Commanding Your Morning 1.0.4
Media MyAPP
In this ebook, we shall address a spiritual phenomenonthatwillusher you into a realm that is unprecedented in everysense.Godwill open your eyes to certain deep truths, whichwillcompletelytransform your life and make you exceptional.Thistopicis souncommon that many people spend their entirelifetimewithoutknowing anything about it. Yet, such knowledgedetermines alot ofthings.The truth, however, is that what we areconsidering inthischapter cannot be found on the surface of thescriptures. Theyarelike hidden treasures tucked away in somechests. Hence, weshallexamine some of the deepest scriptures everfound in the wordofGod.These deep Scriptures can make a greatdifferencebetweenliving or dying, enjoying victory or sufferingdefeat,living underabject poverty or enjoying stupendous wealth. Infact,what you aregoing to discover in this book will determine alot ofthings inyour life in the days, weeks, months and yearsahead. Youwilldiscover the secrets of doing exploits for God andreigning intherealm of the supernatural.By the time you learn howto pray inlinewith what you will discover, every area of your lifewillmoveforward by fire.
Creeds and Confessions 2.3.54
Reformed and Protestant Christian Creeds and Confessions
Faith Point Holy Spirit 1.5
Faith Point - Holy Spirit helps you understand Bible info ontheHoly Spirit.
Sharing God's Secrets 0.0.3
A Daily Devotional Book titled"SharingGod'sSecrets" was published by Gospel LiteratureService,Mumbai,several years ago, by abridging twelve books writtenbyGod'sservant Bro. Bakht Singh. Since there are severalotherbookswritten by Bro. Bakht Singh, Containing deep spiritualtruths,aneffort has been made to gather material from those booksas wellashis articles published over the years in the HebronMessengerandThe Balance of Truth and put them in a Daily Devotionalbookfrom.By the abundant grace and help of God, we are now abletopublishit for the blessing of God's people. Our prayer is thattheLordmay use this Devotional to speak to the readers and helpthemtoattain unto the measure of the gift of Christ as God hasgiventhemand this contribute to the edification of the Church,which istheBody of Christ.
Growing Up Spiritually 3.0
This book Growing Up Spiritually is lovely. I've just readaportionof it and frankly, I know that by the time I completeit,I'll bepositively transformed Waoh! this is a very good bookandit isreally what d name is. It has helped me built the r/shipIhavealways longed for with God. The Body of Christ is in needofmemberswho are spiritually mature .. book, closer, great,grow,love,powerful, spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful, Hagincomparesstagesof spiritual growth to those of physical growth. Itwillhelp youlocate where you are spiritually and then show you howtogrow intothe next stage of spiritual development... book,closer,great,grow, love, powerful, spiritual, thanks, very,wonderful,All of usbegin as spiritual babes in Christ when we arebornagain. But Goddoesn't intend for us to stay that way. Goddesiresfor us to growinto Christian maturity. In his book GrowingUp,Spiritually,Kenneth E. Hagin .. book, closer, great, grow,love,powerful,spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful, compares thestagesof spiritualgrowth to those of physical growth. AmazingBook!Helpful forspiritual growth, and I love it. book closer greatgrowlovepowerful spiritual thanks very wonderful 👌 I give it afivestar.thanks to late Daddy Keneth Hagin To experiencegrowthspirituallyis prime, but just wanting to grow would nottranslateto reality.NOW, HOW DO WE GROW SPIRITUALLY? ''As newbornbabes,desire thesincere milk of the Word, that ye may growthereby'' (1Peter 2:2).God starts us in the spiritual, just like wegetstarted in thenatural. When babies are born they start offonmilk. They certainlycould not eat meat. And God's Word saysthatthis sincere milk ofthe Word will aid our growth. WHAT ISTHESINCERE MILK OF THE WORD?It is the first principle of thedoctrineof Jesus Christ. When youstill have to be taught thefirstprinciple, you are still on themilk (See Hebrew 5:13-14,6:1-2).BUT HOW ARE WE GOING TO GROW UP?''