Top 14 Apps Similar to Zikr Reminder

Super Reminder
CY Security
Super Reminder is a living reminderdesignedfor Android devices. It has very simple interface andinteraction.It’s not only an alarm clock but also a reminder, whichallowsyou to customize your need. Remind as your own wayCustomized alarm ring: Set your own music or song as alarmRepeated reminder mode: Dismiss your trouble if fall in sleepagainafter the ring. You could set repeated alarm inSuperreminder.Simple to use: It takes only 2-3 seconds to set a reminder.More feature: Repeat Reminds, Advance Reminds, VolumeController,and Vibration Option. Meet all your needsIf you’re looking for an alarm or reminder, please trySuperReminderLanguages:English, 中文(简体),中文(繁體),Русский язык,भारत गणराज्य,にほんごTips:Currently, only English and Chinese are proofread. Ifyoulike Super Reminder, please help us with localization.
Voice Reminder 1.0
Voice Reminder helps you to remind tasks in revolutionary way.WHYUSE VOICE REMINDER APPLICATION: ★ This Application speaks toenduser about his/her reminder task . ★ This alsoautomaticallydetects if screen is on or off and displays human faceon top ofscreen no matter what the application you are using. ★UserFriendly : Revolutionary GUI on our app. Which is veryuserfriendly.
E-Reminder 1.0.10
E-Reminder is the Fastest and Simplest waytoremember everything. In our day to daylife we have to remember a lot of events, tasks and manyothersthings. Sometimes we forgot these andstuck in between. So now E-Reminder will help you to storeyourreminders information securely such as• Date with Girl Friend• Birthdays• Parking• Bill Payment• Meetings• Medicines• Important Calls• Party• Games• CustomNow you need to remember just only once to put Reminder inyourE-Reminder.Now you can live without any tension to remind anythingbecauseE-Reminder is here to help andSupport youKey Featureso You can get Reminders within a blink of Eyeo Easy to create the reminders on your finger tipso You can repeat it daily, weekly, monthly and yearlyo Helps to remember the birthday, party, meetings andanniversaryetc things with only onesourceo Easy to use, simple navigationo Update and delete your stored informationo Data will be stored on your device onlyNeed Your Support By:• Rating and Comments in Google Play• Like us on Facebook:• Follow us on Twetter :• Need you Feedbacks you can directly mail us through thesupportbutton• Follow us on LinkedIn :
Dhikr Allah 1.0
Ali dani
Comment s’en sortir et ne pas tomber danslepiège ?Cette génération d’aujourd’hui, envahit par le doute et labonneconscience va encore souffrir. Génération tellement pourriepar sonathéisme et sa liberté de ne croire en rien, qui n’a mêmepasl’intuition de se repentir, de supplier Dieu et de changerdecomportement. La colère de Dieu est grande contre les hommes.Dieune juge pas bon ce que font les hommes. Quand unecatastrophesurvient on dit sans l’expliquer que cela doit être dû àquelquedérèglement climatique sans crainte pour le nombre dechâtiments àvenir. Allah nous a déjà prévenu, dans Son immensesagesse Il nousdit « Nous avons destiné beaucoup de djinns etd’hommes à l’Enfer.Ils ont des cœurs, avec lesquels ils neraisonnent pas. Ils ont desyeux, avec lesquels ils ne voient pas.Ils ont des oreilles, aveclesquelles ils n’entendent pas. Ceux-làsont comme les bestiaux, etplus égarés encore. Tels sont lesinsouciants » (Coran : 7,179).Les chefs religieux hypocrites disent simplement etsansconviction que c’est le châtiment de l’Eternel car nos actionssontmauvaises. Et chacun se croit confirmé dans sa conviction quesitout le monde croyait un peu plus et suivait la même secte quelui,il en serait autrement. Car en ces temps troublés, il en estdesreligions comme des sectes, une religion devient de plus en pluslasomme d’un certain nombre de sectes. Ils sont tous loindecomprendre que ce qu’il faut, c’est suivre le chemin desprophètes,pas