XXI век Калуга 4.1.1
Приложение ТРК «21 век»Самый престижный и наиболеепопулярныйторгово-развлекательныйцентр Калуги. Помимо разнообразныхмагазиновдля грандиозногошоппинга гостям комплекса доступны 2заласовременного кинотеатра«Синема Стар», суши-бар,пиццерия,«McDonald's». Здесь найдетсяразвлечение и для самыхмаленькихпосетителей - аттракционы на 3мэтаже, и длялюбителейэкстримального, но безопасного отдыха -единственный вгороде7D-кинотеатр. Магазины ТРК «XXI век» открытыдляпокупателейежедневно с 10:00 до 21:00. Любители кино могутпосетитькомплекс ив ночное время.Appendix TRC "21"The most prestigious and most popular shoppingandentertainmentcenter of Kaluga. In addition to the variety ofshopsfor the grandshopping complex offers 2 rooms availablemoderncinema "CinemaStar", a sushi bar, pizzeria, «McDonald's».Here,there isentertainment for the youngest visitors - attractionsonthe 3rdfloor, and for fans of extreme but safe holiday - theonlyone inthe city of 7D-cinema. Shops TRK «XXI Century" openedforcustomerson a daily basis from 10:00 to 21:00. Movie loverscanvisit thecomplex at night.
Eng-Rus Academical Dictionary
Big Academic English-Russian-English Dictionary presented intheseries "XXI Century Dictionaries" contains over 200,000 wordsandphrases, as well as a large number of detailed word usageexamplesin spoken and written language. The dictionary was preparedby theworld famous Russian linguists Yuriy Apresyan and MikhailDubrovin.This edition includes new words and idiomatic expressions,terms ofeconomics, computer equipment, etc. The dictionary focusesonBritish English, but also includes examples of American wordusage.• Dictionary database contains over 148,000 entries. •Englishsound module contains 51,000 entries spoken by nativespeakers. •Russian sound module contains 51,000 entries spoken bynativespeakers. ____ The app allows to easily and quickly navigatethedictionary, as well as experience the most advancedsearch,learning and translation features. Now you can make surethat adictionary complies with your language level and contains allwordsyou need before purchase. Full-fledged version is availableforbuying with the in-app dictionary catalog. _____ Searchfeatures: •Comfortable in-app translations from any book ordocument withoutswitching between applications or accessing theInternet. Thedictionary supports FbReader, AlReader and EbookReader. • Fulltext search feature allows you to look up words moreefficientlythroughout the whole dictionary content, includingheadwords andusage examples. • Wildcard Search if you are unsure ofthe exactword spelling. Use “?” and “*” symbols to replace themissingletters. • Similar words search in case of misspelling. •Searchwithin entries to narrow down and quickly navigate largerentries.• Look up unknown words or phrases from any application,includingweb browser or email, using the Share button. The featureallowsyou to send copied text to the dictionary directly and getthetranslation in one click! • Morphology modules help to findwordsin any grammatical form • Three input methods make dictionarywordlook-ups more convenient than ever. Enter the word in yourownhandwriting with Paragon’s PenReader handwritingrecognitionsoftware, search by voice using Google Voice recognitionservice ortake a picture of the text with Google Goggles. Learningfeatures:• The integrated flashcard quiz helps study new wordsfaster andsmarter. • Audio pronunciations recorded by nativespeakers. • Fulllinguistic information – with declension andconjugation tables –is included, making a dictionary a must-havefor any languagescholar (for English and Russian languages)! •Favourites - toquickly access frequently searched words. Interfacefeatures: •Enjoy a brand-new feel&translate app with everbetternavigation for your comfort. • Drag components of yourproductsbetween storages, for instance, internal or external memoryordelete a component if necessary. Available at My dictionaries->Manage. • Built-in dictionary catalog for in-app purchases. •Arange of custom styles and operating options are availableunderuser settings. • Search History feature shows the last 1000wordslooked up. • No Internet connection required. ____ XXICenturyDictionaries are based on the latest research,consideringtraditional and the most recent Russian linguisticapproaches. Thedictionaries reflect all changes and processes thathave beentaking place in the Russian language for several decades.Thedictionaries embody scientific breakthroughs in Russianlinguisticsand provide the most detailed information about aword,illustrating the logics and laws of the system, where thewordfunctions.
Muhammad Yusuf she'rlari
Samimiy she`rlari ohangraboqo`shiqlargaaylanib, har bir o`zbek xonadoniga kirib borgan lirikshoirMuhammad Yusuf XXI asr o`zbek adabiyotida so`nmas yulduzbo`lib harbir dillarda porlaydi.Shoir o`z ona vataniga, tabiatga va insoniyatga bo`lgan iliqhissinio`zining yuraklarni larzaga soluvchi,garchand sodda tildayozilganbo`lsa-da odamni chuqur o`yga chorlovchi she`rlari bilano`quvchiqalbida o`chmas iz qoldirgan.