Top 20 Apps Similar to NGC Coin Details

Grade Your Coins - Photo Gradi 1.0.2
Coin Photo Grading Images | How To Grade Your Coin Image Comparison
Coin Collection 3.5.0
Coin Collection helps users keep track of which U.S. coinstheyalready have
Indian Coins Currencies 4.0.1
Here i tried to include all possible very valuable informationofIndian Coins and Paper Money on mobile/tablet device,onlineoffline data easily access. please sendvaluablesuggestion/information to [email protected] is available in Author :ChanchalSakarde
Collector's Eye Free
Michael Penna
Automatically identify almost any coinbytakingpictures of the front and back. The only catch is youmusttake avery detailed picture. Watch the Youtube videowalkthroughfor anexample. Collector's Eye Free is a Visual Search ImageComparisonCoinIdentification Application for your Android Phone.The systemwilluse computer vision for an automated search through80,000coins anddetermine the closest match.Please feel free to contact [email protected] or issues.
PCGS Cert Verification - Coin 2.1.14
Verifying the authenticity of your PCGS coins & banknotesiseasier than ever!
Coin Collecting - My US Coins 4.14
My US Coins is a program for UScoincollecting. It contains a list of coins minted in theUnitedStates. It allows you to develop a list of all the coins youhavein your collection, linked to the list of all coins minted ineachcoin series, graphically depicting which coins you do anddon'thave in each coin series. Multiple instances of the same coinareshown with details for each coin in your collection. You cancreatea list of desired coins you would like to add to yourcollectionthat includes coin grades, normal coin price, and maximumprice youare willing to pay for a coin. It also allows you toimport andexport your owned coins and desired coin lists. Thisfeature allowsyou to transfer your coin collecting information toanother phoneor to save your coin collection off the phone to asafe place incase your phone fails completely. If your databasegets corruptedby your phone or you change phones, you can restoreyour databasefrom a previously saved database that was good.Currently included are all Colonial Coins, Post-ColonialCoins,Contract Coins, U.S. Federal Coins, Commemorative Coins, CoinSets,Private and Territorial Gold Coins, Private Tokens, Bullion,andAlaskan Tokens. Coin issues for Confederate, Hawaiian,PuertoRican, and Philippine Islands are also included.This is a coin collecting program written by coin collectorstoorganize a coin collection and make personal coincollectinginformation available anywhere you see a coin or coincollection.If you enjoy this coin collecting application please letyourfriends know about it so they can have their coincollectinginformation quickly available. This program is free andthedevelopment costs are paid by you clicking on one oftheadvertisements on the top of the page.If you have a problem or suggestion for improvements that willmakecoin collecting easier, please email us by clicking on‘EmailDeveloper’ located on the ‘About’ screen. Our goal is toimproveyour coin collecting experience.A Canadian version, My CA Coins, and a UK version, My UK Coins,areboth available.Thanks for giving this a try and happy coin collecting.
PCGS CoinFacts - U.S. Coin Val 3.1.7
The world’s largest online catalog of U.S. coins for coincollectorslike you!
Монеты России и СССР 6.7
Application for numismatists and interested.
USSR Coin Values 1.4.11
USSR Coin Values helps coin collectors make more informed buyingandselling decisions. This free app with simple and intuitiveinterfacehave coin values from auctions Conros (39 edition - March2015) andRussian coins (1921-2014). If you have any suggestions orquestionsabout the App, feel free to send an [email protected]
Моя коллекция 1.5
Total shell to run a separate directory.