celui des livres comme les décrivent leurs ennemis,cesserpents qui nous privent de la clé, comme disait Jésus.Pour que le monde vive et ne s’effondre pas de lui-même, ilfautvouer un culte constant à notre Dieu. Ce culte comme nousl’avonsvu ne peut pas être toujours conscient. L’homme estdistrait, etc’est pourquoi nous subissons aujourd’hui tant demalheurs et desouffrances. Tout cela n’est destiné qu’à une seulechose : nousfaire revenir au droit chemin. Une fois guidé sur lespas desprophètes, l’homme continue de vivre, mais plus dansl’humiliationet la souffrance. Cette fois il est conquérant. Ilappelle ceux quine sont pas sur le droit chemin, et les empêche defaire lemal.Pour avoir la protection de Notre Seigneur Allah, et ne plusêtredans la confusion de l’esprit et du cœur, prions d’abord Dieuetfaisons le Rappel (Dhikr en arabe). Dans le Saint Coran, Allahadit: « Ceux qui sont fidèles et dont les cœurs sonttranquilliséspar le dhikr d’Allâh. N’est-ce pas que, par le dhikrd’Allah, lescœurs se tranquillisent ? » (Coran, 13, 28). «Souvenez-vous de Moiet Je me souviendrai de vous » (Coran :2,152).Prendre un chapelet de 100 perles c’est plus simple pour nepasse perdre dans les calculs et réciter en faisant le tour. Oubienutiliser cette application conçue spécialement pour réalisercedikr suivant :-100 fois : Astaghfiroullah : Je demande pardon à Allah-100 fois : Allahoma Ḉali ‘ala Mohammad wa ali Mohammad : OhMonDieu prie sur Mohammad et la Famille de Mohammad-100 fois : La illaha illalah : Il n’y des Dieu que Allah-300 fois Allah : DieuHow to get out and donotfall into the trap?This generation of today, invaded by doubt and goodconsciencewill still suffer. Generation so rotten by his atheismand freedomnot to believe in anything, that does not even intuitionto repent,beg God to change behavior. The wrath of God is greatagainst men.God does not judge what good men do. When disasterstrikes it issaid without explaining that this must be due to someclimatechange without fear for the number of future punishment.Allah hasalready warned us in His great wisdom He says "We createdmany ofthe jinn and mankind for Hell. They have hearts with whichthey donot understand. They have eyes with which they do not see.Theyhave ears with which they do not hear. Those are like cattle,andmore misguided. They are heedless "(Quran 7: 179).Hypocritical religious leaders say simply and withoutconvictionthat it is the Lord's punishment for our deeds are evil.Andeveryone feels confirmed in his belief that if everyone thoughtalittle and followed the same sect, he would be otherwise. Forinthese troubled times, it is with religions as cults,religionbecomes more and more the sum of a number of sects. Theyare farfrom understanding what it takes is to follow the path oftheprophets, not the books describe as their enemies, thesesnakesthat deprive us of the key, as Jesus said.For the world is alive and does not collapse by itself,mustdevote constant worship to our God. This worship as we haveseencan not be always conscious. The man is distracted, and that'swhywe now suffer so much misery and suffering. All this is meantonlyone thing: get us back to the right path. Once guided thefootstepsof the prophets, the man continues to live, but inhumiliation andsuffering. This time it is the conqueror. He callsthose who arenot on the right path, and prevents them from doingevil.For the protection of our Lord Allah, and not be in theconfusionof the mind and heart, pray to God first and do reminder(Dhikr inArabic). In the Qur'an, Allah says: "Those who believeand whosehearts are reassured by the dhikr of Allah. Is not thatin the dhikrof Allah hearts find satisfaction? "(Qur'an 13: 28)."Remember Meand I will remember you" (Qur'an 2.152).Take a 100 rosary beads it's easier not to get lost inthecalculations and recite going around. Or use thisapplicationspecifically designed to achieve this dikrfollowing:-100 Times: Astaghfiroullah: I ask Allah for forgiveness-100 Times: Allahoma Cali 'ala Muhammad wa Ali Muhammad: OhMyGod blessings on Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad-100 Times: The illalah illaha: There are of God but Allah-300 Times Allah: God
