Top 16 Games Similar to Kendo

Glossary Kendo 6.0
Small glossary in english of thewholeterminology related with kendo. Also there are includedtheexplanations of some movements and defenses.
剣道基礎知識 1.0
剣道選手権動画 0.0.1
全日本剣道選手権と全日本学生剣道選手権の試合動画をまとめたものです。AllJapanKendoChampionships students and All Japan KendoChampionshipsIt is a summary of the video game.
Cirport/サポート 剣道 スコアブック 1.4.7
★Cirportで試合結果をデジタル化しましょう★紙面で記録していた試合結果をCIRPORTで記録すれば楽に管理できるようになります。今まで隠れていた個人の成績を分析してチーム編成に活用できます。動画撮影とハイライト機能により、一本取った瞬間を繰り返し再生することができます。◆機能 :- 試合結果の記録- 試合結果の閲覧- 団体戦の成績分析- ユーザ同士のチーム作成- チームごとの結果共有および端末への保存- スケジュール共有◆記録をつける試合結果の記録は個人戦と3,5,7人制の試合記録を付ける事ができます。結果の付け方はドラッグ&ドロップするだけでどなたでも簡単に入力する事ができます。反則は二回入力すると自動的に相手に一本が入ります。また、代表戦の入力も行う事が可能です。記録後も編集することが可能です。さらに頻繁に利用するチーム構成をあらかじめ作成し、試合時にすばやく設定する事ができます。チーム構成を作成するためにはまず選手を作成し、次にチーム名とともに選手のポジションを設定してください。記録可能な情報 :・試合名・チーム名・選手名・有効打突および反則・日付(自動)◆見るデジタルで記録を保存することで、今までかさばり、重たくなっていた記録帳を持ち歩く必要がなくなります。◆分析する選手ごとの強み/弱みを理解していますか?Cirportなら記録を分析し、勝率はもちろん取得した打突の割合など細かい分析が可能になります。◆チーム作成ユーザ登録を行えば、利用者間でチームを作成し結果を共有できます。チームの作成にはチーム名、ID、パスワードを設定します。これらの情報をチームメイトと共有し、メンバー申請するとこでチームに参加する事ができます。◆チーム内で結果を共有ソーシャルネットワークでの共有では過去の記録はすぐに他の情報に埋もれてしまいますが、この機能を利用して端末に保存すれば、整理された状態を保つ事ができます。また、端末に結果を保存すれば成績を分析することができ、選手の強み/弱みをよりはっきり理解することができます。◆スケジュール共有練習や試合の予定を毎月プリントして配っていませんか?共有機能を使えばチーム内でスケジュールを共有できます。全ての関係者に簡単に共有することができ、よりチーム管理を楽にします。動作確認機種Google Nexus7・端末の言語を英語に設定している場合、うまく動作しない事があります。アプリケーションWebページ→→@Genne_Cirport本アプリケーションはβ版です。不具合があった場合、改善いたしますので、レポートの報告、または[email protected]までご連絡いただければ幸いです。ご連絡いただいた場合、[email protected]から返信いたしますので、ドメイン@gmail.comからメールを受信しない設定を行っているお客様は設定を変更してください。また、お客様のメール受信容量やセンター保存容量の関係で返信メールが送信できない事がありますので、こちらもご注意ください。本アプリケーションは・SQLCipher (Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Zetetic LLC. Released undertheBSD License.)・android-times-square (Copyright (c) 2012 Square, Inc.Releasedunder the Apache 2.0 License.)・MPAndroidChart (Copyright (c) 2016 Philipp Jahoda. Releasedunderthe Apache 2.0 License.)を使用しています。
Krav Maga 1.10
If you like Krav Maga,one of the most famous martial arts,youarrived to the number one Krav Maga app for mobile phoneandtablets. Here you will learn all the Krav Maga techniques thankstoour video tutorials. Don't miss the techniques, the lessons andthefights sections. All of them have something to offer. Learn howtomove and kick like a Krav Maga professional fighter. And allthisfor free. Learn martial arts today.
