Top 50 Apps Similar to BarGen

Barcode Creator 5.3.1
Meteor Rain
QR/Barcode creator and reader - Barcode Formats: Code128,Code39,EAN-8, EAN-13
Barcode Architect 1.40
Simon Boylen
Barcode Architect the simple, easy to use, barcode creator.
Barcode counter - Free inventory barcode scanner 3.0.0
Main application purpose is to allow user to scan andcountlargenumber of barcodes. All this can be done onlywithsmartphonecamera. Why Barcode Counter then? 1. There are twotypesofscanners in this application. First scanner is displayedonthescreen at all times. Biggest advantage of this scanner isspeed,asyou do not need to waste your time enabling thecamera.Secondscanner is opened when you click on it, and it willprolongbatterylife. Or it can be used, when there is no need tohurry. 2.Thisbarcode scanner is free and there are no ads in theapp. 3.Foreach barcode you can create matching productrecordindicatingname, price and any other data, including productimage.Each timeyou will scan this barcode, save data will bedisplayed.4. You canimport products from your sales system or anyotherinventorysystem. 5. Default count of the products afterscanning is1. Youcan continue scanning to add count by 1 each timeyou scan,or youcan swipe right or left to accordingly increaseordecreasequantity. 6. Handy search option for scanned barcodes.7.Sharescanned barcodes list in .CSV file. 8. Create andeditunlimitednumber of scans. And this just a small part of allothercoolfeatures in the app. Just try it! If you have anyissues,commentsor suggestions, please, let me [email protected]
QR Code Generator Pro
QR Code Maker Pro: QR Code Creator & QR Code Maker &BarcodeGenerator
Volume Booster: Sound Booster 2.4.8
Max Bass Booster Equalizer for Android Music Player, ExtraHeadphoneAmplifier
Barcode Generator 3.3.1
Free (No ads, no special permissions) QR Code / Barcode Generator
Inventory & barcode scanner 7.35
Inventory & Barcode scanner & collections & WIFIbarcodescanner
Barcode Scanner+ Simple
Barcode Scanner+ Simple, from Sean OwenofZXing Team, uses the camera on your device to read barcodes ofallkinds. After scanning barcodes you find on products, forexample,you can discover prices and reviews for it. Or, whenscanning newertwo-dimensional barcodes, like QR Codes, you canaccess contactinformation, bookmarks, web site links and moreinside.As of 2015, 100% of revenue (after Google Play fees) goestobenefit an environmental cause like the World Wildlife Fund ortheRainforest Alliance. $6,920 has been donated sinceJanuary2015.This version removes or disables most functionality thatrequirespecial permissions, including: send history, send barcode,scanfrom file, configure wi-fi, and vibration.Please search for Barcode Scanner+ for the original versionwithcomplete functionality.(aka Barcode Scanner Plus Simple)
QR Code Generator - T2QR 5.5.0
Create colorful QR codes freely
Barcode Scanner 5.0.11 (181)
Integrate barcode scanning into your apps…
Mobile Inventory 4.6.5 - Breithorn - pr
*Recommended for Small and Medium-sized businesses Somefreefeatures available: - Stock management - Take stock - Takestockfrom Stock management - Locations management - Import in batchoradd items one by one - Barcode / QR code scanner & Searchtoquickly identify items - Filter items by category / counted /tags/ custom fields / locations - Built-in calculator - Userdefinedtags - Operations history - Custom fields - Change productslistdisplay - Switch Barcodes / QR codes between inventoriesPremiumfeatures: - Export data to .xls / .xlsx file - NFC support-External barcode scanner support - Backup & Restore dataMobileInventory is an easy to use application that helps you tomanageyour inventory and do from time to time "take stock"operations.Why Mobile Inventory? Because it's simple, intuitive anddoes itsjob! STOCK MANAGEMENT: 1) Populate your products list It'syourdecision how to do it: add products one by one, import fromanexcel / csv list or get the products from another inventory.2)Manage stock entries Beside products, inventory managementneedsentries to be added. In a very quick manner you can addinputs,outputs and movements between locations 3) Manage inventorybylocations Your inventory could have one or more locationstomanage. That why Mobile Inventory allows you to definelocations,manage transactions and extract reports by location. 4)Get realtime stocks and navigate easily through transactions Realtimeentries mean real time stocks ... Analyze the entries byusingfriendly tools: filters, sort, quick search, etc. 5)Exportinventory - stocks and entries Transfer your work to an excelfile(locally, on drive, shared via email, etc.) TAKE STOCK 1)Getproducts from Predefined lists / Stock management or Addproductsmanually Populate products list by choosing from thealternatives:importing from a predefined Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .csv)product list,taking over from Stock management at a certain date,addingproducts manually one by one. 2) Count items Addcollectedquantities by using: barcode scan, quick search, categoryfilter,calculator, tags, counting history, batching factor. 3)Exportcounting results (excel file) Capitalize your work andexportinventory list in a .xls /.xlsx format file. The exportedlist isespecially designed for following matching processes and canbesaved locally, on drive, shared via email, etc. Fordetailedinformation visit http://mobileinventory.netand . If you have additionalquestionsabout the application, improvement suggestions or feedbackpleasecontact our support team at [email protected]
Barcode To Text - Scanner 1.2.2
Scan the barcode and manage them as lists. you can save listsastext file.
