Top 4 Apps Similar to Acesso

SMPED-CIL 2.4.2784
nWise AB
Aplicativo conectado à CentraldeInterpretaçãode Libras (CIL) da Prefeitura de São Pauloquepossibilita amediação na comunicação entre cidadãoscomdeficiência auditiva,surdos e surdocegos e quaisquerserviçospúblicos na capital pormeio de vídeo, texto ou áudio.Primeiro no Brasil, o app gratuito liga diretamente o usuárioaumintérprete de Língua Brasileira de Sinais – Libras, queoajudará nacomunicação com o atendimento emestabelecimentospúblicos, comopostos de saúde, serviços deassistência social, emchamadas deemergência e policiais,previdência social, defensoriapública emuito mais. A CIL égerenciada pela Secretaria Municipalda Pessoacom Deficiência eMobilidade Reduzida e funciona desegunda asexta-feira (excetoferiados), das 8h às 20h.O aplicativo pode ser usado ainda entre usuários de Libras,semanecessidade da mediação de um intérprete.Applicationconnectedtothe Central Pounds Interpretation (CIL) of the São PauloCityHallthat enables mediation in communication betweencitizensofhearing, deaf and deafblind and any public services inthecapitalthrough video, text or audio.First in Brazil, the free app directly connects the usertoaBrazilian Sign Language interpreter - Libras, which willhelpincommunicating with care in public facilities suchashealthcenters, social services, emergency calls and police,socialsecurity, public defender and more. CIL is managed bytheMunicipalPeople with Disabilities and Reduced Mobility and isopenMonday toFriday (except holidays) from 8 am to 20h.The application can be used even between Pounds users,withoutthemediation of an interpreter.
This “IGAD-ASIGN” application ismadeavailableto facilitate citizen contributions towards DisasterRiskReduction(DRR) and IGAD’s work in this domain. Photos providedbyvolunteersare used by IGAD to document local risksandsuccessfulrisk-reduction work. The photos can also be usedasfieldvalidation of IGAD, UNOSAT, RCMRD and otherpartners’satelliteimage analyses, thus contributing to accurateandefficient DRRsolutions. Images provided by citizens willhelpvulnerablecountries in the region to make better andfasterdecisions forDRR.Seconds after you send a geo-picture it will be available inamapat the receiver side. Selected images and data providedviathisapplication will be integrated into professionalon-linemappingportals and may be made available to the public. Thephotosareautomatically time-stamped and geo-referenced(geo-pictures).GPS ismost precise, but basically only worksoutdoors, hence theIGAD-ASIGNsolution also includes positioningvia cellular andWi-Fi networks.Please add text to describe thephotos. Your inputis being receivedat am IGAD server for reviewand possible actionto improve localDRR.Contributors by definition will allow use of the imagesanddatafor non-commercial purposes by IGAD related tomanagingDisasterRisk Reduction related activities.Photos are compressed significantly to save time,costandbandwidth, but higher resolution parts canbeautomaticallyrequested later if needed, in which casethephoto-provider isnotified with an SMS if the phone numberisproperly registered.Please note how this is done.As a user of this application you will also be able to logintothe IGAD-ASIGN server and view your own photos.IGAD-ASIGN has been developed by AnsuR, based on ASIGNfromtheEuropean Project GEO-PICTURES, and is beingoperatedincollaboration with UNITAR-UNOSAT. This application isasimplifiedversion of ASIGN. A professional tool fordisastermanagers, civilprotection officers and early responders isalsoavailable.
Rybená Tradutor Libras Voz
Grupo ICTS
Transforms written text into voice and translates texts for LBS.
VLibras 4.0.3
The VLibras is a Portuguese translation App to BSL (BrazilianSignLanguage)