Top 18 Apps Similar to DrinkLog

Sakenote - Sake Tasting Note 4.0.7
You can take your sake experiences in this note.
酒ッキリ時計 1.06
——メディア掲載実績———————————□テレビ朝日『アメトーーク!』スマホじゃない芸人にて実用的な便利アプリとしてご紹介頂きました。□J:COM『スマートふぉんTV』楽しい時計アプリとしてご紹介頂きました。 □文化放送『ドコモ団塊倶楽部』お酒にまつわる便利アプリとしてご紹介頂きました。—————————————————————★お酒がスッキリ抜けるまでの時間がわかる★★あなたにピッタリの飲酒量がわかる★酒ッキリ時計はお酒好きな貴方の強い味方になります♪■特徴的な機能—————————————————————★タイムチェッカー直感的な操作で飲んだお酒を選ぶだけ!お酒が抜けるまでに必要な時間、抜ける時刻を調べられます!気になるカロリーもわかっちゃいます!★適量チェッカーお酒を抜きたい時刻を指定!代表的なお酒で適量が簡単に調べられます!飲み始めの時刻/飲み終わりの時刻/分解完了時刻3つの時刻から判定をするので判定結果の精度が高い!★共通・全般的な機能・ユーザー情報の保存ニックネーム/性別/生年月日/身長/体重のユーザー情報を保存できるから毎回設定する必要はありません。しかも5人まで保存出来るから一緒に良く飲むお友達の情報も登録できます。・ゲストユーザー機能ユーザー情報を保存していない方でも調べる事ができます。■こんな方にオススメ—————————————————————□ついつい飲み過ぎる!□よく二日酔いになる!□お酒を抜かなきゃいけない時間が決まっている! □飲み会が多い!□飲み過ぎて遅刻する!お酒を呑む方には手放せないアプリ♪お酒好きなパートナーやお友達をお持ちの方にも役立つアプリです♪■実は出番いっぱい—————————————————————飲み会/宴会/決起会/歓迎会/送迎会/送別会/新年会/忘年会/合コン/コンパ/新歓/パーティー/女子会/オフ会/誕生会/結婚式/etc...■お酒トラブル防止に—————————————————————飲み過ぎ/悪酔い/寝坊/二日酔い/吐き気/頭痛/etc...お酒のトラブル防止に飲む前にチェック!飲んだらチェック!※アルコールの分解には個人差がありますので判定結果を保証するものではありません酒っきり時計/シュッキリ時計/しゅっきり時計/スッキリ時計/すっきり時計
酒楽(日本酒 焼酎アプリ) 1.3.0
Sake, 3800 species sake in the app to enjoy shochu, and searchfroma list of 800 species shochu, you can record the taste, aroma,theevaluation of the memo.
酒合 -SHUGOU- 1.0.7
・出会った酒の全てを記録することができます。 登録できる写真数に制限はありません。※1 美しいラベル、裏書のウンチク、お気に入りの酒器、よく合う肴も撮り収めて下さい。 写真撮影は独自機能で連続して記録することができます。 すでにある写真はギャラリーから一括追加することができます。 ・感じたままに簡単に書き記すことができます。 見た目、香り、味の3つを記録することができます。 また、それぞれの項目には具体的な表現とスライドバーにより直感的に記録できます。 正しい基準はありません。常にあなたがベストレビュアーです。 ・日本酒巡りを楽しくするお手伝いを致します。 都道府県ごとに飲んだ酒の銘柄数、酒蔵数がひと目でわかります。※2 飲んだお酒の好みに合わせて色付けされます。※3 空白を埋めるか、好きな酒がある土地を再訪するか・・・   ※1..上限は端末のメモリ・空き容量に依存します。 ※2...表示される件数は登録数ではありません。銘柄名・酒蔵名で集計されます。 ※3...色付けはレビュー項目を独自ロジックにより分析しています。登録件数が多いほどより偏りの少ない表示になります。• You can recordallmetsake.There is no limit to the number of photos that can beregistered.※1Beautiful label, endorsement Unchiku, favorite Sake,Pleasehousedwell fit garnishes also birds.Photography can be recorded continuously in its own function.Already some photos you can be adding bulk from the gallery.• You can easily write down the left felt.Appearance, aroma, you can record three of taste.In addition, for each item I can intuitively recordedbyconcreterepresentation and slide bar.There is no correct criteria. Always is you Top Reviewer.- Will help you to enjoy the sake tour.Number of securities of liquor drinking in each prefecture,youcansee at a glance the number of wine cellar. ※ 2it will be colored to match the taste of drinking liquor. ※ 3Or fill in the blanks, to revisit the land where there isafavoritedrink or ...※ 1 .. upper limit depends on the memory space oftheterminal.※ 2 ... number that is displayed is not a registrationnumber.Itwill be aggregated at the brand name, brewery name.※ 3 ... coloring is analyzed by its own logic Review item.Itbecomesless display biased than about registration numberislarge.
一期一酒 いしかわ
"Phase Ichisake Ishikawa" is the sake search app sake ofIshikawaPrefecture searchable. Intuitive and search, will meet todrinkthat suits your taste.