Barcode & POS #1 1.9
●You can report daily, weekly, monthly,yearlyprofit, cost, turnover and tax amount.●You can use this application regardless to the inches of yourphoneor tablet.●You can report the profit, cost and tax amount which wereobtainedfrom a product, a category or a sale.●There is no need for internet to run this application. Your dataisstored on the device.●This application can be used together with Bluetooth or USBbarcodereader on the tablets.●You do not need to install the USB barcode reader, when youplugthe USB it will work immediately. In addition, the barcodereadercan be connected to the tablet via OTG.●You can report the most profitable products.●3 different prices can be determined for the product and youcanswitch quickly between the prices during the sale. The pricesofall products which are for sale can be switched to second orthirdprice by a single tap.●You can report the best-selling and least-selling products.●Almost for all functions of the application you canspecifyexternal keyboard shortcuts. For instance; for save: Ctrl+Sor F2can be specified.●You can open more than one sales displays at the same time.Withoutwaiting for the completion of a customer’s purchase, a newsalesdisplay can be opened for a newcomer customer who is in ahurry andthen later you can continue the process of the previouscustomerwhere you stopped.●To read the barcode of the products you may use either thedevicecamera or the external barcode reader.●You can customize all lists. You can change font size, fontcolor,row height and background of the lists. Besides, you canalsochange column width or you can hide columns.●You can sale the products without barcode by clicking on them.Youcan speed up the process of choosing during the sale byseparatingthe products without barcode into categories.●QR code EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E and many other barcodetypesare supported.●You can make search according to the field you specified andfilterthe records.You can change the sort order by tapping thecolumnheaders.●You can display photo, name and price of the product largely onthescreen by the help of "show price" section as the barcode oftheproduct is read by device camera or by an external barcodereader orchose the product from the list.●You can use the application by connecting USB external keyboardormouse to tablets.●When you tap on sales total on sales screen, the sales totalwillappear on the screen largely. The change can be also seen incasethe amount of received money is written on the openedscreen.●When you wish, you can delete all sales by a single tab. Asaresult of this action, only the sales are deleted, recordsorproduct are not deleted.●You can classify the products in five different groups(Category,supplier, brand, department, rack). You can customize thelabels ofthe classification. For instance, you can rename Brand asColor.All the Brands in the application will be changed asColor.●You can duplicate saved products by copying them, by this wayyoucan save similar products rapidly.●You can set decimal places for sale price, purchase price,saleamount, discount rate and tax rate separately. You cancustomizedecimal symbol, digit grouping symbol and digit groupingsizesettings. According to the settings you have done the numbersareformatted as they are input and displayed.●You can specify discount rate for the whole sale.●You can specify automatic discount rate to products. Thespecifieddiscount rate will be applied during the sale.●You can add photos to products. You can add photos to productsbytaking photos with the device camera or chose from galleryaswell.●You can also save returned products.●You can export product lists, sale lists and reports to excel,csvand txt formats.●If you want to translate to your own language we can mailtheenglish language file.
QR & Barcode Scanner - (Pro) 1.0.0
KW 2019
QR & Barcode Reader - 2022 is a modern QR code scannerandbarcode reader
Inventory & Barcode scanner 7.35
Inventory & Barcode scanner & collection & WIFIbarcodescanner
Barcode Scanner & Generator 3.0.9
App Doodle
FREE from Ads & In-App-Purchases, FAST, & BEAUTIFULbarcodereader & generator.
BarMaker - Creating/Scanning Q 10.0.2
Can create QR / Barcode, or scan QR / Barcode via built in CameraorUSB Camera
Barcode to Sheet 5.6
Is data entry tedious and monotonous job for you? TheBarcodetosheet app is one of the ways that can help you createcustomformsand save the data in CSV, XML and Excel format. Abarcodescannerenables you to save the data in the sheet in variedformats.Makingthe work easier for the eCommerce business runners,thefreeBarcode scanner allows effortless entry and maintenanceofproductsand services details. The application is usefulforinventory andlogistic maintenance as well. Salient featuresEasycolumncreation: You can create 15+ column types like Auto dateandtime,longitude, and latitude, auto email, web URL etc. to makethedataentry easier. Upload option: The app offers the featureof'UploadTo Dropbox' and 'Upload To Google Drive' inthePro+/Enterpriseversion of the application. Effortlesslyallowslarge data entry:In the eCommerce scenario, a large number ofdatais entered andupdated on the everyday basis. This reduces thejobof the storeadmin by automating the entire thing. Multipleformatsupport: Theapplication allows you to export the file inmultipleformatsincluding XLSX, CSV, XML, Excel and others.Pre-definedtemplates:The user can export the files in thepre-definedtemplates. Optionto Create New Sheet: In addition tothis, theapplication allowsthe user to create N number of customforms. Thedata entry hasbeen made simple with the Barcode to Sheet,Barcodeto CSV, Barcodeto XML feature. More than just a Barcodescanner:The applicationallows you to scan, read or capture any ofthe majorcode scanningsystems. This may include QR code scanning,ISBNscanning, EAN-13,EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E, text, URL scanning,ProductAttributes,Calendar events and much more. Custom Rows andColumns:The aim ofthe application is to make the data entry easier.Addingrows andcolumns in the custom form is as simple as it is doneinCSV orExcel sheet. The data can be entered manually or canbedoneautomatically by just press the scanner icon to scan andenterthedata in the form. Multi-language Support: Supportsfordifferentlanguages such as French, Spanish and RussianScannablefield:Feature to mark a field as 'Scannable'. These fieldscan beopenedin barcode scanner or camera as soon as theyarefocused.Enterprise Edition: Enterprise edition provides anabilitytocreate the sheets online. These sheets can be sharedamongyourenterprise users for editing or data viewing in the realtime.Youcan set up your enterprise and add the users to it basedonthepurchase plan. Features available in the Enterprise edition:►Thesuper admin can create an Enterprise and add multipleusers►Multiple users of the same enterprise can log in at thesametimeand work simultaneously ► The super admin can create Nnumberofsheets and share it with its enterprise users ► Multipleuserscanedit the same sheet and share the data in the real time►Theincorporated sheet locking/unlocking feature helps youavoiddataoverriding Additional features ► The spreadsheet canbedownloadedto the SD Card or it can be emailed from your phone ►TheRow andColumn names can be edited any time in the sheet aspertherequirement ► Even the scanned data can be edited manually►Deletecolumns any time from the sheet ► App allows the user tocopythewhole sheet with or without the data in it UseineCommerceprofession E-Commerce store owners can utilize the appfordataentry of the data like ISBN, EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A,UPC-E,text,URL, and Product Attributes to make the data entryineCommercevery quick and hassle free. Contact us If you arehavingany issueor query or need any assistance or custommodifications tofit yourprofessional purpose, you can contact [email protected] do not forget to drop us a review inthecomment sectionbelow.
