Top 17 Apps Similar to Rome Metro Augmented Reality

AR GPS Compass Map 3D 1.8.6
3D Augmented Reality Compass, GPS, Map, Landmarks,... Theone-in-allsolution!
World Around Me 3.21
WT InfoTech
Search nearby places on camera. ATMs, groceries, doctors, parksandmore.
Wikitude 8.9.1
Wikitude GmbH
See more with Wikitude! Wikitude allows you to see morethanyoureyes can capture. Our "computer vision" technology is abitlikemagic and connects you with the world in a completely newway.Usethe app as a tool to experience augmentedrealitycontent,campaigns, projects, promotions, games and so muchmore bysimplyscanning the things you see! At the core of theWikitude Appis thePower Search, your gateway to unlocking the worldofdigitallyaugmented content around you. For example, businessescanprovideyou with a Search Code that will directly lead to aspecificARexperience. Just type it into the search box at the topandletWikitude augment your world. NEW! The latestWikitudeenhancementsallow you to augment not only images butObjects aswell! Are you abrand or business that wants to publishaugmentedrealityexperiences in just a few click? The Wikitude Appincombinationwith Studio Editor is the ideal package for you!Afundamentalbenefit of the Wikitude App is that it enables userstoeasilypublish AR projects created in Wikitude StudioEditor.Without theneed of any programming skills marketers can nowhop onto the web,log into the Studio, create an AR project in aslittleas 10minutes and publish it in the Wikitude App rightaway.Bringpackages, banners, brochures, magazines, books, labels,andallsorts of images to life with videos, animations, 3Dmodels,socialmedia and customized buttons. Moreover, projectsmonitoringandreporting is supported through Google analytics. Visitusat find out more!We’reconstantly optimizing Wikitude for the bestpossibleuserexperience on as many platforms and devices aspossible. Ifyou’vefound a severe issue, please let us know [email protected]. When doing so, please inform yourdevicetypeand OS version number.
Rome Travel Guide 12.1.8 (Play)
The popular travel guide! Inspiration, information and maps.Itworks offline!
Roma 2.3.5
FF labs
This Application is dedicated to the cityofRome, keeps you updated on the latest news, provides informationonpublic transports (ATAC bus and metro) and trains(Trenitalia),weather forecast, information on better restaurants,bars, pubs,hotels, theaters, museums and much more.This is very useful for those who live in Rome and all thetouriststhat looking for the city guide.Main Features:- Local news- City Map with top attractions (available offline)- Information on restaurants, bars, pubs and hotels in Rome.- Public Transport (Atac, subway, Trenitalia)- Local Weather- Travel Info (main sights, history, geography, climate,monumentsand main sights)
Rome MetroMap 1.4
A simple and useful subway map of Rome.- Full offline- HD imageEnjoy your stay a Rome!
3D Compass Plus 5.46
Sam Lu
This application is a compass appwithaugmented reality view, real time map update, and providesGPSinformation. It is a fun app to play with and a useful toolwhentravelling.FEATURES★ Record video (Android 5+ only)★ Show augmented reality view, 3D compass, map,coordinates,address, speed and time in the same view★ Take screenshots★ Support portrait and landscape mode★ Auto rotate map according to direction★ Show speed and true north direction★ Show altitude★ Show map/address of current location★ Embed date, time and location EXIF tags in thescreenshotfile★ Fast bright with one tap when you are in outdoor★ Support marine, rose and artificial horizon compasses★ Zoom in/out reality view★ No ads (PRO-only)NOTES★ Only as good as your hardware. Beware surrounding metalandmagnetic fieldsSONY DEVICES★ support xperia-camera-addonsWe have been selected as a Google I/O 2011 DeveloperSandboxpartner, for its innovative design and advancedtechnology.Credits★ Czech - Jiří Fila★ Italian - Michele Mondelli★ Japanese - Yuanpo Chang★ Persian - اسماعیل شمسی آسیابری★ Polish - Grzegorz Jabłoński★ Romanian - Stelian Balinca★ Russian - Идрис a.k.a. Мансур (IDris a.k.a.MANsur),Ghost-Unit★ Slovak - Patrik Žec★ Spanish - Jose Fernandez, Alfredo Ramos (Abaddon Ormuz)★ Thai - Pimlada SingsangaPlease send me an email if you'd to help the translation.
