Top 15 Apps Similar to WeAlert

Politie 4.2.1
**Dit is de officiële app van de Nationale Politie** Depolitiestelt deze app gratis beschikbaar. Wat kunt u met de app? Indebuurt • Snel een melding of een tip sturen over bijvoorbeeldeenverdachte situatie, inclusief een foto of video. •Wijkagentenzoeken, zodat u weet wie de plaatselijke contactpersoonis. •Politiebureaus zoeken. U kunt het adres, postadres,deopeningstijden en eventuele extra informatie vanpolitiebureauslezen. • Vermiste en gezochte personen zoeken, zodatu op de hoogtebent van de vermissingen en gezochte personen in uwomgeving.Checken • U kunt (ver)kopersgegevens checken voordat u metiemandzaken doet via een handelssite of webshop. U kunt met deappcontroleren of er meldingen over het emailadres,IBAN,telefoonnummer of website van deze (ver)koper zijn gedaan.•Checken of producten gestolen zijn. Controleer voor uietstweedehands koopt of het aangeboden product bij de politiealsgestolen geregistreerd staat. In deze functionaliteit kunt u metdecamera van uw mobiel barcodes en/of kentekens scannen om dezetecontroleren. Ook kunt u handmatig unieke serienummers invoerenencontroleren op diefstal. (zie ook Bellen•Telefonisch contact opnemen via spoed en geen spoed nummers. Deappzal in de toekomst verder worden uitgebreid met nieuwefuncties.Heeft u vragen en/of opmerkingen over deze app? Gebruikhetfeedbackformulier in de app.
Securitas Alarm 1.4.9
Securitas AB
Manage your data with the "Securitas Alarm" app.
Mijn Defensie 1.3.1
Met deze gratis app van Defensie ben je altijd up-to-date vanhetlaatste Defensienieuws, vacatures, events en meer! Door de apptepersonaliseren krijg je informatie die past bij jouw voorkeuren.Deapp biedt onder meer: - nieuwsberichten - vacature alerts-aankomende events - inzicht in de status van je sollicitatiebijDefensie Via push notificaties kun je per onderwerpaangevenwaarover je meldingen wilt ontvangen.
Rijnmondveilig 2.0.8
Rijnmond Safe informs and alerts in case of incidents, disastersandcrises.
AMBER Alert 7.0
AMBER Alert App Met de officiële app van hetlandelijkevermistekinderenalarm ontvang je naast AMBER Alerts voorvermistekinderenin direct levensgevaar ook Vermist Kind Alerts. EenVermistKindAlert wordt ingezet wanneer de politie zich ernstigezorgenmaaktover het welzijn van het vermiste kind. Met de AMBERAlert appkunje: + Direct notificaties ontvangen bij een AMBER AlertofVermistKind Alert + Eenvoudig alle details van deze alertszien(foto,omschrijving en laatst bekende locatie) + Allealertsmakkelijkdelen via WhatsApp met vrienden, familie of de helebuurt+ Depolitie snel waarschuwen vanuit de app wanneer je eenvermistkindziet + Een overzicht van alle actuele AMBER Alerts enVermistKindAlerts in Nederland bekijken
SOS ALARM -> 112 5.2
112 en SOS ALARM HULPVERLENERSALARMEREN BIJ EEN 112 NOODSITUATIEDownload de Nationale SOS ALARM -> 112 App zodat ukuntalarmeren bij een calamiteit / noodsituatie. De app zalregelmatighaar functies uitbreiden.Deze app is een beta versie. Dit betekent dat er continu aandezeapp gewerkt wordt om te verbeteren. Heeft u vragen, klachten,tipsof complimenten over deze app? U kunt deze versturen [email protected] alarmering via de Nationale SOS ALARM ->112App:• U wordt automatisch via de app doorverbonden met de 112meldkamercentralist• Overbruggen Aanrijtijden.U ontvangt hulp tijdens de aanrijtijden van Politie, Brandweeren/ofAmbulancevan SOS ALARM Hulpverleners indien in de nabijheid• Verkorten Aanrijtijden officiële hulpdiensten.Snel alarmeren doordat u de locatie en soort calamiteit deelt metde112 meldkamer• Hulpapps zoals onder andere - persoon vermist, zinloos geweld,IKben OK, EHBO Tipsen linken naar o.a. Amber Alert, NL Alert, Burgernet112 en SOS ALARM Hulpverleners ALARMEREN in Nederland...voordat seconden ... minuten worden...De GPS functie (locatiebepaling) wordt ingeschakeld als u deappopent en stopt als u de app sluit. Dit betekent datdelocatiebepaling bijna géén invloed heeft op de batterij vanuwsmartphone.Meer informatie via www.HELPLEVENSREDDEN.nl112 and SOSALARMEMERGENCYALERT IN AN EMERGENCY 112Download the National SOS ALARM -> 112 App so you canalertyou when a disaster / emergency. The app will regularly expanditsfunctions.This app is a beta version. This means that there iscontinuouslyworking on improving this app. If you have questions,complaints,tips or compliments about this app? You can send it [email protected] alarm through the National SOS ALARM ->112App:       • You willbeautomatically connected via the app with the 112 dispatchercontrolroom       • OverrideResponsetimes.                Youwillreceive assistance during the time it takes for police, fireand /or ambulance                SOSALARMRescuers if in the vicinity       • ShorteningResponsetimes official emergency services.                Quickalertbecause you share the location and type of emergency 112emergencyroom       • Help Apps whichinclude- missing person, senseless violence, I'm OK, First AidTips                andlinksto include Amber Alert NL Alert, Civilian112 and SOS ALERT ALERT Rescuers in Netherlands... Before seconds ... minutes ...The GPS function (localization) is enabled when you open theapp,and stops when you close the app. This means that the positionisalmost no impact on the battery life of your smartphone.More information via
WeAlert – safer neighborhoods 4.1.4