Vichelin (Enjoy sake life) 4.1
Let's find out your favorite sake!Enjoy your sake life!Vichelin is an application to review the liquor such asSake,Shochu, and Awamori.- Records of what you gotYou can record all sake you have tasted.- Simple steps to reviewWhat you only do is to tap and answer a few questionsaboutsake.- Rich drink databaseYou can find more than 17,000 kinds of sake by keywords.Create your own sake guidebook!
Alcoholics Anonymous 1.0
Alcoholics Anonymous - A quitdrinkinginitiativeThis virtual Alcoholics Anonymous app is made for people whowantto track their progress in kicking their alcohol habits.There'snothing too fancy, just a timer that'll keep track of howlongyou've been off the stuff and some milestone rankings to keepyoumotivated and on track. It's an alternative (or possiblyevensomething to supplement) going to actual AlcoholicsAnonymousmeetings.If you've got anything you want to comment on or if you findanybugs feel free to submit them with a review below. If you haveanyinterest in actual Alcoholics Anonymous meetings feel free tosendan email to the developer email below.
一期一酒 とやま 0.8.8
"Phase Ichisake Toyama" is the sake search app sake ofToyamaPrefecture searchable. Intuitive and search, will meet todrinkthat suits your taste.
洋酒手帳 1.1
すし手帳 1.5
焼肉手帳 1.2
◆◆◆キャンペーンセール◆◆◆通常価格700円⇒限定割引価格300円!----------------------------------------「焼肉手帳(書籍/1470円)」が半額の700円で、Androidアプリ向けにリリース。--------------------------------------------牛・豚・鶏から、馬・合鴨まで、肉を知るための画期的な手帳アプリ。焼肉店、焼鳥店のメニューでもう困らない、 全134部位収録!!正肉・内臓の全肉写真。味・食感・稀少度・別称・値段の目安など、語れる薀蓄が満載。どんな稀少部位も一目瞭然の部位図や外国人にも説明できる英名表示付。部位画像から簡単に、見たい知りたい部位に辿れたり、アプリならではの機能も搭載。あなたの焼肉ライフが豊かになります!! 【目次】■牛肉 くらした、ざぶとん、まくら、ハチノス、センマイetc ■豚肉スペアリブ、かしら、ドーナツ、しきん、まめetc ■馬肉特選ひも、ふたえご、根、たてがみetc ■鶏肉手羽先、厚皮、のどぶえ、白ぎも、きんかんetc ■合鴨肉鴨むね、鴨もも、鴨皮、鴨タン、フォアグラ ■焼肉店サブメニュー事典野菜料理、海鮮料理、肉料理etc 【機能】 ・検索 ・部位名索引・お気に入り・スワイプ(各部位間は指で液晶をなぞり、次のページへ遷移できます) ・SDカード保存 ※Android2.2以上対応。
Garukare 2.3.0
ATGS Co., Ltd.
You can decorate this diary any wayyouwant.Because of limited functions, “Memo”, ”diary”, and”Calendar”,whoever can enjoy this application easily.■ Just SimpleIt is clear how to use with a large button.■ CustomizationYou can customize the background and others.Use decoration text on a diary, so the diary will be yourownstuff.※ material will be updated as needed.■ Diary with picturesYou can save text and picture to diary.Please recorded along with photos of your precious memories.■Share the scheduleIf you want to share your own schedule, you can share witheachother Garukare schedule.Shimao friends and boyfriend to share the schedule, with eachotheruser-Garukare![About the photo feature of the diary]May cause memory usage, such as terminal, but the applicationisrestarted.In this case, increase the amount of free space on the memory oftheterminal of the gallery images, etc. to organize appsandunnecessary in the terminal, please try.[About shopping]In spite of having carried out purchase procedure very [ now]rarely, I am checking that the following phenomenon occurs.- The purchased goods are not reflected in "Galle Carre.""- Order processing is carried out.You can use an item now in several minutes. Although displayed as",it will not be in the state where it can use even iftimepasses.- Again, if purchase procedure is performed, it will fail.In that case, from the Google account which purchased "GalleCarre"sorry to trouble you, but I attach the following informationto theGalle Carre reference ([email protected]),andplease connect.- The model name in use- Android OS version- The purchased item- The phenomenon which has occurredExample: If it goes to purchase a password from the re-degreeandshopping which cannot be used although the password waspurchased,it will become an error and can perform neither purchaseprocedurenor cancellation.Even if it carries out the tap of the effective check box ofthepassword setup key left, nothing reacts, and a password setupkeydoes not become effective.It continues being the same phenomenon although the applicationwasrebooted.
