Top 14 Apps Similar to 龍女成佛 (C021 中華印經協會.台灣生命電視)

無量義經(慈濟精神) 1.0
人生為什麼有煩惱呢?人生為什麼會有錯誤呢?就是因為欠缺「靜寂清澄」的心。心志動搖不定,就像是一湖濁水,如果再丟石頭下去,擾動了濁水,就會「一念差,萬念錯」了。但是發心容易,恆心難。凡夫心反反覆覆,「發心」很快,「變心」也很快—開始時很感動,生起一念喜捨心,過沒多久就後悔,覺得自己太衝動,愈想愈「捨不得」。所以,發願立志要有「真喜捨」的心,不論遇到何種境界,都要經得起考驗,這個志願要能經歷「億百千劫」也不動搖。「靜寂清澄、志玄虛漠」是「意念」的境界;「守之不動,億百千劫」代表「毅力」。只要做到這十六個字,成佛就不難!Life Why worry aboutit?Why does there have been mistakes in life? Is because of thelackof "silence the clear" heart. Aspirations wavering, like alaketurbidity, if we throw a stone down, Disturbed Cho, will "abadidea, Wan mispronounced" it.But the heart is easy, perseverance difficult. Bonoheartvacillating, "the heart" soon, "change of heart" soon - thestartwas moved, born from an idea Xishe heart, too soon to regret,thathe was too impulsive, Yuxiang Yu "bear." So vow aspire tohave"real Xishe" heart, No matter what kind of realm, we must standupto the volunteer to be able to experience "Yi Bai Qianjie"alsomoved."Silence the clear, Chi mystical desert" is "ideas" of therealm;"Code of not moving, one hundred million Baiqian Jie" standsfor"perseverance." Just do it in the following words, Buddha isnotdifficult!
Buddha Music 2.3.0
《Buddha Music》is a professional andconcisebuddha music application, this usually manifests by youfeelingmuch more relaxed and happier during this buddha music, manypeopleare using!
十五條佛規(佛規諭錄)_朗讀版 1.2
閱讀說明1、本程式並無任何廣告,讓您可以靜心閱讀,祝您法喜充滿。2、更多資訊與版本,歡迎至「智慧寶庫」 網站善書區下載。(PDF繁簡、EPUB繁簡、APK等)3、【本書乃網友分享重編製作如有侵犯,敬請來信告知改善,感謝慈悲造福人群】4、「紅紫邊框」程式具記憶位置功能,「紅綠邊框」者具朗讀、彩字或重點整理或影音連網功能。(本書所造功德迴向原作及十方大德,功德無量)前言天的恩,是無處不在的。仙佛的慈悲,是真實可感,永難報答的。感謝皇天慈悲,感謝仙佛慈憫,為了怕我們這些末後的眾生,根小福薄,難修回天,所以數次臨壇,一再地將這十五條佛規的真義,一一詳述。漢鍾離大仙說,不要小看這十五條佛規,它是非常好的天梯,照著去行,成佛有餘。希望每一位有心修辦的前賢們,都能夠因此而深明十五條佛規的真義,並永遠感念天恩,永遠報答天恩。十五條佛規十五條佛規(一)尊敬仙佛(二)遵前提後(三)齋莊中正(四)循規蹈矩(五)責任負起(六)重聖輕凡(七)謙恭和藹(八)勿棄聖訓(九)莫著形相(十)手續必清(十一)出告反面(十二)不亂系統(十三)愛惜公物(十四)活潑應事(十五)謹言慎行口訣:仙後正矩起,重恭聖相必反統,公事行口訣解說:學仙後應正規矩起始,重要是恭敬聖相,必然反自己傳統作為,學仙佛公正無私之事行。
稱念藥師七佛名號功德(E039中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台) 1.00
真佛天空新聞台3 1.0
這裡有蓮生活佛最新的貼身新聞喔!!即時更新真佛宗蓮生活佛最新的新聞、【一頁心發現】、【談談心概念】……等專題文章。Living BuddhaLianlatestpersonal news Oh!Instant updates by Grand Living Buddha Lian latest news,aheartFindings talk about the heart concept] ......FeatureArticles.
