Top 15 Apps Similar to 澳門巴士搜尋器

MacauBus Route Search 1.6.0
Route SearchInterchange inquiriesNear site searchSearch near bus stopSet by the location of the site (starting point or end point)Error report to: This is a best bus route search App in Macau.but ifyouhave English version is perfectA:supportedQ:its very good , plz add alarm when near getting offA:GPS is difficult to locate in the city
Traffic Information Station 4.2.9
Traffic Information Station aims to provide localtrafficinformation
Macao Maritime Info 3.2.5
“Macao Maritime Info” developed by the Marine and Water Bureauofthe Macao SAR.
Macau International Airport 2.0.1
Macau International Airport introducedthisofficial applications to provide intimate customerservice.This application includes:- Chinese and English bilingual;- Real-time flights information;- Flights classification of the search query;- Display the local and destination weather information;- Real time flight emergency notification;- Airport and airline information.
澳門的士 2.2.1
返工就嚟遲到,但係Call唔到的士?攞住好多行李,但係Call唔到的士?用全新設計嘅「澳門的士」啦,你嘅Call車好幫手!「澳門的士」V2.0‭ ‬作為新一代Call的App,包含以下全新功能:1‭. 重新設計:在V2.0中對App的界面和後台均重新設計,現在Call的更快更準!2‭. GPS定位:還要打字輸入位置?落伍了,用GPS定位,立即定位你的位置,讓你快速Call車!3‭. 簡單易用:界面重新布局,更符合乘客的使用習慣!4‭.關於「獎勵」:在上下班繁忙時段,或節日假期裏,乘客可以選擇是否給予「獎勵」,以打賞司機在路途上付出的擁堵成本及辛勤工作。5‭. 安全可靠:乘客和司機均需經過手機驗證,確保來源可靠!極致體驗,趕快下載「澳門的士」最新版本吧!Reprocessing comeoutandwalk late, but the Department of Wu Dao Call Taxi?Luo live a lot of luggage, but the Department of Wu DaoCallataxi?The new design with generous "Macau Taxi" friends, generousCallyourcar is a good helper!"Macau Taxi" Call V2.0 as a new generation of App,includesthefollowing new features:1. Re-design: The App interface and background wereredesignedinV2.0, Call now faster and more accurate!2. GPS positioning: even typing position? Outdated,withGPSpositioning, immediately locate your position, let youquicklyCallcar!3. Easy to use: The interface is re-layout, more in linewiththepassenger's habits!4. With regard to "reward": In the morning and eveningpeakperiodsor holidays, the passengers can choose whether togive"incentives"to a reward drivers on the road congestion costspaidand hardwork.5. Safe and reliable: passengers and drivers are requiredtopassphone verification, to ensure a reliable source!The ultimate experience, quickly download "Macau Taxi"Thelatestversion of it!
New Lantao Bus (NLB) 1.2.3
Provides users with the latest route information to helpwithjourney planning.
Macau Traffic Info 1.1.2
Macau Traffic Info offers real-timecamera,parking information and detour information.
澳門交通(Macau) 1.25
Here You Are
這是一款方便想前往澳門自助旅行的遊客,能對澳門的交通有初步的認識,提供正在安排自助行程的使用者參考,對澳門的交通方式可以更輕鬆的上手!在旅遊時也能即時查閱相關資訊、離線使用地圖(因為包含許多地圖檔,導致程式所佔記憶體較大,還請多多包涵!)另外,使用者在觀看地圖時會出現放大縮小的按鈕來調整大小,也可以直接用手指在螢幕上縮放地圖的比例!地圖與介紹等資訊可以離線流覽,但是天氣、匯率和澳門交通資訊的相關網站,因為要獲取即時資料,所以需要連接網路才能查詢,有提供可查詢景點交通的網站,希望大家在有網路時能幫忙多瀏覽下方的廣告,提供我們動力來推出更多的離線地圖旅遊App!歡迎下載我們的旅遊App:京阪神奈交通(京都、大阪、神戶、奈良,關西,日本)東京交通(成田機場、羽田機場、箱根、橫濱,關東,日本)九州交通(福岡、長崎、熊本、鹿兒島、大分、宮崎、佐賀,日本)首爾交通(Seoul,韓國)釜山/慶州/濟州交通(Busan,Jeju,韓國) 雪梨交通(Sydney,悉尼,澳洲)香港交通(Hong Kong)澳門交通(Macau) 也歡迎參觀我們的部落格 andy-zoe.blogspot.com有許多相關地區的自助旅行遊記喔!
