Top 17 Apps Similar to Calculadora de embarazo

Pregnancy ++ 3.7.3
Pregnant? Get the worldwide No.1 PregnancyApp.Want to see beautiful, interactive images for everyweekofpregnancy? Join more than 10 million users who alreadyusethisPregnancy App to follow their pregnancy week by week.Our Pregnancy++ App can also be personalizedfordads,grandparents and other family members.Everything you need in one Pregnancy App!- DAILY pregnancy info- Color and Scan images- Personal Diary- Pregnancy Weight log- Doc Visits log- Diet, exercise and labor info- Kick Counter- Contraction Timer- Baby Shopping list- 1000s of Baby names- Baby Size Visualizer- Pregnancy week by week info- And much more …Health & Parenting supports you at every stage ofbeingaparent.--------------------------------------------------PrivacyPolicy: App is not intended for medical use, or to replacetheadviceof a trained medical doctor. Health & ParentingLtddisclaims anyliability for the decisions you make based onthisinformation, whichis provided to you on a generalinformationbasis only and not as asubstitute for personalizedmedical advice.If you have any concernsabout your pregnancy,consult with yourdoctor or midwife.The Health & Parenting team wishes you ahealthy,full-termpregnancy and a safe delivery.
Quédate Embarazada 1.0.85
Gea Gades
Stay pregnant is an application designed by fertility specialists.
Calendario del embarazo 2.0
La aplicacion te va explicar todoloquenecesitas conocer sobre tu embarazo y la etapa de desarrolloenlaque se encuentra tu bebé.Vamos a explicar semana a semana los diferentesestadosysensaciones que vas a tener, así como responder a laspreguntasmásfrecuentes que se plantean al tener por primera vez unhijo.Tener un hijo es una decisión muy importante en la vidadeunamujer, por lo que es vital estar preparada emocionalmenteparalamaternidad.El embarazo, como imaginas, es un período de grandescambiosparala madre y el padre. Una mente abierta y preparada ayudaaafrontarlas nuevas experiencias que conlleva el desafíoemocionalque seasocia con la maternidad.Esperamos ayudarte a tener un embarazo lo másagradableposible,resolviendo las futuras dudas que puedas tener, yquedisfrutes enuna nueva parte de tu vida.
Calculador Obstetrico 1.9
Con este calculador usted puede determinar la fecha aproximadaenquesu bebé nacerá. Se basa en que una gestación normal duraenpromedio40 semanas contadas desde el primer día de la fecha delaúltimaregla normal y que la concepción usualmente ocurre 2semanasdespuésdel primer día de la última regla.
Pregnancy Due Date Widget 2.01
Track pregnancy of yourselforfriend/familymember with this simple pregnancy due datewidget.Cute widget thatdisplays what week of pregnancy you are inand howmany weeks leftuntil baby arrives! Calculation based on duedateand can calculatedue date from first day of Last menstrualperiod(LMP).Date of Delivery can also be selected so you can getatruecountdown of how many days until your baby arrives,whilestillmaintaining how far along you are based on your due dateorLMP.This is useful if you are planning on being induced orhavingacaesarian.Choose from 5 widget colors: Yellow, Blue, Pink,BlackandTransparent.Text color is fully customizable including the Alphachannel.Display is cute but not gender specific so male or femalecanfeelcomfortable displaying this on their phone! Baby name canalsobedisplayed.The rubber ducky image on the widget can also becustomizedtodisplay anything you choose. An ultrasound image looksgreatandadds a personal touch. Image can also be removedentirelyleavingonly the text on your home screen.4 Different widgets sizes to choose from. (1x1) (1x2)(1x4)and(2x4). With all the widget size choices you have plenty ofroomformultiple instances of this widget to track morethanonepregnancy.Separate calculator activity that lets you set your DueDateorLMP and see how far along you will be at a specific date.Greatforplanning Vacations and Business trips so you will knowexactlyhowfar along you will be given a date in the future.The calculator activity and the (2x4) widget alsodisplayyourcurrent trimester.
FetalGrowth 1.3.0
Customized fetal weight percentiles calculator forsingle/twinspregnancies.
