Top 8 Apps Similar to My aquarium

Aquarium Note
Lucky Delay
Do you keep fish? Here's a handy way to keep track of aquarium.
JBL PROSCAN - Water Analysis with the Smartphone
Aquarium Calculator 5.0
A set of common aquarium calculators.
Aquarium Volume Calculator 1.2
Just a basic volume calculator for rectangle and cube aquariums.
Aquarium Manager 2022.05.191
Aquarium Manager - your own professional aquarium care!
Aquarium Design Ideas 1.0
Finishing a room with an aweinspiringaquariumdesign doesn't just happen overnight. Like many apiece ofartwork,each nuance is carefully thought out ahead of time.Oneway to helpensure that your aquarium design turns out the wayyouwant it is tocontract with outside aquarium design firm. Butifyou decide to doit yourself, consider these factors.LocationFirst, where is your aquarium going to be. Theaquariumdesignelements you would want to consider here is positionand howitwill harmonize with the entire room. Will it sit inapositionwhere it is visible from several angles? WIll youinstallit in awall or will it share a wall with another room. Whenitcomes tolocation, you should plan carefully. Moving an aquariumisno easytask.BackgroundDepending if you aquarium will share a wall or not couldaffectyourdecision on a background. If the aquarium is standalonein awall,there are many pre-printed ocean scenes you can drop inasabackground. They also have vinyl sheets of mirror thatmakeanaquarium appear lush with life depending on how youhaveitornamented.Your Fishes EnvironmentAn aquarium is a miniature ecosystem. Think of it astheequivalentof our atmosphere, air, oxygen, water and all elementsoflife -but for your precious pet fish. The best designedaquariumshavetaken these factors into consideration. There are allsortsofexotic additions you can put in your fish tank. Handpickedcoralspecimens that will provide adequate camouflage foryourspeciesfish based on color is just one idea. Some peopleintroduceaquaticplants which provide far more environment andplaces for thefishto hide.OrnamentationAside from small pebbles which are a must, there aremanyotheradditions you can place in the aquarium to add flair.Emptyseashells and snail shells provide hiding places for smallfish.Youcan also place small wood modeled boats that resemblesunkenships.There are aquarium rock gardens and structures thatserve asaplayground for your fish. There are a variety ofaquariumornamentsyou can find in major pet stores and online. Ittruly isup to youbut the choices are endless.There are many reasons to create and design your very ownaquarium.Abeautifully designed aquarium will surely be an artisticandeleganttouch to your current décor. Spending time to noticethefish as theyagilely float through the water has even been showntolower bloodpressure. If you are serious about creatinganexquisite display foryour tropical fish, follow mytipsbelow.1. The first thing you will need to do is decide on thefishyouwould like to purchase.2. Once you've decided on the fish type, you will need to gooutandsift through the many styles and varieties of fish tanksatyourlocal pet shop.3. Next you will need to purchase decorations for your tank.Thisiswhere your inner artist can really escape in thedesign.4. Once you set up your tank and you've placed your fishintothetank, do not neglect cleaning it on a weekly basis.
MyAquarium Fish tank manager 20201228
MyAquarium is the best domestic freshwater fish tank manager,100%free and NO AD that helps you for remind when to renew thewaterand useful hints for take care of you fishes. MyAquarium isaexpert system that uses a rule engine to infer andrecommendactions to be done, based on all available information andhelpsyou to get the best way to take care of your fish tank.Forexample, it indicates you what is the best moment to renewthewater, how much water at minimum to be renewed, and when shouldtoclean the filters. MyAquarium has a internal fishes databasethatworks 100% off-line with the basic information about themostcommon and popular fresh water species. Also has a plantsdatabaseincluded with the most popular species for freshwateraquariums.The application notifies you when a maintenance has to bedone,remember you when to renew the water of your fish tank andtheperiodicity of the water changes. Also proposesrecommendationsaccording your fish tank volume, light watts,lightning hours, etc.
Simple calculator app 2.43.77
Simple calculator with percentage, memory keys andcalculationhistory.