Top 20 Apps Similar to Gran Teatro Nacional del Perú

Teatro Pocket 1.2.1
Con Teatro Pocket hai tutto ilteatrointasca!Teatro Pocket vuole rendere le informazioni sul teatroaccessibiliatutti gli appassionati, creando una comunità vivaeattiva,fondamentale perché il teatro torni a occupare unaposizionedipriorità nella vità culturale.Se sei un teatro, iscriviti: è gratis, per sempre!www.teatropocket.comWith PocketTheatrehaveall the theater in your pocket!Pocket Theatre wants to make information accessible toalltheaterlovers, creating a community alive and active, vitalbecausethetheater back to a position of priority in culturalactivities.If you are a theater, sign up is free, forever! 3.1.7
A criou um aplicativo paraoAndroid para tornar sua compra de ingressos ainda mais fácil.Aquivocê consegue ingressos para as melhores estreias decinema,teatro, show, circo e eventos esportivos.Basta você escolher o espetáculo que deseja assistir, escolha odiae a sessão, escolha seu lugar, caso seja marcado, e a quantidadedeingressos. Aí é só escolher o tipo de pagamento, o tipodeimpressão, e pronto! Ingresso garantido.A melhor programação do país nas suas mãos!Boa diversão ;)The Ingresso.comcreatedan application for Android to make your purchase ticketseveneasier. Here you get tickets to the best movie premieres,theater,show, circus and sporting events.Just choose the show you want to watch, select the day andthesession, choose place should be marked, and the amount oftickets.Then just choose the type of payment, type of printing, andvoila!guaranteed ticket.The best program in the country in your hands!Good fun ;)
Teatro Solís 3.0.0
News, notifications and programming of the Solís Tetatro.
Teatro Real Accesible 1.0.6
Application promoted by the Teatro Real Accessible Foundation.
TodayTix – Theatre Tickets 2.73.0
TodayTix is the easiest way to get tickets to the best shows inyourcity.
Teatro Picadero 2.0.1
Descargando esta aplicación, ir alTeatroahoraes muy simple! Vas a poder comprar entradas,obtenerdescuentosespeciales, entradas preferenciales, enterartetodosobre los martesde Teatro Gratis! Material exclusivo de lasobras,fotos de loselencos, participar de sorteos, entre otros. Vasapoder vivir laverdadera experiencia Picadero! Teatro+Restaurante.Downloadingthisapplication, go to the theater is now very simple!You'll beableto buy tickets, get special discounts, preferentialtickets,findout all about Free Theatre Tuesday! Exclusive footageof theworks,photos of the cast, participate in sweepstakes,amongothers.You'll be able to live the true Picadero experience!Theatre&Restaurant.
Changua Teatro 1.0
Ya está aquí, ya llegó, justo para la hora del desayunoartístico.La Corporación Changua Teatro, tan bogotana como elcaldito,presenta la primera versión de su aplicación promocional.Noticiasde las funciones. Actualice cada mes para mantenerse altanto defunciones, estrenos y noticias, mientras crecemos y vamoshaciendola aplicación cada vez mejor, para que encuentre nuevassorpresascon cada descarga. Y a propósito de sorpresa, ¡estaprimera versiónya tiene una! Juegue a tatuarse el logo de nuestrogrupo encualquier parte de su cuerpo o el de sus amigos, encualquier lugarde su habitación o en cualquier punto de la ciudad.Basta con tomaruna foto, juegue ajustando el huevo como mejorconvenga y compartael resultado en sus redes sociales. Para vercómo funciona busqueel ícono de ayuda en la parte de arriba denuestra aplicación. Siquiere saber qué es Changua, antes dedescargar la aplicación, aquíle ayudamos: Changua Niño(a)travieso(a), perverso(a) y pococorregible. Más popularmenteconocido como Changüita Changua Diosantiguo de la changua, hecho asu imagen y semejanza. Changua Caldocolombiano con pedacitos detodo pero que, básicamente, tienehuevo. 1.4.6
Application for selling tickets, offering the best concerts,sports,arts & theater and special events on Venezuela, Peru,Colombiaand USA.
