Top 14 Apps Similar to 怖い話 謎編  人力選りすぐりの怖い話を1988話収録!!

意味怖~意味が分かるとゾッとする怖い話~ 1.1.2
とにかく、とにかく怖い話が好きな人のために、意味が分かるとゾッとする怖い話をまとめ、解説付きで紹介しているアプリです。解説ボタンを押すと解説が表示されます。随時更新していきます。Anyway, for peoplewholike scary story anyway, summarizes the scary story thatcreepsKnowing the meaning, is an app that is introduced inthecommentary.Commentary is displayed when you press the button commentary.I will continue to update at any time.
怪獣クイズforウルトラマンシリーズ 1.0.5
男の子のヒーロー ウルトラマン!そのシリーズにはたくさんの個性ある怪獣が登場します。怪獣クイズforウルトマンシリーズはそんな怪獣にスポットを当てたクイズです。(ウルトラン好きが作成した非公式なアプリです。)おなじみの怪獣からレアなものまであなたはいくつ答えられるか?ウルトラマンからウルトラマンタロウまで登場する怪獣から出題しています。【お願い】より良い、アプリにするよう改良を重ねて行きたいと考えております。ご利用いただきましたご感想など、レビューを通じてお教えいただけましたら幸いです。【おことわり】■このアプリは公式なアプリではございません。■アプリの運営に際し、広告を掲載致しております。Boy hero Ultraman!That the series monster that a lot of personality appeared.Monster quiz for Ultra Man series is a quiz that spotlighttosuch monster.(It is an unofficial app that Ultra down favoritewascreated.)Do you are some answers from the familiar monster untilthoserare?Are questions from monster that appeared from UltramantoUltraman TaroIt has.[Please]Better, we would like to proceed to stack the improvement totheapp.Etc. Was your impression that I have you use, it is fortunateifyou can tell us through the review.[Refuse]■ This app does not have an official app.■ Upon operation of the application, I will advertise.
クイズforウルトラマン(シリーズのヒーローたちのクイズ) 1.0.1
ウルトラマンシリーズのヒーローたちのクイズです。登場するヒーローは、まず最初に巨大ヒーローの土台を築いたウルトラマン次に、シリーズ最高傑作といわれるウルトラセブンそして、より人間らしくなった帰ってきたウルトラマンからウルトラ5兄弟などが登場してくるAエースへと続きさらにウルトラの母が登場するTタロウそして・スポーツドラマのような努力と根性のレオです。最後にシリーズに登場するバルタン星人やゼットンなどの人気怪獣のクイズもあります。当アプリは、ファン作成による「ウルトラマン」の非公式アプリです。Ultraman is aseriesheroes of the quiz.Appearing hero,First of Ultraman that laid the foundation of the huge heroThen, Ultra Seven, which is said to series masterpieceThen, from Return of Ultraman it became more humaneIt continues to A ace such as Ultra 5 brothers come appearedT Taro further mother of ultra appearedAnd Sport Leo is of effort and guts, such as drama.It appeared in the last seriesThere is also a popular monster of the quiz, such as AlienBaltanand Zetton.This app is unofficial app of "Ultraman" by fan created.
懐かしい 初代ウルトラマンクイズ 1.0.0
【ストーリーを追いながら】ウルトラマンの初回放送から、最終回までのストーリーを出来るだけ追いながらクイズにしました。回答しながら、その当時の記憶が蘇るかも?問題は三択と早押しクイズです。カテゴリーは【基本編】【怪獣編】【○×早押し】【マニアック】に分かれています。お子様に昔のウルトラマンを教えて上げるのも楽しいですよ。全問正解を目指してチャレンジしてください。[While followingthestory]From the initial broadcast of Ultraman, up to thelasttimesWhile following as much as possible the story was in the quiz.While answer, it is that time of storage revives?IssueIt is a three-choice and early push quiz.Category[Basic][Monster ed][○ × Press early][Maniac]It is divided into.Even the'll tell the old Ultraman for childrenFun.Please to challenge with the aim of all thequestionscorrect.