... the knowledge of theSon ofGod, unto a perfect man ...''(Ephesian 4:13). Receivingtheknowledge, feeding upon God's Wordwill get us out beyond milkandcause us to become full grown. TheAuthor categorizedspiritualgrowth into 3 stages: 1) Babyhood 2)Childhood 3) ManhoodorAdulthood . Characteristics of Babyhood a)Innocence EventhoughINNOCENCE falls into this stage, it is onefeature we shouldneveroutgrow. The reason is that if we don'tmaintain this state,wewill fall under the condemnation of thedevil and sufferdefeatspiritually. b) Irritability Babies areeasily spoiled. Andwhenthey become spoiled they become irritable.Babies areeasilyfrustrated, distracted, hurt. Abba Father wants tobring us totheplace where we are not so easily frustrated,distracted, hurt..Characteristics of Childhood a) UnsteadinessSpiritual childrenareunsteady, spasmodic. b) TalkativenessChildren have neverlearnedthe value of silence. Folks who aretalking all the timeareusually guilty of these shortcomings: 1]Evil SpeakingTalkingabout and discussing the faults and failuresof people notpresent.2] Vain Speaking Always talking aboutthemselves: What Ihave done;What I'm going to do; Where I havebeen. . CharacteristicsofManhood a) Esteeming earthly thingslightly b) Deadness toCensureBaby Christians are self-conscious.And ever-conscious ofwhatothers are thinking about them.Therefore, they are easily''tossedto and fro'' childishly tryingto be popular. The maturebelieveris God-conscious. Andever-conscious of what God's Word saysabouthim and to him. c)Ability to Recognise God at work When youcansee God at work inthings, you can rejoice in whatever is goingon.. Besides theabove, you will find other captivating topicsdealtwith extensivelyby the author such as The Natural Man, CarnalMan,Spiritual Man andalso the amazing transformation that tookeffectin his own lifeafter he prayed Ephesians
Prayer Rain 1.1.0
Prayer Rain provides a way out for all those wallowinghelplesslyunder satanic harassment. Knowing what to do and, anddoing itright could make a difference between who sinks or swims intheriver of life. Prayer Rain is a spiritual life-jacket. Endeavourtoown your own copy! Christian Prayer Manual. SpiritualWarfareManual. Prayer for Deliverance. Gethsemanic Prayer Model.KingdomPrayer Style. Apostolic Decrees. Prayer Points.
The Urantia Book 1.1
presented by celestial beings as a revelation to our planet,Urantia
Weapon of Prayer 22
Zavarise Apps
Weapon of Prayer - Edward M Bounds To remind readers thatGod'spresence endures
Unlocking Revelation 1.0.0
Discover the most accurate interpretation of the book ofRevelation.
Titles of God 1.0
Title as defined by the dictionary its"Anamethat describes someone's position or job.". So, wanna knowwhatalltitles are given to God from the Holy Bible?, Presenttoyou,Titles of God,This app has a collection of Titles from theHolyBibleto get you inspired and motivated every day.Features-• Material Design App.• Contains about 1000 Titles and are freely accessible toyou,• Works Completely Offline.• Share Promises with loved ones, friends and family viaanysocialmedia app in your phone.• Add the ones you like the most to favorites.• Get Notifications, A new Title of God Every Day.• No Ads, No Ads and No Ads.The Titles are taken from the UnitedPeopleFellowshipMinistries(UPF)( and thebible verses usedare taken from the bible translation"Bible inBasicEnglish"( even after plenty of effort there might be some typosorsomewrong reference, I'll be fixing them while if you findanypleasedo let me know.All Suggestions are welcomed.New Features are always been worked on.Thank you.
