Top 5 Games Similar to 2º Ano - Vol. 3

2º Ano - Vol. 2 1.0.2
Os aplicativos do J. PIAGET – Sistema deEnsinoMultimídia voltados para o 2o ano do Ensino Fundamentalforamcriados para desenvolver e ampliar os seguintes conteúdos:História: Funcionários da escola / Escolas deoutrostempos.Língua Portuguesa: Uso de M e N.Ciências Naturais: Dia e noite / Recursos naturais.Geografia: Escola bem localizada / Localização em saladeaula.Matemática: Adição / Centena.Há também um jogo interdisciplinar paratrabalhar,simultaneamente, habilidades que envolvem os conteúdos deLínguaPortuguesa (Gênero textual blog), História (A escola emdiferentestempos) e Geografia (Localização e trajeto até aescola).Para funcionar, esse aplicativo depende de um código deativaçãoque é fornecido pelo Sistema de Ensino apenas paraescolasconveniadas. Entre em contato conosco para maisinformações.Applications J. Piaget-Multimedia Learning System facing the second year ofelementaryschool have been created to develop and expand thefollowingcontents:History: School Staff / Schools of yesteryear.Portuguese Language: Use of M and N.Life Sciences: Day and night / Natural Resources.Geography: well located School / Location in the classroom.Math: Addition / Hundred.There is also an interdisciplinary game to worksimultaneouslyskills involving the Portuguese language content(textual blogGenre), History (The school at different times) andGeography(location and path to the school).To work, this application depends on an activation code thatisprovided by the education system only to the accreditedschools.Please contact us for more information.
2º Ano - Vol. 1 1.0.6
Os aplicativos do J. PIAGET – Sistema deEnsinoMultimídia voltados para o 2o ano do Ensino Fundamentalforamcriados para desenvolver e ampliar os seguintes conteúdos:História: Árvore genealógica / Aniversário.Língua Portuguesa: História em quadrinhos / Cantigas e usodeP/B/F/V.Ciências Naturais: Partes do corpo / Prevenção de acidentes.Geografia: Localização / Endereço.Matemática: Reta numérica na adição.Há também um jogo interdisciplinar paratrabalhar,simultaneamente, habilidades que envolvem os conteúdos deCiênciasNaturais (Reino animal, vegetal e mineral) e Matemática(Maior,menor, antecessor e sucessor).Applications J. Piaget-Multimedia Learning System facing the second year ofelementaryschool have been created to develop and expand thefollowingcontents:History: Genealogy / Birthday.Portuguese Language: Comics / Songs and use of P / B / F / V.Life Sciences: Body Parts / Accident Prevention.Geography: Location / Address.Mathematics: numerical Straight in addition.There is also an interdisciplinary game to worksimultaneouslyskills involving the Natural Sciences contents(United animal,vegetable and mineral) and Mathematics (major,minor, predecessorand successor).
Tren De Palabras 1.0.4
“El Tren de las Palabras” es un juego interactivo y multimediaidealpara niños que se encuentran en la etapa de adquisición delalectura y escritura.Su objetivo esencial es ayudar al niño a comprender queunaoración (oral o escrita) es resultado de una secuencia depalabrasque se articulan en un cierto orden para trasmitir una ideaomensaje. Es así como el juego permite tomar conciencia de:1) La estructura básica de la oración conformada por unsujeto(quien) y predicado simple (qué)2) La estructura sintáctica de la oración determina elmensajeque ésta desea trasmitir3) La existencia de concordancia de género (masculino –femenino) y número (singular – plural) entre los componentes delaoración4) Las oraciones enriquecen el mensaje que expresan cuandoseincorporan nuevas palabras a su estructura (cómo – cuando–dónde)5) El reconocimiento visual de palabras favorece la víadirectade decodificación6) La percepción auditiva de palabras estimula elreconocimientovisual de ellas y la toma de conciencia del orden enque searticulan dentro de una oración.El juego está especialmente diseñado para que niños de 4 omásaños se familiaricen con las palabras y oraciones gracias asuslúdicas imágenes, un gran sonido y, lo más importante, unfácilmodo de uso.“El Tren de las Palabras” consiste en hacer andar el trenapartir de la elección y el orden de las imágenes/palabras segúnunaanimación previamente narrada.Por ejemplo, en la primera versión free aparece una animación(unconejo saltando un tronco); el niño debe seleccionarlaimagen/palabra que considere correcta y arrastrarla a la basedecada vagón generando una oración según la animación.Si la imagen/palabra es la correcta, el niño obtienelasestrellas correspondientes a cada letra de la palabra acertada,lasque salen del carro y saltan al tren. Una vez completa laoración,se pulsa la flecha para continuar, se escucha una frasedefelicitaciones y el tren comienza un nuevo destino."TheTrainWords" is ideal for children who are in the stage ofacquisition ofreading and writing, interactive multimedia game.Its primary purpose is to help the child understand thatasentence (oral or written) is the result of a sequence ofwordsthat are articulated in a certain order to convey an ideaormessage. Thus, the game raises awareness of:1) The basic structure of the sentence consists of asubject(who) and simple predicate (why)2) The syntactic structure of the sentence determines themessageit wants to convey3) The existence of gender agreement (male - female) andnumber(singular - plural) between the components of thesentence4) The sentences expressing enrich the message when new wordsareincorporated into its structure (how - when - where)5) The visual recognition via words favors direct decoding6) The auditory perception of visual word recognitionstimulatesthem and awareness of the order in which they articulatein asentence. The game is specially designed for children 4 or moreyearsto become familiar with the words and sentences thanks toitsplayful images, great sound and, most importantly, an easy waytouse."The Train Words" is to make the train ride from the choiceandorder of the images / words as previously narratedanimation.For example, in the first version free animation appears (abunnyhopping a log), the child must select the picture / word youthinkis correct and drag it to the base of each car generating aprayerfor the animation.If the image / word is correct, the child obtains for eachletterof the correct word stars, leaving the car and onto thetrain. Oncecomplete the sentence, the arrow button is pressed, youhear aphrase of congratulations and the train begins anewdestination.