D-Day Reminder 1.1.0
D-Day Reminder is for someone who is waiting for the special date.Key feature of this d-day app is we provides several d-dayformslike normal d-day, anniversary, met date, repeatabledate.Also, when the date come close to you, D-Day Reminder willremindsyou in advance. You will never miss the day.We have nice widgets too ;)☆ Features- Specialized d-day from, (D-day, birthday, anniversary, howmanydays, repeatable event, to-do)- Different detail view by forms- Support Chinese Lunar calendar- Allow daily, weekly, monthly, yearly repeatable date- Simple to-do function- Widgets! (1x1, 2x1, 2x2, 4x1, 4x2 List, 4x4 List)We are doing our best to provide more useful, funnierandinteresting function.If you need things to tell use, press menu button and give usanemail :)
Affirmation Reminder 1.0.10
Matters Reminder 1.0
"Matters reminder" is a thingtoremindmanagement applications. Many chores, are still oftenforgetthingsand trouble? "Matters reminder" to help you grief,thebestpersonal organizer, the Almighty notes, birthdayhousekeepertools."Matters reminder" simple and practical, small footprint,youcanset a variety of modes of event reminder. In themainlivingreminder to subvert the concept of a single alarm,anypersonalityliving reminder "Matters reminder" can betheperfectimplementation. Put your schedule and future plans towritein"Matters reminder" which, set a good reminder of the time,whentheappointed time came, "Matters reminder" will be goingtodosomething to remind you of.Get up, appointments, no matter how busy tired willnotforgetimportant things;Memorial, birthdays, greetings, people becomecarefulandconsiderate;Also card, loan, rent, away from the threat of fines;Meetings, shift, work and play correct;There is more to remind modes to meet your needs.With this application, to set a good time to remind thefuture,soyou will not miss any important thing. Like what areyouwaiting,hurry to download it!
Tasbeeh Counter 2.20.1
Prayers, Suras, Esma-ul Husna, simple and easy to useapplicationfor Tesbihat
100 Dua of Islam and Sunnah 1.1
E-njaz INC
This application contains a varietyofsupplications dua and azkar of hisnul muslim which are read inthemorning and evening after prayer, for Free and without Internetforyour Android phone (Samsung Galaxy) or your iPhone 6; In ordernotto be interrupted to invoke the god ,what we called it in Islamtheinvocation and supplications (duas) , they are Islamicringtonesmp3 (ADKAR) that you can use on your mobile phone and setasringtones and SMS songs or tone of alarm.Supplication (duaas) is the relevant meeting with God, "وإذاسألكعبادي عني فإني قريب أجيب دعوة الداع إذا دعان فليستجيبوا ليوليؤمنوابي لعلهم يرشدون" صدق الله العظيم; Pray relaxes the souland givescomfort to the hearts, especially, duaa Alfaraj; afterthe prayer ofelfajer or azan; duaa supposed to open the livingdoor of livelihood, problem solving, speed up the marriage ofgirls and bring thebeloved, curing diseases and forgiveness ofsins.The application includes prayers for all occasions ,forrecitingthem in morning after waking up, for the evening, to prayat night,before eating, after eating, breaking the fast of Ramadan(duringDouas to say Ramadan), entering the toilet, duaa afterablutions,remove clothing, or wear them, entering the house, out ofthehouse, after the athan, entreant mosque or outing of it,aftersalat istikharah, of the travel, of the rain, visiting thegraves;before the recitation of the quran, duae to ask forgiveness,doaQunoot,, do3aa relieve concerns, dua'a protects fromnightmaresbefore going to sleep, the diker for heart relaxes byShaikh