Karate Training 1.00
Karate Training is the app with lots of karate exercises withacomplete training program that contains all the basic andadvancedlessons to practice karate. Today the professional andamateurkarate requires a very high level of training and technique.Withthis application you will learn how to improve your fitness andhowto perform karate routines of elaborate moves and tricks.Eachexercise can be modified for increased intensity to fit yourgoals.This application includes: - Workouts for begginers to startthismartial art and to earn the basic Belts. - Intermediateexercisesto improve your martial arts and your karate skills, powerand bodycontrol. - Advanced exercises to become a karate master orblackbelt. - Main karate techniques to build you up more advancedmoves.- A selection of videos with the best fights in mainchampionships.This application is part of a group of sportstraining apps such asfootball, tennis, paddle tennis, basketball,paddleboarding,martial arts, kung fu, judo, home gym, cricket,cycling,golf, boxing and beach volleyball. Download now this karatefreeapp on your mobile or tablet device.
Martial Arts 1.2
Note: It is recommended you downloadthisappwith wifi, as the video files are quite large.Section 1 - INTRO TO THE BRUCE SISTAZSection 2 - Upper body stretch with Grace BruceSection 3 - Mid body stretch with Chloe BruceSection 4 - Lower body stretch with Chloe BruceSection 5 - Leg stretches with the Bruce SistazSection 6 - Kicking by count drill with Chloe BruceSection 7 - Leg swings with Chloe BruceSection 8 - Pump Kicks with Chloe BruceSection 9 - Leg Circles with Chloe BruceSection 10 - Partner conditioning with the Bruce SistazBruce SISTAZ are an extreme martial arts performanceDuo,thatcombine fast action kicking & martial artsunlikeanythingyou've ever seen before!Bruce Sistaz formed around 2 years ago when the girlsdecidedtoteam up as a double act, and have since performed ontheDiversityTour 2010, Katie Price & Alex Reids Wedding, andoneof theirmost memorable moments was performing in front ofJackieChan,Jaden Smith & Will Smith at the Karate KidpremiereinLondon.Chloe Bruce has grown to become one of the most recognisedfemale martial artists in the World today. Famousforheramazingflexibility and very fast, but yet powerful kicks.Chloe has blown up into a Worldwide icon inspiring manyother martial artists all over the globe. AfterwinningvariousBritish, European & World titlesChloe has gone onto performing at live shows, tv & filmsalloverthe World and even holds a guinness World record formostkicks in 1minute!Chloe & sister Grace started performing together in2010whereBruce SISTAZ was born!Grace Bruce is known for her extreme martial arts.Incrediblehighkicks & balancing skills.Currently a black belt 2nd Dan in Korean Tang Soo Do&highlyrecognised for being one of the top martialartistsinEurope.Grace holds various European titles & has beenfortunateenoughto travel the World performing alongside some of theWorldsmostprestige acts.Both Grace & sister, Chloe, created the act 'BruceSISTAZ'in2010 and are a martial arts duo, unlike anything youhaveseenbefore!
WWE & AEW News From PWNH 16
CM3 Solutions
WWE, AEW news site. Rumors, Raw, Smackdown, Dynamite, ProWrestlingNews Hub
Martial Art Dojo Finder 3.1.3
This is a community-based, organic registerformartial art and combat sport trainings / dojo. It helps peopletofind the right training place in any of the followingstyles.Aikido, Boxing, Brazilian jiu jitsu, Bujinkan, Capoeira,Defendo,Eskrima, Goju ryu karate, Hapkido, Iaido, Jeet kune do,Judo, Jujitsu, Kempo, Kendo, Kickboxing, Kobudo, Kyokushin karate,KravMaga, Muay Thai, Ninjutsu, Shaolin kung fu, Shito ryukarate,Shotokan karate, Systema, Taekwondo, Tai Chi, Wing Tsun… thelistis increasing!You are an an instructor – you can promote your dojo (youwillregister it in the database) and send free push messages toyourstudents! You are a practitioner/beginner – look at the mapandfind the dojo of your needs! You can search for training daysandschedules, location, age groups, etc. All dojo data need tobereviewed every 3 months in order to show you alwaysup-to-dateinfo!Forthcoming features: facilitating event organization for anygivenstyle. Please rate the app high for the updates tocomefaster!
Karate in brief 49
Listing and demonstrating Karatedo martial artsystem:punch,kick,block,kata...
Martial Arts Coach 2.0
merj studios
NOTICEFor a FREE sample of the app, please download 'TaekwondoMasterkitFree' and click on 'trainer'.TrainerMartial Arts Coach is designed to build your reflexes, skill,powerand speed. This computerized coach will guide youthroughtechniques and drills! Perform a move on the air or on apunchingbag when the app commands you. Features include:- Ability to set speed interval, including a custom mode- Set either a random or regular pattern for the app tomakesounds- Set sound to a simple 'beep' or even call out Martialarttechniques! Select from a pre-set list (suited for kickingarts),or use up to 8 custom slots!Suited for all martial arts including taekwondo, karate,MuayThai, MMA, Jiu-Jitsu, Capoeira, kickboxing, boxing, andmanymore!
