Top 22 Games Similar to 【体験版】ゲームセンター倶楽部 Lite

箱庭シティ鉄道 1.6.2
You can make your own station Railway company managementsimulationIn a three-dimensional station building like a labyrinthA yearningtrain is coming!
ゲームセンター倶楽部 1.2.4
Build a unique center of the console! Achieve 5 star gamecenter!Fighting game competition will be held soon
Biz Builder Delux
Ah, there's nothing like the rhythmic bustleofa burgeoning business burg... especially when you're theonebuilding it! That's right, from a video game store to thecornerfast food joint, run what YOU want as the town'sentrepreneurextraordinaire!Once your coffers are comfortably padded, you'll be ready tosetsights on other ripe markets. Don't be shy and branch out,erectinga diverse variety of establishments to inspire both pep inthe townplaza and plenitude in your pockets!Remember, you'll need to strategize if you want shoppers toshow.Innovate to stock stores with quality products whiledevisingbattle plans to rout pesky rivals. Only then will your spotas thetown's top transactor be secure!It's not easy to rake in those bucks with the free market influx...but if you conquer that crux--you'll be Biz BuilderDelux!--* All game progress is stored on your device. Save data cannotbetransferred between devices, nor can it be restored afterdeletingor reinstalling the app.* Should the screen go dark and freeze, try to power yourdevicedown and relaunch the game.Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visitusat Be sure to check out both ourfree-to-playand our paid games!
The Ramen Sensei
Build your ramen rep by fashioning theultimatebowl from a vast assortment of noodles, soup, andtoppings. Fromroast pork to miso, mackerel, and more--the onlylimit is yourimagination, meaning you'll need to use your noodleto nail theright recipes and bring hungry customers in by thecrowd!Enter contests and see how you size up against rivals,thuscementing your standing as superlative sensei of thesavory!Succeed--and one day you might even have your own ramenthemepark!--* All game progress is stored on your device. Save data cannotbetransferred between devices, nor can it be restored afterdeletingor reinstalling the app.* Should the screen go dark and freeze, try to power yourdevicedown and relaunch the game.Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visitusat Be sure to check out both ourfree-to-playand our paid games!
Anime Studio Story
Produce your own hit anime starring acharacterof your making!Select a face, body, and presto! Your completed hero canthenexplode onto the scene of your show, wowing watchers to ruletherankings! Categories include "Dateability," "Popular withKids,"and more! As the animaestro, only you can bring status toyourstudio!Speaking of your studio, equip it with a library, motioncaptureroom, and even a theater! Educate your staff in the animeway tocraft a classic that will echo through the generations!Ready to hit the drawing board?--* Should the screen go dark and freeze, try to power yourdevicedown and relaunch the game.Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visitusat Be sure to check out both ourfree-to-playand our paid games!
High Sea Saga 2.2.4
Well, shiver me timbers! This app'snowcompletely free!Riches of legend inhumed in secret sites across the world,savagemonsters to thwart each turn of your trek, rival playerslooking toscuttle your ship--such maritime mayhem and more await onthisfinest of swashbuckling simulations!You'll need a trusty team to surmount the odds, not to mentionavessel--so make sure you choose only the savviest of seadogs,andconstruct a jolly craft of true piratical proportions!Fortune also favors the friendly. Play with a pal and yourvoyagemight yield some coveted booty...So all hands ahoy! With the billow of your dreams against thesails,embark on a saga of the high seas sure to keep thatcutlasscarving!* All game progress is stored on your device. Save data cannotbetransferred between devices, nor can it be restored afterdeletingor reinstalling the app.* Certain features require in-app purchases.* Should the screen go dark and freeze, try to power yourdevicedown and relaunch the game.Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visitusat Be sure to check out both ourfree-to-playand our paid games!