Metro ★ Navigator 3.2.3
Awesome navigator for metro of differentcitiesaround the world. All maps are interactive, relevantandattractive.★ Highlights ★✔ Fully interactive maps✔ Route planning, timetables, powerful search✔ Can operate offline✔ Dark and Light themes✔ Additional services for most touristic cities (nexttrain,stations schemes, lines statuses, closed stations, faultsanddelays on map, tickets reading via NFC)Available metro schemes:★ USA ★1. New York2. Washington3. Los Angeles County★ United Kingdom ★1. London tube2. London tube + National Rail in Z1-6★ Russia ★1. Moscow2. Saint Petersburg3. Ekaterinburg4. Kazan5. Nijniy Novgorod6. Novosibirsk7. Samara★ Spain ★1. Madrid2. Barcelona3. Valencia4. Seville★ Canada ★1. Toronto★ France ★1. Paris★ Republic of Singapore ★1. Singapore★ Ukraine ★1. Kiev2. Kharkiv3. Dnepropetrovsk★ Belarus ★1. Minsk★ Germany ★1. Berlin2. Munich3. Nuremberg★ Mexico ★1. Mexico★ Brazil ★1. São Paulo★ Czech Republic ★1. Prague★ Japan ★1. Tokyo2. Osaka★ Greece ★1. Athens★ South Korea ★1. Seoul★ China ★1. Hong Kong2. Beijing3. Shanghai4. Guangzhou★ Italy ★1. Rome2. Milan★ Sweden ★1. Stockholm★ India ★1. Delhi★ Malaysia ★1. Kuala Lumpur★ United Arab Emirates ★1. Dubai★ Austria ★1. ViennaREQUIRED PERMISSIONS:* CHANGE YOUR AUDIO SETTINGSIt is necessary to mute the player in headphones, when theprogramannounces current station's name by the voice* COARSE (NETWORK-BASED) LOCATIONTo determine current location by GSM transmitters ofmobileoperators* FINE (GPS) LOCATIONTo find the nearest station in the city* FULL INTERNET ACCESSDownload train timetables, info about metro servicestatus,information about time of the next train* READ PHONE STATE AND IDENTITYFor information on the current GSM or Wi-Fi cell. Binding licensetoMarket* MODIFY/DELETE USB STORAGE CONTENTS MODIFY/DELETE SDCARDCONTENTSSaving navigation data on SD-card. Saving current route aspictureon SD-card to send to a friend.* PREVENT DEVICE FROM SLEEPINGPrevent phone from sleep when uses navigation* CHANGE WI-FI STATETo find Wi-Fi spots on subway stations and determine currentuserlocation in the underground (activated only if you allow touseWi-Fi in phone settings)
Roma: Guía turística 1.0.2
Descubra Roma con la nueva Guía de Ciudades gratis en su Android la guía de turismo yconsulte toda la información totalmente en español.Mapas,recorridos, puntos de interés, los mejores hoteles y muchomás!Es gratis y muy fácil de usar.  Seleccione y descarguelaguía de Roma para contar con toda la información necesariaparaaprovechar al máximo su viaje.No se pierda de conocer el Coliseo Romano y la Fontana diTrevi!Arme sus itinerarios para conocer cada rincón de Roma conlosmejores datos! Opiniones, críticas y recomendaciones deviajeros.Las Guías turísticas de cuentan con lamejorinformación en español para que planifique se viaje. Todaslasactividades que puede realizar, con el mejor asesoramiento delosusuarios.INFORMACIÓNConsulte todas las atracciones y las actividades imperdiblesparaorganizar su viaje como si fuera local. Encuentre todalainformación de Roma, mapas, tips, recomendaciones,opiniones,críticas, distancias, ubicaciones y medios de transporteparamoverse sin problemas.QUÉ HACERDescubra un mundo de actividades! Conozca la ubicación delosprincipales puntos de interés, museos, zoológicos, plazas,parques,aeropuertos y hoteles. No se pierda los mejores lugares deRomapara ir de compras, disfrutar los espectáculos másimportantes,aprovechar la vida nocturna o  apreciar lanaturaleza.Toda la información de Roma estará disponible en su Android consólodescargar la aplicación de!HOTELESTodos los hoteles en un mismo lugar! El listado más ampliodehoteles en Roma se encuentra en las Guías de Consulte y reserve los hoteles próximos asuubicación; precios, servicios y condiciones de contratación,yconozca las puntuaciones y opiniones de otros usuarios. Losmejoresprecios garantizados de Hoteles de!FAVORITOSSea su propio guía! Organice su lista de favoritos paratenersiempre en cuenta las actividades que no se quiere perder,marquelos lugares de Roma que desea conocer y no pierdaningúndetalle!Descargue gratis en su Android la guía turística deDespegar.comy tenga toda la información para su viaje totalmenteenespañol.DiscoverRome with the new Guide Cities. Free Downloadin yourAndroid tour guide and see all the informationinSpanish. Maps, tours, attractions, best hotels and more!It's free and easy to use. Select and download the guide ofRometo have all the information needed to make the most ofyourtrip.Do not miss