Top 3 Apps Similar to Hallelujah Lyrics

Daily Radio Bible 2.4
Subsplash Inc
The Daily Radio Bible podcasts readings through the Bible inOneyear
Sharing God's Secrets 0.0.3
A Daily Devotional Book titled"SharingGod'sSecrets" was published by Gospel LiteratureService,Mumbai,several years ago, by abridging twelve books writtenbyGod'sservant Bro. Bakht Singh. Since there are severalotherbookswritten by Bro. Bakht Singh, Containing deep spiritualtruths,aneffort has been made to gather material from those booksas wellashis articles published over the years in the HebronMessengerandThe Balance of Truth and put them in a Daily Devotionalbookfrom.By the abundant grace and help of God, we are now abletopublishit for the blessing of God's people. Our prayer is thattheLordmay use this Devotional to speak to the readers and helpthemtoattain unto the measure of the gift of Christ as God hasgiventhemand this contribute to the edification of the Church,which istheBody of Christ.
Daily Devo 1.1.13
A free daily devotional app from the writers at TheWorshipInitiative.