Top 8 Apps Similar to Keep the Streak Habit tracker

Habit Tracker: Goals & To-do's 1.3.3
Track common, repeatable tasks in an intuitive and flexible way.
HabitShare - Habit Tracker
Luke Bickston
A social habit tracker - track habits with friends forextraaccountability.
Habit Calendar: Habits Tracker 5.0
Habit streak tracker & activity log. Track AtomicHabits.Attendance Tracker.
Skills - Habit Tracker 1.0.8
App for acquiring a new skills and habits.
Streaks - Habit Tracker - Free 1.0.1
Doing a task repeatedly every day is thekeytoforming a new habit. Be it eating healthy, exercising,orreading abook.Streaks is a task tracker that will help you developandmaintainhabits. It does so by tracking your progress in theformof streaks,which represent the number of consecutive days youhavecompletedeach task. If you miss a day then your currentstreakwill reset tozero, but your best streak will be saved.Thecompletion state ofeach task will reset at midnight soyou'reready for the next day.Not all tasks are meant to be doneeveryday, you can use ourweekday scheduler to select which days oftheweek you want to doeach task.The free version allows you to track up to 4 habits.Upgradetotrack unlimited habits and lead a better, healthierlife!
HabBet - bet on success habits 1.4.0fr
Make good habits, set goals toachievebetterproductivity and self-improvement, track your progresswithHabBet.But it's not yet another habit builder! This appenablesadditionalmotivators - money bets and social promises - thetwomost powerfultriggers to help you keep to your goals.HabBet is based on 3 key principles: friendly UI, engagingUXanddeep motivation techniques - everything to make youjourneytosuccess and productivity less difficult and more fun.HabBet features:1. Convenient notifications (plan for a day,dailyresults,planned habit)2. Daily tasks planner3. Social sharing4. Recommended habits (a list of categories, each hasitsownrecommended habits)5. and ... CHALLENGING MOTIVATION!What do we mean by "challenging motivation"?They say that fear is one of the basic motivators.Thus,we'vedecided to help you keep to your aims with fear... fearoflosingmoney or social reputation. Don't panic yet! Justimagine:you havea goal which takes a great willpower to accomplishit, andthecloser you get to the target the higher is the desire togive up-sounds familiar, doesn't it? Well, with HabBet you canchooseoneof two motivation features to help you not to give up.1. Money BetNo one likes to lose their money. Why not use it asamotivationforce? Make a bet (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 100U.S.dollars) andif you fail completing a set goal, you risk to losethemoney. Incase the goal is successfully completed money stay atyourpersonalaccount within the application. Unfortunately, inthecurrent appversion we cannot refund the money back to yourbankaccount.However, we offer the opportunity to use this moneywithintheapplication.*By the way, try to bet more money than you are afraid toloseforan even stronger motivation.2. Pledge - a promise via social networksWhat can be scarier than losing your face in socialnetworksthesedays, when even your pets have accounts there? Right,it isquiteunpleasant. Therefore if you're brave enough or needastrongemotional trigger to help you complete your goal, useHabBettomake a promise via social networks. Choosing this optionyouagreefor publishing 3 posts via Facebook featuring your goalstate(atthe beginning, in the middle and when the goal iscompletedordeadline is reached). Regardless of your success orfail, theappwill post your results in your personal account.Thus,HabBetcreates the circumstances that just won't allow you togiveup.By the way, HabBet is not yet another habit tracker and wearenotanother developers. Our aim is to make somethingtrulyefficient,convenient and just cool. We are dead seriousaboutachievingperfection with HabBet, thus, we not just promisetoimprove the app,but also ask you to give as a hand in thisbyleaving you feedback,opinion, desires and requirements, whichweall use in the followingversions of the app.So, build good habits, raise your productivity,trackyourprogress, and achieve your goals with HabBet!
Habit reCode Change Life Coach 1.0.7
How many times have you tried totransformyourlife or achieve success and daily goals - but failed?Imagine how your life would be different if youhadsucceeded.Good habits are not easy to build. Habit trackersandgoodintentions are not enough.Habit reCode is unique, it’s the only daily lifecoachandaccountability partner habit strategy app.You can continue to rely on the willpower methodandreadanother book that you quickly forget about or you cantrythisfirmer, science based approach.THIS HABIT APP IS UNIQUE:Habit trackers are not effective as there are noconsequencesforfailure to follow through.Success is optional and humans chooseimmediategratification.Habit reCode overrides this easy option andleveragesanotherhuman bias to boost discipline.HOW & WHY:Not only do you get success coaching to keep youfocussed,andconsistent about the routine, but this app will compelyoutofollow through with those sessions by leveraging your humanbiasofloss aversion.If you don’t follow through with a coachingsession,youforfeit $2 immediately.If you recoil at the thought of forfeiting $2, an amountthatisrelatively tiny, then think of what an effective motivatoritwillbe, compelling you to follow through with the routine&createa habit.The fabulous part is that instead of paying $100's for acoachorcourse and not following through, you determine howmuch(ifanything) you are going to pay based on your commitment.THE BASICS:- Choose a success principle habit (see below)- You get 30 days of success coaching with practical tipstomaintaingoal focus.- Build on existing routines by selecting a morningroutineandevening routine check-in time.- Commit to the consistent 5 minute, twicedailycheck-ins(commitment contract)- Check-in at the committed times (as verified by ashortjournalentry) OR fail to check-in and forfeit $2immediately.SUCCESS PRINCIPLE HABITS:• Keystone - Habit coaching and tips to build dailyroutinesthatset the tone for the day.• The One thing – Build a Productivity habit, identifywhatmattersmost and implement strategies that make progressondailygoals• Zen Habits - Add mindfulness & gratitude intoyourdailyroutines for happiness & calmness.FEATURES:• Reminder Notifications – help you to check-in.• Effective Science Based behavior modification strategiesthatboostdiscipline.• A habit / success coach with practical advice tomaintaingoalfocus and make the habit stick.• SAFETY with PayPal (Only PayPal has access toyourpaymentinformation)• Quitters can cancel at any time (*TERMINATE button orfromwithinPayPal).Start small, just 5 minutes of your evening andmorningroutinecan impact your daily achievements &selfimprovement.Harness the power of habit and leveraging these timesandtakeaction on your daily goals to transform your life.IMPORTANT:1) If you try the app and it’s not for you, you canterminateviathe green “Terminate” button or from within yourPayPalaccount.MERELY DELETING THE APP WILL NOT VOIDYOURCOMMITMENTCONTRACT.2) Timezone does NOT update according to your location.Harness the power of habit, take daily action andachievegoalsuccess with forced improvement, daily lifecoachingandaccountability.In A NutshellIt’s a daily success coach / habit app that helpsyoumaintaingoal focus & boosts discipline by leveraging ahumanbias –loss aversion.It compels you to take daily action & create daily routines-amorning routine & evening routine - to impact yourdailygoals,achievements and success.*The owners of ‘Zen Habits’, ‘The Power of Habit’ and‘TheONEthing’ are not affiliated with this habit app. I believetheirworkcoupled with daily routines, life coaching, &thesciencebacked habit strategy of accountability caneffectivelycreate /make a daily habit stick so that you can achievegoalsuccess.
TimeUspent Track phone habit 1.0.6
Do you think you spend too much time on phone ? TimeUspentcananswer this.