Top 9 Apps Similar to Oral Health for Pregnant Woman

Pregnancy Workout Program 5.0.3
A prenatal workout schedule with exercises for beginnersduringpregnancy.
Prenatal Yoga Poses 1.7
Yoga for pregnant women: exercising during pregnancy to keepyourbody active.
Contractions Timer for Labor 3.2.0
Penguin Apps
Best contractions tracker for pregnant full term women in laborwithbaby.
My Pregnancy - Week by Week 3.1.76
Pregnancy, ovulation and fertility tracker, baby names,articles,tips, and +!
GentleBirth Pregnancy App 2.6.25
The Hypnobirthing Pregnancy App that every pregnant womanshoulddownload!
VITA: Pregnancy diet plan 5.0.1
No. 1 nutrition plan for pregnant and lactating women will makesurethat you and your baby get 100% vitamins and minerals everysingleday. Health Institute recommendations – choice of a caringmother!OUR VITA APP IS A NEW APPROACH TO NUTRITION FOR A PREGNANTORNURSING MOM. Have you ever thought about what trace minerals yougetfrom your daily diet? And which of the micro and macro elementsareharmful or vital for proper development of the fetus? Did youknowthat the body of a pregnant or lactating mother willre-directcalcium intended for her teeth and bones to development ofthefetus. The VITA app will offer you a nutrition plan that takesintoaccount all these features. THE VITA APP IS ATECHNOLOGICALSOLUTION FOR THE DAILY LIFE OF A PREGNANT OR NURSINGWOMAN. Tobegin with, our algorithm, based on recommendations ofmedicalprofessionals, knows all reference values of the necessarymicroand macro elements that your body requires, based on the datayouenter. Secondly, our algorithm contains all the necessarystandardproducts that you can use to cook all kinds of dishes, butmoreimportantly, and what sets us apart from various trackersandcounters, the nutrient composition is taken from thelargestdatabase of products with the widest spectrum of micro andmacroelements. That is why we draw up a nutrition plan for everyday,taking into account all the elements that affect the healthofyours and your baby's. And we can also track andmakerecommendations on 12 vital vitamins and 8 minerals, poly-andmonounsaturated fats, fiber, and other substances, consumptionofwhich must be limited, viz.: cholesterol, salt, sugar,andtransgenic fats. VITA IS AN ESSENTIAL ASSISTANT OF THEMODERNMOTHER. You get a perfectly balanced nutrition plan thatgives you100% vitamins and minerals for every day life. You canedit ournutrition plan and look at the statistics to understand howmuchyou deviate from a particular goal in respect of required microandmacro elements. We have also made sure that the proper productsarealways at hand and as fresh as possible, so when you createandedit the menu, you can view the list of products, composed foraweek, share it with your family, or mark the products thatarealready in the refrigerator and buy everything at once,withoutwasting any time or money. WHY IT IS WORTH TO USE THE VITAAPPEVERY DAY. You will learn how to eat right, you won’t buyextraproducts in the store, and the necessary products will alwaysbe athand. You will control the intake of all useful andharmfulsubstances in your body, and your child will receive allthenecessary elements through your blood or milk. You will notgainextra kilograms during pregnancy, gaining only those thatarereally necessary for you and the baby. And at the end ofpregnancyor during the breastfeeding period, you can easily changethe goalin the settings for weight loss and your nutrition planwill adaptto the new goal, taking into account all vitamins andminerals thatyour body requires. This is really a difficult taskindeed to stayhealthy and to generate long-term healthy habits.There may be manygoals, but your health is essential! ADVANTAGES OFTHE VITA APP -Uniqueness (no similar products are available) -Daily meal plansbased on your preferences - Vitamin and mineralbalanced NutritionPlans - 100% of vitamins and minerals for everyday life - Atracker of vitamins and minerals in statistics -Control of kcal,proteins, fats, carbs, useful and harmfulsubstances - Menuediting, quick product replacement - Tips on whatto eat and whenthe norm is exceeded - Convenient shopping list forthe week ahead- The option of goal changing - The largest base ofvitamins andminerals in products - Each product in the algorithmisdisintegrated into a maximum of nutrients - Generation ofhealthyhabits - Extended life expectancy
I'm Pregnant - Pregnancy Week By Week 4.0.4
Welcome! Pregnancy is a wondrous and miraculousexperience.Pregnancyis an exciting time, but with so muchpregnancyinformation availablein books, in magazines, and onwebsites, howcan you hope to cover itall before giving birth?We've made iteasy for you to get all thepregnancy info you need inone place.Each week of pregnancy bringssomething new—for you, foryour baby,and for your partner! Find outwhat is going on with yourbabyduring your pregnancy and whatchanges to expect in momduringpregnancy. Our application "I'mPregnant" will give youdetails onyour baby's development and whatis happening to momduring herpregnancy. FEATURES I'm Pregnant is acomprehensivepregnancy app.Pregnancy Tracker and Calendar. It letsyou trackweight gain,manage pregnancy symptoms, and record prenatalvitaminsandmedications. You can also track your moods,bloodpressure,physical activity, and more. There’s also a sectionforpersonalnotes. Your Week by Week Pregnancy Guide. The app hasahandypregnancy calendar that you can personalize to help youkeeptrackof what week of pregnancy you are in. Each weekofpregnancyincludes a description of your baby's development, aswellas anexplanation of the changes taking place in your body.You'llalsofind helpful tips that will help keep you and yourbabyhealthy.Pregnancy Information. You will find information aboutthethreetrimesters and other common topics. We hope thisinformationhelpsyou during your pregnancy. Tips for relievingpregnancysymptomslike nausea, fatigue, leg cramps, and cravings.Readarticles andadvice from industry experts. Pregnancy Forum.Askquestions, learnfrom the experiences of others, and share howyoufeel. OtherFeatures: ✔ Pregnancy Diary ✔ Pregnancy Trackerincalendar format✔ Bumpie Photo Diary ✔ Reminders ✔ ContractionTimer✔ Kick Tracker✔ Kegel Exercises ✔ Prenatal Music ✔ HospitalBagChecklist ✔Healthy eating for conception and pregnancy ✔Dailytracking ofmood, energy, appetite and other notes ✔ Baby nameswithgender,origin, and meaning ✔ Boy or Girl ✔ Pregnancy Exercises✔WeightChart
Losing Weight After Pregnancy 5.0.3
Losing weight after pregnancy: how to quickly lose baby weightathome.
Gestational Age Pro
Alpen Mobile
Six touches to see the result! Pregtool good times are back!