Top 24 Apps Similar to MySNS

Mapa de Cidadão 4.0.10
All utilities in your hand.
This is what’s you’ll find inside Millennium App: Pay Everytimeyouneed to pay a service just tap the Pay option on the tabbar,fillin the details and in a few minutes, it’s done! TransferIfyouprefer to make a transfer, it’s also on the tab bar. Fillinthename, IBAN, amount and you’re ready to go. Thatsimple!StayONCustomers asked for it and here we are delivering it:fromnow on,you can find all your interactions with us in onesingleplace, sothat you’re always ON top of everything:notificationhistory,documents, Banco Mail, account manager andmore. Share IBANSendyour IBAN to your contacts via Facebook,WhatsApp, SMS oremail. MBWAY Use MB WAY in Millennium App: pay withyour phone,transferthrough phone numbers, split the bill withfriends or justrequestthem money. Direct debits No more visits tothe ATM. Checkandmanage all your direct debits in Millennium App.Plus we’veadded achart with all your direct debits history, so youcan betterkeeptrack of them. Privacy mode Use Millennium Appwherever you areandstop worrying about prying eyes: enable PrivacyMode beforeyoulogin the App to hide your account balances.PushnotificationsWant to be updated on your account movements?Enablereal-time pushnotifications and get notified as soon as yougetyour salary alongwith direct debits, card movements or simplywhenyour balancefalls below the amount you’ve set. Touch and FaceIDMakeeverything faster with Touch or Face ID: login theAppandauthorize operations with your fingerprint or Face ID.Creditcardswith instant decision Apply for your credit card and getaninstantdecision! Médis Dental insurance Need to go to thedentist?Getyour Médis Dental insurance first and make yourdentaltreatmentsat a much better price. Médis insurance If you needsee adifferentdoctor, then you can also calculate and getMédisinsuranceaccording to your own needs. ON/OFF Travel InsuranceOnebutton. Afew taps. And you’re ready to go. We’ve created abuttonto giveyou full control over your travel insurance. Tap ONandyou’reinsured. Tap OFF and it’s deactivated at the end of yourtriporwhenever you want. No signatures, no papers, just onebutton!Only1,25€ a day and only for the days you travel. So packyour bagsandjust tap the button when you’re ready. Aggregateaccountsfromother banks Bring all your accounts in other bankstoMillenniumApp and check balances, account movements andmaketransfers fromone single App. Savings Open a savings account inasnap. Swiperight and that’s it, you’ve started saving.Personalloan Calculateyour loan with our virtual assistant and makeyourdreams cometrue. All 100% online and with no papers. Used carloanIf you’relooking for a used car, then we also have the answer.Andofcourse, no papers involved and 100% online. “How much canIborrow”calculator If, on the other hand, you want to buy ahome,use ourcalculator “How much can I borrow” and we’ll tellyouexactly howmuch you can apply for a mortgage loan. MortgageloanOnce you knowhow much you can borrow to buy your home, use ournewmortgagecalculator to submit your application. Investment fundsToallinvestors out there: we’ve created an investment area whereyoucanbuy funds and certificates and even choose the fieldsyouprefer,such as technology, sustainability, among others.CustomizeyourApp the way you want to Add your personal touch bychoosingabackground picture or customizing your profile with yourphotoandemail.
Everything you need to know about our App’s functionalitiesishere!Did you know you can: Manage your accounts in anintegratedandintuitive way: check, transfer, pay and save; Hideyourbalances inorder to have more privacy; Request a new DebitorCredit Card andrevoke (up to 14 days) or even cancel it duetoloss or theft;Simulate and apply for a Personal Loan, withthepossibility ofimmediate online approval (subject toautomaticcredit assessment);Simulate a Home Loan: apply and uploadthefirst required documents;Subscribe our ON/OFF TravelInsurance;Make international transfersdirectly with TransferWise;Use QuickActions for a simpler accessto your account movements;Setnotifications when your balance isbelow a certain amount orwhenyour Credit Card is used. In the area“More” you can find: MBWAY,where you can send, withdraw andrequest money or even payandsplit your bills with friends; FinanceManager, onde podecontrolaros seus gastos; Configurations;Contacts; Legalinformation;Logout. Request your Loan Moratorium,without leavingyour house.It’s the safest option! Upload thedocuments, wait for ananswerand, if you fulfil the requirements,accept! 
