Top 12 Apps Similar to 慈悲.生活咒 (LC044 中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台)

Haitao Master taught to read the mantra of compassion
海濤法師-阿彌陀佛聖號 1.0
般若波羅蜜多心經 (S2-014中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台 1.00
般若波羅蜜多心經觀自在菩薩。行深波若波羅蜜多時。照見五蘊皆空。度一切苦厄。舍利子。色不異空。空不異色。色即是空。空即是色。受想行識。亦復如是。舍利子。是諸法空相。不生不滅。不垢不淨。不增不減。是故空中無色。無受想行識。無眼耳鼻舌身意。無色身香味觸法。無眼界。乃至無意識界。無無明。亦無無明盡。乃至無老死。亦無老死盡。無苦集滅道。無智。亦無得。以無所得得故。菩提薩埵。依般若波羅蜜多故。心無罣礙。無罣礙故。遠離顛倒夢想。究竟涅盤。三世諸佛。依波若波羅蜜多故。得阿藐多羅三藐三菩提。故知般若波羅蜜多。是大神咒。是大明咒。是無上咒。是無等等咒。能除一切苦。真實不虛。故說波若波羅蜜多咒。即說咒曰。揭諦揭諦。波羅揭諦。波羅僧揭諦。菩提薩婆訶。Heart Sutra Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Row deep Namiwaka Paramita longtime.Assee five aggregates emptiness.Degree all Kue. Relic. Color does not vary empty.Emptynotheterochromatic.Sex is zero. Kongjishise. Want to know by row. Sameisthecase.Relic. Dharmas are empty. No birth and no death. Notscalewithouta net.Not to rise. Therefore in the air colorless. None wanted torowbyconsensus.No eye 耳鼻舌身意. Colorless body fragrance with the law.No horizons. And even unconscious sector.No ignorance. No ignorance do. Even without die of old age.Nordodie of old age.No 苦集滅道. No wisdom. No, too. With no income get it.The Bodhisattva. According to Prajna Paramita. With no 罣礙.No 罣礙 it. Away from the reverse dream. What Nirvana.III Buddhas. Therefore, according to Francesco Paramita.A Miao was doro San Miao San Bodhi. RefresherPrajnaParamita.Mantra is great. Big mantra. Supreme Mantra.Etc. is no curse. It can remove all suffering. True is true.It said Namiwaka Paramita curse. That is to say curse said.Jiedijiedi. Jie Di Polo. Polo monk exposing meaning. BodhiSAPOblame.
海濤法師智慧箴言 2.0
淨土手冊 (L040 中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台) 1.00
印光大師語錄◎ 瞋是心中火,能燒功德林。欲行菩薩道,忍辱護真心。◎ 鏡花水月,了無實相。不異當場演劇,生旦淨丑,君臣佐使迭更。而主人翁本來面目,毫無改變。◎ 佛號一舉,妄念全消。透體清涼,中懷悅豫。直同甘露灌頂,醍醐沃心。其為樂也,莫能喻焉。◎ 常人總不見自己有過,聖人總不見自己有德。不見有過,故其過山積。不見有德,故其德天高。◎ 他們既不能替我了生死.我豈可因他們誤我的大事。◎ 若有危險,念之即可逢凶化吉。無事時念之,則可消災增福。◎ 若問念佛法 攝心自有方 每念一聲佛 口作蓮華香 因我清淨心 所以有此香 華從口中出 朵朵向西方 一佛華一朵 有色復有光 念到一聲佛 色放青光念 念到二聲佛 黃色放黃光 念到三聲佛 赤色放赤光 念到四聲佛 白色放白光 如是輪轉想 念念不可忘 不必記其數 但想色香光 果能心不亂 決見大願王Yin Kuang Quotations◎ aversion hearts fire, can burn Gongdelin. For thebodhisattvapath, shame really care.◎ elusive, a non-reality. Does not differ from the spotdrama,students once the net ugly, monarch Diego more. The truecolors ofownership, there is no change.◎ chanted in one fell swoop, delusion totallydisappeared.Through the body cool, the Huai Yu Yue. Straight withnectarinitiations, Daigo fertile heart. It is fun too, monensinYuYan.◎ ordinary people had always seen myself, always seenthemselvesvirtuous saints. Have not seen before, so the plot overthemountains. But not virtuous, so the de-day high.◎ they neither life and death for me. I Shall becausetheymistake me for the event.◎ if dangerous, read it to good luck. No matter the time toread,you can ward off evil by Fu.If you ask the Buddha method ◎ own party photo HeartRead loud mouth of each Buddha lotus incenseSo pure heart because I have this incenseChina to the west from the mouth of a blossomingA Buddha China a bright colored complexRead to put glaucoma read loudly colored BuddhaRead to two sound Buddha put yellow yellowRead three times to put the red light red BuddhaRead to put white white tones BuddhaRotary think deeply about the case can not forgetDo not have to remember the number but want to colorincenselightIf the heart is not able to see the big mess never lettheking
念佛感應見聞記 (E053 中華印經協會.台灣生命電視) 1.00
念佛感應見聞記 原者:林看治 改編/繪圖:鍾健平
佛教因果故事2(L048 中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台) 1.00