地藏經 2.0
佛教因果故事2(L048 中華印經協會.台灣生命電視台) 1.00
 《百業經》顧名思義指的是至少有百則關於業力的經典,主要記載眾生現世事跡與過去生相關涉及的因緣業果。內容的起頭,一般是藉由佛世時眾生的一生遭遇,或出生富貴,或長相醜陋,或不如法,或得道證果,種種眾生相的差異,透過佛弟子請示釋迦牟尼佛,因而了知該眾生何以會有此業果的過去生因緣,鮮明傳達出「縱經百千劫,所作業不亡,因緣會遇時,果報還自受」的因緣果報法則。  本選集中所牽涉到的眾生,約可分為二類,第一類眾生雖生在佛世,卻無緣修學佛法,或已學佛但還未解脫者,前者以仍在地獄、惡鬼道受苦眾生為主,後者有國王、比丘、比丘尼、王妃等;第二類眾生則是已獲得解脫,或蒙佛陀授記,這類眾生僅限於人、天,含括國王、死刑犯、大臣、小孩、首陀羅人、天子圪各種身份。另外,亦有多篇涉及佛陀過去生中行菩薩道的事蹟。  當閱讀到第一類眾生的業跡時,不妨注意一下,他們生在佛世,又幸運地蒙世尊以他們為例,說明其前世業因,渡化眾生,為什麼他們無法修學佛法乃至解脫?最主要的原因是什麼?若已了知地獄、惡鬼道的眾生,在其惡業未消盡以前,是無暇修學佛法,如此可再尋求他們墮入惡道的緣由,以及何時可脫離惡道,何時可達解脫證果。經過這樣的探求之後,相信不用他人多說,也會明白何以要避免墮入惡道。  至於第二類眾生則是無論何種身份,遭逢何種順逆境,皆有機會遇佛聞法,修行得解脫,可想想為什麼他們有這樣的善或惡的因緣?最重要的因素是什麼?如此,必得留心他們過去生中,曾造下什麼樣的業緣,或發過何種善願,促使他們生逢佛世,不管出生富貴或貧賤,即使在惡業未完全消盡之下,仍能在世尊面前,或親聞佛法,或出家,乃至解脫生死。  透過對這些眾生過去因緣的了解,見賢思齊,見不賢內自省,可抉擇出適當的行為準則,尤其要避免造下墮入惡道的業因。佛世時的惡道眾生,無緣學佛,是我們最好的警惕。除了消極不再造惡業外,更需積極累積善業資糧,行持六度,這樣就算我們遭遇過去生所造下的惡因成熟時,也能以此積善修行功力平等心面對,隨緣消舊業,至少確保承受惡業的當下,不會再造新殃。那麼當未來佛出現世間時,我們就有把握以人身遇佛得度。"Hundred already"bydefinition means that you have at least a hundred classicaboutkarma, earthly beings major record deeds associated withpaststudents involved karma karma. Start of content, usually bytheBuddha when the world suffered a lifetime of living beings, orbornrich, or ugly, or not as good as law, or enlightenmentcertificatefruit, phase differences in the various beings,referrals throughthe disciples of the Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha, sothe The creatureswill know why this karma karma of past students,clearly convey the"vertical through 百千劫, the job does not die, whenkarma willencounter, but also self-retribution by" the law ofkarmaretribution.This anthology beings are involved, some can be divided intotwocategories, the first category, although born in the Buddhaworldbeings, but missed the Dharma, or Buddhist, but who has notbeenfreed, the former is still hell, evil Road mainly sufferingbeings,which has the King, monks, nuns, Princess etc; second classbeingsis already obtain relief granted or Mongolian Buddha mind,theseare limited to human beings, day, encompasses the king, deathrow,ministers, children , Sudras who emperor ge in variouscapacities.In addition, there are many articles related to paststudents BOCBodhisattva Buddha deeds.When reading the first class beings deeds, might note, theyareborn in the world of Buddha, the Buddha also lucky enough tomaskthem to illustrate their industry because of past life,crossing ofbeings, why they can not even escape Dharma ? What isthe mainreason? Ruoyi the hell knows, evil beings Road, disappearedin badkarma to do before it is too busy to practice Dharma, so theycanthen look for reasons to fall into evil ways, and when they canbeout of the evil way, when freed up Certificate results. Afterthisquest, I believe I need to say to others, will understand whyyouwant to avoid falling into evil ways.As for the identity of all beings is no matter what,theaftermath of which shun adversity, there