Circuito Teatral de Caracas 1.0
App oficial del Circuito Teatral de CaracasEl Circuito Teatral de Caracas, se consolida en el año2013,luego de que el II Festival de Teatro de Caracas atrajeramiles decaraqueñas y caraqueños.Como un proyecto organizado por la Fundación para la Culturaylas Artes (Fundarte) de la Alcaldía de Caracas, con el findemantener al público cautivo de los anteriores festivalesybrindarles lo mejor de la movida caraqueña sobre las tablas,secontemplan estas presentaciones permanentes, cada fin de semanaporun costo simbólico que oscila entre 10 y 30 bolívares.La programación teatral permanente responde a la necesidaddecontinuar dinamizando los espacios teatrales delMunicipioLibertador, a fin de que el caraqueño sienta que lacultura y elarte están a su alcance.www.caracas.gob.vewww.fundarte.gob.veOfficial App oftheTheatrical Circuit of CaracasTheatrical Circuit of Caracas, was consolidated in 2013,afterthe II Theatre Festival attracted thousands of Caracas CaracasandCaracas.As a project organized by the Foundation for Culture andArts(Fundarte) the Mayor of Caracas, in order to keep thecaptiveaudience of the previous festivals and provide the best ofCaracasmoved on stage, these presentations are contemplatedpermanent,every weekend for a nominal cost that ranges between 10and 30bolivars.The permanent theater program responds to the need forfurtherstreamlining theater spaces of Libertador Municipality, sothat theCaracas feel that culture and art are within
Teatro Mayor 1.0
This is the official app of the Teatro Mayor Julio MarioSantoDomingo.
Teatro Real 1.1.2
La APP del Teatro Real de Madrid esunaaplicación gratuita que permite obtener información actualizadaycompra de todos los espectáculos de opera, danza, conciertosyespectáculos infantiles de la programación del Teatro Real.Además la APP del Teatro Real ofrece a sus usuarios accesoaservicios y promociones exclusivas y cuenta con unaversiónespecifica "Teatro real Accesible", promovida con el apoyode laFundación Vodafone España, que permite acercar las operasyespectáculos a las personas con discapacidad visual yauditiva.The APP Teatro RealinMadrid is a free application that allows current informationandpurchase of all the shows of opera, dance, concerts andchildren'sshows of the programming of the Teatro Real.Besides the Teatro Real APP provides users access toexclusivepromotions and features a specific version "AccessibleTeatroReal", promoted with the support of the Vodafone SpainFoundation,which helps bring the operas and shows to people withdisabilitiesvisual and auditory.
Teatro Franco Parenti
Franco Parenti Theatre, directed byAndréeRuthShammah, has been a place of cultural andtheatricalactivitiessince the 70s.Recently, the restoration by architect De Lucchi andGianMaurizioFercioni has converted it in an artistic andarchitecturaljewel,including different halls, a foyer, acafé-restaurant.It wants to be a lively and welcoming place having a billfullofstage shows - from traditional prose to innovativetheatre-literary meetings, musical festivals and initiativesfortheyoungest.Important brands choose Parenti Theatre as a locationfortheirevents.Download Franco Parenti Theatre APP for iOS and Android!The easiest way to check the playbill and the news, tocreateyourcalendar, to buy readily your tickets and to leaveyourcomments onthe performances.