We should all feel safe in our homesandneighborhoods.Unfortunately, we are becoming more isolated,lessknowledgeableabout the concerns in our communities, and wedon’talways knowwhat to do about them. Studies have shownthatconnectedcommunities have reduced crime levels, andincreasedability toreport eyewitness accounts. The WeAlert app letsyouconnect withyour neighbors easily. Stay informed aboutyourcommunity and sharesafety and security concerns. It willempoweryou and yourcommunity to do something about them. You'llhave apowerful toolfor preventing crime and catching those thatwouldharm you andyour loved ones. Use WeAlert so we can standtogetherand make ourneighborhoods safer. Are you happy with theWeAlertapp? We wouldreally appreciate your feedback, wishes or anicereview. Thankyou. ★ Join your neighborhood automatically ★Focus onlocal safety★ Straightforward alerts with the rightinformation ★Control whichalerts you follow ★ No need for sharingcellphonenumbers ★Multiple neighborhood security sources in onenews feed►Neighborhood safety WeAlert empowers people to increasesafetyintheir neighborhoods. WeAlert helps you connect withyourneighbors,so you can send and receive valuable informationaboutsafetyconcerns in your community. It helps you organizethisinformationin such a manner that you and neighbors can act onit.WeAlert alsocombines various safety and security news sourcesinone news feedthat will only show you locally relevant news. Youcanfind safetyand crime prevention tips and products in the app.Youwill notonly be aware of security concerns in your community,butyou willalso have the means to tackle these together withyourneighbors.Convinced that the WeAlert can help you andyourcommunity, butstill have some questions? Contact [email protected] or visitour website .►Neighborhood watch initiators Ifyou have already started or wanttostart a neighborhood watch inyour community, the WeAlert appcanhelp you take it to the nextlevel. The structured approach andtheautomatic enrollment ingroups makes it much easier to managethanother group apps. Youdon’t have to store private data fromyourneighbors and you don’thave to instruct newparticipantsconstantly. The focus on safetyprevents discussionsfrom going offtopic and makes sure thatalerts will be takenseriously when theyhappen. WeAlert is not alocal marketplace andfocussed 100% onsafety ► Local lawenforcement WeAlert can helplocal residentsprevent crime, but itcan also be a means for lawenforcement toconnect with theneighborhoods. By using the WeAlert,you can learnwhat’s going onand help communities improve safety andsecurity.The app will alsoguide users to call emergency serviceswhen analert calls for it.► Local authorities The positive resultsofdigital neighborhoodwatch communities can no longer beneglected.Safety in homes andneighborhoods are at the foundation oftheprosperity of residents.With the help of all residents it canbequickly determined whichneighborhoods need attention.Civilservants can work together withobservant civilians to makeourcities and towns great places tolive and work. ► Our societyHomeburglaries and robberies have anenormous impact on people.That'swhy it's so important to preventthese crimestogether.Unfortunately, the world will never be crimefree. However,we canstrengthen our communities and give victims apositiveperspectiveon dealing with these crimes. On top of thatwe canincrease thechance that perpetrators are caught by beingvigilanttogether andproviding the right information to our lawenforcement.We don’tbelieve in naïeve safety. We believe thatsafety issomething we caninfluence. We can reduce crime by beingaware ofdanger and byhaving the knowledge, the tools and thepower of thecommunity. Joinus, We are Alert together! (gratis) 1.4.1
Android client Feedback? Mail us!
BuurtApp 2.1
Dutch your neighborhood app for communication between residents
Nextdoor: Neighborhood network 4.56.5
Local Neighborhood News App with Marketplace Near You(Furniture,Home, & More)
Red Alert 3.2.0
Red Alert: first posted about the dangerous drugs.
DB Alerts
Dutch Birding
Receive and share sightings of rare birds in the NetherlandsandBelgium
T-Mobile Nederland
Always direct insight into your usage, balance, invoices andyoursubscription.
Integrated Emergency Response 4.3.2
Connecting you to emergency services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Silent Alarm 1.6.0
Silent alarm message sender. When youfeelyouare (getting) in trouble, just 1 click on this app will giveyouatleast a change to make clear you need help - including ahinttoyour location!After the app is started, the whole screen of yoursmartphonewillturn into a big red alarm-button. The text isadjustable. Nomatterwhere you push the button, your normal screenwill re-appearandimmediately a SMS-alert including the locationwill be sent toapredefined number, without making any noise orputting messagesonyour screen.Are you being robbed, stalked, carjacked, kidnapped, orjustlost?This app could save you!This app is compatible from Android 2.3.0 (Gingerbread) uptothelatest version, so you can turn anot-quite-so-newAndroidsmartphone into a life saving alarmtool.You can also configure wether the GPS-location should beprovidedinthe SMS. If checked, the receiver of the SMS will get alinktogoogle maps. The SMS will show the method andageofmeasurement.No logging or other kind of duplication of your messageswillbeused. Phone- and SMS costs are your provider's rates.Noadditionalfee is charged.In emergency situations or for investigationinquiriespleasecontact Teunissen Enabling, Barendrecht,TheNetherlands,[email protected]