Barcode Scanner+ (Plus)
Barcode Scanner+, from Sean Owen of ZXingTeam,uses the camera on your device to read barcodes of all kinds.Afterscanning barcodes you find on products, for example, youcandiscover prices and reviews for it. Or, when scanningnewertwo-dimensional barcodes, like QR Codes, you can accesscontactinformation, bookmarks, web site links and moreinside.Barcode Scanner+ is an enhanced version of the popular, freeBarcodeScanner application, which is a product of the ZXingopen-sourcebarcode scanning library from Google. Barcode Scanner+is based onthe same code, and has been developed by one of the twoprimaryauthors of the original Barcode Scanner, Sean Owen.As of 2015, 100% of revenue (after Google Play fees) goes tobenefitan environmental cause like the World Wildlife Fund ortheRainforest Alliance. $10,120 has been donated from January 2015toDec 2016.Barcode Scanner+ includes all of Barcode Scanner'sfunctionality,and is intended as a drop-in replacement for BarcodeScanner. Itadds several enhancements:Better barcode scanning- New image processing algorithm for detection of 1Dbarcodeformats, including UPC and EAN product codes- Uses both cores of dual-core processors- Optionally, scan for Aztec and PDF417 barcodes (note:PDF417support is 'alpha' quality)- Rewritten to take advantage of Java 6, Android 2.2+ APIs,andlatest Android SDK featuresRefined user interface- Now scan in tall "portrait" orientation, in additionto"landscape" orientation- More intuitive pattern-based scanning guide- Streamlined and improved user interface elements- Android 4 and tablet device support- Expanded Help screensNew features- Decode a barcode from an image file- Option to scan light-on-dark barcodes- Activate device's LED light to scan in low light- Basic support for scanning NFC tags- Amazon product informationAlso available in "simple" version, without functionalitythatrequires special permission. See "Barcode Scanner+Simple".Purchasing this application also supports development of theZXingopen-source barcode scanning library.Barcode Scanner+ does not collect, store or transmitinformationabout its users, nor usage of the application. Theapplicationaccesses personal information such as contacts andbookmarks onlyin order to implement application functionality, suchas sharingcontacts and bookmarks by QR Codes on screen.(aka Barcode Scanner Plus)
Barcode/NFC/OCR Scanner Keyboard (Legacy Version)
Use this innovative soft-keyboard to scan barcodes, QRcodes,text(OCR) and NFC tags into any app. Invoke theintegratedscannerswith a single tap, the scanned data appearsimmediately inthetarget app like manually typed on the keyboard.Thisworksperfectly with almost any target app, modificationsofexistingapps are not required. TIME SAVING This keyboard isaconvenienttime saver! It reduces typing efforts and avoidstypingerrors.Tedious copy/paste is not required anymore; barcodesand QRcodes,texts and NFC tags are scanned without switchingbetweenapps. Thekeyboard layout resembles the layout of theAndroidstandardkeyboard - you will immediately be familiar withit.VERSATILE ThisScanner Keyboard is very flexible, ready forvolumelicensing,optimized for bulk deployment and can be configuredtomeet almostany requirement. It meets demands ofcommercial,industrial,logistics and supply chain applications.BARCODESCANNING Choosebetween two integrated camera barcodescanners. Thetraditionalbarcode scanner is ideal for older phonemodels, therecentlyintroduced advanced barcode scanner providesselectivebarcodescanning - a very valuable feature if multiplebarcodes arevisiblein the scan view. TEXT RECOGNITION (OCR) Theintegratedtextscanner (OCR), converts camera images to textwithinseconds.Latin-based text in pictures of arbitrary documentsisdetectedautomatically and inserted into the target app. FEATURES◾Keyboardwith modern layout, voice recognition, spellingsuggestionsandmulti-language support ◾ Two camera barcode scannerenginestochoose from ◾ Selective barcode scanning (tap onbarcodeofinterest) ◾ OCR text scanner converts images toLatin-based text◾Integrated NFC tag reader ◾ Quick front/backcamera switchingandflashlight support ◾ Autofocus support ◾ Workswith almostanytarget app ◾ Swipe to change keyboard layout◾Configurableauto-scan (invoke scanner automatically) ◾Configurablescannerkeys ◾ One-by-one / batch mode scanning ◾ Macrosupport /Quicktext◾ Multiple licensing options ◾ Ready for bulkdeployment ◾And muchmore... COMPATIBILITY / LIMITATIONS ScannerKeyboard isavailablefor Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) andhigher. Theadvancedbarcode scanner and the OCR text scanner aresupported fromAndroid5.0 (Lollipop) onward and requires installedGoogle Playservices.Most common input languages and keyboardlayouts aresupported. Thekeyboard layout automatically matches thesystemsettings of yourAndroid device. BULK/ENTERPRISE LICENSING,OEMVERSIONS For userswith volume license requirements, TEC-IToffers abulk-licenseversion of the app (no Google accountrequired).Customized or OEMversions (e.g. with seamless integrationofhardware scanners) areavailable on request. [email protected]. FREE DEMOThe free trial displays a demohint inirregular intervals. Pleaseupgrade (in-app purchase) totheunlimited version to remove thislimitation. SUPPORT In caseofproblems, questions or requestsplease [email protected],TECITSupport (Skype) orvisit Terms ofuseandprivacy:
PDF417 Barcode Scan Demo App
Microblink is a demo application of 2Dbarcodescanning library (SDK) developed by Microblink team.This demo is intended primarily for developers and thoseinterestedin developing mobile barcode scanning apps, but also itcan beeasily used as any other PDF417 and QR scanning app.Features:* Barcode types: PDF417 (2D Barcode), QR code,Coder39,Code128* Flexibility: easy to integrate API* Working conditions: low and poor light conditions* Camera quality: low quality and low resolutionmobilecameras* Perspective: can shoot at an angle* Speed: 100-900 ms - depends on device and barcode size* Charset: scanning library is ideal for different barcodereaderapps like: boarding pass, personal identifications, paymentslips,driver licences and other.If you like it, check for downloads, source code on GitHub,help,pricing and more information on our website:
CardScanner 5.4.3
snapADDY GmbH
The snapADDY CardScanner is the free business card scanner withtheworld's best recognition quality for smartphone and tablet!ThesnapADDY CardScanner is your productive assistant formobilecapturing of business cards. All you have to do is to takeapicture of the business card with the app, the contact data willberecognized, automatically digitized and formatted as a contactbyour algorithm using artificial intelligence. For contactandaddress formats from over 50 countries, the recognition hasbeenperfected to reduce the error rate to a minimum. These includeallG20 countries, the most important industrial andemergingcountries. Currently supported character sets: - Latincharacters,including umlauts and special characters of manylanguages -Cyrillic characters (Russia, Ukraine and Belarus) -Chinesecharacters (traditional and simplified) - Japanesecharacters -Korean characters Data protection is a top priority atsnapADDY. Asa German company we guarantee the DSGVO-compliantprocessing ofyour data. Already more than 1,300 companies of allsizes trust thequality of snapADDY CardScanner! FREE STANDARDVERSION The standardversion of snapADDY CardScanner is free,ad-free and usable withoutan account. It contains the followingfeatures: ** Export to yoursmartphone contacts ** All informationcaptured by snapADDYCardScanner including notes and profile picturecan be saved toyour contacts. So you always have your collectedbusiness cards athand in your smartphone. ** Addition of additionalinformation **Scan the back of business cards to store theinformation theycontain and create additional notes about yourcontact. ** Simplebatch processing ** With the help of theintegrated batchprocessing, you can process a large number ofbusiness cards in avery short time - completely without typing!UPGRADE TO THECARDSCANNER CRM Through our website, youcan get theCRM version of snapADDY CardScanner for only $5 permonth with thefollowing additional features: ** CRM export ** Youcan also exportyour recorded contact data of the business cardsdirectly to one ofthe following CRM systems: Salesforce, MicrosoftDynamics, SAPC/4HANA, Pipedrive and SugarCRM. ** Duplicate check **Using theintegrated duplicate check with your CRM system, you canseedirectly whether a recorded lead, contact or organisationalreadyexists. When exporting, the duplicate data from your systemisdisplayed and you can check it for changes. ** Saving inExcelformat ** For fast and universal processing of new contactsoutsideof your CRM system, saving them in Microsoft Excel fileformat hasproven to be very useful. You have the choice ofexporting only oneor several contacts. ** Capturing attachments **Add any number ofimage files, sketches or drawings as attachmentsto your newcontact and export them later with the contact data toyour desireddestination.
Creates and prints Code39 barcode labelsinseconds. The barcode can be saved on the SD card and inthedatabase by pressing the Save button.• The Barcode can now be printed directly on a wifi printer.• Faster Barcode Search from the toolbar.• Add Barcodes to favorites for a faster location.• You can now configure your label templates to print on sheetswithself-adhesive labels.• Generated templates can be printed directly on aWi-Fiprinter.• Generated templates can be opened from a web browser externaltothe device.• Share all favorite Barcodes or the result of a query, suchaspictures.How to print via App:• Download the print server to your PC, downloaded and installedin2 minutes.  Https://• Write a code and click the print button.• The first time, it creates a connection to the server.• Choose printer, resolution, paper size, and numberofcopies.Alphanumeric support and image for Code39.Allowed characters :. 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ- $ /+%and space.Longclick on each button for more information.This App does not use or process personal information.