Hi澳門 3.0.1
我們希望用科技為用戶帶來真正的便利,只需簡單搜索,就可以找到所需資訊,聯絡方式,準確到達目的地。為此我們創造一個生活便利的平台,讓每個人都可以輕鬆搜索生活所需,從最細微的找開鎖通渠,找公司資訊,至準確到達任何指定目的地,我們都希望可以在Hi澳門一一實現。全新的澳門生活資訊手機應用。最新的Hi澳門採用了更先進的技術,允許所有參與的商戶擁有自己的應用,建立產品,新聞和優惠。澳門唯一一個能智能計算用戶和目的地位置,利用點對點導航技術,教你搭巴士,的士和步行穿梭全澳門,尋找吃喝玩樂生活資訊旅遊澳門不再走彎路, 觸手可達!首創完整結合多種導航技術,包括擴展實景雷達定位,最近巴士路線建議,的士車資估計和步行路線,讓你輕鬆到達目的地!濃縮澳門衣、食、住、行的全方位生活資訊,其中更具備擴展實境(AR)功能,手機應用程序通過AR技術利用手機攝影鏡頭,讓你看見不一樣的澳門!最全面的澳門生活資訊景點,電影 ,活動,酒店,餐飲等資訊一應俱全!最直觀的方位導向透過擴展實景功能,直觀清晰地在鏡頭上為你顯示出地標的方向及距離,讓您輕鬆前往。Hi澳門收集了將近13000項景點, 活動和場所, 用戶可以瀏覽和查詢澳門的生活資料:1. 景點和資料2. 活動時間和地點3. 最新上映電影時間, 地點, 和預告片4. 餐飲和酒店5. 便利店6. 巴士站和路線圖7. 提款機8. 超市9. 銀行10. 藥房11. 醫院12. 卡啦OK13. 酒吧14. 停車場15. 油站16. 郵局17. 政府部門和口岸資訊18. 社會服務和機構19. 休閒設施20. 學校21. 公廁注意請使用GPS, 由於GPS精確度不準, 距離和AR功能的坐標可能會有誤差Hi澳門採用了Wiki維基的理念, 開放式的平台, 所有人都可以參與創建資訊,免費成為用戶可以使用修改和新增功能We want to usetechnologyto provide users with real convenience, simply search,you can findthe necessary information, contact information,accuratedestination. To this end we have created a convenientplatform forlife, so that everyone can easily search for thenecessities oflife, from the most subtle to find unlock drainage,find companyinformation, to accurately reach any given destination,we all wantto be in a Hi Macau a realization.The new mobile application Macao lifestyle information.Thelatest Hi Macau uses a more advanced technology that allowsallparticipating merchants have their own applications,buildproducts, news and deals.Macau, the only one capable of intelligent computing usersanddestination locations using point to point navigationtechniques,teach you take a bus, taxi and shuttle walk in Macau,Macau travelinformation to find beer and skittles living longerdetours,tentacles up!Complete first combining multiple navigationtechnology,including the expansion of real radar positioning,recentlysuggested bus routes, taxi fare estimates and walkingroutes,allowing you to easily reach the destination!Macao concentrated food, clothing, shelter,comprehensivelifestyle information line, which also includesaugmented reality(AR) feature, mobile applications through the useof AR technologymobile phone camera lens, so that you do not liketo see inMacau!The most comprehensive information about life in MacauAttractions, movies, events, hotels, restaurants andotherinformation readily available!The most intuitive orientation guideThrough extended real functions intuitively clear for you oncamerashowing the direction and distance to the target, so you caneasilyaccess.Hi Macau collected nearly 13,000 attractions, events andsites,users can browse and query subsistence Macau:1 attractions and information2 Time and place3 Recent movies time, place, and trailers4 restaurants and hotels5. Convenience store6 bus stops and route maps7 ATM8. Supermarket9 Banks10. Pharmacy11 Hospital12. Karaoke OK13 Bar14 Parking15. Petrol stations16 Post Office17 government departments and port information18 Social Services and agencies19 leisure facilities20 school21. ToiletsPlease note that the use of GPS, because the GPS accuracyallowed,coordinate distance and AR functions may be errorsHi Macau Wiki Wiki uses the concept of an open platform,anyonecan participate in the creation of information,Free as a user can use to modify and add features
Macau GeoGuide 2.6
Offers abundant geographic information of Macao SAR for free.