Numizmatyka24 0.94
Aplikacja do katalogowania posiadanychzbiorównumizmatycznych. Przeznaczona głównie dla kolekcji monet NBPorazserii dolarówek i 25-cio centówek USA.Katalog zawiera spis srebrnych monet kolekcjonerskich i 2złokolicznościowych NBP od 1995, znaczną część dukatów lokalnychorazmonet USA z serii: 25 centów - 50 Stanów, 25 centów - Parki,NativeAmerican, One Cent Coin, Prezydenci USA. Każda moneta posiadaopisw postaci zdjęcia oraz parametrów monety.Katalog umożliwia zaznaczenie w posiadanych pozycji oraztychktóre planujemy nabyć w najbliższym czasie, możliwy jestrównieżzakup wybranych monet.Aplikacja powstała dzięki witrynie salonunumizmatycznegohttp://www.numizmatyka24.plApplication forcatalogingheld numismatic collections. Designed primarily for thecoincollection and a series dolarówek NBP and 25-year-centówekUSA.Product lists and silver collector coins 2 zł occasionalNBPsince 1995, the majority of local ducats and a series ofU.S.coins: 25 cents - 50 U.S., 25 cents - Parks, Native American,OneCent Coin, U.S. Presidents. Each coin has a description in theformof photos and coin parameters.Product allows you to select the position held and those thatweplan to acquire in the near future, it is possible to alsopurchasesome coins.The application was created by the salon's numismatic
Мой Нумизмат 1.7.0
Мой Нумизмат - каталог монет всего мира.В каталоге более 22 000 монет, которые были выпущены в более чем700странах (городах) по всему миру на протяжении более 2000лет.Примерно 2.5 - 3 ГБ изображений монет, которые можно загрузитьпомере необходимости. Вы можете поделиться изображениями монетсдрузьями.Важно ! Необходима карта памяти встроенная или внешняя ( sdcard,extsd или т.п.). В основную память устройства данные загружатьсянебудут!После установки, приложение будет скачивать изображения монетпомере необходимости пакетами по 15-25 МБ.Предыдущий вариант приложения потерпел крах из-за утерифайлацифровых подписей пакетов (сбой,повреждение жесткогодиска).Врезультате : ни обновление ,ни любое другое изменениеневозможно!My Numismatist -catalogof coins around the world.In the catalog of more than 22,000 coins, which were releasedinmore than 700 countries (cities) around the world for over2000years.Approximately 2.5 - 3 GB of images of coins that can be loadedasneeded. You can share the images of coins with friends.Important! Memory card required internal or external (sdcard,extsdor similar). In the main memory data will not load!Once installed, the application will download the images of coinsasrequired in blocks of 15-25 MB.The previous version of the application crashed due to lossofdigital signature file packages (fault, damage to the harddisk).As a result, neither update nor any change is notpossible!
Базовый каталог (иллюстрации к 1.0.0
Additional illustrative material for the catalog "RussianCoins1700-1917"
USSR coin catalog 1.3.4
Catalog of coins of the USSR of regular coinage from 1921 to 1991
World coins: USA, Canada, EURO 2.31
Catalog of jubilee and regular coins of Euro, USA, Canada andothercountries
USA and Euro Coins 4.0
Application about Euro and US coins
Монеты стран бывшего СССР 4.1
Application for numismatists and just interested.
NumisBase - numismatic base 0.1.2-RC
Collectors of coins, NumisBase allows you to view the list ofcoinsand medals by country. Each piece is accompanied by adetaileddescription and photos of the obverse and reverse. Itallows you toidentify and categorize your antiques and contemporary(euros).NumisBase already contains over 4000 references availablewithoutconnection from your device. Other parts and other countrieswillbe added regularly. Install now and enjoy free NumisBaseadditionsof countries and parts as well as manage your collectionof coinswith NumisBase. Like most applications, no connection isrequired(WiFi, Edge or 3G) or any external storage device (SDcard). FranceBelgium Italy Spain Luxembourg Monaco SwitzerlandVatican ScotlandTunisia Denmark Austria features: - Databasenumismatic - Searchcountries - Parts Search - Does not requireinternet connection -Does not require external storage - Fast andeasy to use
USSR coins of precious metals 1.1
Catalog of USSR coins of precious metals from 1923 to 1991
EURik: Euro coins (R6)
EURik - app for euro coins collectors.