Top 2 Apps Similar to Vision Help

Smart plummet 1.992
The program is designed to measure theangleofnear to vertical object edges. The main feature of theprogramis anability to automatically capture and hold the edges ofthemeasuredobjects or lines for more accurate measurements.Note: It's possible to use the program without calibration,butweadvice you to make both calibrations for moreaccurateresults.Calibration procedure of g-sensor:1. Menu options -> "Sensor calibration".2. Place the device vertically on it's edge as shown in thehintonthe screen.3. Turn the device sequentially at each edge, waiting eachtimeforthe blue stripes on the edge of the screen to appear.4. Put the device horizontally face down, then flip itthescreenup.Setting the true vertical:1. Long touch screen with your finger until "Long touchagaintoset true vertical" label appears.2. Target the camera to a plumb (or any other trueverticaledge).Wait until this edge is "Stably" "Locked", andcarefully longtouchagain trying not to shake the device.Using the program:We tried to make program's interface as intuitive aspossible.Andwe hope that you'll have no difficulties using theprogram.
Freemotion light detector 2.1.18
Computer vision application designed toassistblind or visually impaired people. It is intended that thesepeoplecan detect changes in light or movements that occur intheenvironment around them by a beep or vibration emitted byyourmobile device. Depending on the level of detected change thebeeptone will vary and also the duration of the vibration.Description of motion detection utility:The blind shall lead the mobile camera in the directionthatinterests them control. If the motion produced is small beepandvibration will be severe cuts. As the area increases withmovementwill increase the sound pitch and duration of thevibration.The device is to be kept always pointed in the same directiontobe controlled. Small vibrations do not interfere withtheoperation.Instructions for use:The application is controlled by six buttons:- Enable vibrator activates motion detection alert via vibration.Ifthe detected change is large vibration will be long andviceversa.- Stop vibrator off notice by the vibrator.- Enable Sound: warning activated by sound. If the detectedchangeis great tone will be high and vice versa.- Stop Sound: Turns the warning by sound.- High sensitivity: small changes detected are reported.- Low sensitivity: small changes are not reported.Description light explorer utility:The user must send the device camera towards the area you wanttodetect changes in light.The application is controlled by the following switches:Vibrator: to enable or disable the vibrator.Sound: To enable or disable the beep.Voice: To enable or disable the synthesized voice ever reportsthepercentage change in value.High Sensitivity Switch: If this switch is on themarginalchanges also inform.Switch quick update: If this switch is on four measurementsshallbe made per second.Exposure lock switch: Activating this switch look exposure tothemoment you press and not return to self-adjust untilyoudeactivate.Measurement options:- Average light intensity: is the average intensityvalueconsidering the entire image captured by the camera. It is thebestoption for use the application as a light detector.- Maximum light intensity: Indicates the maximum intensitydetectedat some point in the image.- Central light intensity: indicates the intensity measured atthecenter of the image. For the measured intensity is accurateisadvisable to lock the exposure.At the bottom of the screen are three switches for selectingthevolume of beep.Permissions required:- Full access to network: used by Google Analytics to reportusagestatistics application.- Storage: stored internal algorithms settings.Important: The images captured by the camera are not storedonthe device or sent anywhere in the cloud. The images areusedsolely for internal detection algorithm and then removed.LEGAL NOTICE:The machine vision applications are not infallible becausethealgorithms used do not cover all possible situations of use.Theprogram is provided as is without warranty of any kind. Neverusethis application in situations that may endanger people orpropertydamage. The application developer is not responsible fortheaccuracy, reliability, effectiveness, or correct use oftheapplication, or any consequence of this.