Insulin Pregnancy Calculator 1.1
Application addressed to MedialSpecialitsandResidents in training gynecology, obstetrics,perinatologyandmaternal fetal.By placing weight and height of the patient along withtheinitialdose of insulin per kilo, immediatly calculates BMIandinsulingdistributed at 8 and 18 hours (NPH and Rapid).Total Insulin formula:Morning - 2/3 (2/3 NPH Insuline | 1/3 Rapid Insulin)Afternoon - 1/3 (1/2 NPH Insuline | 1/2 Rapid Insulin)Also calculates ideal weight by quarter and diet baseonactualweight
Pregnancy Calculator 1.0.0
Pregnancy Calculator is anapplicationthatallows you to calculate the gestational age, the duedate andgivesyou the suggested optimal dates to performultrasounds, bloodtestsand neural tube defects screening during thepregnancy.Theapplication allows you to send a report with allthecalculatedresults and dates to any e-mail... to the doctor'se-mailor to thefuture mother's e-mail, and even to thefuturefather'se-mailIf you are a health professional, this app allows you toverifyifyou have to prescribe new tests or not at each appointment.Averyuseful tool for health professionals and for futuremothers&fathers.
Pregnancy Week By Week Pro 2.8.38
Congratulations! You are pregnant.Ourinteractive calendar Pregnancy Day By Day has been designedtosupport you during your pregnancy.Install the Pregnancy Day By Day App which is one of thebestpregnancy apps and just enter your due date to thepregnancyapp.The Pregnancy App will calculate how many weeks pregnant you areandwill show you the information you need to know for your stageofpregnancy.Grandmother, grandfather and other family members can alsouseour pregnancy apps.★ See pregnancy progress and baby's development.★ Follow the pregnancy calendar.★ Have a safe pregnancy★ Track your baby's kick with kick counter ( Also can be usedasa contraction timer)★ See daily tips during your 9 months★ See how big your baby is★ Track development of your baby with high qualityfetusimages.★ Advice for both expecting mum and dad.★ Health tips for your little baby,mum and dad★ Shows fetal height★ Shows fetal weightand more...
Pregnancy Fitness 1.0
Whether you are a first time mom or afullymulti-tasking mother of several, we wanted to help allmothers-tobe with advice and how to exercise and care forthemselves to makea healthy and easier transition into a wonderfulworld ofparenthood.This app was created to pull information together in one placetomake it easier to find for the pregnant mother. The app providesanexercise routine that can be done while pregnant,discussesnutrition needs for you and your baby, gives you tips forissuesthat can arise during the pregnancy, and provides a link tothepregnancy section of the National Women’s Health andInformationCenter.There are many benefits to exercising and being fitwhilepregnant:*gives you an energy boost*burns fat*faster recovery after birth*eases stress*helps the birthing process*prevents excess weight gain*reduces back pain, swelling, and constipation*improves sleep*improves outlookRealize that you are doing fitness exercises to keep fit, nottopush yourself to a vigorous frenzy. The exercises in thisprogram,as well as any other fitness programs you may want to do,should bereviewed throughly with your doctor prior to starting thePregnancyFitness program! Pregnancy Fitness allows you access tothe Healthand Information Centre provides which link to thepregnancysection.