NishitetsuBusTime 3.61
Easily find the timetables of Nishitetsu Bus which runmainlyFukuoka in Japan.
澳門道路報告 1.0.1
澳門塞車情況嚴重,而道路狀況亦未能即時傳播。故制作此一應用程式,方便市民即時分享道路現況,讓各位準備出門的車主,提供更多選擇的空間,有助減少路面的擠塞。本應用程式整合澳門官方交通資訊站資料,以地圖方式呈現交通意外資訊。使用者亦可以進行上載,分享路況。功能簡介:- 以地圖方式顯示澳門交通狀況程式自動整合澳門交通事務局官方消息,並按照實際事發地點標示於地圖之上,讓使用者知道回家的路上是否存有交通意外。- 上傳道路現況:使用者在打開GPS的情況下,在路上遇到任何突發交通消息,可以文字方式直接分享上傳。上傳的資訊會根據GPS直接標記於地圖之上,減少使用者所需要輸竹的文字敍述。更新:- 1.0.1: 更新使用說明。
Transit Hong Kong by NAVITIME 3.9.7
This is for you if you have been thinkingtheremust be a much better route than your usual one!What a no-brainer, and it's FREE! It is helpful for your traveltouse the offline map.This app will provide you easy journey planning withzoomableinteractive maps of the MTR and ferry in Hong Kong,China.# How to plan a journeyIt’s simple. If you know which stations you are going to use,tapthe stations to set your origin and destination in thezoomableinteractive maps. Additionally, GPS can suggest the stationthat iscurrently nearest to you (Internet connection required).****** Features ******# Offline map and route search resultOffline map is available to use all the time. You can findwhichtrain, subway, metro, bus, flight and ferry let you take towhereyou go. Route search result is automatically saved your phone,itis also available offline.# Support multiplelanguage(English/Spanish/French/Germany/Italian/TraditionalChinese/SimplifiedChinese/Korean/Thai/Malay/Japanese) Name ofstations and train willbe English.# Set your home station for easier journey planning.# Search the nearest station.# Send route results to you, friends and colleagues via SMSore-mailWe are always happy to respond to your feedback. Should you haveanyproblems, please let us know through our app by pressingthe“Feedback” tab.****** Important ******About the Timetable: The actual departure / arrival timesmightdiffer from the displayed result, as they are not the based ontheofficial timetable.
