmedical history.AR First AID shows specific steps to perform formost commonhome/outdoor/sport conditions and injuries in plainlanguage.Supported media includes videos, images and step bystepinstructions. In certain cases, when we need tofurtherdifferentiate, additional options will be presented.Last but not least, we try to find a medical professional orservicenear by. We are NOT affiliated to or profit fromsuchservices.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++AR First Aid team is looking forward to bring the bestexperienceand constantly updating its medical databases. If you canhelp uswith the medical researches and articles, please let usknow, weare ready to give credit where it is due.