Sanitas Embarazo 1.2
Sanitas Embarazo es una aplicación prácticaquete descubrirá lo que os está sucediendo a ti y a tu bebédurante tuembarazo.Sanitas Embarazo te ofrece:- Información semanal de la evolución de tu embarazo y eldesarrollode tu bebé.- Espectaculares imágenes a color del feto, con modelosinteractivosen 3D.- Útiles y completos consejos médicos, elaborados por ginecólogosyobstetras, en la sección "El doctor dice".- Un planificador de tus visitas al médico.- Consejos con todo lo que necesitarás cuando nazca tu hijo.- Herramientas para el seguimiento de tu embarazo: contadordepatadas, cronómetro de contracciones y medidor de peso.Con Sanitas Embarazo podrás:- Conocer el estado de tu embarazo en función de la fechaestimadade parto. Tendrás información de los cambios que estáexperimentadotu cuerpo y de los progresos de tu bebé, semana asemana.- Ver en increíbles imágenes cómo tu bebé está creciendo dentrodeti.- Personalizar la aplicación con el nombre de tu bebé ydetallandosi es niño o niña.- Anotar tus citas médicas, y crear una lista de preguntasysíntomas para comentarlas con el doctor en tu próximavisita.- Preparar la llegada de tu bebé con una lista de objetosnecesariospara su alimentación, su aseo y su habitación, y de lascosas quedeberías llevar al hospital.- Llevar un seguimiento de tu peso a lo largo de tu embarazo.Sanitas Pregnancy isapractical application that lets you discover what is happeningtoyou and your baby during your pregnancy.Sanitas Pregnancy gives you:- Weekly information on the evolution of your pregnancy andyourbaby's development.- Spectacular color images of the fetus, with interactive3Dmodels.- Useful and comprehensive medical advice, developedbygynecologists and obstetricians, in "The doctor says".- A planner for your doctor visits.- Tips with everything you need when your child is born.- Tools to monitor your pregnancy kick counter, contractiontimerand meter weight.Pregnancy With Sanitas Tea- Know the status of your pregnancy based on your due date.Haveinformation that changes your body is experiencing and theprogressof your baby, week by week.- See incredible images how your baby is growing inside you.- Customize the application with the name of your baby andifdetailing child.- Write down your medical appointments, and create a listofquestions and symptoms to discuss them with the doctor on yournextvisit.- Prepare for the arrival of your baby with a list of itemsneededfor their food, and toilet room, and the things you shouldbring tothe hospital.- Keep track of your weight throughout your pregnancy.
YO Embarazo 2.1
Ribera Salud
YOembarazo es una aplicación del grupoRiberaSalud que te permitirá conocer toda la informaciónrelacionada conel embarazo y los cambios que se producen duranteeste bonitoperiodo en ti y en tu bebé. Los contenidos de esta appestándiseñados por nuestros propios profesionales sanitarios(obstetras,matronas, pediatras y enfermeras), especialistas en elcuidado detu salud y la de tu familia.En YOembarazo encontrarás:- Información sobre el desarrollo de tu bebé semana a semana- Imágenes sobre cómo está creciendo dentro de ti- Un espacio para que puedas guardar tus ecografías- Contador de patadas y de contracciones- Agenda para planificar tus visitas al ginecólogo ylamatrona- Sugerencias para que puedas escoger el nombre de tu bebé- Información e imágenes sobre los cambios queestáexperimentando tu cuerpo- Consejos sobre el cuidado del recién nacido- Herramienta para el cálculo del peso y el índice demasacorporal- Un diario personal donde podrás anotar tu estado de ánimo- Cronología sobre los hitos más importantes durante elperíodode embarazo- Recomendaciones sobre hábitos de vida saludable(nutrición,ejercicio físico, etc.)