Numbie: First Grade Math 0.50
Our resident math adventurer, Numbie, willhelpyour child practice and apply basic math skills through funpuzzlesand mini games.Numbie will guide your little math explorer throughintuitivelessons presented as games set in outer space, ice creamkingdoms,hidden underwater palaces, and more! This App combinesmaths andfun while mastering the basic Common Core Math Curriculum– yourkid will never get tired of solving these excitingpuzzles!Our integrated Parent Dashboard allows you to keep track ofyourchild's progress as they dash through their minigames.User-friendly statistics and simple analysis tools will helpyou tounderstand your kid's progress, see what they got tolearn,celebrate their successes, and allow you to better focus ontheareas your kid needs help with.Numbie's teaching materials and methods are carefully designedinaccordance with the Common Core Curriculum, and are in line withthehighest standards of child education.Chapter One focuses on basic Preschool and Kindergartenmaths.Upon completion of Chapter One, your child should becomfortablewith moving on to additional fun chapters that introducebasicElementary School level maths all fully aligned with theCommonCore Curriculum.Numbie will allow your kid to show off their knowledge bysolvingcolorful puzzles in a fun, engaging and exciting way!They'll besure to further expand their skills as they learn newmaterialwhile diving into the wonderful world of maths! Withconstantupdates and new exercises, these mini games and puzzleswill alwayshave a new challenge that will keep your kid comingback, eager tolearn more! If your child is of Preschool age, theywill learn inpart by completing color matching activities. If yourchild is at aKindergarten to First Grade level, our focus will beto polish uptheir counting skills and keep up with their classroomassignments,thus making the most of the Common Core Curriculum.Topics your kid will learn in the Tutorial Section ofNumbie'sCommon Core mini games:◉ Arithmetic◉ Numerals◉ Number combinations◉ Counting options◉ Shapes◉ Color matching & Comparison◉ Groups of figures◉ Addition of objects◉ Subtraction of objects◉ Addition of numbers◉ Subtraction of numbers◉ Basic word puzzles◉ Counting strategies and combinations◉ Ones and tens◉ Memorization◉ Preschool comprehension◉ Usage◉ Analysis◉ Synthesis◉ Evaluation◉ ComparisonDownload Numbie today and learn maths while having fun!For support-related questions please write to: [email protected]
Super Kit Educative Kids 2.3
MauroME Games
SUPER KIT educative games for kids.With the super kit educative, the kids can learn to:-- learn and relate letters playing.-- learn playing the numbers from 0 to 15.-- stimulating curiosity, research and discovery, scratchingtheScreeN.-- bringing kids closer to the art of early music throughpuppetswith the music Theater.-- training the visual and auditive memory, with theSequenceMemory.-- entertainment: mavian the explorer and Eyes.Many hours of fun and learning.Letters Maze:The maze of letters is a fantastic game and unconventionalbooster.It helps both educators and parents so that childrencandiscriminate letters both grafically and by sound throughgames.The child must previously look at and listen to each letterof thealphabet and then find them in the maze. The game istherefore thestarting point for learning to read.The game aims at betting the child acquire cognitive skillsanddevelop their visual and auditory memory as well as enablingthemto associate phonemes and their spellings.** A game to learn and relate letters playing **Numbers Maze:Learn playing the numbers from 0 to 15. Language ENGLISH,SPANISHAND GERMAN.The maze of numbers is a fantastic game and unconventionalbooster.It helps both educators and parents so that childrencandiscriminate numbers both grafically and by sound throughgames.The child must previously look at and listen to each numberandthen find them in the maze. The game is therefore thestartingpoint for learning to count.The game aims at betting the child acquire cognitive skillsanddevelop their visual and auditory memory as well as enablingthemto associate numbers and their spellings.Scratch the ScreeN:Scrape the Screen (Scratch the ScreeN) is a sensational gameforstimulating curiosity, research and discovery. Young childrenarenaturally curious and love to see how things change.Why not encourage them? Why not turn them into search enginesifthat contributes to their development of cognitive skills orfinemotor growth?.Music Theater Kids"Music Theater" is a game which aims at bringing kids closer totheart of early music through puppets.Sound musical notes.The FULL Version shows musical notes.Objectives:** To develop sensibility and sharpen the senses (aestheticpleasureof the eyes and ears).** To supply children with culture through feelings, emotionsandfun.Play musical notes.Improve Your Memory KidsIn this game you will be presented with a sequence of randomimagesand you need to memorise them and then repeat thesequence.---- This learning game teach important skills for preschoolandelementary school kids. Children will themselves work todeveloptheir focus and skills with this learning game ----Languages: English, Spanish and GermanAnd two games for entertainment:- Mavian the Explorer: Get all the coins that ask you to reachthelevel. You have a free full version of Mavian the explorer with8levels.- Eyes: eyes fun playing.---- You can also download the games individually ----