Sudaisreciting, Friday prayers by Sheikh Sudais also.Pray is not only for living poeple but for the dead also;itintercedes for them as the prophet said, 'اذا مات الانسانانقطععمله الا من ثلاثة الا من صدقة جارية او علم ينتفع به او ولدصالحيدعو له : according by sahih muslim Sahih BukhariThe conditions of correct worshiping of invocations accordingbyBukhari’s hadith are:1 / only pray for the god2 / begging the question from god3 / do not be impatient "يستجاب لأحدكم ما لم يعجل يقول: دعوتفلميستجب لي"4 / to trust in GodThe best times to pray is in the pilgrimage season, Ramadan in2016according to the Islamic calendar and every day after the adhanandprayer ;as simple as rise the head towards the sky and calledgod,we also noted that god like to pray with their god 99 namesofAllah, beginning with our prayers for forgiveness andthanksgivingfor blessings.The application has been tested on a variety of smart phones,forexample: Samsung Galaxy S6, EDGE / Mini S6 / S6 active, HTCOneNote aussi S3, HTC, Moto X, Samsung Galaxy S5, GoogleNexusRemember that you can share the application with your closeinsocial network facebook ; twitter ; instagram and also to rate it.***
Tasbeeh & Zikr Digital Counter 1.0
Apps Daily
Tasbih (Arabic: تسبيح‎) is a form of dhikrthatinvolves the repetitive utterances of short sentencesglorifyingGod, in Islam.Dhikr is of great importance to the Muslims and believe thatithas to be done as taught.Tasbeeh application is developed with the intention ofmakinggood use of smartphones. Tasbeeh application is very simpleandeasy to use with predefined Tasbeehat/Zikr/Athkar which theusercan use them with simplicity and can recite them fromonscreen.The application is designed with the concept of counter sothatthe user might know number of counts. The app saves the numberofcounts which can reviewed later on so that the user cancontinuefrom he/she left counting. When the tasbih count reached 33and 100the phone vibrates indicating that the user has reached thelimitof predefined tasbeehat. The user can also use the top buttononthe main screen for any custom Zikar/Tasbeeh. The user canalsoreset the tasbeeh counted with the reset option on the screen.TheTasbeeh application is simple and very easy to use. Muslimsaroundthe world should use this great application for attainingrewardsby practicing different zikr.Narrated by Abu Huraira: Some poor people came to the Prophetandsaid, "The wealthy people will get higher grades and willhavepermanent enjoyment, and they pray like us and fast as we do.Theyhave more money by which they perform the Hajj and 'Umra, fightandstruggle in Allah's Cause and give in charity." The Prophetsaid,"Shall I not tell you a thing upon which if you acted youwouldcatch up with those who have surpassed you? Nobody wouldovertakeyou, and you would be better than the people amongst whomyou liveexcept those who would do the same. Say"Subhan-Allah","Alhamdu-lillah" and "Allahu Akbar" thirty threetimes each afterevery (compulsory) prayer." We differed, and someof us said thatwe should say "Subhan-al-lah" thirty three times and"Alhamdulillah" thirty three times and "Allahu Akbar" thirty fourtimes. Iwent to the Prophet, who said: "Say, "Subhan-al-lah" and"Alhamdulillah" and "Allahu Akbar" all together for thirty threetimes."(Book #12, Hadith #804)Features:1) A list of predefined Adhkars.2) Counter which is updated on every tasbeeh count which ispresenton main list e.i start counting tasbeeh where you leftlasttime.3) Mobile vibrate on 33 and 100 counts.4) On screen RESET option.5) Simple and friendly GUI.6) On main screen top button "Tasbeeh Counter" presents forother(desire) Athkar/Virdh.For any query or suggestion please contact us via the [email protected] share this beautiful Islamic Application with yourfamilyand friends and get rewarded by ALLAH.
Time Until: Countdown | Widget 4.0.3
A straightforward and stylish countdown app and widget.