- Un espacio sobre las ventajas de la lactancia maternayconsejos prácticos- Un apartado específico sobre el papel del acompañante- Visita virtual para que puedas conocer los paritorios deloshospitales del Grupo Ribera SaludYOembarazo isanapplication of Ribera Salud group that lets you know alltheinformation related to pregnancy and the changes that occurduringthis beautiful period you and your baby. The contents of thisappare designed by our own health professionals(obstetricians,midwives, paediatricians and nurses), specialists inthe care ofyour health and your family.In YOembarazo you will find:- Information on the development of your baby every week- Images on how it is growing inside you- A space for you to store your scans- Count kicks and contractions- Calendar to plan your visits to the gynecologist andthemidwife- Suggestions so you can choose the name of your baby- Information and pictures about the changes taking place inyourbody- Tips on newborn care- Tool to calculate the weight and body mass index- A personal diary where you can write down your mood- Chronology of the most important milestones duringthepregnancy- Recommendations on healthy lifestyles (nutrition,physicalexercise, etc.)- An area about the benefits of breastfeeding and tips- A specific section on the role of companion- Virtual tour so you can understand the delivery rooms ofthehospitals of the Health Bank Group
Pregnancy apps. Week by week 9.00007
MicroLabs App
1 trimester2 trimester3 trimesterExpecting baby apps, information about pregnancyPrenant appsPregnancy week by weekPregnancy HealthNewbornBaby HealthParentingPregnancy week by week pregnancy guide.Photo embryo.Prenatal developmentTotal birth order and period of gestationContent:Fetal development in week 1-40Deciding to have a babyPreparing for pregnancyPregnant or trying to get pregnantGetting pregnant (conception)Confirming you are pregnantCommon questionsFinding your most fertile timeWhy it might take longer to get pregnantFolic acid supplementsChoosing not to have sexBaby ColicBlocked Nose in Babies ('Snuffles')Breast-feedingCervical SutureCroupErythema Toxicum NeonatorumFetal Alcohol SyndromeMastitisMaternity BenefitsNappy RashNeonatal JaundiceNewborn Baby Screening TestsObstetric CholestasisOral Thrush in BabiesPostpartum PsychosisPregnancy - AbortionChickenpox Contact and PregnancyCommon Problems in PregnancyDiet and Lifestyle during PregnancyDyspepsia in PregnancyEarly Pregnancy Signs and SymptomsEctopic PregnancyPregnancy - LabourMorning Sickness in PregnancyMultiple Pregnancy (eg, Twins/Triplets)Planning to Become PregnantScreening TestsUrine Infection in PregnancyPregnancy and DiabetesPregnancy and High Blood PressurePregnancy and HIVPregnancy and Physical ActivityRubellaParents pregnancy and baby guidePremature LabourSeborrhoeic Dermatitis in Babies (Cradle Cap)Tear Duct Blockage in BabiesTeethingZika VirusAcute Diarrhoea in ChildrenAdrenarcheAmblyopiaAnthelmintics - Medicines for WormsAntifungal MedicinesAttention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAutistic Spectrum DisordersBaby ColicBalanitisReward Systems for BedwettingBedwetting (Nocturnal Enuresis)Bedwetting AlarmsBehavioural Problems and Conduct DisorderBlocked Nose in Babies ('Snuffles')Breast-feedingBronchiolitisCerebral PalsyChest InfectionChickenpox in Children under 12Child Attachment DisorderChildhood Gastro-oesophageal RefluxChildhood LeukaemiasChildren's CancersCleft Lip and PalateClub Foot (Congenital Talipes Equinovarus)Cold SoresCongenital Cystic Adenomatoid MalformationConstipation in ChildrenCough MedicinesCoughs and Colds in ChildrenCow's Milk Protein AllergyCri du Chat SyndromeCroupCystic FibrosisDealing with TantrumsDesmopressin for BedwettingDevelopmental Dysplasia of the HipDomestic ViolenceDTaP/Polio/Hib ImmunisationDyspraxia (Developmental Co-ordination Disorder)Ear Infection (Otitis Media)EpiglottitisErythema Toxicum NeonatorumFebrile Seizure (Febrile Convulsion)Fetal Alcohol SyndromeFever/High Temperature in ChildrenFood Poisoning in ChildrenGastroenteritis in ChildrenGlue Ear - Picture SummaryGlycogen Storage DisordersGrowing PainsHand Foot and Mouth DiseaseHydrocele in ChildrenHypospadiasImpetigoJuvenile Idiopathic ArthritisKawasaki DiseaseLactose IntoleranceLiving with a Long-term ConditionMeaslesMeningitisMeningococcal ImmunisationMeningococcal InfectionMesenteric AdenitisMMR ImmunisationMumpsNappy RashNeuroblastomaObesity and Overweight in ChildrenOperations for Glue EarOral Thrush in BabiesPerthes' DiseasePneumococcal ImmunisationPolio ImmunisationPrimary Cold Sore InfectionPyloric StenosisReducing the Risk of Cot DeathRetinoblastomaRoseolaRotavirusSafeguarding ChildrenScarlet FeverSeborrhoeic Dermatitis in Babies (Cradle Cap)Sepsis (Septicaemia)Slipped Capital Femoral EpiphysisSquint (Strabismus) in ChildrenStammer/StutterSweat TestTear Duct Blockage in BabiesTeethingThalassaemiaThreadwormsTorsion of the TestisUndescended TestesUrine Infection in ChildrenViral RashesWhooping CoughWhy Wasn't I Prescribed Antibiotics?Wilms' TumourAutism and Related ProblemsBullyingChild Attachment DisorderDealing with TantrumsDepression in Young People - Helping Children to CopeEating Disorders in Young PeopleWhen you're pregnant, you want to shout to the whole world that Iampregnant
Pregnancy Exercises 1.0
Pregnancy Exercise and Nutrition is vital for the health ofmomandbaby. Now is the most crucial time to get your health inordersoyou can have the healthiest and happiest babyandpregnancypossible. Prevent pains, aches, nausea, cramping,morningsicknessand excess weight gain with the ONLY system provento helpwomenenjoy their pregnancy and create a healthy baby.Performallexercises at least three times a week, on alternate days,on afirm(but not too hard) surface, such as an exercise mat.Performthemin the following order. Be sure to breathe normallyduringallexercises; don't hold your breath. During abdominalexercises,itmay be easier to exhale on exertion, that is, inhalewhen youaredown and exhale briskly as you perform the lift.Thefollowingexercises work all major muscle groups. Don't skipany!KeyFeatures : Squat Stretch Chest Muscle Exercise SquatsWallPressStep Ups Side Lunge Forward Lunge Forward bendNeckRotationHamstring Lift Inner Thigh Lift Outer Thigh LiftPelvicThrustDromedary Droop Pelvic Tilt **Disclaimer: Of course,yourdoctor’spermission for exercise is essential as therecanbecontraindications to exercise during pregnancy.Additionally,themost important thing you can do is tune in to yourbody andgiveyourself some grace. Be aware of what your body istelling you–does that exercise feel good? Keep it up. Doesn’t feelsogood?Probably best to stop and adjust.
Embarazo Mes a Mes 4.0
El Nono
Pregnancy Month by Month from the moment of conception until birth
SSWR 3.3.1
Ingo Reschke
Sie sind Schwanger? In welcher SchwangerschaftswochebefindenSiesich? Der Schwangerschaftswochenrechner (SSWR) richtetsichanSchwangere und medizinisches Personal, die Mithilfe derEingabedesErrechneten Entbindungstermins (E.T.)diegenaueSchwangerschaftswoche berechnen wollen. NebenderWochenangabefinden sich der Eintrag im Mutterpass(entsprichtderabgeschlossenen Woche plus Tage der aktuellen Woche)sowieeineAngabe, wie viele Tage bis zum E.T. noch vor Ihnenliegenbzw.wieviele Tage Sie schon schwanger sind. Zusätzlichverfügt derSSWRüber ein Widget für Ihren Homescreen, sodass Siestets aufdemLaufenden über Ihre aktuelle Schwangerschaftswochesind.Auchkönnen Sie über Anklicken der aktuellen Woche Infotextelesenundso zB erfahren, wie groß Ihr Baby gerade ist.MithilfederZeitmaschine können Sie ausrechnen lassen, in welcherWocheSiesich an einem beliebigen Datum befinden. So können SiezumBeispielprüfen, ob Sie Ihren Urlaub noch im Ausland planen,anWeihnachtennoch Ihre normalen Hosen tragen oder ab wann Sie zBdasGeschlechtIhres Babys im Ultraschall sehen können. Vollversion-garantiertohne Werbung. Wenn Ihnen diese App gefällt, würdenwiruns überpositive Bewertungen freuen. Falls Sie FehlerbemerkenoderVerbesserungsvorschläge haben, würden wir uns übereineEmailfreuen, bevor vorschnell negative Bewertungen gegebenwerden.Wirsind immer bemüht, uns zu verbessern und fürAnregungendankbar.Vielen Dank.
WomanLog Pregnancy Pro 3.9.15
Calendar for every pregnant woman!