QR & Barcode Scanner, Generato 1.18
S&S App
The fastest QR code reader and barcode scanner
Quick Inventory (Paid)
Easy way and quick to count inventorywithQuick Inventory※ Support USB/Bluetooth barcode scanner※ This full version is same as app-in purchase version. Forsomeonewho can not use app-in purchase.[Features]1. Continue Scan without interrupt2. Accumulate count of barcode3. Transaction report in csv, html and excel xml4. Export/Email transaction report5. Category inventory by batch6. Display the distribution of inventory in pie chart.7. Backup and restore database to SD card, Dropbox™ andGoogleDocs8. Auto backup database to SD card when exiting the app9. Auto backup database to Dropbox™ when exiting the app10.Configurable date, time format.11.Add new record with default value.12.Password protection13.Default email address for receiving report14.Sorting, Filtering data15.Share database with multiple devices by using Dropbox™16.Support USB/Bluetooth barcode scanner※ If you like the app, then please give us a good rating asthedriving force behind our continued development, thank you.※ Since we can't reply reviews in the market, if you haveanysuggestions or questions please mail to our mailbox directly.Formarket reviews, please just leave your rating and cheers, Inventory, Barcode, Scan, Scanner, stocktaking, stockcounting,warehouse, warehouse management, barcode terminal
Easy Barcode inventory and stock take PRO 2.0.4
NoWi Apps
Inventory simply and quickly and free of charge. Load a barcodeorQR code with an integrated scanner or a classic barcode reader.Youcan name the codes and write them directly, or you canscanmultiple items multiple times. All inventories results can benamedand sent, share or save as csv, excel file. A visually darksubjecthelps optimize the battery and is contrasted for ease ofuse. Trackyour product easy as never before! Barcode InventoryStock ControlBarcode and QR code counter Inventory Management appfreeIntegrated barcode and QR code reader Scan product barcodeBatchscanner mode UPC, EAN scanner Count and track your items orgoodsCreate and name your items in stock Import your product listanduse them in the app Import / Export / Share csv Excel filesTakeyour quantity with numeric keyboard Count how many products doyouhave on inventory Group products by InventoriesBatteryoptimization Count, Home, Kitchen, Food, Book, School,Parts,Collection, Retail, Grocery, Equipment, WarehouseInventory.Inventory for business make fast inventory list.Compatible withall barcode scanners "Bluetooth barcode scanner,wireless barcodereader" and other. Can be used as Data collector.Compatible withall Android phones and tablets.
BizConnect - Card Scanner 2.9.8
100% Accurate Business Card Scanner & QR Code Scanner
Barcode Master Inventory Manag 2.6.2
Browse products, inventory, create shopping list using barcode
CamCard - Business Card Reader
LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT! 90% off: originalprice$11.99 -> now $0.99No. 1 business card app, loved by 100 million users* Top Developer on Google Play* Must-Have Apps for Salespeople –* Bringing Order to the Chaos of Business Cards - The NewYorkTimes* The business cards just jump into your phones – CBS TVCamCard is the easiest app to manage and exchange businesscards,the perfect fit for sales people, entrepreneurs,businessdevelopers or marketing experts, and anyone who want tobeone.Features* Scan and store your business cards, never miss a card* Exchange e-cards with people nearby* Add notes & reminders to contacts* Get contact updates. Be the first one to say congrats* Enrich your profile to tell people more about yourself* Search contacts’ company news to start a good conversation* Navigate to contact addresses in Map* Access contact information across multiple devices* Manage contacts from all over the world with 17recognitionlanguagesRecognition languages: Traditional Chinese, SimplifiedChinese,Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Japanese,English,French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Italian,Swedish,and Russian.Brother appCamScanner – Document scanning and sharing app.Contact us at [email protected] us on Facebook | Twitter | Google+: CamCard
StockX Pro Inventory 1.0.3
Team Gravity
A simple inventory application to manage products in the shopandwarehouse
QR Code Reader 0.1.18
Easy and fast QR & Barcode reader.
QR & Barcode Scanner 1.10
QR and barcode scanner with all the features you need
Barcode to Excel (QR Scanner) 7.7
Free Barcode Scanner, easy to use, export to excel (Support QRCode)
Mobile Inventory LITE
Aplication for quick and easy creation of inventory lists.
