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Girl Scout Cookies® Booth Sale 1.0.6
Please note that this is a free tool whichisnot being sold and is only available to participating GirlScouttroop leaders with existing usernames and passwords.This tool lets Girl Scout troop leaders to record sale datafrompre-registered cookie booth sites to submit sales to theexistingweb-based order management system, eBudde.• The troop leader selects her booth sale (which includestime,date and location) and records cookie order detailsincludingcookie types, units sold, and the participating GirlScout.• Order information is integrated into Little Brownie Baker’seBuddeorder management system.• Troop leaders use their existing eBudde login to accesstheapplication and can then choose a booth sale they havescheduledand records order details.• The system is secure.