Top 19 Apps Similar to Shopping list Pro

Прайс АВЕРОН 1.6.4
Приложение "Прайс АВЕРОН" позволяетиметьдоступ к каталогу продукции АВЕРОН даже находясь воффлайн,создавать заказы с помощью встроенной корзины и отправлятьихменеджерам для обработки. И всё это с ВашегонезаменимогоAndroid-устройства.Appendix "PriceAVERON"allows you to have access to a catalog of products AVERONevenwhile offline, create purchase orders with the built-in basketandsend them to managers for processing. And all this withyourirreplaceable Android-based device.
お買い物リスト 1.3.0
買物リストを作成して買ったものをチェックしていきます。 リストに画像をつけたり、簡易的な家計簿機能もありとても便利です。
Shopping List - ListOn 1.6.7
Your best friend at shopping!
Shopping list 4.0
Your shopping list on your mobile, keep the products that youneedthem, in a comfortable and easy. One of the mostcompleteapplications you can find on Google Play. -Specifications:* Createmultiple lists. * Send to a contact list. * Add alarm to alist(Reporting System). * Control the total list price. * Insertionofarticles by the microphone. * Ability to change text font.*Ability to text size. * Ability to sort lists and optionsproducts.* Ability to lock screen. * Various types of coins. *Multiplewallpapers included. * Prices of items. * Units ofmeasurementitems. * Ability item marking. * NEW * -Import andexport listsexternal memory. It is a very intuitive andcomfortable, nothingcomplicated. Users you can make greatrecommendations for improvingit, for they can comment theapplication to download. Languages​​:Spanish, English, French,German, Italian, Catalan, Galician,Russian, Japanese, Chinese
Shopping list - check list 3.11.14
Most simple and smart shopping list app.
Reminder Shopping Memo 1.0.4
This app is a simple shopping memo.You can make a list of shopping to easily and can use itasachecklist.You can use the handy reminder feature withasimpleoperation.If there is a commodity to be purchased frequently, youcanregisterthe commodity, and to manage the remaining numberofdays.There is no extra features. Simple is best.And of course in the case of shopping, such asday-to-daynote,please use.
Color Checklist
Simple, flexible and nice looking checklist for shoppingeveryonemust have.
買い物リスト×レシピ レシーピ!あるかうメモ 1.1.1
◆こんな買い物メモ欲しかった!ムダなく簡単に!●「家に何残ってた?」もう悩まなくても大丈夫。●「また同じもの買ってしまった!」もなくせるかも!●180万DL家計簿アプリ「レシーピ!」の姉妹アプリ※実際の主婦の声を元に機能開発をしております。 □こんな人にオススメ!□----------------------「冷蔵庫に何残ってたかな?思い出せない!」「この間、牛乳買ったっけ?」「また家に紙のメモを置いてきちゃった!」「メモをしたのに、見るのを忘れちゃう」 ⇒【こんな皆さんのお悩みを解決します】 ●レシーピ!あるかうメモの特長●----------------------①【家にあるもの見れてムダ買いなくせる!】---------------------- 買い物メモの内容をチェックしながらお買い物をすると、次の日にはそのまま家に「あるもの」にメモが移動します。 何日に何を買ったのか記録が残るので、買ったものを思い出しながら、次に買うものを決められそのままメモできます。----------------------②【あるものを活用したレシピで悩まず楽チンメモ】---------------------- 「あるもの」メモの中にある食品を利用して、「今日のご飯これでどう?」とレシピを提案します。 材料を見て、足りない食材があれば、そのまま「かうものメモ」の中に追加ができて便利!----------------------③【便利な予測変換機能や写真メモで簡単メモ!】---------------------- メモを入力するときに、「これじゃない?」と、よく買い物メモに付けそうなアイテムを予測して簡単入力ができるようにサポートします!テキストで入力が面倒なメモは写真でパシャリ!----------------------④【家計簿アプリ「レシーピ!」と連携でさらに便利】---------------------- 「何買ったっけ?」とすぐに忘れちゃうあなた! 女性に人気の家計簿アプリ「レシーピ!」も一緒に使いましょう! レシーピ!と連携すると、レシーピ!で記録したレシートの内容(買ったもの)が家にあるものの中に取り込め、「あるもの」メモで確認ができるようになります。 家計簿アプリ「レシーピ!」(無料)DLはこちら→ ----------------------⑤【メモ見る習慣で買い忘れをなくそう】---------------------- ”お買いものアラーム設定”毎週のお買い物に行く日時をしておくと、必ずメモを見て、買い忘れなく買い物ができるようになります。 よく行くスーパーの特売日も設定しておくと、あなたも買い物上手になれる!---------------------- ●上手に使うヒント●----------------------○写真メモを上手に使おう! ・「電池」「電球」「プリンタのインク」など、写真で撮っておくと品番などもメモしなくてOK! ・家を出る前に、「あるもの」メモに冷蔵庫の写真を入れておくと、外出先でも確認ができて便利。レシートの写真なんかも撮っておくといいね。○メモに色を付けて便利にお買いもの アイテム毎に色を付けられるよ!「すぐ買う!」「安かったら」などのルールを決めて使ってみてください。 デザインがシンプルなので、色でわかりやすく管理しちゃいましょう。○メモの並び換えで買い回りも楽チン 買い物前には、「カテゴリ順」に並び替えると、メモについている色毎に並び変わるよ! 食品(赤色)・日用品(緑色)は自動的に分類されて、並び変わります。◆◆◆◆◆あるかうメモを上手に使って◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ムダなく・簡単・楽チンなお買い物生活を!◆◆======================【 不具合の報告やお問い合わせについて 】不具合や不明点がある場合、レビュー欄に記載いただきますと、詳細がわからず対応できないことがあります。またご返信もできなくなってしまいます。お手数ですが、アプリ内、「キャラクター」>[設定]>[お問い合わせ]よりご連絡いただけますよう、お願いいたします。======================
Shopping List 1.3.3
Shopping list, with ability to sort products by departments ineachshop!