Instant Reminder 1.0.10
Instant Reminder is the Fastest andSimplestwayto remind many things. In our day to daylife we have to remember a lot of events, tasks andmanyothersthings. Sometimes we forgot these andstuck in between. So now Instant Reminder will help you tostoreyourreminders information such as• Date with Girl Friend• Birthdays with SMS• Parking• Bill Payment• Meetings• Medicines• Important Calls• Party• Games• CustomNow you need to remember just only once to put reminderinyourInstant Reminder.appNow you can live without any tension to remind anythingbecausetheInstant Reminder is here to help andSupport youKey Featureso You can get Reminders within a blink of Eyeo Easy to create the reminders on your finger tipso You can repeat it daily, weekly, monthly and yearlyo Helps to remember the birthday, party, meetings andanniversaryetcthings with only onesourceo Easy to use, simple navigationo Update and delete your stored informationo Data will be stored on your device onlyNeed Your Support By:• Rating and Comments in Google Play• Need you Feedbacks you can directly mail us throughthesupportbutton
Birthday Reminder 1.04.77
Birthday Reminder is a free, easy tousebirthday manager app that helps managing friends’ birthdaysfromyour Android device. Birthday Reminder automatically importsandsynchronizes birthdays from your contacts and displaystheirbirthdays with customized views and options.Also, Birthday Reminder supports Facebook synchronizationsousers can manage their Facebook friends with ease. WithBirthdayReminder, you too can be a productivity ninja and you willnevermiss your friends’ birthday again!DISCLAIMER:DUE TO FACEBOOK’S NEW PRIVACY POLICY, WE CAN NO LONGERFETCHFACEBOOK FRIENDS AUTOMATICALLY UNLESS THEY’VE ALSOINSTALLEDBIRTHDAY REMINDER. SO, PLEASE INVITE YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDSTOBIRTHDAY REMINDER BY TAPPING ON THE SHARE MENU WITHIN THEAPP.THE BEST BIRTHDAY APPLICATION FOR ANDROIDBirthday Reminder is hands down, the best birthday reminderappfor your Android device. It works seamlessly by schedulingandsynchronizing friends’ birthdays!HOME SCREEN BIRTHDAY WIDGET FUNCTIONALITYBirthday Reminder offers users the ability to addcalendarwidgets to their phone or tablet's home screen, thusallowingeasier access directly from the home screen and making surethatyou don't forget any important events!MULTI-USE AS A PERSONAL REMINDER AND CUSTOMER MANAGEMENTTOOLDue to its ease of use and seamless ease of useandsynchronization, Birthday Reminder is perfect to be used notonlyas a personal reminder for friends but as a professionalbusinesstool for customer management.FEATURES▪ Birthdays, events, and anniversaries at a glance -perfectmonthly calendar and list view with friends’ andcolleagues’birthdays▪ Custom calendar views - Customizable view from 1 week tofullmonth▪ Smooth scrolling- Smooth scrolling experience for calendarandindexed list views▪ Direct access to core features - Add, edit, and deleteexistingevents in one step with overflow menu▪ Beautiful calendar widgets - perfect birthday calendar widgetstosee important events on home screenDETAILS● perfect birthday presentation with many views andoptions● custom calendar view supporting from 1 week to full month● configurable home widget with advanced features● intuitive birthday information view providing virtually allkindsof ways to interact with your friends, colleagues,andcustomers● perfect notification with popup, sound, vibration +individualsnooze delay● lunar year support for Chinese, Korean, andJapanesecustomers● supports long-press action to add a new birthday on the goUpgrade to the premium version of BirthdayReminder to enjoythefollowing features:+ No ads+ Advanced word-wrapping such as up to 2 lines,auto-adjust,etc+ More Header and text color schemes+ Advanced notification options such as individual snooze,etc+ Advanced home widget themes such as Modern, Darkness,Translucent,etc.+ Advanced & Professional home widget features such astextsize, color scheme, etc.So, what are you waiting for? Download Birthday Reminderrightnow and start managing important events on Birthday Reminder,thebest birthday manager app available for Android!We appreciate your feedback and/or suggestions. Please feelfreeto contact us or give us a review in the ratings andreviewssection below. If you liked Birthday Reminder, please giveus a5-star rating and review, we would highly appreciate it.
