Top 6 Apps Similar to Balance Checker

myONEXOX 2.1
Mudah App
myONEXOX dibangunkan oleh OliviaOctaviaStudios khas untuk semua pengedar ONEXOX bagi memudahkansegalaurusan di dalam bentuk aplikasi Android yang:1) Selamat dan hanya berupa webview kepada Tiada menu ke Pengurusan Akaun (hanya boleh diakses melaluimenulaman mobile itu sendiri).3) Tiada menu ke Pendaftaran Sub Dealer (hanya boleh diaksesmelaluimenu laman mobile itu sendiri).4) Tidak mempunyai iklan.myONEXOX developedbyOctavia Studios Olivia typical for all distributors ONEXOXtoexpedite the processing in in the form ofanAndroid application that:1) Welcome and only a WebView to onesys.onexox.mymobilesite.2) There is no menu to Account Management (only accessibleviamobile web menu itself).3) There is no menu to Sub Dealer Registration (only accessibleviamobile web menu itself).4) Do not have ads.
Sys ONEXOX 1.2
Bukanlah apps rasmi daripada ONEXOX.Cumainisiatif kami untuk memudahkan pengguna untuk login kePortalONEXOX tanpa perlu ke web browser.Amat sesuai digunakan pada Tablet.Ianya mudah dan selamatSelamat mencuba.
Pengedar ONEXOX 0.1
Aplikasi Pengedar ONEXOX ini adalahmerupakanpanduan ringkas tentang peluang perniagaan sebagaipengedar ONEXOX.Menerusi aplikasi ini, anda akan:-• Mengetahui peluang keusahawanan bersama One XOX Sdn Bhd• Mengetahui potensi pendapatan yang bakal diperolehisebagaipengedar ONEXOX• Mengetahui faedah dan kelebihan yang bakal anda terimasebagaipengedar ONEXOX• Mengetahui tahap tertinggi status pengedar yang bakalandakecapi• Mengetahui proses pendaftaran pengedar._____________________________________Aplikasi ini dibangunkan oleh:-Copyright © OneXOXStore.com_____________________________________Sumber rujukan utama:-http://www.onexoxstore.comhttp://www.onexoxcenter.com_____________________________________Aplikasi ini dibangunkan oleh Aplikasi iniBUKANmerupakan aplikasi rasmi syarikat One XOX Sdn Bhd. Aplikasiinidibangunkan oleh pengedar sah ONEXOX sebagai usahamempromosikanproduk ONEXOX. Maklumat lanjut boleh diperolehi di is a quick guide to business opportunities as adistributorONEXOX.Through this app you will: -• Be aware of entrepreneurial opportunities with One XOXSdnBhd• Be aware of potential revenue to be gained as adistributorONEXOX• Know the benefits and advantages that you will receive asadistributor ONEXOX• Know the highest level distributor status will you take• Know the process of registration of distributors._____________________________________This application is developed by: -Copyright © OneXOXStore.com_____________________________________Source reference: -http://www.onexoxstore.comhttp://www.onexoxcenter.com_____________________________________This application is developed by is NOT an official application One company XOX SdnBhd.This application is developed by authorized dealers in aneffort topromote the product ONEXOX ONEXOX. Further information isavailableat
Note Everything
A note (notepad) application where youcancreate text-, voice- and paint-notes. Your notes can beorganizedin folders. You can create shortcuts on home, send notes,use livefolders & much more!Get the Pro-Add-On for more features!Imports your Palm / Outlook Memos!Contact me if you have problems!
Fontomizer SP(Font for Galaxy) 0.5
There are permanent error on mypdsserver.Please visit for more fonts.Android Font Utility (Font for Galaxy, Galaxy Font)Download over 10 million!!!Fontomizer SPFont for GalaxyGalaxy FontGalaxy SGalaxy S2Galaxy S3Galaxy Ace,YGalaxy MiniGalaxy NoteGalaxy Note 2and most Samsung Galaxy Series+ Motorola Razer MVisit for more fontsFIRST OF ALLYou have to check "unknown sources" option.* Go to home screen> settings> applications, and checkunknownsources.* If your device contains Flip Font library, You don't have torootyour device.* Some Carrier doesn't allow side downloadedapplication(non-marketapp). In this case you should root yourdevice to use thisutility.WHAT IS THIS??- Font for Galaxy is a Fonts package for SAMSUNGGalaxyDevices.- You can download font apk from this app.- Font installer apps are not on Android market(side download).So,you have to check "unknow sources" option in"applicationssetting"(See FIRST OF ALL)HOW TO USE?- Check if your device is SAMSUNG Galaxy series.- Although your device is from SAMSUNG, somenetworkprovider(carrier) doesn't allow side downloadedapp(non-marketapp), in this case you should root your galaxy to use"FontomizerSP"- Run this app, and click a font what you want to use.- Download procedure will be appeared.- After download, install downloaded apk.- After install downloaded apk, go to font setting menu.*Home > Setting > Display > Font- If everything ok, you can see a new font name on font list.- Choose a font what you want to use.- Enjoy it.HOW TO UNINSTALL FONTS?- Go to 'Home > Setting > Application >ManageApplication'- Select font you want to uninstall- Follow instructionsPOSSIBLE DEVICESI made this Application for SAMSUNG Galaxy Series. It worksonGalaxy S, Galaxy A, Glaxy Tab, Galaxy Note* Some fonts displays weird, that because of font size.* Also some fonts doesn't work on your device. because of'AndroidFragmentation'.BASIC INFORMATIONThese fonts are based on FLIPFONT library. So if your devicehasflipfont function, then you can use these fonts althoughyourdevice is not Galaxy series.COPYRIGHTThese fonts are all free TTF fonts.I collect lots of TTFs and I checked that these fonts arefreeversion.If you find any commercial font on this app, please report me.ThenI'll let it down immediately.UPDATESee Patch note on main menu.SEND A FONT WHAT YOU WANT TO USE.I can handle English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. If you wantrunsome fonts on your Galaxy device, please send your font to mebyemail.I'll update your font to this app.But don't forget, that fontmustbe free version.When you send a font to me, you should send license informationalsoif possible.Thank you and enjoy it.* ContainsEnglish fontsChinese fontsMalayalam fontsKandana fontsMyanmar fontsSinhala(Srilanka) fontsTamil fontsKorean font
Methodius ONEXOX 3.0
Mudah App
Mulakan bisnes telekomunikasi andasekarang.Dannikmati faedah-faedah berikut :1. INCOME PASIF : INSENTIF 10-15% daripada topupsemuapelangganyang anda daftar SETIAP BULAN.2. Untung runcit JUALAN SIMKAD 22%3. Untung runcit JUALAN eRecharge 5%4. Kekuatan Produk MURAH dan MENJIMATKAN5. KOS RENDAH untuk memulakan perniagaan RM2786. Pasaran luas, 42 juta pengguna telefon bimbit7. Liputan rangkaian luas kerjasama dengan CelcomMODAL HANYA RM278. Anda akan dapat :- 10 keping simkad ONEXOX- Sistem Dealer untuk Pendaftaran Simkad- Sistem jualan eRecharge ONEXOX- eRecharge RM100