Shopping lists Trolley Lists 1.0.3
Fern Flower
A handy application in order that not toforgetanything in the store. Forget about paper lists that can belost andinconvenience to fill them.You need buy a hammer and tomatoes - please insert any productsinyour list without categories and restrictions.You have created a good list, it contains items you buyregularly,great, create on its basis other lists.If you change your mind to buy something from the list you wanttobe replaced by something else, please change the name andamountwithout going into edit mode.This item is not in the store - just mark it and it will beaddedwith zero cost.You want to know the cost per unit of goods in a big pack, usethecalculator in our application.If you love the yellow color - change the theme in settings,ormaybe you like palm trees?Shopping lists doing easier shopping trip and help to not spendmorethan you planned. We will be very happy if our applicationwill helpyou with this.(I'm apologize, for translation, I did it myself withgoogletranslator. If you notice mistake, please write tome,thanks.)
Shopping List - simple & smart 1.0.1
Shopping List - simple & smart - other than all on Android.Tryit and see - you'll like it . It is simple and useful. How touseit : 1. Write on a piece of paper list of products you need.2.When the list is complete, launch the application, press "+"(addnew list) and make a good photo of paper list. Save and putthename . 3. Go to the store / grocery, open the application,selectthe appropriate list and click on it. 4. Purchased productsmark afinger on the screen. When you want correct, use the eraser.If youdon't buy all the products from the list, you can useourapplication (with a single click) to send the list to thepersonwho can buy remaining products.   In our application,You cando and save any number of different shopping lists. Savedlists,you can always edit and improve. If you usually are buyingsimilarproducts, you can many times use the same list, clearing itbyusing the eraser. If you often make shopping lists, this appisdesigned exactly for you! With our shopping list, you willnotforget anything and you limit the number of purchasedproducts,only to those planned and necessary. No matter whether,you areplanning daily grocery shopping, buying gifts for theChristmas andeven online shopping - with this application you canmove anyshopping list to your smartphone and have it always withyou. Nowyou will not longer have to take on shopping paper listsandpencil, which are always somewhere lost. If you already usedothershopping lists on your smartphone, you know how long it takestointroduce all the products to this applications - in ourshoppinglist, everyone can do it by one touch on the screen (doinga photoof list) - quickly and efficiently :) We hope that ourapplicationwill improve you life and make Christmas shopping willbe betterand more enjoyable . Happy shopping ! If you have an ideafor thedevelopment of applications or new functionalities write tous [email protected] . If something in your application isnotworking properly , before we put the bad rating , please contactus- we fix it quickly. tag: shopping, grocery, pantry, to-do,tasklists.
簡単!買い物リスト 1.0.6
Little AP
簡単で使いやすさにこだわった「買い物リスト」です。商品名は音声入力もできるので冷蔵庫を開けながら必要なモノを登録する時に便利です!商品名を入力して、青い「メモボタン」を押せば数量や備考もメモできます。数量には個数の他にグラムやリットルなど標準的な単位が備わっているので、レシピを決めてから買い物に行く時など大変便利です。また、リストは2つ使うことができるのでスーパーとドラッグストアなど分けて使うことも可能です!〈その他の機能〉・端末のメニューボタンにてリスト名変更・削除ができます・チェックマークの入った商品を一括削除することができます*値段比較もできる無料アプリ「買い物比較メモ」と併せてご利用頂ければ、今まで以上に楽しく効率の良い買い物が出来ると思います!是非こちらもご利用下さい!!It is a "shoppinglist"was stuck to simple ease of use.I is useful when you need to register a trade name whileopeningthe refrigerator so you can also voice input!Note: You can also note the quantity and enter a productname,you can press the "Notes" button blue.Quantity is standard units such as grams or liters becausethenumber of other features, is very useful for example, when Igoshopping after deciding the recipe.It is also possible to use a separate, such as drug storesandsuper list so you can use two!Other• You can modify or delete the list name in the menu buttononthe terminal· You will be able to remove bulk products contain acheckmark* I think if you can use in conjunction with the "comparenotes"shopping free app that you can also compare prices, andefficientshopping can be fun than ever! Also available here for theworld!!