Scary Stories 0.0.2
Terror StoriesThis is an application for those who love terror.Para allthosewho love to read good stories of fear, ghosts,witches,apparitions, haunted houses, murderers, .. but you willalso findlove in any of them..Sit read your favorite horror stories as a chill through yourbody,do not let him sleep.It is time to be scared and this will help:-Help me Caterina-The man of the road-My story with Juan-In The old house-School-A Former life-The young woman of flowers-The ghost of spa-The Shadows and dog-Not open the door-Nonsense-Not hurt my daughter-The call-The Darkness-The ghost of the bridge-The knife-The strange-My shy girl-The nurse-My brother-My dead friend-The Spirit of Aguascalientes-Premonición-The Evil exists and I could see-Poseida-The This spying on me-The Witches of Peña Wolves-The Exorcism-Noises in the night-Who hugs me at night?These are the titles of the stories you will find inthisaplicación. Some of them are true stories of people like youand methat befell the things that make your hair stand on end toyou.True or not, it is you who should value. Although what iscertainis that will make you think about the mysteries oflife.Do not forget to share with your friends by wassap andFacebook.
Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio
Exelerus Apps
Ghost EVP/EMF Radio has been developedforexciting paranormal detection and exploration. We've put a lotofeffort into making the app easy to use, so that bothprofessionaland enthusiast paranormal researchers and ghost hunterscan enjoyit.If you are either easily frightened, a super skeptic"leftbrainer" or have a serious heart-related medical condition,you areprobably better off avoiding this app.Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) is the collective nameforthe sounds sometimes detected on electronic recordingsandreminiscent of human speech. These sounds are usually foundinrecordings with noise or poor radio reception, and is consideredbymany to be the voices of paranormal beings such as ghosts,spirits,demons and other energy based entities. EVP is a formofInstrumental Trans-Communication (ITC), a term coinedbyprofessor Ernst Senkowski in the 1970s.This app has taken the traditional ghost box to the next level,andalso incorporates an EMF (Electromagnetic Field) scanner. Aswithtraditional ghost boxes, chaotic noise seems to be bothinvitingand sensitive to paranormal manipulation. The app generatesaudiblespeech by detecting meaningful phrases and words togetherwithproperties such as gender, age and current mood ofthecommunicating entity. We continuously improve the app, basedonuser feedback, and use it during our own paranormalinvestigationsas well.*** Features **** A built-in EMF scanner: Used as entropy seed for thenoisegeneration and shown on the TV screen.* Quick text log: Tap on the main TV screen to togglebetweenmodes.* Text log screen: The persistent text log is where you cansort,share and delete.* Record your encounters with or without the microphone ofyourdevice.* Real-time audio visualization: Oscilloscope and Spectrometer(tapto toggle).* In-app audio analyzer; which enables you to performfurtherstudies by visualizing the audio and changing theplaybackrate.* Open your EVP recordings in compatible audio apps with thetouchof a button.* Optional Auto Recording only produces recordings whensomethinginteresting is encountered.* Optional vibration and audible alarms every time an entityhasbeen detected.* UI themes, including the new theme for Halloween.* Share your recordings with friends and family.*** Languages ***Full support for English (US/UK), Czech, Dutch,French,German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak,Spanish,Swedish and Turkish*** Contact/Support **** Use the help buttons, located on every screen, to start thein-appguides.* Reach us by email, our supportsite, or use the buttons ontheSettings screen.* Twitter* Facebook* Google+* Mailing list* The Ghost Radiowebsite:*** Usage **** Patience required; Don't expect amazing results after justacouple of minutes. The analyzer needs time to calibrate, andmayinitially not detect any patterns at all or may even give youfalsepositives.* When fully calibrated the speech to text translation andspeechquality should be improved.* The EMF scanner use the magnetometer sensor of your devicesoensure it is calibrated (by waving the device in a eight patternacouple of times).We hope that you, like many others, will be fascinated bytheparanormal experience of Ghost EVP Radio. Thanksfordownloading!DisclaimerEvery effort has been made to make this app truly unique, but wecanoffer no guarantee that you will get specific results by usingit.Since the results of this app haven't been scientificallyverified,it should only be used for entertainment purposes. Pleaseuse itresponsibly.
新章2chの怖い話・シリーズまとめ 1.0.1
(無料)ネットに投稿された怖い話・怪談 1.0
ネットに投稿された怖い話をまとめました。定期的に更新します。We have puttogetherascary story that was posted on the net. Itwillregularlyupdate.