to see the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain!Buildyour itineraries to know every corner of Rome with the bestdata!Reviews, reviews and traveler recommendations. TheDespegar.comTravel Guides have the best information in Spanish toplan youtrip. All activities can be performed with the best advicefromusers.INFORMATIONSee all the attractions and activities you must do to organizeyourtrip like a local. Find all the information of Rome, maps,tips,recommendations, opinions, reviews, distance, location andmeans oftransport to move smoothly.WHAT TO DODiscover a world of activities! Know the location of the mainpointsof interest, museums, zoos, parks, airports and hotels. Donot missthe best places in Rome to go shopping, enjoy the showsmostimportant, make the nightlife or appreciate nature.Rome All information will be available on your Androidbydownloading the application!HOTELSAll hotels in one place! The complete list of the hotels in Romeislocated in Tourist Guides. Browse and book thehotelsclose to their location, prices, services and conditionsofemployment, and meet scores and reviews from other users.Bestprices guaranteed Hotels!FAVORITESBe your own guide! Organize your favorites to always takeintoaccount the activities that do not want to lose, mark thelocationsof Rome you want to know and do not miss any details!Download for free on your Android tourist guideandhave all the information for your trip entirely in Spanish.
Roma Giorno&Notte 1.0.5
The app Roma Giorno&Notte will guideyoutowards the discovery of the Eternal City powered by themostpopular newspaper in Rome, Il Messaggero!Discover with the free app for iPad and iPhone, usable offlineaswell, the best sides of Rome. The app is available in ItalianandEnglish. It helps you to find cafés, the most stylishrestaurantsand typical Trattorias as well as hotels and the mostvaluedB&Bs. The app also includes itineraries and places ofinterest,concert and theater programs as well as a guide fortravelers withchildren. Background and traffic information arealso included. Usethe search or geolocation function to findeasily more than 2.000places of interest near you.The app guides you in an easy and exciting way towardsthediscovery of the city, including recommendations by theMessaggerojournalists.Features included:· Choose your starting point form the “Guide” or on themap,discovering places of interest along your actual position. Youcaneven choose from a set of interest categories.· Use the search function to find the top things to do for youoropen the calendar to find the next most promising events.· Choose an itinerary from a set of itineraries provided bytheMessaggero (“Our Recommendations”).· You can share our recommendations with your finds,organizedinners or events or even share your travel experience.
Bangladino 2.4.1
Birra, pasta, vino, acqua, accendino,cartine,pancetta e tonno?ormai non sei nessuno se non mangi pasta col tonno.Bangladino aka Bangla di Roma 2 aka Alimentari di Sera akaIndianinoaka Il-negozio- sottocasa-che- non-chiude- mai è l'appche ticonsente di vedere e trovare tutto questo velocemente ed aportatadi mano.E a gratis.Màs què un'app, Bangla è una famiglia di affamati e assetatisenzatroppi scrupoli: partito da Roma, l'impero punta a scavalcarelemura, attraversare il raccordo, varcare gli Appennini eannaffiaredi birra e d'amore le vostre strade notturne.Nella nuova versione, tutto è meglio: nuovo filtro orario,nuovicommenti (potenzialmente ora potresti anche rimorchiare),nuovosistema di segnalazione e aggiunta punti, nuova pubblicità(ègratis per voi, mica per noi...) e aggiornate un sacco di cosechenon si vedono.Bangladino, l'app che ti può sempre servire. fidatips: Bangladino no bengalino !Beer, pasta, wine,water,lighter, maps, bacon and tuna?now you're nobody if you do not eat pasta with tuna.Bangladino aka Bangla Rome 2 aka Food Sera aka akaTheIndianino-store- doorstep-that- is-never locked before the appthatlets you see and find all this and quickly at hand.And free.Màs què app, Bangla is a family of hungry and thirstywithoutscruples: left Rome, the empire aims to jump over the walls,crossthe road, cross the Apennines and watering of beer and loveyournight streets .In the new version, everything is better: new filter time, newuser(potentially Now you may also pick), the new reporting systemandadding points, new advertising (it's free for you, not for us...)and updated a lot of things not seen.Bangladino, the app that you can always serve. trustps: Bangladino no Avadavat!