Prophets and Kings 1.0
One of the greatest literary jewels in the Christianworld.Writtenby the Christian author, Ellen G. White more than 100yearsago, ineach one of its chapters, it expands in detail whattheHolyScriptures have to teach us. When Israel was a unitedandgloriouskingdom, endowed with a magnificent temple, center ofthetrue cultin the world . The most outstanding spiritual truthsofthebiblical account, from Salmon to the birth of ChristSomechaptersin this tool: - Solomon - The Temple and Its Dedication-Pride ofProsperity - Results of Transgression -Solomon’sRepentance - TheRending of the Kingdom - Jeroboam -NationalApostasy - Elijah theTishbite - The Voice of Stern Rebuke -Carme -From Jezreel toHoreb - “What Doest Thou Here?” - “In theSpirit andPower ofElias” - Jehoshaphat - and more ... The booktalks aboutseveralimportant topics like the following: - Theascent, the gloryandthe fall of Solomon, the wisest king that hasever existed. -Thedivision of the Kingdom of Israel after the deathof Solomon. -Thelife of the prophet Elijah in the time of Israel'sapostasy. -Thecall and ministry of the prophet Elisha. - Jonah andthe peopleofNineveh, - Daniel, his friends and the reign ofBabylon. - Inthetime of Queen Esther. - Reconstruction of the wallsof Jerusaleminthe time of Ezra and Nehemiah. - The coming of thegreatLiberator.Ellen White (November 26, 1827 – July 16, 1915) wasaprolificauthor, writing more than 40 books and 5000periodicalarticlesduring her lifetime. Today there are over onehundred50,000manuscript pages of her writings. She was one of thefoundersofthe Seventh-day Adventist Church, believed by manyreaders tohavethe spiritual gift of prophecy described in theBible. Whitewasconsidered a somewhat controversial figure by hiscritics,withmuch of the controversy centered on his reportsofvisionaryexperiences and the use of other sources in hiswritings.Sheexperienced her first vision shortly after theGreatMilleriteDisappointment of 1844. Historian Randall BalmerhasdescribedWhite as "one of the most important and colorfulfiguresin thehistory of American religion." Walter Martin describedit as"oneof the most fascinating and controversial characterseverappearedon the horizon of religious history" Mrs. White'svisionsprovidedthe basis for the Adventist movement to considerthat the"gift ofprophecy" was manifested in her, which endowed herwritingsofgreat importance to the believers of this denomination.EllenG.White promoted vegetarianism as well as theevangelizationandspread of Adventism in different parts of theworld. Remembertocheck out the More Apps section and you'll beamazed withwonderfulfree apps to feed faith and soul
Bible Prophecy And Truth free book 3
Free book on Biblical prophecy, Biblical truth, andCreationvsEvolution based on Biblical facts. Search within all 3bookswiththe search utility. Make notes for yourself ondifferentchaptersand interesting finds! World War 3 is looming onthehorizon! Is itin Bible prophecy? When is the End of theWorld?What's going onright now in Biblical prophecy? Did you know,thattoday's news waswritten 2500 years ago? It's all in the Bible!Thisapp isdedicated to the study of Biblical Truth, BiblicalProphecy,andexposing the lies of the devil. Who is Jesus Christ?What isthetruth of Gods Word? Can prophecy really be understood?
MFM PrayerPoints 3.6.4
This app contains Some Mountain of Fire Prayer Point youwilleverneed as a Christian to improve your spiritual lifeandbattleagainst the powers of this worlds. This app also helps youtoprayaggressive prayers, to arrest every evil powerpursuingyourspiritual life. More update still coming.
Hope in Difficult Times 1.4
App that will help you through your darkest times when allhopeseems lost.