Scary story of mystery 1.1.2
For those who like, scary story andmysteryriddle, and suspense system is an application that can beviewedwith commentary summarizes the scary story and it makessense.Scary story will continue to be added from time to time anditmakes sense.In order to survive the long summer, Allow me to suggest thatalittle chilly around here?It is good just to kill time if the environment that leadtonetwork, so you can read the story scary anywhere at anytime.[Function]And historyRanking- Favorites- Read, unread management-Sticky, bookmark・・・V2.0.0Automatic scroll・・・V2.0.0Remarks of scary stories each, and we have been publishedbasedon the interpretation of its own.Now, reasoning power of you has been tried.
【最恐】洒落にならない怖い話まとめ - 洒落怖 1.0.5
ネットで流れた洒落にならない怖い話をまとめたアプリです※通称:洒落怖(シャレコワ)毎日更新されるので長く暇つぶしに最適夜一人で読むと寝れなくなるかも知れません・・・※自己責任でお願いしますほんとにあった怖い話、学校であった怖い話、2ちゃん怖い話、人間の怖い話や、洒落怖の師匠シリーズ、短編話、心霊系、怪談ばなしがいっぱい集まった超怖い話の決定版アプリ!【主な機能】・未読、既読機能があるから、どこまで読んだか分かりやすく表示・厳選した恐い話ピックアップ(おすすめ)で、選りすぐりの話しだけ読める・友達に教える機能で、メール等でしゃれにならない話やこわい話をすぐにシェア出来るアプリ開発の励みになりますので、良かったらレビュー評価お願いしますm(_ _)m
洒落にならない怖い話-百物語PartⅠ- 1.0
新章2chの怖い話・師匠シリーズ 1.0.2
霊感診断~アナタハ霊ヲミタコトガアリマスカ 1.0
突然ですが以下のテストを行ってみてください。1.他人の顔色をいつも見てしまう。2.音や匂いに敏感である。3.よくデジャヴのような光景を感じる。4.どんなに楽しくても、人と会った後は疲れる。5.誰といても心は孤独を感じる。6.自分の居場所はここではないと、いつも感じる。7.空や海を見て、次元を超えた場所に帰りたくなる。8.自分が死んだ後の光景が見えたことがある。9.辛いことも、時間が解決するのを知っている。10.生と死の境界線が曖昧に感じる。■1~5点:敏感な性格ですが、自分を理解してくれる人と出会えたら問題ありません■6~8点:霊感が強いので、注意が必要です。邪気のある場所、マイナス思考の人の中にいたら、運気が悪くなりやすいです。良い環境を整えて、精神力を鍛えましょぅ!■9~10点:霊能者である確率が高く、一般社会では生きずらいです。芸術家、自然と触れ合う仕事やスピリチュアルな生活に切り替えることをオススメ致します。あなたの霊感度はどれくらいでしょうか。霊感度が高いほど霊感が高いということになります。心霊、霊感に興味がある方はこのアプリをDLしてさらに質問に答えてください。アナタの”霊感度”をもっと診断します!Please try totestthefollowing Although it is sudden.1. I would always see the complexion of others.2. is sensitive to sound and smell.3. I feel the scene, such as the well deja vu.4. No matter how fun, it is tiring after meeting with people.5. Even if anyone had heart feel lonely.6. When my place is not here, always I feel.7. look at the sky and the sea, you'll want to go placesbeyondthedimension.8. is sometimes looked scene after the death of his own.9. painful it is also, I know that the problem is time.10. life and death of the boundary line is ambiguous feel.■ 1 ~ 5 points: It is a sensitive personality, but this isnotaproblem if you meet a person who understands his or her■ 6 ~ 8 points: The inspiration is strong, we must becareful.Where there is evil, If you are in in a person'snegativethinking,it is the fortune is likely to become worse.In established a good environment, and we trained thementalstrength~Yo~u!■ 9 ~ 10 points: the probability that a psychic is high,itisleprosy not live in the general society.Artists, we recommend that you switch to the work andspirituallifecontact with nature.Either would much is your inspiration level.It will be that there is a high inspiration higherdegreeofinspiration.Psychic, those who are interested in inspiration,pleaseanswerthis app to further questions by DL.It will more diagnose the "inspiration level" of you!