Top 12 Apps Similar to Horaire Bus Tram Clermont-Fd

T2C, par T2CAvec l’application officielle "T2C", optimisez vos déplacementsentransports en commun dans l’agglomération clermontoise enquelquesclics !- Depuis la page d’accueil, les services essentiels :Trouvez le meilleur itinéraire vers votre destinationObtenez l’horaire de passage en temps réel à votre arrêtAccédez à vos favorisInformez-vous des nouveautés et perturbationsGéo localisez autour de vous les lignes et arrêts- Recevez gratuitement des alertes personnalisées en casdeperturbation sur l’une de vos lignes habituelles- Trouvez votre titre et tarif le plus adaptéT2C, by T2CWith the official application "T2C" optimize your travel bypublictransport in Clermont-Ferrand area a few clicks!- From the home page, essential services:    Find the best route toyourdestination    Get the passage time in real time atyourstop    Go to favorites    Learn about news and disturbances    Geo locate you around the linesandstops- Receive free personalized Disruption Event on a alerts yourusuallines- Find your way and most suitable tariff
Auvergne Mobilité 20170221114221.270
L’application Auvergne Mobilité est conçuepourvous accompagner dans vos déplacements quotidiens sur lesréseaux detransport en Auvergne. Elle vous permet de calculer desitinéraireset consulter des horaires en toute circonstance.Toutes les solutions essentielles dans votre poche :Calculez un itinéraire pour un départ imminent ou différé.AuvergneMobilité vous propose les meilleurs itinéraires pour votretrajeten combinant à la fois les transports collectifs (bus,train,tramway …), la marche, le vélo personnel et le vélo libreservice.Temps d’attente, nombre de correspondance, distance àparcourir,arrêts intermédiaires, vous disposez de toute l’infoutile pourfaire votre choix.Visualisez l’itinéraire et les arrêts du parcours sur la carteafinde suivre la progression de votre voyage.Consultez les prochains passages et les horaires de vos réseauxensélectionnant une ligne, un arrêt.Mémorisez vos arrêts favoris pour faciliter vos rechercheshorairesau quotidien.Vérifiez les perturbations en cours ou celles à venir.En complément, le site Web fournitdesinformations sur tous les services de mobilité disponibleenAuvergne (tarifications, plans des réseaux, aéroports, locationdevélos, accessibilité des personnes à mobilitéréduite,co-voiturage).Découvrez l’Auvergne : calculer des itinéraires et rechercherdeshoraires sur tous ces réseaux :- Moulins, Aléo- Montluçon, Maélis- Vichy, Mobivie- l’Allier, Trans’Allier- Le Puy-en-velay, TUDIP- Cantal, Cantal Lib’- Aurillac, Trans’Cab- Riom, R’Cobus- Clermont-Ferrand, T2C- Le Puy-de-Dôme, Trans’Dôme- Thiers, TUT- La Haute Loire- SNCF TER AuvergneCes deux sites sont à l’initiative du ConseilrégionalAuvergneet de ses partenaires : le Conseil départemental de l'Allier,laCommunauté d'Agglomération du Bassin d'Aurillac, leConseildépartemental du Cantal, le Conseil départemental delaHaute-Loire, le SMTC de l'agglomération clermontoise, laCommunautéd’agglomération du Puy-en-Velay, Montluçon Communauté,MoulinsCommunauté, le Conseil départemental du Puy-de-Dôme,RiomCommunauté, Thiers communauté et Vichy Val d'Allier. Ces sitesontété également soutenus par l'Union Européenne en Auvergne.Et bien plus encore :A travers ses mises à jour, Auvergne Mobilité vous proposetoujoursplus de services et d’info répondant aux besoins enmobilité.N’hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos retoursetsuggestions.Téléchargez l’application et partagez-la.The AuvergneMobilityapplication is designed to assist you in your daily tripsontransit systems in Auvergne. It allows you to calculate routesandview schedules at all times.All essential solutions in your pocket:Plan route to an imminent departure or delayed. AuvergneMobilityoffers the best routes for your journey combining bothpublictransport (bus, train, tram ...), walking, cycling andstaffself-service bike. waiting time, number ofcorrespondence,distance, intermediate stops, you have all theuseful info to makeyour choice.Visualize the route and the stops of the trail on the map tofollowthe progress of your trip.See the next passages and schedules of your network by selectingaline, stop.Save your favorite stops to facilitate your researchschedulesdaily.Check disturbance in progress or future ones.In addition, the website provides all mobility services available inAuvergne(pricing, plans networks, airports, bicycle hire, accessfor peoplewith reduced mobility, carpooling).Discover the Auvergne calculate routes and find hours onthesenetworks:- Mills, Aleo- Montlucon, maelis- Vichy, Mobivie- Allier, Trans'Allier- Le Puy-en-Velay, TUDIP- Cantal, Cantal Lib '- Aurillac, Trans'Cab- Riom, R'Cobus- Clermont-Ferrand, T2C- The Puy-de-Dôme, Trans'Dôme- Thiers, TUT- Upper Loire- SNCF TER AuvergneThese two sites are at the initiative of AuvergneRegionalCounciland its partners: the Departmental Council of the Allier,theAgglomeration Community of the Bassin d'Aurillac, Cantal theCountyCouncil, the County Council of Haute-Loire, SMTC of theClermonturban area, the Community agglomeration of Puy-en-Velay,MontluconCommunity, mills Community, the county Council ofPuy-de-Dôme, RiomCommunity, community Thiers and Vichy Vald'Allier. These siteswere also supported by the European Union inAuvergne.And much more:Through its updates, Auvergne Mobility still offers moreservicesand information that meet the mobility needs. Feel free tosend usyour feedback and suggestions.Download the app and share it.
Smart Tram 1.1
L'application Smart Tram vous permet desuivrel'info-trafic des villes de Montpellier, Nantes, GrenobleetStrasbourg.En béneficiant des derniers événements (retard,grèves,contrôles) directement sur votre smartphone, organisez-vousaumieux pour gagner du temps !Plus il y'aura de smarters, plus les alertes seront nombreusesetfiables alors n'hesitez à faire passer le mot.Une question ? Une idée ? Pour nous suivre et être informédesnouveautés, retrouvez-nous sur Twitter et Facebook directementdansle menu de l'application.Nouveautés de la version 1.1 :- Disponible sur Nantes, Grenoble et Strasbourg- Corrections de bugs- L'appli fait désormais le caféVeuillez toujours avoir un titre de transport valide lorsdel'utilisation de transport en commun. Nous rappelons ànosutilisateurs que frauder est passible de PV. Nous nous dégageonsdetoutes responsabilités auprès des utilisateurs ainsi qu’auprèsdescompagnies de transports en commun (TAM, CTS, TAN, SMTC).Applying Smart Tramallowsyou to track the traffic information from the cities ofMontpellier,Nantes, Grenoble and Strasbourg.In béneficiant recent events (delay, strikes, controls)directlyon your smartphone, you organize at best to save time!More of it y 'will smarters more alerts will be numerousandreliable so do not hesitate to spread the word.A question? An idea? To follow us and be informed aboutnews,follow us on Twitter and Facebook directly from theapplicationmenu.New in version 1.1:- Available on Nantes, Grenoble and Strasbourg- Bug fixes- The app now makes coffeeAlways have a valid ticket when using public transport. Weremindour users that defraud is liable to PV. We disclaim allliability tousers as well as from public transport companies (TAM,CTS, TAN,TCMS).
Discover the new ilévia application !
RATP : Subway Paris
Your transport companion for IledeFrance!Find all the information you need for travelling in Ile-de-Franceonthe official "RATP" application.- Geolocate RER, metro, bus, Tram and Transilien, Vélib'andAutolib' stations around you,- View up-to-the-minute timetables for the next RER, metro,bus,Noctilien, Tram and airport route arrivals, as well as Velib'andAutolib' availability- Use the widgets to access timetables even faster,- Find the best itineraries for your destination directly fromthehomepage using our detailed journey planner,- Receive free personalised alerts if one of your regular routesisdisrupted,- Get line plans in landscape view for RATP RER (A and B),metro,bus, Noctilien, RATP Tram and airport routes (Roissybus,Orlybusand Orlyval),- Get ideas for things nearby.
Horaires Me ! (Paris) 8.0.4
Paris public transportation
Tice 6.0.1
L’application vous offre un accèsconfortableet convivial à une multitude d’informationsutiles.Elle s’adresse aux utilisateurs des Transports Publics.L’utilisateur peut accéder à différents services :• s’informer en général sur le syndicat du TICE• s’informer sur les horaires des lignes du TICE• de localiser l’arrêt d’autobus le plus proche• d'acheter des tickets en ligne pour les transports publics• d’avoir en temps réel l’arrivée des bus à l’arrêt choisi resp.ouil se trouveThe application offersacomfortable and friendly access to a wealth ofusefulinformation.It is intended for users of Public Transport.Users can access different services:• learn in general about the union of the CTBT• learn about the schedules of the lines of the CTBT• locate stopping Nearest bus• Purchase tickets online for public transport• to have real-time arrival of the bus at the chosen resp.whereis
Red Ball 4 1.07.05
Roll, jump and bounce through 75 exciting levels full of adventure.
TRAFI: Navigate Public Transit 10.8.0
Download TRAFI to get the best publictransportroutes and accurate timetables - even without internetconnection.See real time departures from nearby stops, stayinformed about livetraffic updates.FEATURES► Route search helps you plan your trips across all types ofpublictransport. Choose the best route options to yourdestinationincluding the shortest walking distance, least transfersorearliest arrival.► Accurate timetables of all available modes of transport letsyouplan your trip in advance.► Real time map with moving vehicles gives an overview ofpublictransport around you (in selected cities).► Upcoming arrivals at nearby stops show you which vehicles arejustminutes away (in selected cities).► Offline timetables and route search can be downloaded andusedwithout internet connection.► Live traffic alerts tell you about public transport disruptionsasreported by thousands of TRAFI users.► Personal favorites can be used to save your frequently usedstops,home and work locations for quick access.► Bike sharing map displays closest available bike stations(inselected cities).► Report button lets you notify TRAFI about any route or stopissuesand helps everyone to have most precise public transportdata.ABOUT TRAFI★ 4.4 stars at Play Store★ Best Travel Planner during the Olympic Games, officially chosenbyRio de Janeiro’s Cidade Olimpica★ 2014 app of the year in Turkey App Store★ Featured 6 times in App StoreSUPPORTED CITIES✔ Brazil - Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro✔ Turkey - Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa✔ Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don✔ Taiwan - Taipei✔ India - Mumbai, Bangalore✔ Indonesia - Jakarta✔ Lithuania - Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys✔ Latvia - Riga✔ Estonia - Tallinn
Île-de-France Mobilités 8.5.3-2962.0
Buy your tickets, search for itineraries and follow thetrafficinformation
Meu Destino Vix - Ônibus ES
O Meu Destino Vix ajuda você a sedeslocarentre as cidades do Espirito Santo (ES) e a Grande Vitória.Ele é oprimeiro aplicativo de horários de ônibus da Grande Vitória,o maisrápido e fácil de usar e com horários de todas as empresas:Ceturb(Transcol e Seletivo), Sanremo, Ponto Vitória, Planeta eAlvorada.Conheça outros diferenciais:• Consulte os horários e itinerários de todas as linhas deônibusCeturb (Transcol e Seletivo), Sanremo, Ponto Vitória, PlanetaeAlvorada (inclusive OFFLINE);• Único aplicativo com horários da empresas AlvoradaePlaneta;• Atualização automática dos horários dos ônibus sem necessidadedeconfiguração;• Possibilidade de baixar todas as linhas de uma empresaparaconsultá-las sem internet (OFFLINE);• Acesso instantâneo as suas linhas salvas nos favoritos tendoumacesso rápido à elas;• Fique por dentro das notícias mais recentes do transito comlinks,imagens e vídeos;• Veja o mapa do trânsito na Grande Vitória em tempo real;• Aplicativo oficial da Ceturb-GV.• Cidades cobertas: Vitória, Vila Velha, Serra,Cariacica,Guarapari, Viana, Anchieta, Alfredo ChavesBugs ou sugestões? Entre em contato conosco!My Destination Vixhelpsyou move between the cities of Espirito Santo (ES) and theGreatVictory. It is the first application of bus times of theGreatVictory, the faster and easier to use and times of allcompanies:Ceturb (Transcol and selective), Sanremo, Victoria Point,Planetand Alvorada. Meet other advantages:• See the schedules and routes of all bus lines Ceturb (Transcolandselective), Sanremo, Victoria Point, Planet and Alvorada(includingOFFLINE);• Single application with times of Dawn and Planet companies;• Automatic update of the bus schedules without setting;• Ability to download all lines of a company to consult themwithoutinternet (OFFLINE);• Instant access your saved favorite lines in having quick accesstothem;• Keep up with the latest news of traffic with links, imagesandvideos;• See traffic map in the Great Victory in real time;• Official Application of Ceturb-GV.• covered cities: Victoria, Vila Velha, Serra, Cariacica,Guarapari,Viana, Anchieta, Alfredo ChavesBugs or suggestions? Contact us!
NextRide for STIB/MIVB and TEC 5.0.9
----------------------------------------------- NextRide -LovedbyOrange ❤-----------------------------------------------NextRideoffers aquick access to TEC and STIB/MIVB bus, tram andsubwaytimetables onyour mobile phone. Thanks to our brilliantcommunitysharing in realtime the life of public transport, beamong thefirst to know aboutan overcrowded bus, a strike or tipsleft byusers. NextRide is builton top of powerful features(offlineaccess, trip planner) and putsyou right in the heart ofacompetition that brings together users ofpublic transport (soononAndroid!). * 2nd best Belgian App accordingto Le Soir !*--------------------------- FEATURES •Crowd-sourceddisruptionsNextRide informs you twenty-four-sevenabout disruptionson thenetwork. Thanks to our brilliant communitywhere everyone canpointout a problem, be among the first to knowabout an overcrowdedbus,a strike or tips left by users. • Offlineschedules No WiFinormobile internet? It doesn’t matter: NextRidegives you accesstoyour timetables without an internet connection. •Route plannerTheunique route planner of NextRide helps youvisuallycomparejourneys – shorter, simpler or with the leastwalking. •SmartColorNextRide permanently tracks your position andthe one ofthe busstop. The app turns red, orange or green dependingon thetime youhave to reach the bus stop. • ReminderAbsent-minded?NextRidevibrates and reminds you to take your bus.And if youalways leaveat the same time, set the recurrence of thereminder.Mondaymornings will be a little less difficult :) • AlloverBrussels andWallonia Thanks to an exclusive andunprecedentedpartnership withSTIB/MIVB and TEC group, NextRidedelivers theofficial timetablesof lines of subways, trams and buseseverywherein Wallonia andBrussels. THEY TALKED ABOUT US • RTBF,“JT”(television news): “Ina few clicks, you will discover how muchtimeremains until yourtransportation arrives at the nearest stop.Thereis someeffectiveness: the bus arrived on time!” • Vivacité,“Onn'est pasdes pigeons”: “Great app, and free! A really gooddeal.” •Le Soir:“Simply select a stop, then enjoy the countdown tothearrival ofthe bus.” • L'Avenir: “Simple, free and easy to use.”•RTL: “Wecongratulate young people who decide to take their timetodevelopthis kind of services which are terribly lacking.” Findoutmoreabout NextRide on[email protected] Next Ride - MIVB/STIB Mobile etTEC Mobile