Let God 360 3.18.4
Read FREE Christian Books, Explore Motivational Posts&Christian Podcasts
MFM Sermons NG
Media MyAPP
MFM Sermons NG is a platform dedicated to bring youtheundilutedWORD of GOD on the MOVE from Dr D.K Olukoya and otherMFMAnointedMinisters of GOD. ...Get your SPIRIT-MAN saturatedwithHOLY GHOSTINSPIRED SERMONS and FIRE PRAYERS that breaks yokesandset thecaptives FREE on the GO! On this platform, you get accessto- *Daily Deliverance Prayers. * Insightful and Deep TeachingoftheWORD. * Economic & Finance Empowerment Seminars (EagleHour)*Marriage & Relationship Sermons (Happy Home) *DownloadSermonsfor Offline Access. * Access FIRE prayer points. *AudioLiveStreammajor programs. Don't forget, stop the enemy beforetheystop youand if the enemy has stolen from you, recovery is byFIREand byFORCE. God bless you!!!
Confession Guide ✝ 1.1
This application is based on the popular booklet Short GuideforConfession.
Book Of Revelation - KJV Bible 20
Book Of Revelation - King James (KJV) Free Offline for everyday use
How to Pray Effectively 1.0
You'll find tips for praying effectively and having a morepowerfulprayer life
Faith Point Evangelism 1.6
Faith Point - Evangelism helps you understand Bible infoonEvangelizing.
Encounter with God 1.4.0
Aimer Media
Classic daily Bible reading guide from Scripture Union
12 Steps To Intercession 1.3
This app contains a training course based on 12 Biblical stepstoIntercession
Patriarchs and Prophets 1.0
The story in detail of what was told and what was not toldaboutthepatriarchs and prophets of the Bible. Patriarchs andProphetsis oneof the only tools available anywhere that can revealwithaccuracyand authority just how and why this great war beganandwho isbehind it. In Patriarchs and Prophets you will find : -TheCreation- The Temptation and Fall - The Plan of Redemption -Cainand AbelTested - After the Flood - The Literal Week - The TowerofBabel -The Call of Abraham - Destruction of Sodom - TheMarriageof Isaac -Jacob and Esau - Jacob’s Flight and Exile - TheNight ofWrestling -The Return to Canaan - Joseph in Egypt - Moses -ThePlagues ofEgypt ............... Ellen White (November 26, 1827–July 16,1915) was a prolific author, writing more than 40 booksand5000periodical articles during her lifetime. Today there areoveronehundred 50,000 manuscript pages of her writings. She wasone ofthefounders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, believedbymanyreaders to have the spiritual gift of prophecy describedintheBible. White was considered a somewhat controversial figurebyhiscritics, with much of the controversy centered on hisreportsofvisionary experiences and the use of other sources inhiswritings.She experienced her first vision shortly after theGreatMilleriteDisappointment of 1844. Historian Randall Balmerhasdescribed Whiteas "one of the most important and colorfulfiguresin the history ofAmerican religion." Walter Martin describedit as"one of the mostfascinating and controversial characterseverappeared on thehorizon of religious history" Mrs. White'svisionsprovided thebasis for the Adventist movement to considerthat the"gift ofprophecy" was manifested in her, which endowedherwritings of greatimportance to the believers of thisdenomination.Ellen G. Whitepromoted vegetarianism as well as theevangelizationand spread ofAdventism in different parts of theworld. We respectthe copyright,A work goes into the public domainwhen thepatrimonial rights haveexpired. This usually happens afteradeadline has passed since thedeath of the author (postmortemauctoris). The minimum term,worldwide, is 50 years andisestablished in the Berne Convention.Many countries haveextendedthis period widely. For example, inEuropean law, it is 70yearssince the death of the author. Oncethat time has passed, suchworkcan then be used in free form,respecting moral rights. Remembertocheck out the More Apps sectionand you'll be amazed withwonderfulfree apps to feed faith and soul
christianaudio 1.4.6
Play audiobooks from your christianaudio account on yourAndroiddevice.
Handbook For Believers (v2) 2
A helpful tool for biblical study, counselling &personalevangelism.
White Throne Ministries (WTM) 5.1.0
Official App for White Throne Ministries (WTM).