are opportunities tohearYufo law practice to be free, to think about why they havesuchgood or evil karma? What is the most important factor is that?So,they must pay attention to students in the past have beenmadeunder what kind of karmic, or send over what good will,promptingthem to Buddha born into the world, whether rich or poorand lowlyborn, even in bad karma do not completely disappear under,still infront of the Buddha, the Dharma, or the pro-smelling, ormonks, andeven escape death.Through knowledge of these beings past karma, emulate, seeinsideintrospection is not virtuous, can choose an appropriatecode ofconduct, in particular, to avoid falling into evil waysbecause ofmanufacturing industry in the next. Buddha beings evilway when theworld, missed the Buddhist, is our best guard. Inaddition tocommitting evil industry is no longer passive, but alsoneed toactively accumulate good karma MERITS, hold the line sixtimes, soeven if we have suffered in the past under the evilcreatures borndue at maturity, but also in order to practice theskill ofequanimity charitable face, revel Consumers old industry,at leastmake sure that the current bear bad karma, and will notre-newcalamity. Then when the next Buddha appears the world, wehave tograsp in order to obtain personal Yufo degrees.
了凡四訓(淨空法師) 0.1
本書已另有發行繁體、簡體之圖書版本,歡迎至下列網址免費下載~~繁體版簡體版摘錄部份資訊,更多的資訊與版本(如簡體),歡迎至「智慧寶庫」www. 網站下載~~這本書雖然不是佛經,但是要把它當作佛經一樣尊重。民國初年,淨宗印光大師,一生中對這本書極力提倡。他的弘化社,印送這本書約在百萬冊以上。由此可知,印祖對這部書的重視。不僅如此,而且還不斷提倡,教我們研究、實行、講說。〔諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,自淨其意,是諸佛教〕。這是諸佛的法印。佛法是講原則,是講道理的。所以,佛經有五種人說,除佛之外,其餘弟子、天、仙、化人所說的,只要和佛說的宗旨一樣,不違背佛的原則,佛都承認它是佛經。我們看看這本書的內容,都是講〔諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,自淨其意〕。等於佛經。佛是講理的,並不是只有佛自己說的,才稱為佛經。這就是佛教值得人尊敬,值得人讚歎的地方。因此凡是符合佛陀教育的原理、原則,我們都應該看成經典。尤其是這本書,經過祖師的證明,一再提倡,它是我們學佛的根基。不但是學佛的基礎,也是一般人在社會上安身立命的根本。創造命運是有一套學問,它是有理論、有方法的。這些理論方法就在這本書中。本書的分量雖然不多,但對於這方面確實掌握住綱領。所以我們想要改造命運,創造命運。乃至學佛真正有所成就,都要依本書的道理方法為基礎。可見本書對於我們學佛修行是何等的重要。〔了凡四訓〕是這本書的名字。〔了凡〕是寫這本書的人。〔了凡〕兩個字的〔凡〕字,有兩種說法。第一、是講到人。如果不是佛菩薩羅漢這些聖人,就是一個平常的〔凡人〕。〔了〕是明白、也是完結的意思。〔了凡〕就是明白做個平凡人是不夠的,應該要做最上等的人。就是說凡是平常人所動那些不好的念頭,要漸漸消除。所以稱作〔了凡〕。第二、就是指作者袁了凡先生。他是明朝人,出生在江蘇省蘇州府的吳江縣。他是進士出身,做過寶坻縣知縣。他喜歡做善事,並且是信仰佛教的。因為他是一個大善人,所以大家都尊重他,稱他了凡先生。〔四訓〕是四種教訓,就是本書所說的四篇文章:第一是立命之學,第二是改過之法,第三是積善之方,第四是謙德之效。這是了凡先生把他讀書所得到的心得,以及他一生奉行〔太上感應篇〕的經驗,寫了這本書來教導他的兒子。所以此書是他的家訓。The book has beenanotherissue book version Traditional, Simplified of welcome tothefollowing website for free download ~ ~Traditional Chinese E5% 9B% 9B% E8% A8% 93% E8% AC% 9B% E8% A8% 98_% E6% B7% A8%E7%A9% BA% E6% B3% 95% E5% B8% AB % E8% AC% 9B% E8% BF% B0? id=oWBcBAAAQBAJSimplified E5% 9B% 9B% E8% AE% AD% E8% AE% B2% E8% AE% B0_% E5% 87% 80%E7%A9% BA% E6% B3% 95% E5% B8% 88 % E8% AE% B2% E8% BF% B0? id=nl9cBAAAQBAJExcerpt part information, more information and version(egSimplified), welcome to the "treasure trove of wisdom" website to download ~ ~Although this book is not