Mobile Inventory PRO
LISTS Application for creation of multiple, userdefined,barcodebased lists. List examples : * Store/Warehouseinventory *Shippingdocuments * Warehouse receipts * Purchase ordersforsuppliers *Fixed assets inventory Also * Verify item ( name,price,stock )BARCODE SCANNING Application enables item barcodeinputviakeyboard, Bluetooth barcode scanner, integratedscannerorintegrated camera. IMPORT DATA Item data can be importedfrom:*Excel tables * Csv files * Directly from SQL databasesoverWI-FIEXPORT DATA Inventory lists can be exported to: *Excel/CSVfile,which can be sent by e-mail * Directly into SQLdatabasesoverWI-FI Feel freely to contact us by e-mail, we'll makesuretoanswer all your questions -> [email protected]
QScanner+: QR code & Barcode s 3.3
Vicky Bonick
QScanner+ is the most accurate and fastest QR code / barcodescanneron Android
LoMag Barcode Scanner 2 Excel stock inventory data 0.0.154
A completely free barcode scanner enabling you to save datatoExcelXLS, XLSX, CSV, JSON, XML. You can change your phone intoadatacollector without any limitations to the amount ofcollectedcodes,completely free of charge. An applicationusefulforinventory-making and other logistic processes at thewarehouse.Theoutput file may be quickly sent via e-mail or saved toSD card/Onedrive / Dropbox / Google drive or other cloud storageAppalsoenable to browse / edit / delete data. You can createandmanagemany files with data, continue to edit them later. Allfilescan bebackup or restore into 1 file, moved to otherphone.Manyconfiguration options: - blocking duplicate codes - sumupnumberof the same codes - automatic scanning of subsequentcodes-scaling photos in an Excel file The barcode readersupportsthefollowing code formats: - codes on products: EAN-13,EAN-8,ISBN,UPC-A, UPC-E - industrial codes: Codabar, Code 128, Code93,Code39, ITF, RSS - 2D codes: QR Code, Data Matrix Themostimportantfunctions of the application: - Continuous scanningofsuccessivebarcodes with quantity 1 - Barcode scanning and inputofquantityfrom keybord - Barcode scanning and input of quantityandprice -Scanning of barcode and serial number Support of manydatasets,which may be named and browsed. Data sets may be savedinMicrosoftExcel format compatible with version 97 and newer. Theappallowsyou to send files via e-mail or save them on an SDcard.There isalso a possibility of continuing the scanning intheselected dataset. The Excel files created by LoMag barcodescannerare fullycompatible with LoMag Inventory Management. Basingon thefiles,you can create the following documents in LoMag: -GRN(GoodsReceived Note), e.g. delivery of a given item tothewarehouse; -GIN (Goods Issued Note), e.g. sale of an item; -GRNcorrection(Return to supplier), e.g. return of a faulty batchofitems; - GINcorrection (Return from customer), e.g. return fromacustomer as aresult of a claim; - Stock level correction note,e.g.loss of itemat the warehouse; - Interbranch Transfer e.g.transferof a part ofa given stock to another building: - Discountdocument(Change inthe item’s value), e.g. a decrease in pricesresulting ina drop inthe value of a given item; - Internal GRN(Internal GoodsReceivedNote), e.g. reception of an item of ownproduction; -Internal GIN,e.g. issuance of a given item to anemployee; -Inventory sheet,which forms a basis for inventory-making-Inventory of the wholewarehouse - Opening Balance, i.e. theinitialstock level upon thecommencement of operations with theprogram.Please note: Toperform the scan, your device needs to beequippedwith a camerawith autofocusfunction.Privacy: Thebarcodescanner used in the app operates onZXinglibrary.
QR Code: Barcode Reader 1.01.41
Scan, Generate, Save, Search, and Organize QR Codes &Barcodesfor Android
Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO 1.04
Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO-------------------- no permissions- no advertising- support the developer-------------------Have you just founded a company and want to equip your PointofSale or a mobile booth with a cash register that is nottoocumbersome in purchase and installation? This applicationworksperfectly both in restaurants and smaller shops and itgetspredominantly good feedback by the users. What is the reasonforthis? Just have a look at some simple functions of theapplicationand its advantages:Use of a device and equipment that you are familiar withThe Point of Sale application is being installed on yourtabletcomputer which is why you do not have to get used to anew,unfamiliar device. The further advantage: having aprinterconnected via Bluetooth, you can easily print out statisticsorbills. Thus, you are ready to start immediately without anynewinstallations or cable tangle.Top quality statistics for planning your assortmentofgoodsMany traditional cash registers only offer the function ofenteringa price and the category of the product. Our POS-Point ofSaleApplication offers the possibility to define and name thesingleproducts (respectively food and drinks): consequently, youreceivea survey of the ongoing sales when just clicking on thebutton„statistics“- thereupon you can discover bestsellers and youcanreorder and plan your assortment of goods better thanever!Additionally, you discover the most popular products at aglance!Both for a fixed and mobile sales booth the right intentionforsale and necessary storage can save you a lot ofmoney:insufficient storage as well as a too much storage can costyou alot.Clearly arranged allocation of 300 buttons possible
Havinginstalled the Point of Sale App, you can arrange up to 300buttonsand thus can make cashing even easier in case you do notwant tomake use of bar codes. Especially in the gastronomy, orderscaneasily and intuitively be entered, which leaves more time fortheguest and the service.A well-tried allocation –as shown in our product’s illustration-isthe one using colours: choose different colours for softdrinks,food, alcoholic drinks and hot drinks. Thus, the entering oftheorder must only be clicked, and you still have a clearlyarrangedsystem even when providing a great assortment.Using the screen size and clear arrangement of yourtablet
ThePoint of Sale App uses the full screen size of the tabletso thatthe usability is getting much more clearly arranged andoffers manypossibilities of combination. Just think of the menu ora pricelist which is available at each work station. Besides, itispossible to switch between this app and further applicationsonyour tablet. You can access product information orillustrationsanytime.Have a look at the Point of Sale App and test some of thefunctions.You will be enthusiastic on recognizing how a normaltablet can turninto a fully-fledged cash register. 
Please notice that this application is in process of developmentandis an offer free of charge. It practically offers all functionsof acash register. However, we cannot guarantee a legallycompliantaccount at the moment since this would require a fullpermission oftax authorities. The cash register application is atool whichoffers a survey and helps accounting- it cannot replacethe fulllegal documentation though. Please mind your taxcomputation andadhere to deadlines on your own responsibility. Theprogrammer of„cash register for free“assumes no liability.