ステキな商店街を立ち上げよう!ゲームショップにハンバーガー店…どの店経営してみる?ガッポリ稼いで資金が潤えば、いろんな業種の事業に参入できちゃうかも!スタッフも育成して、売上アップをめざそう!街の発展を味方につけて、キミのお店がどっとこむ!!お客さんが集まるお店をつくって、ついでに街の発展も見守ろう。やりこみ経営シミュレーションゲームで日本一の商店街をつくろう!--※画面が黒くなってしまう場合は、端末の電源を切り再起動してみてください。※ゲームデータは端末内に保存されます。アプリ削除、再インストール時、機種変更のデータ移行は未対応です。他のゲームは「カイロソフト」で検索してね。 http://kairopark.jp遊んだことがあるかもしれないような無料ゲームや売り切りアプリが盛りだくさん!2Dドット絵のカイロソフトゲームシリーズだよ。最新情報はツイッターをフォローしてね。 to Launchanice shopping street!Try to hamburger shop ... How store management in thegameshop?If Gappori earns funds is June, maybe we can enter the businessofvarious industries!Staff also training, we will aim for sales up!Put to ally the city of development, Kimi of shopsDottokomu!!To create a shop where the audience gather, it willincidentallyMimamoro also the development of the city.Let's make the Japan of the shopping street in thecrowdedmanagement simulation game!-※ If the screen becomes black, please try to restart power offtheterminal.※ game data is stored in the terminal. App delete, duringthere-installation, data migration model change isnotsupported.The other game I search for "Cairo soft". http://kairopark.jpLots of playing thing is such as may be done free games andsellingout app!It Cairo soft game series of 2D dot picture.We have to follow the Twitter the latest information.
Magazine Mogul
Take charge of your own magazine! It's uptoyou to turn heads and help your community grow through the powerofthe press!It all starts with compelling coverage. Brainstorm story ideasandangles with your editorial team, then deploy staff to putthoseideas into print. Hit the streets for info and you just mightsnagthe hottest scoop of the year!Wider circulation means better publicity and tourism for yourtown,so win new readers over with fresh and interesting features!Keepit up and the mayor may headhunt you to assist with urbanplanning,relying on you for advice on public projects, events, andeven whatbusinesses to invite into town.A small local magazine can make a big difference! Do you havewhatit takes to become a magazine mogul?--Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visitusat Be sure to check out both ourfree-to-playand our paid games!
自分だけの麺とこだわりスープを作って絶品ラーメンの完成だ!とろけるチャーシュー、味付けたまご、マシマシ野菜トッピングを自由自在に乗せて究極の一杯をめざそう。美味しいラーメンができれば行列ができる!大会でライバルと戦いながら日本一のお店をめざしましょう。自慢のラーメン屋を集めてどんなお客さんも満足しちゃうステキなラーメンテーマパークを作っちゃおう!--※画面が黒くなってしまう場合は、端末の電源を切り再起動してみてください。※ゲームデータは端末内に保存されます。アプリ削除、再インストール時、機種変更のデータ移行は未対応です。他のゲームは「カイロソフト」で検索してね。 http://kaipa.jp遊んだことがあるかもしれないような無料ゲームや売り切りアプリが盛りだくさん!It is the completionofthe rarity ramen to make your own noodles and commitment soup!Melting pork, seasoned egg, extends vegetablesAim the ultimate one cup of topping to put freely.Delicious ramen can be is a matrix hopefully!Let's aim to Japan of the shop while fighting a rival inthetournament.Collect the pride of ramen shopThe nice that would satisfy any audienceLet make a ramen theme park!-If the screen becomes black is ※, please try to restart, turnoffthe terminal.※ game data is stored in the terminal. App Delete,duringre-installation, data migration of change model isnotsupported.I search for "Kairosoft" to other games. http://kaipa.jpthere be free games and selling out apps like it may be playednotmiss!
こだわりラーメン館2 ~全国編~ 1.5.3
Ramen shop management game Which do you like better, futo noodlesorhoso noodles? A gem is completed with a special soup Let'screate aramen boom all over the country! Your cup may change Japan...
Anime Studio Story Lite 1.0.6
Step into the studio and produce your own hit anime with anoriginalhero!
