Top 50 Apps Similar to All Parsha

All Daf 2.0
Experience the Daf in new light. Learn the Daf daily. ExploretheDaf your way.
ArtScroll Digital Library 7.2.8
The ArtScroll Scottenstein Talmud, Smart Siddur, Kitzur ,Seforimand eBooks
Rambam Plus - Mishneh Torah 2.6.0
Rambam Plus - All Mishneh Torah in the palm of your hand for free!
Torah Codes 1.3 64bit
Searching the Tora for hidden messages.
OnYourWay Yesod 32.0
OnYourWay Yesod App, Tora Mishna Gmara Siddur
Igros Kodesh by Mafteiach 1.0.0
Igros Kodesh App: A revolutionary platform providing easysimpleandconvenient access to the Lubavitcher Rebbe'scorrespondenceandresponses, searchable by topic. The topicsincluded intheseletters include many realms of discussion, andnumerousdisciplinesof human pursuit. Its purview encompassingphilosophy(be itTalmudic, Halachic, Hasidic, mystical orother),scientificmatters, global events, counsel in privateissues,schooling, andsocial/communal proceedings.
Daily Jewish Prayers 2.3.1
The ONLY Transliterated, Translated and Hebrew Jewish Prayersapp!!!
Chayenu 5.3.2
A daily dose of Chitas, Rambam & over a dozen others,deliveredto your device
Zmanim 4.0.393
Jay Gindin
Location-aware zmanim (Jewish prayer times,Holidaystart/end).User-defined alerts for any zman, up to one hourinadvance!Includes: * 90+ different zmanim, including GR'A&MG'A-clickto select * Notification if unable to determinelocation& helpturning on sources * Manual selection of location&time zoneConfigurable Alarms prior to zmanim. Go toPreferences andchoosewhich Zmanim and how soon (zero to 60 minutesbefore). Choosethetone (if any) to play when a notification isdisplayed. GotoPreferences, and select 'Notification Sound'.Problemswithnotifications? See theFAQ: * ReceiveBootCompleted: Needed to start the alerts.* Vibrate: Allow alertstovibrate the phone. * Wake Lock:Necessary to be able to computethenext alarm. Log enhancements: orjustemail: [email protected]
Reasonable Faith 6.1.7
The official app of Reasonable Faith with William Lane Craig
Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary + 1.5
The ultimate Biblical Hebrew study companion! Every majortextbookand more!
Orthodox Prayers (free) 1.24
English Orthodox Prayer Book - text is the same as in"Jordanville"Prayer Book.
The Torah with audio 3.1.0
The complete Torah in English with audio
Psalter 3.2.4
The Psalter of 1912 with audio recordings, sheet music, nightmode,and more!
Mishnayot Kehati 1.8.9
Mishnayot Kehati and Bartenura
Steinsaltz Daily Study 2.1.0
Access and enhance your daily Torah-study experience withtheSteinsaltz app
Siddur Chabad – Classic 1.8.1
A smart English/Hebrew Siddur with halachic times
Tikun Korim - תיקון קוראים bemidbar.naso
Yam Ohana
Tikun Korim is an application for learning the Torah reading
ALL Hebrew Verbs - Dictionary 1.0.2
All Hebrew verb forms, universal vocabulary withpronunciations,learn simulator
Access 2,100 hours of instruction on the Bible and biblical topics
DAF Professional 7.3.1
DAF Professional helps people who stutter / stammer orhaveParkinson's Disease.
OU Torah 3.5.2
The OU Torah app provides instant access to the world of Torah.
Tehillim Online 1.1
Tehillim Online is the app to read tehillim and to shareareadingeasily. Tehillim Online, To read psalms of David inHebrewortransliterated. A joint Tehillim read for the Refuahofyourbeloved ones. Daily Tehillim, Tehilim 119,TikkunHaKlali...Tehilim online. Visit us at
SuryoyoTalk 1.3.0
The Surayt Language App
First15 2.1.11
Connect with God in just 15 minutes.