BuyNote 1.0.37
This is a very simple app to make a list of shopping!
Carrot - Shopping List 2.1.0
Simple and easy to use shopping list app.Forfree. No ads. Enjoy!Help us in making our app better; if you're a native speakerofone of the app's languages and you see something odd orincorrectthen please let us know!
ShoppingCalendar Free 1.3.6
Shopping CalendarThis is a calendar for organizing, managingyour shopping & your spending.Make a shopping list in the calendar.Choose the items from the existing shopping list ormake your own.Change and delete shopping items with a long touch.This calendar will remind you your shopping.※Pay version:No ads
買い物リスト 1.0.1
買い物リストを簡単に作れます。●サンプルデータがあります初回起動時にサンプルデータを登録することができるので、使い勝手を試すことが出来ます。●買い物リストの作り方カテゴリと商品を登録します。商品一覧から買い物する商品を選ぶだけで買い物リストが作れます。また、商品がたくさんある場合に一覧から選びやすいよう、カテゴリ検索や商品の読み仮名で検索することも出来ます。●定期購入機能定期購入機能とは、定期的に購入する商品の買い忘れを防止するために、買い忘れていないかどうか確認するメッセージをアプリ起動時に表示する機能です。定期購入機能を使いたい商品を、商品登録時に設定するか商品一覧や買い物リストから設定します。買い忘れていないかどうか確認するメッセージは過去5回分の買い物履歴から、購入間隔を計算して自動的に表示します。例えば、3月10日と3月15日に購入していた場合、購入間隔は5日になるため、次に購入する予定は3月20日と自動で計算し、次回購入予定の2日前の3月18日から次回購入予定を1週間超えた3月27日まで起動時に確認メッセージを表示します。You can createashoppinglist easily.● There is a sample dataIt is possible to register the sample data at the time ofthefirststart-up, you can try the usability.● How to make the shopping listRegister the category and product.Shopping list can make simply by selecting the items to buyfromtheproduct list.Also, make it easy to choose from the list if the goods havealot,you can also search by kana reading of the categorysearchandproducts.● subscription functionThe subscription feature is the ability to display inordertoprevent the buy forgotten items to buy on a regularbasis,amessage confirming whether or not forget to buytheappstartup.The goods you want to use the subscription feature to set orfromthecommodity list and shopping list is set at the timeofproductregistration.From buying forget the message to confirm whether or notthepastfive times of shopping history, and automaticallycalculatesanddisplays the purchase interval.For example, if you had to buy on March 10 and March 15, tobecomeapurchase interval is 5 days, will buy nextisautomaticallycalculated and March 20, of the previous two daysofthe purchaseplan next time from March 18 to March 27, whichwasmore than oneweek to buy next scheduled displays aconfirmationmessage atstartup.
RadioLine Price 1.8.32
Active price list RadioLine.In this program, you can familiarize yourself with our freshpricelist, see detailed information on the product, see thepictures andcreate an order.Warning! To enter the program must obtain the id and passwordfromyour manager.
Let It Shop - Shopping List
***New list creates by adding a product to last one. We areworkingonmaking this process more comfortable for you. Feel free towriteusany your ideas!***If you want to do successful shopping - just make alistandfollow it. So that you save your time and money.“Let it shop” might become your personal shoppingassistant.Itallows you to make a list easily because specialsuggestions andtocalculate a value of all your purchases. With thisshoppinglistyou can also control the value of products that arealready inyourshopping cart.Features:- Multiple lists(page style scrolling)- Just tap an item to cross it out (you don’t need toslideit)- Tap “Total” to see the value of crossed out items- Start to input the item, and you’ll see thelistofsuggestions- Tap "Next" after the inputted name, to input quantity- Edit the cost right from the list- Add personal quantity unitNext features:- Groups for products- Possibility of sharing your listskeywords:shopping list, buyproducts,grocerylist,shop,shoppy,shopi,out of milk, paper,listadellaspesa,listed'achats, ebay, amazon, liste de courses,listadecompras,zakupów,listonic,nákupníseznam,買い物リスト,boodschappenlijst,walmart,listadecompra,einkaufsliste shopy, myshopy,myshopi,grocery,checklist,OI, list