a Buddhist, but take it thesamerespect as a Buddhist. Early Republic, Jingzong Yin Kuang,stronglyadvocated this book a lifetime. His Honghua Club, Indiasent thisbook about one million or more. From this, 印祖 importanceof thisbook. Not only that, but also continue to advocate, teach ustoresearch, implement, and speaking. [Mo for all evil, pursue the public good, to purify their mindarevarious Buddhist]. This is the Buddhas of the French andIndian.Dharma is about principle, is listen to reason. So, thereare fiveBuddhist scriptures say, in addition to the Buddha, andtheremaining disciples, day, fairy, of people have said, as longasthe purposes and Buddha as not contrary to the principles oftheBuddha, Buddha Park recognize that it is Buddhist. We take a look at the contents of this book are evil and speak[Mofor, pursue the public good, to purify their mind]. Equal totheBuddhist scriptures. Buddhism is unreasonable, not only theBuddhahimself said, was known as sutras. This is the Buddhistworthy ofrespect, a place worthy of praise. So all in line withtheprinciples of the Buddha educational principle, we should beseenas a classic. Especially in this book, the founder ofprovenrepeatedly advocated, it is our Buddhist foundation.Foundation notonly Buddhist, but also ordinary people in thecommunity want tosettle down at all. Destiny is set to create knowledge, it is the theory, therearemethods. These theoretical methods in this book. The book'sweight,while small, but has really grasped program. So we wanttotransform the fate and create destiny. And even Buddhist trulybesuccessful, the truth must be in accordance with the methodbasedon the book. The book shows a Buddhist practice for ushowimportant it is. [The training] is where four of this book's name. [A] Where istheperson to write this book. Where [the] word of [where] theword,there are two versions. First, people talked about. If notBuddhaLohan these saints, is a common [mortal]. [A] is understoodto meanthe end also. Where [a] is understood to be ordinary peopleis notenough, you should do the finest people. That ordinary peoplewhomove those bad thoughts, to gradually eliminate. So who called[a].Second, the author refers to Mr. Yuan Lefan. He is theMingDynasty, was born in Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province,Suzhougovernment. He is the Scholars origin, did Baodi Countymagistrate.He likes to do good, and is a Buddhist. Because he is agreatkindness, so we all respect him, calling him Mr. Van. [Four] are four kinds of training lessons that the book saidfourarticles: the first is the destiny of the study, and the secondisto turn over the law, and the third is the charitable side, andthefourth is Kentoku effect. This is the President who obtainedhisreading experience, as well as his life pursuing theinductionpapers [too] experience, wrote this book to teach his son.So thisbook is his family motto.
燃燈 1.0