Rome all in one guide
Google offline map intergration, avoid or minmize charges
Rome (Metro 24) 1.0.4
★ BEFORE USING THIS MAP YOU NEEDINSTALLAPPLICATION CALLED "METRO24"★★★Metro map of Rome (Italy) for app called "METRO24".Don't try to open it after installation, you just need tochangethe map in "METRO24"settings.
Vatican Sistine Chapel Rome 4.1
Check out our St. Peters Basilica tour too! the best app at thebestprice, try this chapel tour for free and then get theMichelanglo'spieta, dome and much more for half the cost of thecompition, seefor your self, fully refundable.This app is a Multimedia guided Tour of the Vatican'sSistineChapel Rome. Experience the grander of Michelangelomasterpiecedeveloped by veteran Roman tour guides. Over 35 minutesof contentrich audio presentation, includes hi-res photo's anddiagrams. Tourcovers the ceiling of Michelangelo explaining the 6days ofcreation and the last judgment. Once loaded no need foraccess toWiFi or Internet.Replace the archaic tour book, Experience Roma mobile style.Compareprices to Italian guides costing 50 euro or more, supportresearchand development by buying no add version.Features:-Over 35 minutes of content rich audio presentation, includeshi-resphoto's and diagrams.-Ceiling of creation and the Last Judgement.-Once loaded no need for access to WiFi or Internet.-written by experienced tour-guides- Spoken by native English speakerPremium content. Professional guides. Unpretentiousprices.You can have our headset tour plus the benefits of music,picturesand diagrams, while going at your own pace. Our tour iswritten byexperienced tour-guides. Check out our St. PetersBasilica tourtoo, plus the Churches of Rome.Designed as a stand alone tour it is great also for listeningtobefore a visit, or after as a souvenir. Since it is notpermittedto take photos in the chapel our team has carefully chosenthe bestpictures and views of the chapel to remember your visit.Seedetails using pinch and zoom on last judgment and ceiling,andclose ups of major figures, plus a ceiling diagram ofwho'swho.visit this link to skip the line :'t forget to checkout our other tours, search Romavita intheapp market
Augmented Reality Navigation 1.0
Find your way in the city byusingaugmentedreality. Just follow the arrow to reach yourdestination.Augmented Reality Navigation is provided "as is",withoutwarrantyof any kind, express or implied. In no event shalltheauthors,holders of copyright or exploitation rights, be liableforany claim,damages, or other liability, arising in connectionwithAugmentedReality Navigation and its use.
Путеводитель по Риму 5.1.1
Путеводитель по Риму, одному изсамыхкрасивыхгородов мира.Что может приложение:Путеводитель:- полная поддержка русского языка;- справочная информацию о более чем100достопримечательностях:описание, адреса, стоимость, графикработы,номер телефона идр.;- сохранение самых интересных объектов в списке избранных;- отображение расстояния и направлениядоближайшихдостопримечательностей.Схема метро:- подробная графическая схема метро;- поиск станций и прокладка маршрутов между станциями метро;- расстояние до ближайшей станции метроТакже в путеводитель включены объекты не только самого Рима,ноиего окрестностей.Для получения доступа к Оффлайн картам РимаустановитеProверсию.Позволяет без доступа в интернет получить информациюомножествесамых интересных достопримечательностях Рима.Приложениеудобноиспользовать даже в роуминге, получаякоординатыпосредствомGPS.Guide to Rome, oneofthemost beautiful cities in the world.What can the app:Guide- Full support for Russian language;- Background information on more than 100 things todo:description,location, cost, schedule, phone number, etc.;- Preservation of the most interesting objects inthefavoriteslist;- Shows the distance and direction to nearby attractions.Metro map:- Detailed flowchart subway;- Search stations and routings between metro stations;- The distance to the nearest metro stationGuide also includes objects not only of Rome, butalsothesurrounding area.To access the offline map of Rome set the Pro version.Allows free access to the Internet to get information aboutmanyofthe most interesting sights of Rome. The application isusefulevenwhile roaming, receiving the coordinates via GPS.