 《百業經》顧名思義指的是至少有百則關於業力的經典,主要記載眾生現世事跡與過去生相關涉及的因緣業果。內容的起頭,一般是藉由佛世時眾生的一生遭遇,或出生富貴,或長相醜陋,或不如法,或得道證果,種種眾生相的差異,透過佛弟子請示釋迦牟尼佛,因而了知該眾生何以會有此業果的過去生因緣,鮮明傳達出「縱經百千劫,所作業不亡,因緣會遇時,果報還自受」的因緣果報法則。  本選集中所牽涉到的眾生,約可分為二類,第一類眾生雖生在佛世,卻無緣修學佛法,或已學佛但還未解脫者,前者以仍在地獄、惡鬼道受苦眾生為主,後者有國王、比丘、比丘尼、王妃等;第二類眾生則是已獲得解脫,或蒙佛陀授記,這類眾生僅限於人、天,含括國王、死刑犯、大臣、小孩、首陀羅人、天子圪各種身份。另外,亦有多篇涉及佛陀過去生中行菩薩道的事蹟。  當閱讀到第一類眾生的業跡時,不妨注意一下,他們生在佛世,又幸運地蒙世尊以他們為例,說明其前世業因,渡化眾生,為什麼他們無法修學佛法乃至解脫?最主要的原因是什麼?若已了知地獄、惡鬼道的眾生,在其惡業未消盡以前,是無暇修學佛法,如此可再尋求他們墮入惡道的緣由,以及何時可脫離惡道,何時可達解脫證果。經過這樣的探求之後,相信不用他人多說,也會明白何以要避免墮入惡道。  至於第二類眾生則是無論何種身份,遭逢何種順逆境,皆有機會遇佛聞法,修行得解脫,可想想為什麼他們有這樣的善或惡的因緣?最重要的因素是什麼?如此,必得留心他們過去生中,曾造下什麼樣的業緣,或發過何種善願,促使他們生逢佛世,不管出生富貴或貧賤,即使在惡業未完全消盡之下,仍能在世尊面前,或親聞佛法,或出家,乃至解脫生死。  透過對這些眾生過去因緣的了解,見賢思齊,見不賢內自省,可抉擇出適當的行為準則,尤其要避免造下墮入惡道的業因。佛世時的惡道眾生,無緣學佛,是我們最好的警惕。除了消極不再造惡業外,更需積極累積善業資糧,行持六度,這樣就算我們遭遇過去生所造下的惡因成熟時,也能以此積善修行功力平等心面對,隨緣消舊業,至少確保承受惡業的當下,不會再造新殃。那麼當未來佛出現世間時,我們就有把握以人身遇佛得度。"Hundred already"bydefinition means that you have at least a hundred classicaboutkarma, earthly beings major record deeds associated withpaststudents involved karma karma. Start of content, usually bytheBuddha when the world suffered a lifetime of living beings, orbornrich, or ugly, or not as good as law, or enlightenmentcertificatefruit, phase differences in the various beings,referrals throughthe disciples of the Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha, sothe The creatureswill know why this karma karma of past students,clearly convey the"vertical through 百千劫, the job does not die, whenkarma willencounter, but also self-retribution by" the law ofkarmaretribution.This anthology beings are involved, some can be divided intotwocategories, the first category, although born in the Buddhaworldbeings, but missed the Dharma, or Buddhist, but who has notbeenfreed, the former is still hell, evil Road mainly sufferingbeings,which has the King, monks, nuns, Princess etc; second classbeingsis already obtain relief granted or Mongolian Buddha mind,theseare limited to human beings, day, encompasses the king, deathrow,ministers, children , Sudras who emperor ge in variouscapacities.In addition, there are many articles related to paststudents BOCBodhisattva Buddha deeds.When reading the first class beings deeds, might note, theyareborn in the world of Buddha, the Buddha also lucky enough tomaskthem to illustrate their industry because of past life,crossing ofbeings, why they can not even escape Dharma ? What isthe mainreason? Ruoyi the hell knows, evil beings Road, disappearedin badkarma to do before it is too busy to practice Dharma, so theycanthen look for reasons to fall into evil ways, and when they canbeout of the evil way, when freed up Certificate results. Afterthisquest, I believe I need to say to others, will understand whyyouwant to avoid falling into evil ways.As for the identity of all beings is no matter what,theaftermath of which shun adversity, there are opportunities tohearYufo law practice to be free, to think about why they havesuchgood or evil karma? What is the most important factor is that?So,they must pay attention to students in the past have beenmadeunder what kind of karmic, or send over what good will,promptingthem to Buddha born into the world, whether rich or poorand lowlyborn, even in bad karma do not completely disappear under,still infront of the Buddha, the Dharma, or the pro-smelling, ormonks, andeven escape death.Through knowledge of these beings past karma, emulate, seeinsideintrospection is not virtuous, can choose an appropriatecode ofconduct, in particular, to avoid falling into evil waysbecause ofmanufacturing industry in the next. Buddha beings evilway when theworld, missed the Buddhist, is our best guard. Inaddition tocommitting evil industry is no longer passive, but alsoneed toactively accumulate good karma MERITS, hold the line sixtimes, soeven if we have suffered in the past under the evilcreatures borndue at maturity, but also in order to practice theskill ofequanimity charitable face, revel Consumers old industry,at leastmake sure that the current bear bad karma, and will notre-newcalamity. Then when the next Buddha appears the world, wehave tograsp in order to obtain personal Yufo degrees.