With PSD2 youcanaggregate, on your App, information aboutyour other BankAccounts:balances, movements and account details.You can aggregateAccountsfrom 17 national Banks, that joined tothe SIBS solution.ShareBeneficiaries and Favourites info betweenthe App and website.Notour Client yet? Then open an Accountwithout leaving yourhouse!
You’ll only need: 15 minutes;Portuguese IdentificationDocument,proof of address and employment;Make a videocall at theend of theprocess. Don’t waste any time:download it now and makeyour lifesimpler!
Iberia 14.13.1
Iberia moves with you
SAP Concur 9.94.1
If you use Concur® Travel, Concur® Expense, or Concur®Invoiceatwork, then download this companion app to your Androidtomanageyour travel and expenses when you’re on the go! WiththeSAP®Concur® mobile app, you can: • Review and approveexpensereports,invoices, and travel requests • Snap a photo ofyourreceipt andinstantly add it to your expense report • Book aflightor railticket, reserve hotel rooms, or rent a car • Update oraddnewattendees to meeting invites • Get hotel suggestions basedonyourpreferences • Capture and track mileage automatically•Integrateyour itinerary with TripIt to get real-time travelalertsandupdates Learn more at *This is acompanionmobileapp for existing users of SAP Concur solutions.*
Santander Particulares
Pensada para lhe dar controlo total da sua vida financeira,aAppSantander é a forma mais simples de gerir o seudinheiroemsegurança, quando e onde quiser. Conheça uma novaversãomaismoderna, personalizável e fácil de usar. •Aceda emsegurançacomFingerprint, PIN ou com as suas credenciais de acessoaoNetBanco•Esteja a par de todos os movimentos nas suas contasecartões,ativando as notificações •Faça as suasoperaçõesrecorrentes emmenos tempo, personalizando o ecrã inicial•Acompanhe as suascontas sem sair de casa, mesmo as de outrosbancos•Façatransferências, pagamentos de serviços, carregue oseutelemóvel efaça a gestão dos seus cartões •Envie dinheiro porMBWAY e façapagamentos instantâneos por QR Code utilizandoaSantander Wallet•Facilite a transferência da mesada aos seusfilhoscom o acesso demenores •Constitua uma poupança. Temcomentários ousugestões?Ajude-nos a melhorar a App Santanderenviando a suaopinião [email protected]
ASF 1.2.7
Information and useful services on insurance and pension funds
Health Passport Worldwide
ROQU Group
Designed to protect society, businesses, and jobs.
CDC 3.1.6
Health Information at Your Fingertips—CDC 24/7
Comboios de Portugal
Now your destinations are just a click away.
COVID Symptom Study 5.0.2
Help slow COVID-19 by self-reporting your symptoms daily, evenifyou feel well.
Smou 5.5.2
Barcelona’s mobility app! All services in one app.
Re-open EU
The European Union, and all its Member States, are planningforasafe re-opening of Europe. While protecting thepublichealthremains our priority, we want everyone to enjoytheirholidays, toreunite with family and friends, and to be abletotravel for anypurpose. This tool provides you with theinformationthat you needto confidently plan your European traveland holidays,whilestaying healthy and safe. The information isfrequentlyupdated andis based on the most recent data provided byEU MemberStates andcollected from other publicly available andauthoritativenationalsources. While the Commission seeks to keepthe informationup todate, we take no responsibility of any kind,express orimplied,about the completeness and accuracy of theinformationprovided orindividual decisions based thereon. Due tothe frequencyofupdates, aimed at offering relevant information atall times,thistool relies on automatic machine translations. Weapologise foranyinconvenience and we strive to continuously improvetheuserexperience.
Info Praia 2.2.1
Information on the state of occupation of the beaches andthequality of bathing water.
Aena SME, S.A
Spain Travel Health: Fill in your mandatory Health Form to traveltoSpain.