Focus Reminder 1.0.2
Focus reminder je aplikácie pre Váš osobný rozvoj. PripomenieVámsmerovať Vašu pozornosť na to dôležité v živote, na to, na čomVámzáleží. – Stáva sa Vám, že ste zahltený povinnosťami a neskôrsiuvedomíte, že ste prežili celý deň „na automatiku“? – Že stenemaličas sa zastaviť a pripomenúť si, uvedomiť si veci, naktorýchzáleží? – Že ste si neuvedomili ako sa cítite, neboli ste sivedomýprítomnej chvíle? – Že ste ani nepomysleli na svoj účel, svojcieľalebo víziu a už vôbec ste si ju nepredstavili? – Že ste sizabudlipovedať počas svojho dňa jedno pekné slovo? AplikáciaFocusReminder je vytvorená práve preto, aby človeku pripomenula, čoje vživote dôležite. Aby nám dala možnosť sa zastaviť na pársekúnd,nadýchnuť sa a pripomenúť si sám seba, pocity, prítomnúchvíľu,alebo len niekoľko afirmácií. Je Vám známy nasledujúcivýrok? „Kdeje zameraná pozornosť, tam smeruje energia. A tam, kdeje smerujeenergia, to rastie“ – Tony Robbins Sami dobre viete, žeto, na čosa sústredíte sa rozvíja ľahko. To čomu venujetepozornosť, to mátendenciu rásť a rozvíjať sa. Uvedomujete si, žepravidelnezameraná pozornosť na svoj rast, na svoje pocity a svojedobréstránky Vám dovolí rýchlejší a efektívnejší osobný rast.Presnetoto Vám aplikácia Focus Reminder umožní. V pravidelnýchalebonáhodných intervaloch pripomína a nabáda človeka, aby sazastavil,uvedomil si seba, svoje pocity, reč tela, to, či právevykonáva to,čo by mal. Vašu víziu, alebo veľký cieľ si môžete samidefinovať anahrať si vlastný obrázok cieľa. Môžete si vybrať sveľkého počtuafirmácií, alebo si nastaviť svoje vlastné. Predstavtesi, aké byto bolo pripomínať si to, čo potrebujete 3× denne…Predstavte si,aké by to bolo pripomínať 20× denne Váš cieľ? Alebosi predstavtesi, aké by to bolo si pripomínať 40× denne uvedomiťsám seba?Pokiaľ Vás možnosti, ktoré aplikáciou získate oslovili,prosíminštalujte a používajte a zdieľajte aplikáciu Focus Remindermedzisvojimi známymi. Aplikácia obsahuje: – Možnosť nastaviť sisvojcieľ, vašu víziu a pripojiť k nemu aj obrázok. – Výber z vyše30afirmácií a možnosť nastaviť si svoje vlastné afirmácie.–Zobrazenie koučovacích otázok pre vašu okamžitú zmenufyziológie,emócií, uvedomenie si prítomnej chvíle, svojejsebahodnoty a zmyslučinnosti, ktorú práve vykonávate. – Možnosťnastaviť si pravidelnýalebo náhodný interval pripomienok. – Možnosťnastaviť si presnýčas, keď je aplikácia neaktívna, napríklad vnoci. – Ponúkamožnosti diskrétnej vibrácie v kancelárii, alebosilnej, aby ste sivšimli pripomienku aj na hlasnom koncerte. **Aplikácia je vtestovacom režime. Prosím, ak narazíte na problém sjej použitím,nedávajte negatívne hodnotenia pre funkčnosť, napíštemi radšejemail. Budem sa snažiť chybu čo najskôr odstrániť.Ďakujem.