大悲懺-法鼓山 1.1.3
善良最快樂 (L070 中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台) 1.00
本書收錄意義深遠的寓言故事,用淺顯易懂的文字,搭配可愛精緻的插畫,增加小朋友閱讀時的趣味。這些故事雖然都很簡短,可是每一則故事都充滿智慧與哲理。閱讀這些寓言,可以啟迪智慧,教導兒童明辨是非善惡,養成勤奮、誠實、仁慈、見義勇為等等。同時,每篇故事後還附有寓言的解讀,小讀者可以更精確地掌握內容涵義,從而改變思維模式,讓小朋友的IQ不僅提高,EQ也跟著進步!This bookcontainsprofoundfable, with easy to understand language, with alovelydelicateillustrations add interest when children read.Thoughthese storiesare very short, but each story is full ofwisdom andphilosophy. Readthese fables, can inspire wisdom, teachchildrenright from wrong andunjust to develop hard-working,honest, kind,courageous and so on.At the same time, but also withafterallegorical interpretation ofeach story, young readers canmoreaccurately grasp the meaning ofthe content, thereby changingthemode of thinking, so that not onlyimprove children's IQ, EQalsofollow the progress!
念佛感應與現代因果 (L058中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台) 1.00
節錄---中華印經協會【念佛感應與現代因果】【殺生共業】有一晚我參加由慧音師父主法,在某肉品市場的火供超渡法會,遇到親戚X女士,感到意外的驚喜。法會結束,我問她:「這麼難得,也來參加法會!」X女士回答:「一年前,我們在親戚的喜宴遇見,你介紹我收看生命電視台,此後我常聽聞海濤法師講經說法,⋯⋯知道這裡有火供,我就來了,這是第二次來。」X女士是我兒時同伴,與我感情非常要好,她生性善良樸實,我倆婚後各分西東,出國之後少有聯絡,只知道她先生得了怪病,二十多年來沒法工作。我關心地問她,先生的身體狀況,並好奇地詢問先生從事何種職業,她說:「先生曾經在這個肉品市場上班,他以前每天負責把肉販訂購的豬,過磅之後,在豬的身上蓋章,然後趕到各別的豬圈去,等待宰殺。工作了一年多,就病了,他嚴重頭痛、喉疾、胃病,查不出病因,二十多年來每天吃藥。」我告訴她,這是殺生共業,要代替先生懺悔,念佛迴向冤親債主離苦得樂,先生的病一定會好轉。該肉品市場專賣活體豬,有執照的肉販才可來購買,不做零售,每晚十一點開始宰殺,凌晨或清晨肉販會來載去市場販賣。願以此文功德,迴向文中被宰殺的豬離苦得樂,早日成佛。迴向X先生業障消除,身體健康,闔家平安,福慧雙修。Excerpts --- ChinaandIndia by the association with the modern causal induction[Buddha]Total industry [killing]    One night I attended the primarymethodby HUEYIN master, in a meat market for the transgression ofthefire puja, relatives met Ms. X, surprise surprise.    France will end, I asked her: "! Sorare,but also to participate in the puja."    Ms. X replied: "A year ago, we metwithrelatives of the wedding, you introduced me to watchtelevisionlife, then I have often heard Haitao Master preached, ⋯⋯know thereis a fire for, I came, this is the first the secondcoming. "    Ms. X was my childhood companion, andI'mfeeling much better, she naturally good and simple, we weremarriedall points east and west, and then go abroad kept in touch,justknow that her husband had a strange disease, can not work morethantwo decades.    I care to ask her husband'sphysicalcondition, and curious to ask what profession sir, shesaid: "Mronce in the meat market to work, he had put in charge oforderingthe pig butcher every day, after weighing in pigs bodyseal, thenrushed to each other pen, waiting slaughtered working forover ayear, was sick, he severe headache, throat disease,stomachproblems, can not find the cause, take medicine every daytwentyyears . "    I told her it was killing a totalofindustry, to replace Mr. repentance, Buddha back tokarmiccreditors Shanyin, Mr. illness will be better. The live pigmeatmarket monopoly, a licensed butcher before to buy, do notdoretail, eleven every night beginning slaughter, butcher wouldcomeearly in the morning or early in the morning to go to themarketselling carrier.    This text is willing merit, back tothetext to be slaughtered pigs from suffering music, earlyBuddha.    Back to Mr. X eliminate karma,goodhealth, the whole family peace, wisdom and blessing alike.