AMC Theatres: Movies & More 7.0.59
AMC Theatres
Times, Tickets, Food, Rewards
Teatro Italia 1.0
CINEMA TEATRO ITALIA SALA 1Il Cinema-Teatro Italia è il più grande della regionePuglia.Costruito nel 1976 è situato sul Corso Roma, la piùimportantepasseggiata della città di Gallipoli, occupa unasuperficie dicirca 4.000 metri quadri e ha a disposizione per iclienti unaterazza con parcheggio privato, sono inoltre disponibili2.000posti auto nella vicina area portuale.La hall ha dimensioni ragguardevoli, è lunga 80m e larga 8,glispettatori possono passeggiare aspettando l’inizio del filmeammirando i prodotti commerciali esposti nelle 50vetrinenoleggiate dalle ditte interessate. Nella hall è inoltrepresenteun servizio bar.La superficie del palcoscenico è di 300 metri quadri conunboccascena di 20m . Lo schermo normalmente usato ha dimensioni 18x7 ed è distante 12m dalla prima fila di poltrone, assicurandocosìuna visione confortevole anche gli spettatori dei primiposti.Per i film molto spettacolari viene utilizzato uno schermo da20x 10 m che viene calato a filo del boccascena: in questo caso,perconsentire comunque una buona visione, non si utilizzanoalcunefile anteriori. Disposti su due piani 40 camerini dotati diogniservizio possono ospitare 100 attori. Esiste inoltre unafossaorchestrale (a scomparsa), che può contenere 100musicisti.Originariamente la sala, lunga 50m e larga 36, era divisain unsettore platea e un settore galleria; attualmente èstataristrutturata con la tipica geometria dell’anfiteatro agradoni ciòconsente una buona visuale per qualsiasi ordine di postianchegrazie al fatto che la gradinata inizia a svilupparsi giàdalleprime file con un’altezza dei gradoni di 34cm. Le fileattrezzatecon ampie poltrone “Figueras”, sono poste ad una distanzadi 1,2m,assicurando così un elevato grado di comfort perglispettatori.Gli ambienti sono climatizzati con impianti autonomi.Un gruppo elettrogeno da 120 kw assicural’alimentazioneelettrica di tutto il complesso rendendolo cosìcompletamenteautonomo rispetto alla rete Enel.CINEMA TEATRO ITALIA SALA 2 - SALA 3Dopo il recente restauro il Teatro dispone di altre due salediproiezione , progettate per consentire allastrutturaprogrammazioni differenziata che comprendono oltre allanormaleproduzione internazionale, anche rassegne di cineforum efilm diparticolare interesse socio-culturale.Le sale, arredate con cura è dotate di ogni comfort,sonorispettivamente da 100 posti (sala 2) e 150 (sala 3);possonoessere riservate anche con prenotazione telefonica.L’eccellenteimpianto audio installato negli ambientiperfettamenteinsonorizzati rende magici questi spazi tanto daesseresoprannominati i due “Salotti del Teatro Italia”.ITALIAN CINEMATHEATREROOM 1The Cinema-Theatre is the largest of the Italian regionofPuglia. Built in 1976 is located on Corso Roma, the mostimportantwalk of the city of Gallipoli, occupies an area of ​​about4,000square meters and has available to customers a terrace withprivateparking, 2,000 parking spaces are also available in thenearby portarea.The lobby has considerable size, is 80m long and 8 wide,viewerscan walk around waiting for the start of the movie andadmiringcommercial products exhibited in 50 showcases hired bythecompanies concerned. In the lobby there is also a barservice.The surface of the stage is 300 square meters with aprosceniumof 20m. The screen normally used has dimensions 18 x 7and is 12maway from the front row of seats, thus ensuring acomfortableviewing even the spectators of the first places.For films very spectacular screen is being used by 20 x 10 mthatis lowered flush with the proscenium: in this case, to stillallow agood view, not using some file front. Arranged over twofloors 40dressing rooms equipped with every service canaccommodate 100players. There is also an orchestra pit(retractable), which cancontain 100 musicians. Originally thehall, 50m long and 36 wide,was divided in an industry sectorstalls and a gallery, andcurrently has been restored with thetypical geometry of theamphitheater with steps that allows a goodview for any type ofplaces thanks to the fact that the staircasebegins to develop fromthe very first steps of the file with aheight of 34cm. The fileequipped with large armchairs "Figueras",are placed at a distanceof 1.2 m, thus ensuring a high degree ofcomfort for thespectators.The rooms are air-conditioned with autonomous systems.A generator 120 kw ensures the power supply to the entirecomplexmaking it completely independent of the Enel network.ITALIAN CINEMA THEATRE ROOM 2 - 3 ROOMAfter the recent renovation, the theater has two otherscreeningrooms, designed to allow the structure differentiatedprogramswhich include in addition to the normal productioninternationally,including exhibitions of film clubs and film ofparticular socialand cultural interest.The rooms, furnished with care is equipped with everycomfort,are respectively 100 seats (room 2) and 150 (room 3), canalso bebooked with telephone booking. The excellent sound systeminstalledin the rooms perfectly soundproofed magic makes thesespaces so asto be nicknamed the two "lounges Italian theater."
