Top 16 Apps Similar to Shop list - Not to forget

sList - handy shopping list 1.6.0
1C-Rarus Ltd.
sList will help you to create shopping lists much easier andmorefast and share them with friends or family. sList will beyourpersonal smart assistant during the shopping. And if you needitwill sort all items by categories, will show pictures of anyitems(what is very helpful when you want to make sure what you wanttobuy), and also it will show all important comments about anyitem.Features: - Voice listing. With voice listing sList will helpyouto create your shopping lists much easier than ever. Justdictateeverything what you need to buy and the program willrecognize itand enter into your lists all items, quantity andunits. - Picturesattach. You can attach pictures to make sure thatyou will buy whatyou really need. You can do it easily from theInternet withbuilt-in search without leaving the couch, and it isalso possibleto take a photo of anything what you need to buy andattach it tothe list. - Online synс. Synchronize online and shareall yourlists with anybody in your sync groups. It’s the easiestway toinform all participants about any changes in shopping lists.Andalso each list can have its own sync group with any numberorparticipants. - Important comments. Now you can leave commentsforany item in your lists. For example, you can write "Checktheexpiry date" or "If there is no blue pack then buy in red one"andso on. - Order of categories. Each supermarket always has itsownorder of departments. You can set the individual orderofcategories for any shop in your lists which will make shoppingmucheasier and more enjoyable. - Flexible settings. a) You canenableor disable categories. If you disable categories in yourlist, allitems still will be sorted by categories and marked with acolor ofcategories, but in the same time there will be more spacetodisplay items in your list; b) You can enable or disablequantityor units. If you don’t want to enter quantity or units whenyoucreate a shopping list you can just simply disable them, whichwillmake data entry much easier.
Need To Buy List 1.0
Level Up
The App "Need To Buy List" is designedtoprepare a list of what you plan to buy and keep track ofpurchasesmade.
Organizy Pro Shopping List App 2.14.0
Organizy Ltd.
What is the problem that must be solved byatruly great shopping list app? Making the buying of productsasnap! And that's exactly what you will get when you usetheOrganizy to assist you with your shopping.Use Organizy to:⇒ Quickly add products to your list with the help ofourauto-complete feature – you will be pleasantly surprised toseejust how diverse and complete the Organizy's inventory is.⇒ Strike out items from your list using only one hand –leavingthe other free to take products off the shelves and put themintoyour shopping cart.⇒ Save time by using the ideal route in a store to getyourshopping done quickly and efficiently – Organizyautomaticallygroups the products on your list according tosections/isles of astore.⇒ Choose to see the "must-buy" products at the top of your list–this is especially helpful for long shopping lists.⇒ Have no fear of accidentally striking out an item onyourshopping list. You will find the Organizy intuitiveandwell-thought out.Once you use Organizy, you will wonder how you ever gotalongwithout it!== Support Links ==[email protected](formerly known as a Tote Bag grocery list app)
Shopping List+ 1.0.11
This application is a useful and simple shopping list foryourphone. Do you often make shopping lists? If you do, this appmadeexactly for you! This is useful and simple way of making outashopping list on your phone. You can input items from keyboard,addfrom database, filled by you, by barcode scanning and evenusingyour voice! Also, you can mark out important purchases in thelist.You just have to tap an item to mark it as "bought". We hopethatthis app will expand your phone and make your shopping easier.Inversion PLUS added: - Widget - Backup database -Additionalinterface settings
Buying List PRO 2.1.2
Easy app to manage shopping lists, categories, products, unitsandmore...
Keep shopping 3.9
«Shopping» allows you to make a shopping list easily
Shopping list - The purchases 1.2.1
Everyday we go shopping. And each time, to not forget that weneedto buy, we are writing shopping list. But it is not convenientwhenyou need to buy a lot. And words, as luck would have, mergeintothe one big monolithic text and to understand, why we came tothestore is very difficult. And what is when in the list ofpurchasesthere is an inscription "this in the blue box". Havinglooked atthe shelf with products, we see at least 5 items matchingthisdescription. But pick up the most suitable, after coming home,wefind out that took another... Sound familiar? But now it's allinthe past. By the application "The purchases" you can forgetaboutthis problems! Enough to make your colorful shopping list athomeon a smartphone or tablet pc, and in the store only to dartaglance at him. Thereby instantly remembering all that you needtobuy. Mistake will be reduced to a minimum - because each itemonthe list submitted with amazing illustration! Main functions:1.Calculation cost of purchases based on their price and quantity.2.Unlimited number of lists for all occasions. 3.Supportingpurchases category. 4. More than 350 kinds of productsare alreadystored in the database with a unique illustration. 5.You can easysend shopping list to family and friends.