Barcode to Google Sheets 1.26
Bong Cheung
Barcode / QR Code Scanner to Google Sheets / Spreadsheet
Barcode to PC: Wi-Fi scanner 4.3.1
Turn your smartphone into a real barcode scanner
QR code / barcode scanner & ge 3.3.13
Scan and generate QR codes / barcodes all in one app
SCANPET New - Inventory & Barcode Scanner 7.36
Barcode scanner & Inventory app (SCANPET NEW) is abarcodescanner, an inventory management system and a Wifi barcodescannerin one app. It is thought to help you to manage yourwarehouseinventory, and your home or business inventory. SCANPETNEW will dofast stock-taking and management. It also helps inmanagingpurchase orders and sales orders. And it does the workusing anintegrated QR & barcode scanner but it can work alsowithoutbarcodes. So it is a complete app to run your businessinventory,your music or book collections or any kind of homeinventory frommobile. SCANPET NEW is a the new versión of the oldSCANPET app. Itis the app for the future, the one that will receiveallimprovements and support for new devices. This application havealot of powerful configuration options, and can be adaptedforalmost every situation. For example you can use thisbarcodescanner as: * Product Scanner: It is a barcode reader (yourdevicewill work as a barcode terminal) * Inventory Manager: It isawarehouse manager & stock taking tool. Here you can use thebarcode scanner as a helpful tool. But the app could stillworkwithout using it. * Use it also as an inventory tracker. *Storeinventory and stock managing: handle the stock of your storeorwarehouse: Items are divided into categories that areidentifiedwith a barcode. Register how many elements of eachproduct categoryyou have. This means stock control. * Inventory ofseparate items:Build a movies collection, DVD collection, etc *Wi-Fi Scanner(WIFI terminal): Use this if you need to scan thebarcode directlyinto a document on your computer. This means thephone will readthe barcode and will send it through WIFI to yourcomputer. It willbe a Wi-Fi terminal. * GPS Points of Interest(POIs): record GPScoordinates of the places you visit, likemonuments, cities, beach,etc * Others possibilities: SCANPETfeatures, don't finish here.Please take a time to explore, you canconfigure everything! likesales management, payments, shipmentmanager, meetings attendanceor build accounting reports from theoutput Excel file on yourcomputer, etc And everything on the go!,using bar code scanner ornot bulid your inventory. The SCANPET NEWbarcode scanner supportthese formats: UPC-A,UPC-E EAN-8,EAN-13 Code39 Code 93 Code 128 QRITF Codabar RSS-14 SCANPET NEW can handle twokind of inventories(Excel spreedsheet): - Group inventories (eachitem is a categorywith a count number): This is the best choicefor: * ecommercesolutions. * home and store inventories (if we wantto control thestock) * etc - Individual inventories or collectionof items (eachrow on the Excel is a separate item): This is thebest choice for:* Manage CD and DVD inventories (movies and musiccollections)using barcode scanner or typing * As individualinventories saves anew row for each scan, you can also go furtherand control inputsand outputs of your store, like sales orshipments. Or even furtherand use it as an attendance app (use itat meetings or school). *etc SCANPET supports all Excel formats(old xls and the new xlsxformat)
Ruy Lopez Opening (full ver.)
Collection of chess games and tactical vigilance exercises
Cloud PDT and Barcode Scanner
Lineris LLC
Turn your smartphone into a wireless barcode scanner andInventorydata terminal
M&M POS - Point Of Sale System 2.2.4
A Complete Business Starter Solution. Accept Payments In-StoreAndOnline
Debitoor - Invoicing & accounting app for SMEs 8.0.4
SumUp MG ApS
Simple, fast, and intuitive invoice app and easy accountingforsmallbusinesses, sole traders, and freelancers. Debitoorinvoicingandeasy accounting software give​ you the tools you needto createandsend professional-looking invoices from anywhere,anytime.Getstarted now to create and send your first invoice inless thanaminute. Invoice anytime, anywhere: not matter on whatdeviceINVOICEFROM ANYWHERE • Customised invoices that help youstand outfrom thecompetition. • Share invoices via email,Messenger,WhatsApp, PDF,and more. • Get notified as soon as aninvoice isviewed by acustomer. • Draft invoices even when offline- they’llbe ready whenyou reconnect. GET PAID FASTER • Connectonlinepayment to get paidup to 14 days faster. • SumUp, PayPal andmore.• Accept cardpayments of invoices in person by pairing yourphonewith a SumUpcard reader. • See which invoices are overdue ataglance andfollow-up from the app. EXPENSES IN A SNAP •Captureexpenses on thego and in the moment you spend. • Attach areceiptto your expense bytaking a picture with your smartphone.•Automatically readsimportant details from your receiptandsuggests the best categoryfor your expense. QUOTES ANYTIME•Create a quote fast to send anestimate to a customer. •Getnotified as soon as a quote is viewedby a customer. •Convertaccepted quotes to invoices with a tap.ACCOUNTING ANACCOUNTANTCAN LOVE • Export all invoices and expensesto your ownaccountantin a clean data format. • Invite youraccountant to youraccountfor easy collaboration. • Manage andreport your VATdirectly toHMRC with Making Tax Digital software •Generate P&L(Profitand Loss) reports from the web app. • Stayon top of yourbusinessaccounting with balance sheet MANAGE YOURCUSTOMERS •Instantlyimport customer details from your mobilecontacts. • Addcustomerinformation to a new invoice with a tap. •Access customerdetailseven when offline. YOUR PRODUCTS OR SERVICE •Save and editproductor service details in your account. • Addproducts/serviceto newinvoices with a tap. INTERNATIONAL • Easilychange thelanguage ofyour invoices to cater to your customer. •Change theinvoicecurrency with the latest conversion rates. PLUS… •Creditnotes,proforma invoices, delivery notes, reminders,paymentreceipts& more from our full browser version. •Free,world-classcustomer support. • 100% cloud-based: accessyouraccount from anydevice. Created to help small businessesthrive.