爱帮公交-全国公交地铁换乘查询 5.3.0
★不用知道公交站名就可查换乘,千万用户都在使用★爱帮公交是国内排第一的公交查询软件,免费提供全国公交地铁换乘查询服务,支持地图上地点对地点/站站/站点及路线查询,公交换乘方案还含有地铁线路,永久免费且无广告,是您出门乘车的必备公交地铁查询软件.主要功能:◆数据全准.覆盖全国500个城市,12万公交站点,3万条公交及地铁线路信息;◆换乘查询.不用知道公交站名,只需输入地点或当前位置或地图上选点即可;◆换乘方案.换乘结果按距离/时间/地铁/换乘次数等排序,均显示行程时间;◆LBS定位.自动定位位置,可用当前所在的位置做起点或终点查询;◆地图显示.可地图上查看公交路线,会随着行车移动,随时知道方位;◆分享好友.公交换乘方案/路线/站点信息可通过短信发送给好友.特色亮点:-联网查询耗流量少-每周更新公交数据-永久免费无广告-1000万用户数爱帮公交地铁查询官网 公交粉丝QQ群56258691关键词keyword:爱帮公交 8684公交 8684 公交 公交查询 北京公交 上海公交 广州公交 深圳公交 武汉公交杭州公交火车 火车票 火车时刻 飞机 出差 交通 地图 列车 巴士 地铁 的士 换乘 春运 春节 过年 过节 12580 上海地铁GPS导航北京地铁 广州地铁 猜火车 旅行 旅游 元旦 问路 旅游必备 出行必备 公交换乘 换乘查询 公交路线 公交车 天津公交重庆公交成都公交 长沙公交 长春公交 大连公交 东莞公交 大同公交 福州公交 佛山公交 贵阳公交 哈尔滨公交 合肥公交 济南公交昆明公交兰州公交 南京公交 宁波公交 南昌公交 南宁公交 青岛公交 苏州公交 沈阳公交 石家庄公交 太原公交 温州公交 无锡公交扬州公交西安公交 郑州公交 厦门公交 大学 大学生 高校★ do not know thebustransfer station names can be checked, millions of users areusing★ love to help bus is the first row of the bus query software,freeMetro bus transfer to the national inquiry service, supportmaplocations right place / station stations / sites androutesqueries, bus transfer program also contains a subwayline,permanently free and without advertising, is your must-gorideMetro bus query software.Main features:◆ Data full potential. Covering 500 cities, 120,000 busstops,30,000 bus and subway line information;◆ Transfer Inquiry Needless to know the bus station name,simplyenter the location or current location or can be selectedpoint onthe map;◆ transfer scheme. Transfer results by distance / time / Subway/transfer times such sort, have shown that travel time;◆ LBS positioning automatic positioning location that is usedtomake the current location of the start or end of inquiry;◆ map display can be viewed on the bus route map will movealongwith traffic, always know the orientation;◆ Share Friends. Bus transfer programs / route / siteinformationcan be sent via SMS to your friends.Features Highlights:- Consume less traffic network query- Updated weekly bus data- Permanent free ad-10 million usersLove to help Metro bus Check the official Bus fans QQ group 56258691Keywords keyword: love to help Bus 8684 Bus 8684 BusBusinquiries Beijing Bus Shanghai Bus Bus Wuhan, Shenzhen,GuangzhouBus Bus Bus Train ticket Hangzhou train travel timeaircrafttraffic maps Subway Train Bus Taxi Ride 12580 Chinese LunarNewYear Spring Festival Spring Festival Shanghai Metro GPSnavigationBeijing subway Guangzhou subway Trainspotting Travel NewYear's Dayto ask the way essential travel essential travel bustransferTransfer Inquiry transit bus routes bus bus in Chongqing,Tianjin,Chengdu, Changchun Changsha bus bus bus bus Dalian,Dongguan,Foshan Bus Datong bus bus bus Fuzhou Guiyang bus HarbinHefei,Kunming bus bus bus bus Lanzhou, Jinan, Nanjing bus busbusNanchang, Nanning, Ningbo bus bus bus Qingdao, Shenyang, Suzhoubusbus bus Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, Wenzhou bus bus bus Wuxi,Yangzhou,Xiamen Zhengzhou bus bus bus bus, Xi'an UniversityofUniversity
Taximeter 3.1.8
Any questions about the taxi fare? Let Taximeter help you forfarecalculation.