Oasis Club Teatro 1.0
Si ya eres cliente nuestro ¡ Enhorabuena!,Oasis Club Teatro Zaragoza pone a tu disposición su propia appparaque tengas en la palma de tu mano siempre toda nuestrainformación,programación, galería de imágenes, promociones,eventos, etc...completamente actualizados.Si aún no lo eres, aprovecha y ponte al día de futuraspromociones,eventos, fiestas, conciertos, etc.. descargando nuestraapp !Desde tu smartphone tendrás acceso a:- Información (teléfono, email, etc...)- Galería de imágenes- Tokes (te daremos un toke cuando tengamos algo interesantequecontarte como promociones, eventos, fiestas...)- Programación- Cómo llegarIf you are alreadyourcustomer Congratulations, Oasis Club Teatro Zaragoza offersyouyour own app to have in the palm of your hand forever allourinformation, programming, image gallery, promotions, events,etc... completely updated .If you're not yet, fail and catch future promotions,events,parties, concerts, etc. .. downloading our app!From your smartphone will have access to:- Information (phone, email, etc ...)- Image Gallery- Tokes ('ll give you a toke when we have something interestingtotell as promotions, events, parties ...)- Programming- Directions
Teatro Martinitt 1.2.0
La Bilancia
Pensata su misura per gli amantidelleCommedie: un hub digitale per avere subitoinformazioni,anticipazioni e benefit dedicati agli spettatori piùaffezionatidel Teatro Martinitt di Milano.Attraverso una navigazione facile, divertente e userfriendly,potrai rimanere sempre aggiornato sui teatri che pervocazionehanno scelto di promuovere i talenti emergenti dellaCommediaTeatrale Italiana.Segui in anteprima le stagioni teatrali, calcola la formuladiabbonamento più adatta alle tue esigenze, leggi le newssempreaggiornate su spettacoli e attori, accedi alle anticipazionivideo,condividi i contenuti sui tuoi social network preferiti eacquistadirettamente il tuo spettacolo o abbonamento.Custom-designed forloversof Comedies: a digital hub for information now, advancesandbenefits dedicated viewers loyal Theatre Martinitt Milan.Through easy navigation, fun and user friendly, you canbeupdated on theaters by vocation have chosen to promoteemergingtalent of Italian Comedy Theatre.Follow premiere theater seasons, calculates thesubscriptionpackage that best suits your needs, read the newsconstantlyupdated on events and actors, access to advances video,sharecontent on your favorite social networks and buy directly onyourshow or subscription.
Teatro Kopó
Applicazione del Teatro Kopó di Roma. Un"must"per gli appassionati di teatro. Sarai sempre informato suinostrieventi.Application ofTheatreKOPO of Rome. A "must" for theater lovers. You will alwaysbeinformed about our events.
Teatro della Pergola 1.3
Segui la programmazione della nuovastagionedel Teatro della Pergola di Firenze.Con l'app del Teatro della Pergola potrai:- consultare tutto il programma della stagione 2015-2016- salvare sulla tua agenda gli appuntamenti che nonvuoiperdere- acquistare i biglietti per gli spettacoli- vedere e condividere con i tuoi amici gli eventiinprogramma- ricevere gli aggiornamenti sugli spettacoli e sulleultimenotizieFollow the programmingofthe new season of the Teatro della Pergola in Florence.With the app of the Teatro della Pergola you can:- See the entire program of the season 2015-2016- Save on your calendar appointments that do not want to miss- Buy tickets for shows- See and share with your friends the events scheduled- Receive updates shows and latest news
Palacio de la Audiencia 1.2.1
Aplicación con la que podrá consultarelprograma de eventos que se van a realizar en el Palacio delaAudiencia de Soria durante toda la temporada, también sepodráacceder a la compra de entradas de losdistintosespectáculos.Application that canviewthe schedule of events to be performed at the Palace of thehearingof Soria throughout the season, you can also access ticketto thevarious shows.
Teatro Nacional de Costa Rica 1.0
Esta aplicación contiene toda lainformaciónrelevante al Teatro Nacional de Costa Rica, así comolaspresentaciones calendarizadas para los eventos.Entre su contenido está:- Información- Historia- Números de Contacto- Email- Precios- Eventos+ Música al Atardecer+ Teatro Al Medio Día+ Salón Principal- Fotos- Videos- UbicaciónSin más, si te gusta el teatro, descárgate esta aplicaciónydisfruta del arte.This applicationcontainsall the relevant information to the National Theater ofCosta Rica,as well as presentations for the events schedule event.Among its contents it is: - Information - History - Contact Numbers - E-mail - Prices - Events    + Music Sunset    + Theatre at noon    Home + Living - Photos - Videos - LocationNo more, if you like the theater, download this applicationandenjoy art.