Kyokushin-Kata 2.5
Roy Binder
Kyokushikaikan Kata videos
Wrestling Training Videos 3.0.1
This app is a fun tool for all wrestlers.Itlists many of the videos on youtube and organizes them bytechniquesuch as Hand fighting, Gut wrench, tilts, duck unders,pins,cradles break downs and many more. It has the collection ofvideosfrom Cary Kolat included as well as those from the Granbyschool ofwrestling. All available on one app as an easyreference.
Karate Shotokan 1.0
Media APP
Karate Shotokan provides you with lot informationsaboutKarate,Karate Shotokan. Karate Shotokan Black Belt with thisgreatcombat training. Do you want to be the best fighter in yourarea ?With Karate Shotokan, you'll learn the best technics ofKarate. Inthis Karaté Shotokan App you'll learn Karate ShotokanKata, andyou'll be a Master to this martial art. Learn how topunch, kickand be the best in this sport.This Japanese Martial Artis a goodsport for self defense, healthier body... Learn Karatenow, andstart to kick as.You can Install this application formPlaystore inyour Android Phone, Phablet and Tablet.
Боевые искусства Филиппин 4.4.3
Федерация Арнис Эскрима Кали приглашает Васназанятия интереснейшей и весьма эффективной системой боя–филиппинскими боевыми искусствами (ФБИ).Что такое ФБИ? Это комплексная система боя с оружием и без него,навсех дистанциях и во всех положениях. Основнымиразделамифилиппинских боевых искусств являются:— ножевой бой;— рукопашный бой;— бой на палках;— применение традиционного оружия Филиппин (крис, баронг,боло,керамбит, балисонг);— использование в бою подручных предметов;— бой с группой противникови многое другое.Чем определяется эффективность ФБИ, известных под названиямиАрнис,Эскрима и Кали?В первую очередь тем, что это комплексная система, «микс файтсоружием».Во вторых, богатой боевой историей — в течение более 400 лет(отдревности до наших дней) ФБИ применялись на поле боя, в дуэляхдосмерти и уличных стычках.В третьих, открытости влиянию новых и прогрессивных тенденцийвискусстве рукопашного боя.Арнис, Эскрима и Кали заслуженно носят название «КэмпоXXIвека».Мы представляем в России ряд известныхмеждународныхорганизаций:International Modern Arnis Federation Philippines,Inc.(IMAFP)The Philippine Classical Arnis InternationalFederation(PCAIF)Deutscher Arnis Verband e.V. (DAV)Alliance of The Philippine Combat Arts in TheRussianFederationEskrima KaliArnisFederation invites you to class interesting and highlyeffectivecombat system - Filipino Martial Arts (FMA).What is the FBI? This is a complex combat system with weaponsandwithout, at all distances and in all positions. The mainsectionsof the Filipino martial arts are:- Knife fight;- Close fight;- Fight on sticks;- The use of traditional weapons of the Philippines (Chris,barong,bolo, KARAMBIT, balisong);- The use of the materials at hand in the battle;- A fight with a group of opponentsand much more.What determines the effectiveness of the FBI known as Arnis,Escrimaand Kali?First of all the fact that it is a complex system, "a mix ofmartialarts weapons."Second, the rich fighting history - for over 400 years (fromancienttimes to the present day), FBI applied on the battlefield,in duelsto the death and street clashes.Third, the effect of opening up new and innovative trends in theartof unarmed combat.Arnis, Escrima and Kali are deservedly called the "KenpoXXIcentury".We present in Russia a number of prominentinternationalorganizations:International Modern Arnis Federation Philippines,Inc.(IMAFP)The Philippine Classical Arnis InternationalFederation(PCAIF)Deutscher Arnis Verband e.V. (DAV)Alliance of The Philippine Combat Arts in TheRussianFederation
Martial Arts Score Keeper 2.5.1
Keep accurate score in Tae Kwon DoSparring,Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and the Ten Point Must System.For those who don't have an expensive electronicscoringsystem.Perfect for Athletes, Coaches, and Spectators.Keep your eyes on the match while you score on your phone.Be sure to comment so I can keep updates coming!Read about it here: about it here: