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ECHECKIN SERVICES freemium 1.2.1
Controlling the cleaning lady,nannies,elder’shomecare or patrols of your porter in your buildingorcomunity aresome of the uses for what the service is designed.It’s a service for check-ins management, a servicethroughwhichyou can verify the presence of somebody at a specificpoint.Thisapplication is part of freemium version, I mean the partoftheservice for free. For more professional version, wehaveotherservices, interfaces and other methods for check-inlikeNFCtechnology. You can take a look the service the administrator creates pointswherehewants to control the someone’s presence, places them wherehewantsphysically - through stickers - enlists people intheservicethrough their emails, and these, with the application,docheck-inin your points. The administrator can view wheneverhewants, fromthe service website or the mobile applicationitself,all theinformation related to those check-ins (who, whereandwhen).To access, both administrator as any checkin usersmustberegistered. Once logged in the application has fourtabs:checkin,points, people and reports.In POINTS, the user manages its points. He can create,editanddelete up to 5 points. He can make those points to be mailedsohecan print them, because they’re mainly QR Codes. Thosepointsmayvary according your needs, they can be a locationinsideyourhouse, the first floor, garage or a task, like arrivinghome,exitwork, food ready etc …. And you'll always have the optiontochooseif you use NFC technology or a simple QR Code.In CHECKERS, the user manages who can do check-in atitsservice.To register someone, you enter the email of thatperson,and thesystem sends a mail to communicate your invitation.You canadd upto 5 people in the same service. As long as thatperson isnotregistered on the platform, the state will be PENDING.Once theuseris registered, its state is CONFIRMED, and he'll beable todocheck-in at the points he has been authorized.In REPORTS, the user checks the check-ins done. He canfilterbyTODAY, LAST WEEK and LAST MONTH, to access quickly tothesedates.If the administrator changes the code for some point,andsomeonedo check-in at the old point, then an attempted fraudalertwill beshown to the administrator.In CHECKIN, the users do check-in reading the QR codethroughthemobile’s camera, and displays a message whether thecheck-in isdonesuccessfully or not.We'll be adding more features periodicallyNOTE. We want feedback to improve the service!Anylittlesuggestions is very helpful for us. Don't hesitate totellus.Features:- NFC Points- QR Codes (needs barcode scanner app)- Real time info of checkinsYou can enter the web page to increasetheinformation: us on twitter: @echeckin_svcs #freemiumor facebook: nfc, qr code, presence, employees control,patrols,times,schedule, attendance, T&A, nanny, cleaninglady,domiciliarycare, home care, cleaning, manteinance,doorman,control,surveillance, home care, elders, porter