ArtScroll Smart Siddur סדור 7.3.2
ArtScroll Smart Siddur סדור - Ashkenaz and Sefard EditionsWeekdayZmanim Luach
Tehilim תהלים Tehillim Psalms 1.6
Take your Tehilim/Psalms with you at all times!
Siddur Chabad – Annotated 1.7.6
A smart Siddur with halachic times
Biblical Hebrew Readers 1.1
Illustrated stories in Biblical Hebrew with audio forreadingfluency.
Baha Smart App 1.1.8
Control your Baha sound processor directly from yourcompatible*smartphone.
Siddur Tehillat Hashem 3.1.11
Your daily "Tehillat Hashem" Siddur!* All the weekly prayers in your pocket.* Prayers are auto-adjusted to your date & time.* A "Davening Direction" screen.
TorahAnytime 3.1.14
Instant Access to Video and Audio Torah Classes.
Sématos 1.4
Video dictionary of International, French, Spanish and Catalansignlanguages.
Messianic Bible Jewish Bible 5.0
Messianic Bible provides you with the World Messianic Bible(WMB)and enables you to have access to the entire verses inofflinemode. WMB Bible is an English translation of the Bible andiswidely used within Messianic Judaism, a religious movementthatcombines Christianity with elements of Judaism andJewishtradition. Know the best version for those who believe thatJesusis the Jewish Messiah and that the Hebrew Bible, OldTestament, andNew Testament, are all the authoritative Scriptures.MessianicBible main features: • Free Bible • Audio Bible feature:Listen tothe verses • Super user-friendly interface • Add versestofavorites • Share verses on social networks or by email. •Spreadthe words of God with family and friends. • Remember the lastverseread • Customize the text size • Different personalizationoptions• Covers both Old Testament and New Testament • Works inofflinemode (Offline Bible) Messianic Bible delivers everything youshouldexpect from a Bible app. Download Messianic Bible for free,andlisten to the voice of God or read through the verses. TheWorldMessianic Bible contains 66 books, divided into Old andNewTestament. The Old Testament (Tanakh) follows the order ofthebooks of the Jewish Bible: Old Testament: Genesis,Exodus,Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel,2Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea,Joel,Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,Haggai,Zechariah, Malachi, Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs,Ruth,Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Ruth, Daniel, Ezra,Nehemiah, 1Chronicles, 2 Chronicles. New Testament: Matthew, Mark,Luke, John,Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians,Ephesians,Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, 1Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews,James, 1 Peter, 2Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation.
Jabrutouch 6.10.4
Study Mishná and Talmud in Spanish whenever you want, whereveryouwant and at your own pace.
Smart Siddur 7.5.279
Karri Apps
An automatic Siddur that gives you exactly what you need, onlywhenyou need it
Unshackled! 6.2.2
True stories of real people who have come to faith in Jesus Christ.
iTalk Hebrew 1.0.1
Do you want to speak Hebrew language with a beautifulnativeaccent?▶ Use "iTalk Hebrew" and native speakers will guideyoustep bystep. ▶ Listen, record yourself, compare and learn,havefun! ▶ It'seasy and quick – and at the end you will havethecourage go out andtalk to people – this is what we promiseyou!You will find in thisapp: ▶ the most useful day to day phrasessoYOU will be preparedfor conversations ▶ professionalvoices;excellent clarity ▶ quiztests ▶ innovative interface with“Fluid”technology Learning aforeign language is an incrediblyexperienceand a seriousconfidence booster. Use this app to achieveabeautiful accent andmore!
Bedtime Shema: Jewish Children 1.3.0
The Bedtime Shema app is a fun and interactive learning aidforJewish children.
A Puritan Catechism 1.7.cp
Puritan Soft
Published in 1855 by Charles Haddon Spurgeon FromSpurgeon'sintroduction: I am persuaded that the use of a goodCatechism inall our families will be a great safeguard against theincreasingerrors of the times,and therefore I have compiled thislittlemanual from the Westminster Assembly's and BaptistCatechisms, forthe use of my own church and congregation. Those whouse it intheir families or classes must labour to explain thesense; but thewords should be carefully learned by heart, for theywill beunderstood better as years pass. May the Lord bless my dearfriendsand their families evermore, is the prayer of their lovingPastor.C. H. Spurgeon Study to shew thyself approved unto God, aworkmanthat needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word oftruth.II Timothy 2:15
Hebrew Bible Reader
Hebrew Bible Reader, teaches pronunciation & meaning ofeveryword in the bible.