BPI APP 8.9.1
A BPI APP foi renovada! Agora mais simples e intuitivadeusar!Usabilidade • Novo design moderno e funcional, comacessomaissimples e direto no dia-a-dia Seguros • Conheça ossegurosquemelhor se adequam a si Contas de outros Bancos • Vejaassuascontas de outros bancos e faça transferências dessascontasatravésda BPI App Com esta aplicação os Clientes BPIpodemconsultar egerir as suas contas (do BPI e de outrosBancos),cartões epoupanças. Se é Cliente atual dos serviços BPI Net/ BPIDireto,poderá de imediato aceder à BPI App, usando os códigosdeacessohabituais. Principais operações disponíveis: Consultas•Saldos eMovimentos de Contas e Cartões de Crédito •PosiçãoIntegrada(Património e Crédito) • Agenda de movimentosprevistospara ospróximos 30 dias • Saldos e Movimentos de contas deoutrosBancosTransferências e Pagamentos • Parabeneficiáriospré-definidos •Para Contas BPI, contas de outrosBancos e para nºde telemóvel •Transferências Imediatas • Pagamentosde Serviços,Estado eTelemóveis • Transferências, Pagamentos eLevantamentos MBWay •Criação e gestão de Cartões MB Net Cartões •Cartões deCrédito:pedido de cartão, alteração de Limites deCrédito,alteração deopção de pagamento e pagamento de Saldo ouReforço •Adiantamentode numerário a crédito (Cash-Advance) • Pedidodecancelamento ebloqueios de segurança • Cartões Pré-Pagos: pedidodecartão,ativação, carregamento e consulta de saldos emovimentosPoupança eInvestimento • Consulta da carteira depoupanças einvestimentos •Subscrição, reforço e resgate de fundosdeinvestimento e produtosde reforma • Criação e gestão de planosdepoupança periódica •Poupanças imediatas para os seusobjetivosCrédito • Simulação epedido de Crédito Pessoal, comdinheiroimediato na conta •Consulta de catálogo e encomenda deProdutosPrestígio As MinhasFinanças • Organização ecategorizaçãoautomática dos movimentos dacontas e cartões • Resumomensal eanual de receitas e despesas •Definição de limites para asdespesase objetivos E ainda •Consulta e configuração de AlertaseNotificações • Personalizaçãode Contas (nome e de fotografia)•Consulta e alteração de DadosPessoais • Canal de Comunicação comoGestor de Conta ou BPI Direto• Abertura Online de Conta Gostadanossa app? Pode avaliá-la edeixar-nos um comentário. A suaopiniãoé importante para quecontinuemos a melhorar!
Pleo 3.17.2
Work can be hard. Paying for things at work shouldn’t be.Pleohelpsforward-thinking teams buy what they need to do theirjobsbetter.It means people feel more valued, more trusted – andfreefromexpenses reports and paying out-of-pocket. [Taxis.Tacos.Tools.Whatever your business needs, Pleo it.] Our mobile appgivesyou thepower to: Get instant notifications when you buysomethingwith yourPleo card Capture receipts and categorisepurchases in afew secondsTrack and review your spending Make anychanges youneed to yourcard, like blocking it or changing the
Exact Synergy 5.3
Take your workflow, schedule, contacts and colleagueswithyou,wherever you go. Catch up on the timeline of yourcompany.Search,call or e-mail contacts and colleagues directly fromExactSynergyAndroid App. Enter expense claims from any location.TheExactSynergy Android app is free for users of Exact SynergyandExactSynergy Enterprise. Features: - View the timeline andshareyourupdates - Access to your workflow - Manage your ownscheduleandview schedules of colleagues - View, process, createoreditrequests - Access client information andcommunications.Directlycall or email them or plan your route -Access basiccolleagueinformation and directly call or email them orcheck theiragenda's- Book your expense claim by making a picture ofyourreceipt. Theexpenses can be booked on a project or account-Request time offRequirements: - Exact Synergy Enterprise (asofProduct update252). Some functionality is added in combinationwithhigherproduct updates. More information about new functionalitycanbefound in the 'What's new' in the settings of the App.-Androidrelease 5.0 and above - TLS 1.2 or higher Want to learnmoreaboutExact’s ERP solution for SMEs or have any questionsorcomments?Please visit
EMEL ePark. Agora mais simples 3.4.6
EMEL ePark. Now park more simply, accurately and efficiently.
Coop 1.7.5
Over 17,000 foodstuffs (including 2,000 wines) & other products
Rakning C-19 4.0.0
Official Government app from to help mitigate the Covid-19pandemicin Iceland.
Healthy Together 1.8.2
Twenty Inc.
Public Health & Human Services
Swiss Post 8.0.2
The Post-App provides practical information on SwissPost’sservices.