Аудиогид по Риму - PRO 1.0
Финалист премии телеканала «Мояпланета»вноминации «Путеводитель года»Устройте себе индивидуальную экскурсию по Риму,самостоятельнорешаячто, где и когда вам посмотреть и послушать!ЧТО ВНУТРИ:Аудиогиды для самостоятельных прогулок:- Обзорный рассказ о Риме- Экскурсия по Собору Святого Петра- Прогулка от Замка Святого Ангела через площадьНавонакПантеону- Увлекательный рассказ о Колизее и Арке Константина- Путеводитель по Римскому ФорумуКроме того, в приложении вы найдете:- Offline-карту города;- Фотогалерею самых красивых мест Рима;- Подробный список самых интересныхгородскихдостопримечательностей,музеев, кафе и ресторанов.ВНИМАНИЕ!При покупке Аудиогида по Риму в версии "PRO" вы экономите!ВGooglePlay вы также найдете и бесплатную версию этогоприложения,но вней каждый маршрут нужно загружать дополнительно за1-2доллара.Здесь же, скачав все экскурсии разом, одну из нихвыполучаете вподарок!5 ПРИЧИН СКАЧАТЬ:- Это действительно качественный продукт: всеэкскурсииподготовленыгидом по Риму и озвученыпрофессиональнымдиктором.- Всё и сразу: вы скачиваете не просто аудиогид,аполноценноемультимедийное приложение, внутри которогоестьаудиорассказы,описания достопримечательностей, фотогалерея икартагорода.- Offline-карта: после скачивания откройте приложениеинемногорассмотрите карту города. Так она сохранится впамятителефона, ипо приезду в Рим будет работать без подключения ксети,что важно вусловиях роуминга.- Дешевле не придумаешь: загрузите приложение за 4доллараисэкономьте время и деньги, вместо того чтобы скачивать4экскурсиистоимостью 1-2 доллара по отдельности.- Идеальное путешествие: вы сами будете решать ЧТО, ГДЕ иКОГДАвампосмотреть. Вы можете гулять в любое время суток, неспешазатуристической группой, останавливаясь на перекусы,фотосетыишоппинг и не нося с собой тяжелые бумажные путеводители.Удобно,неправда ли?ВАЖНО!- Рекомендуем скачивать приложение, подключившиськwi-fi:аудио-файлы и фотографии «весят» довольно много, а мынехотим«съесть» весь ваш мобильный трафик ;)- После того как приложение установится, обязательно откройтеегои«походите» по разным разделам: посмотрите маршруты,изучитекарту,почитайте описания достопримечательностей. Такнашконтентзагрузится полностью и будет доступен дажевoffline-режиме.- Продолжительное использование аудиогида свключеннымGPSзначительно быстрее разряжает батарею вашего телефона.Незабудьтезарядить устройство перед выходом в город!TravelMe – это команда молодых и креативныхлюбителейпутешествий!Присоединяйтесь!http://totravelme.ru Prizechannel"MyPlanet" in the "Guide of the Year"Arrange a customized tour of Rome, independently decidingwhat,whereand when you look and listen!What's inside:Audio guides for independent walking:- Quick story about Rome- Tour of St. Peter's Cathedral- The walk from Castel Sant'Angelo across the Piazza NavonatothePantheon- The fascinating story of the Colosseum and theArchofConstantine- Guide to the Roman ForumIn addition, the application you will find:- Offline-map of the city;- Photo galleries the most beautiful places of Rome;- A detailed list of the most interesting cityattractions,museums,cafes and restaurants.WARNING!When you purchase the audio guide of Rome in the version"PRO"yousave! In Google Play and you will also find a free versionofthisapp, but it is necessary to load each route additionallyfor1-2dollars. Here, download all trips at once, one of them yougetagift!5 REASONS TO DOWNLOAD:- It really is a quality product, all excursions preparedtoursofRome and sounded a professional speaker.- All at once, you do not just download the audio guide, andafullmultimedia application, inside whichthereaudiorasskazy,descriptions of attractions, photos and a map ofthecity.- Offline-Card: After downloading, open the app and look atsomeofthe city map. So it will remain in the phone memory andonarrivalin Rome will work without a network connection, whichisimportantin terms of roaming.- Cheaper than you can imagine: download the app for $ 4andsavetime and money, instead of downloading 4 trips costing$1-2individually.- The perfect trip, you yourself will decide what, whereandwheneveryou see it. You can walk at any time of the day atleisurefor a tourgroup staying at the snack photosets and shoppingandnot carrying aheavy paper guides. Convenient, is not it?IMPORTANT!- We recommend to download the application by connectingtowi-fi:audio files and photos "weigh" a lot, and we did not wantto"eat"all your mobile traffic;)- Once the application is established, be sure to open itand"walkaround" in various sections: Look routes, please readthecard,read the descriptions of attractions. So our contentisfullyloaded and will be available even in offline-mode.- Continued use of GPS-enabled audio guide is much fasterdrainthebattery of your phone. Do not forget to charge thedevicebeforegoing to the city!TravelMe - a team of young and creative travelenthusiasts!Joinnow!http://totravelme.ru