Multi Day Planner 1.0.40
Save and manage daily events and health conditions just by tappingapensil (Event) button on the calendar! A Timetable functionforstudents but can be used in a different way as well! Savenoteswith tag names and sort them to folders! Use it as to-dolist!Handwriting Memo for a quick memo or to share photos with amemowith your family and friends! Manage also daily and repeatedplansso you can use as an organizer! This is a multifunction appbutvery simple to use! *Multi-Day Planner does not sync withGoogleCalendar. When the mobile is manner mode, the alarm may notworkproperly by the model. Multi-Day Planner Manual The initialwindowis a cover of the organizer. 1. Tap the gray button with acat toset a password. 2. Tap + button to add another apps to usethemwhile using Multi-Day Planner. This is very convenientfunction!You don't need to close Multi-Day Planner to use anotherapps! *Howto do it* 1. Tap a black + button on the white belt. Youcan seethe list of apps that have installed on your mobile. Selectapps.2. Drag the app to delete. *Buttons of the cover* 1.Calendar:Moveto a calendar. Manage daily and repeated plans. 2.Timetable: Moveto a timetable. It is for students but it can beused in differentways. Use it as you like. 3. Note: Save notes withtag names.Manage them with tag holders! Use as to-do list! 4.Handwritingmemo: Make a quick memo or share photos with memo withyour familyand friends! *Calendar* Tap "Calendar" button on thecover. 1.Select a day then tap Pensil button (Event button) or "Taphere tocreate Event lists." on the calendar. Move to "Daily To-Do".1. Tap"Action" tag of "Daily To-Do". 2. You can see the list ofthedefault event icons. Let's tap "Medication" icon as a sample. 3.Apop-up "Medication" appears. the upper right button shows thetimeyou tapped the icon. You can change the time for example, thetimewhen you have to take the madication or the time you tookthemadication. X button is to clear the time when you don't needtosave the time. You can save memo, set the alarm. Tap "Save"tofinish and go back to the calendar. You can confirm saved eventsonthe list of the calendar. You can save more events in the sameway.4. When you want to save an event that does not have on thelist,but not want to register a new event icon on the list, tap"AddEvent" icon (calendar & +). Enter the title name, changethetime (if it is necessary), save memo, tap calendar & +tochange the icon. Tap "Save" to finish. 5. When you want to addanew event icon on the list, Tap "Add" button (+). A pop-upappears.1. Add:add a new event icon and save with this button. 2.Back:goback to Daily To-Do. 3. Tap (hand & +) to change theicon. 1.Event name. 2. Select the sort. If you save 999, the iconwill beadded at the end of the list. 3. SelectItem: You cancreatesubcategories here. 4. Finish and save with Add button.Customizethe event list as you like! *Condition Tag* Save recordshere justby tapping each buttons! It is very simple! You can save,Wake-uptime/Bed time/Sleeping hours/Conditions(faceicons)/Weight/Fatrate/Temperature/Blood pressure/Pulse and Memo.Each item can bedisplayed by a graph (Tap "Graph" button on thecalendar.).*Buttons of the calendar/from the left* 1.Today : Goback today'sdate. 2&3. Left & Right button: Move the dateright toleft. 4. Graph button: You can see graphs of Daily To-Do.5. PhotoList button: Move to Photo window. 6. Camera button: Takephotos orselect photos from the gallery of the mobile. 7. Menubutton: Moveto another apps or another windows.
喫茶手帳 1.2
◆◆◆キャンペーンセール◆◆◆通常価格700円⇒限定割引価格300円!-----------------------------------------「喫茶手帳(書籍版/1470円)」が半額で、Androidアプリ向けにリリース。-----------------------------------------コーヒー・紅茶・日本茶・中国茶・ハーブティーのすべてがわかる手帳アプリ。ブルーマウンテン、アールグレイ、掛川茶、東方美人、ローズマリーなど、176銘柄収録!!産地、味、香り、グレード、抽出法、効用など、コーヒー豆や茶葉などの銘柄を丁寧に解説しています。お茶やコーヒーが大好きな方に、本当にお気に入りの一杯が見つけてもらえるアプリです。【機能】 ■検索 ■索引から探す(あ-わ行)■お気に入り登録/履歴■スワイプ機能(各銘柄間は指で液晶をなぞり、次のページへ遷移できます) ■SDカード保存※Android2.2以上対応。 【その他】※機種との相性や、設定によりインストール出来ないケースが稀にあります。その際はキャンセル等のご相談をさせて頂きますので、お問い合わせくださいませ。※同一のGoogleアカウント(ID)でしたら、端末の変更、何回もダウンロードされても追加料金が発生することはございません。
Barcode Of Wine 1.1
Buy a product with ease.Scan a product, touch search button and you will seeproductdetails,ratings and market price, if available you canbuyonline.Improve your search.Find products more easily. Without having to enterwords,improvesprecision searches for a product, suggesting thefulldetails ofthe product to buy, find the product moreeasily.Specials.Save even more money.You can find cheaper products before you buy, discountcodes,offersand promotions by scanning the product code beforeyouacquireit.User-generated content.Never say we do not have a product. Use Barcode Of Wine toaddtheproduct, we are told the price at which he found andsoonbecamepart of your listing.
StampCalendar 4.1.3
Can be easily registered an appointment in stamp.
RamenMemo 4.3.7
hit apps
You can record ramen at any time, and see the map with shopsthatyou have been.
ラベルを撮るだけ簡単記録 - ワインアプリVinica 3.4.2
Concerning Copyrights of free that you can easily manage thewinedrinking You just take a picture of the label, the wine namesareentered Vinica