Easy Scanner Pro 3.2.8
This is Pro version of Easy Scanner app, this app allows you toscandocuments, receipts, tickets, reports or anything with yourandroiddevice. Easy Scanner Pro - Camera Scanner - PDF Scanner orwhateveryou name it, this app is designed as a basic scanner tofit yourdaily work with extra smart features (export to PDF &image,connect printers, cloud upload, send mail, etc) * NO ADS * *NOWATERMARK on scanned documents * * UNLIMITED pages to scan * *SCANonce, USE everywhere * * PRINT without PC * ** SMALL SCANNER,BIGFEATURES ** -------------- Scan -------------- * Scan in 4modes:color, magic color, grayscale and black & white *Enhance textquality * Quick edit: Rotation, mirror or flip effect* Detect pageedges automatically * Save documents in PDF or JPGformat with highquality -------------- Connectivity --------------* Print (scan fornearby printers) * Cloud upload (Google Drive,DropBox, OneDrive,Box, Evernote) * Share via (mail, bluetooth,wifi, etc)-------------- Doc management-------------- * Move,rename, copy,delete doc / page * Edit scanned doc / page * Retakescanned doc /page * Review docs in PDF instantly IS IT EASY ENOUGHTO SCAN? Letsmake a better scanner for everyone If you have anyquestion orsomething to improve this apps, please help us bysending mail [email protected]
Smart Inventory System - Mobil
Super simple inventory app for home, small to mid businessesandhobbyist.
Restaupos Point of Sale - POS System 18.4.2
RESTAUPOS POS – Restaurant Point of Sale RESTAUPOS POS pointofsalesystem instead of a cash register is a full-featured InFlightpointof Sale Device, affordable Point of Sale withBusinessManagementtools - saving time and money & StockControl.ANDROIDSimplicity+ WIRELESS technologies + INTUITIVEinterface =easiest tolearn, most powerful POS available. - FullFeaturedBusiness Tools,Designed to accommodate restaurant chains aswellas individualmobile food trucks, nightclubs and coffee shopsorpizzeria ,RESTAUPOS POS IS full-featured restaurant POS Appandcontinues tolead the revolution in innovation andintegration.With detailedreports, wireless printing , RESTAUPOS POSis muchmore than an App.It is a smart, complete solution thatfulfills awide range of Pointof Sale needs. - BENEFITS of usingRESTAUPOSPOS - • Easy to Learn –simple, intuitive interface • NoContracts– • Language Packs –translations available • Mobile andWireless -Increased efficiencyand sales Using this App, yourRestaurantstaff can place orders,perform customer checkouts, emailreceiptsand more. The sleek anduser-friendly interface allows youto takeand send orders andperform guest checkouts wirelesslythroughoutthe restaurant or yourcoffee shop. This eliminates theneed to runtickets to the kitchenwhich allows for more server timeat thetable – which leads tohigher sales RESTAUPOS POS allows youtoturn your tablet orSmartphone POS, Mobile POS as aaffordablepoint of Sale system.FEATURES - Work in offline mode -Managetable, categories, item andkitchen note . - Multi kind oftaxes -Synchronization you backup onor cloud secure server with oneclick- Dine in, takeout anddelivery -Split or Transfer order -Createan order and Complete atlater time -Number of people - Ordersavedautomatically - Assigntaxes on items - the possibility ofpartialpayment by cash or card-Split Payment - multiple tax options-register a sale withouttyping a single word - Email Text Receipts-Work with most printersPRINTING Supports an unlimited numberofreceipt or kitchenprinters,This feature lets you define attheitem-level whichstation it gets routed to .Submit order , andfoodorders go to thekitchen, drink orders go to the bar. Send anyitemto anywhere,automatically REPORT * Payment Report * PeriodSales *Daily TimeClock Details * Employee Revenue Summary * salesreportsbycategories ,users ; sequence * Category Amount Report *sendreportAt the end of a working day the last thing you want to doissitdown with all your paper bills and calculateyourbusinessperformance Restaupos offers a comprehensivereportingthrough theback office to instantly generate report inreal time.You alsohave the ability to filter and analyseindividualperformanceRestaupos is a pos system :Easy,simple,fast,No cloudand no lockin your data is private.-----RESTAUPOS is also referredas NoCloud Point of sale system (formerlyCash Register) RestaurantPOSpoint of sale app Affordable as BarPoint of Sale, CafePOS,Restaurant POS , Bakeshop Point of Sale ,Truck food POS,Pizzeria or PIZZA POS, Tablet POS or Mobile POSSystem Youdon’tneed to be an IT guy to get started with Restauposthe easycashregister for restaurant bar or pos system for foodtruck Dowhatyou’re passionate about and leave the rest to us Cashregisteriseasy to Setup your Menu items in the pos systemforrestaurant(Point of Sale application ) , Organize productsbycategory,youcan Update menu at Anytime. Restaupos is arestaurantbusiness possystem android solution is for restaurantowners byrestaurantowners so you end up with the best dynamic pointof salesystem andflexible solution for cash register and pos systemIf youlike theapp then please give us a good rating.