Mishnah Study 3.3.5
The Mishna Sdura & Mishnayot in Hebrew & EnglishwithBartenura
Tehilim 1.0.1
Псалмы царя Давида и Сегулот.  Рады представитьсамоепопулярноеприложение Теилим и Сегулот! Универсальноеприложениедля планшетов исмартфонов ,принесет Вам огромноедуховное иморальноенаслаждение.  Где бы Вы не находились, уВас всегдабудетвозможность прочесть Псалмы царя Давида а такжеСегулот навсе случаижизни. Программа не требует подключениекинтернету.  Для того,чтобы сделать чтение Псалмовболеедоступным и удобнымрусскоязычным евреям была созданаэтапрограмма странслитерацией Псалмов и переводом ее нарусскийязык, чтопоможет людям, не владеющим ивритом не толькопонятьсмысл Псалмов,но и произносить их на языке оригинала. Евреиповсему миручитают Псалмы царя Давида ежедневно, так, чтобызанеделю илимесяц прочесть всю книгу. И по этому внастройкахпрограммы естьвозможность разбивки чтения по Вашемужеланию. Чтоб не забытьсяВы можете выставить ежедневныенапоминание. Вы всегда смежитевидеть время наступления иокончания сближающегошаббата, для этого всписке городов выберитеВаш город либо Вашеустройство автоматическийопределит с помощьюGPS.  Напротяжении многолетней еврейскойистории книга Теилимсопровождалаеврея на протяжение всей егожизни. К ней онобращался вмоменты горя и радости, зная, что всегдасможет найти вдревнихсловах Псалмов поддержку, утешение и ответы наволнующиееговопросы. Мы понимаем, что в подобного рода программахне можетнебыть ошибок и мелкого технического брака. Обовсехзамеченныхнеточностях и опечатках просим сообщить нам,чтобыисправлениявошли в новые версии приложения. С вопросамиипожеланиями всегдаможете обратится по адресу [email protected]
RustyBrick Siddur - סידור 3.13.2
The Famous RustyBrick Siddur ComestoAndroid!Take your weekday siddur with you with this feature-packedJewishprayer book. You'll get Ashkenaz, Sefard, Sefardi MizrachiandNusach Ari (Chabad*) versions of davening, includingweekdayShacharis, Mincha, Maariv, standard Brachos and more. RealtimeZmanim will give you the prayer times for each day based onyourlocation determined with the device's GPS. A Minyanim databasewillhelp you find nearest shul. A Luach or Jewish Calendar will aidyouin your prayer services.Features:* Weekday prayer texts with easy and quick navigation* Nussach for Ashkenaz, Sfrard and Sefarad Mizrachi* Zmanim Calculator based on your location (with override)* Minyanim database, finds nearest shul to your location* Luach or Jewish Calendar* More brachos, Chanukah, and much more* Setting feature to store your preferred Nusach* Great for travel or on the go* Texts currently in Hebrew only* English Translations are Available as PAID upgrades* Internet Access Not Required* Mizrach Compass* Tefillin MirrorThe Siddur is one of the most popular Jewish apps here and itisRusty Brick's flagship product. We constantly update it,almostevery week. Make sure to follow us on Twitter @iSiddur andkeep upto date.* Chabad version has Shacharis, Mincha and Maariv for weekday.Doesnot have Mussaf, Hallel, and other tefillot outside of thenormalweekday prayers. An upgrade is available to have alltheseprayers.
Daily chumash 7.0.2
yossi cohen
Daily Chumash with rachi.
Jewish Bible in English Jewish bible in English free 15.0
Welcome to the app to read and listen to the Jewish Bible.
Mafteiach 1.0.0
Interactive Mafteiach - Learning the Rebbe's Sichos has neverbeeneasier