Top 16 Apps Similar to 南大懶人工具箱 (手機版)

英文單字王3專業版EngKing EX - 背單字的最佳利器 3.0.17
★慶祝全系列破 500 萬下載量,英文單字王特價$USD 3.99元! ★免費版版累積下載已突破250萬,最受歡迎的學英文軟體
英文圖像背單字-字根字群 1.35
Bruce Hsieh
懶人背單字 Vocabulazy 1.3.0
想利用搭車、等人的瑣碎時間,增進自身語言能力嗎?Volcabulazy 讓你不論躺著、坐著、站著,都能輕鬆學習英文單字!
Biscuit 4.0.4
EVERNOTE DEVCUP 2013 BRONZE AWARDBiscuit has been featured in the App Store's "Best New Apps”for30 different countries!Biscuit is the ultimate language learning tool.• Faster than a dictionary: create your own beautifullydesignedword list in seconds using simple gestures• Unique approach to flashcards: translate vocab from whateveryouare reading and use study alerts or audio pronunciationstoeffortlessly review• Never leaves your side: syncs across all your mobile devicesandcomputers
魔法單字 - 大學學測 1.6
內有常用的英文單字及音標,並有發音以及測驗。好玩又實用的英文單字學習APP,背單字不再只是死背,讓你一用就上手。收錄了超過4500個常用的詞彙。透過本程式,你可以無壓力的學習。無論你在何時何地,你將會發現學習英語原來是如此簡單的。※ 特色• 收錄常用的英語短語和詞彙• 提供完整的發音• 測驗功能讓你加速學習• 支援離線使用• 市面上尚無類似APP#關於鍾愛德(Zhong Eddie):http://www.sigma521.comThere are commonEnglishwords and phonetics, and pronunciation, and quizzes. Funandpractical learning English words APP, not just memorize wordsback,let you use to get started.A collection of over 4500 commonly used words.Through this program, you can learn without pressure.Whether you when and where you will find learning Englishoriginalis so simple.※ Features• collection of common English phrases and vocabulary• Provide complete pronunciation• Test feature allows you to accelerate learning• Support for offline use• Commercially no similar APP# About Zhong Aide (Zhong Eddie): http: //
Words don’t need to be memorized, they will naturally blend intothecontext
WhatTCSay 2.3
The world's first Teochew languagedictionaryand phrasebook Android App for English speakers! Anyonewho wouldlike to learn or improve their Teochew will have accessto:* 4000+ word entries and sound files* Dictionary word search tool* Chinese characters, Teochew peng-im (romanization), English* 15 phrasebook categories
英文單字輕鬆學 2.1
學習英文最簡單有效的方法--閃卡學習法 ♥簡單:遇到生字不用死背,不卡關,輕鬆簡單♥有效:多玩幾次自然熟記♥快速:不浪費時間在已經會的單字上
英文單字記憶王-多益、全民英檢、大學指考、國中小必備單字 1.1.3
S.M.P.D. Inc.
Through daily word quiz achieve learning and review, continuingtoenhance familiarity of words
英文記單字,字根,邏輯,諧音,字典/多益/英檢/基測/學測 2023.05
Are you still memorizing English words by rote? The best way istolearn radical character groups, logic and homophonicmemorizationof words, apply the skills of phonetic meaning andcomprehensivetests to quickly memorize English words, and you willalsoencounter unrecognized words in the future. Can guess themeaningof the word
常春藤進階英文字彙, 正體中文版 2.29
Released by Transwhiz, the famous teacher Lai Shixiong seriesofhigh-quality English learning apps are the best tool to enhancethestrength of single words.
106年學測倒數計時 1.1
Ren-Jean Liou
106學年度學科能力測驗倒數計日,看看還剩多少天,加油喔!106 school yearscientificability testing day countdown to see how many days left,refuelingOh!
瘋狂背單字 - 【TOEIC + TOEFL + 全民英檢】 1.50
CT Tseng
單字卡 2.2
單字卡APP接取簡單直覺的介面,讓你利用短暫空閒時間(如搭車,午休...)背或復習單字.*可依a-z順序顯示背單字.*可隨機顯示單字來背單字.*可自訂增刪單字.*可自我測試.Word card APPacesssimpleintuitive interface that allows you to use a short idletime(suchas a ride, lunch ...) back or review words.* To follow the order shown, a-z back word.* Display random words come back word.* Customizable add or delete words.* Self-test.
手滑背單字 1.1.6
最歡樂的背單字輔助App,首創單字任務系統!結合遊戲以及背單字,讓您開心的記牢每個單字的意思,全面提升英文能力!您正在準備考全民英檢 GEPT、托福 TOEFL、多益 TOEIC、雅思 IELTS、SAT還是GRE嗎?您覺得背單字很無聊,想要用更有趣的方式將單字牢牢記住嗎?手滑背單字提供了有趣的任務系統,幫您養成每日背單字的習慣!讓您打敗每天來亂的懶惰鬼!或者, 被每天都來的懶惰鬼同化!六大好背特性:‧ 任務遊戲系統,讓您背上癮,還想一背再背!‧ 努力看得見的分數系統,讓您成就感滿點。‧ 新舊單字混合,讓您復習學習一次完成。‧ 易上手的介面,讓您一試成主顧。‧ 真人發音、字典查詢、KK音標、例句一次滿足!‧ 分門別類地提供了專業單字庫,收錄15,000個以上的單字。手滑背單字包含以下單字庫:- 托福核心單字 (3640)- 多益核心單字 (880)- 多益進階單字 (840)- GRE重點單字 (1300)- 全民英檢中高級 (2500)- 全民英檢高級 (3000)- 雅思核心單字 (1200)- SAT重點單字 (2000)- SAT核心單字 (3400)- 國中核心單字 (1200)- 國中進階單字 (800)- 高中核心單字 (4400)- GRE紅寶單字 (6200)手滑背單字,每天背,戰勝英文全免費!持續新增單字庫中...歡迎任何的意見回饋或功能需求! [email protected]
新多益單字Free 1.1
x 新多益單字 x 瞬間飆升速讀速解能力,金色證書一試到手!x 新多益單字 x 錄各題重要單字、片語及其詞性,有效增強解題能力及字彙能力!x 新多益單字 x 加強字彙能力、加強英文資訊整合力!x 新多益單字 x 5,000 個「常見商務詞彙清單」,一定能有效提升閱讀速度!x 新多益單字 x 最標準的英文發音,最超值的升學單字書!x 新多益單字 x 提升聽力不二法門,就是持續聽!x 新多益單字 x 單字庫收藏,免費雲端備份!x 新多益單字 x 每個單字都有編號,單字輕鬆找!x 新多益單字 x 單字收集,FB分享,連結好朋友!The new multi-wordxxinstant benefits soared speed reading speedsolutioncapabilities,gold certificates to try hand!The new multi-word x x benefits recorded eachquestionimportantwords, phrases and speech, effectivelyenhanceproblem-solvingskills and vocabulary ability!x new TOEIC vocabulary word x strengthen the capacityandstrengthenthe integration of the force informationinEnglish!x x 5,000-word New Doeg a "common vocabulary list intheBusiness",will be able to effectively enhance thereadingspeed!The new multi-word x x benefit most standardEnglishpronunciation,word book studies the best value!The new multi-word x x benefit only way to improve the hearing,istocontinue to listen to!New Doeg x x single word font collections, free cloud backup!x x Each new TOEIC vocabulary word has a number, wordeasytofind!x new TOEIC vocabulary word x collect, FB share, linkfriends!