In The Cart - Shopping List 1.01
Fully customizable and convenientShoppinglist.Create your grocery lists/shopping lists, sort bycategories,manage your catalog - almost everything can becustomized:- All products can be assigned to variety of categories- You can create your own categories, assigning them colorandicon- You can sort manually almost everything - just by draggingitemsand save this order for future use- Mark item as bought either by usual swipe or by single tap -youchoose what is more convenient for you- Application comes with built-in catalog with number ofcategoriesand products in it- Every new item you add to the shopping list is automaticallysavedin the product catalog for future use- Add prices to the items and build receipt for items your boughttocontrol and predict your expensesAdvantages of *PRO* version:- Enabled cloud synchronization and cloud storage features- AD-free- Ability to create more than 2 shopping lists- Ability to use to manage your shopping lists
Shoppist - Shopping List 2.0
App which provides an example of implementing Clean ArchitectureandMVP
Shopping List 6.0
Valeriy Kogan
"Shopping List" - a quick andeasyapplicationfor creation shopping lists. You don't need penandpaper anymore.With this application:- you won't forget anything to buy;- you will avoid unplanned purchases;- you will save your money and time.Benefits:1. You can strike out or delete from the list items thatyouhavealready put into shopping cart.2. AutoFit on the first letter of the product willsimplifythelisting3. Ability to send list via e-mail, sms, social networking...4. Ability to fill the price of goods - so you canplanabudget.5. There is no wasted features in the application, soeveryonecanuse it even children.6. Application automatically chooses language(English,Spanish,German, French, Russian, Ukrainian)Install this free app right now and enjoy your shopping!
Список покупок MilkyWayList 3.1.1
MilkyWayList - это программа для создания списка покупок.Каждыйзнает, что это такое, и что это вещь нужная. Наша программа,пускайи одна из многих, но не лишена собственных фишек ипреимуществ, закоторые её можно полюбить. Во-первых, это дизайн надкоторым мытрудимся уже год и не бросаем начинаний. Во-вторых, этоособенныефункции, такие как нон-стоп добавление пунктов списка,позволяющеебыстро создавать списки прямо в магазине; бесплатныйудобныйвиджет; большие возможности сортировки; не говоря уже обогромномколичестве функционала который мы добавили за всё этовремя. Мыразвиваемся ради Вас. Мы всегда открыты для Вашихпредложений,оперативно решаем все вопросы, в каждом новомобновлении опираемсяна Ваше мнение и Ваши пожелания. MilkyWayList -это немножкобольше, чем просто список покупок. Особенности MW List:»Возможность создания списков с расстановкой приоритетовиприсвоением им определенных значков; » Вам не мешают ненужныеполя- они либо не появляются (например: сумма покупок - если ценынеуказаны), либо Вы можете отключить их непосредственно внастройках(например: дата создания списка); » Вы можете добавитьлюбоеколичество виджетов со всеми своими списками, при этом ониимеютвозможность растягиваться во все стороны так, что, спискамиможновыложить отдельный экран; » Виджеты не обновляются безизмененияданных в списке, благодаря этому они не тратятлишнююэлектроэнергию Вашего телефона или планшета; » Имеетсявозможностьизменять опции отображения: не только фона, но и сбросашрифтов настандартные, для улучшения работы на старых/маломощныхтелефонов ипланшетов. » Режим "Быстрого добавления" поможет вамсоставлятьсписки за считанные секунды, а так же вести учет своихрасходовнепосредственно в магазине; » Пункты, находящиеся внутрисписков,так же могут быть скомпонованы по приоритетам и помеченызнаками; »Имеются значки разнообразных форм для разметки пунктов. »Делитесьсписками в социальных сетях, отправляйте через смс,сохраняйте наустройстве при помощи функции - поделиться. » Ищитенужные пунктывнутри списков при помощи функции поиска. » Подгоняйтесписок подваши нужды, меняйте шаблоны вывода и оформление,насыщенность фона,чтобы Вам было удобно читать текст. »Форматируйте как сами списки,так и блокнот с ними по множествупредложенных фильтров. »Пользуйтесь базой автоматическогодополнения при наборе пунктов,там около 3000 тысяч слов. »Сохраняйте резервные копии наустройстве и в Облаке! »Восстанавливайте потерянные записи, особоудобное вправление дляпользователей Dropbox.
Список покупок - Я знаю цены 1.1
"Список покупок" - красивое ифункциональноеприложение, которое не позволит забыть о нужныхВампродуктах.Особенности приложения:- Я знаю цены!!!- Сохранит все списки в одном месте.- Внимательно выслушает и внесет все товары в список.- Покажет вам забытые товары.- Быстро покажет все необходимое.- Запомнит часто используемые товары.- Подсчитает нужную сумму к оплате."Shopping List"-beautiful and functional application that does not allow toforgetabout the product you need.Features of the app: - I know the price !!! - Save all lists in one place. - Carefully listen and make all the products inthelist. - Show you the forgotten items. - Quickly show everything you need. - Remember frequently used items. - Calculate the correct amount to pay.
Список покупок 0.0.6
Удобная программа длясоставлениясписковпокупок.Заходите в одну учетную запись с нескольких устройств.Составляйте списки покупок. Отмечайте Ваши покупкиврежиме"закупка".Сохраняйте "закупки" в архив. Создавайте новые спискинаосновепредыдущих покупок из архива.Convenientprogramfordrawing up shopping lists.Come into one account with multiple devices.Compose shopping lists. Celebrate your purchasesinthe"purchase".Keep "procurement" in the archive. Create new lists basedonpreviouspurchases from the archive.
MyShoppingList 1.7
Plan your shopping effectively!
Don't forget. Shopping list. 1.6.100-gplay
With "Don't forget" you can writeallthingswhat you need to buy at market, share it with you friendorfamily.All it things is free for you.
Simple shopping list 4.1.0
Fast add new positions. Bookmark favorite positions. Split inshops.