夢の海賊団を結成しよう!大航海な時代の大冒険、世界の財宝やモンスターを制覇していくシミュレーションゲーム。最強の海賊船を引き連れて全国のユーザーと対戦だ!夢とロマンを胸に、おもかじいっぱいの大航海スペクタル仲間たちと力を合わせ謎のモンスターや凶悪なライバル海賊を撃退せよキミだけの巨大な帆船で世界の海を駆けめぐろう!!さらに…お友達と一緒に遊ぶといいことがいっぱい起こるかも!?--※画面が黒くなってしまう場合は、端末の電源を切り再起動してみてください。※ゲームデータは端末内に保存されます。アプリ削除、再インストール時、機種変更のデータ移行は未対応です。※全ての機能を使うには、一部アプリ内課金をご利用頂けます。他のゲームは「カイロソフト」で検索してね。 http://kairopark.jp遊んだことがあるかもしれないような無料ゲームや売り切りアプリが盛りだくさん!2Dドット絵のカイロソフトゲームシリーズだよ。最新情報はツイッターをフォローしてね。 to formedthePirates of the dream!The Adventures of the Age of Discovery, simulation game tocontinueto conquer the world of treasure and monsters.You play against the country of the user by pulling in thestrongestof the pirate ship!To breast the dream and romance, Omokaji full of largevoyagespectacleWhether fighting off monsters and evil rival pirate mysterycombinedcolleagues and force!! Let Meguro came in from the seas of the world with a hugesailingship of only KimiMore ... it is be full occur good to play with your friends!?-※ If the screen becomes black, please try to restart power offtheterminal.※ game data is stored in the terminal. App delete, duringthere-installation, data migration model change isnotsupported.※ To use all the features are available to somein-appbilling.The other game I search for "Cairo soft". http://kairopark.jpLots of playing thing is such as may be done free games andsellingout app!It Cairo soft game series of 2D dot picture.We have to follow the Twitter the latest information.
人気アニメを制作して、主人公キャラを育てよう。アニメスタジオの経営SLGです。顔と体のデザインを選べばオリジナルの主人公キャラが誕生!作品に登場させて「好きなアニメランキング」の「恋人にしたい部門」「ちびっこに人気部門」などで上位に入る人気キャラを目指しましょう。スタジオ内には「資料室」「モーションキャプチャ」「ホームシアター」などのテナントを設置できます。スタッフを育成してアニメ界の金字塔を建てましょう。明日の名作アニメを監督するのは携帯をにぎっているキミかもしんまい。--他のゲームは「カイロソフト」で検索してね。 http://kairopark.jp遊んだことがあるかもしれないような無料ゲームや売り切りアプリが盛りだくさん!2Dドット絵のカイロソフトゲームシリーズだよ。最新情報はツイッターをフォローしてね。
Pocket Harvest Lite 1.1.0
Reap the joys of country life and cultivate your farm and fame!
Fiz : Brewery Management Game
If you've ever dreamed of owning a brewery, this is your chance!From humble garage beginnings, grow your brewery intoaworld-renowned symbol of excellence by crafting the best beerinthe land. Research marketplaces and festivals to learn whatyourpublic wants, then brew it using realistic ingredients! Manageyourprofits to hire new employees, upgrade equipment, and discovernewrecipes.Running a world-class brewery isn't all pints andparties,though. Along the way you'll experience a story fraughtwithrivalry, mystery, and desperately thirsty people. Will yourbeerhave what it takes to make a difference in their lives?Featuring:◆ No waiting or in-app purchases. Play for minutes or hours atatime.◆ 20+ Hours of gameplay in a single playthrough.◆ 60+ Recipes to discover.◆ 20+ Employees to hire.◆ 60+ Randomly selected Events and Competitions.◆ 25+ Marketplaces to research and master.◆ "New Game +" mode and randomized content formultipleplaythroughs.All for less than the price of a pint! Water you waitingfor?Excitement is brewing! Don't wait any lager, hop in!
あこがれの農園ライフシミュレーション!広大な敷地に人気の観光農園をプロデュースしよう。シャキシャキレタスや甘いイチゴを愛情たっぷり育ててブランド野菜を生みだせば近隣のお店から出荷依頼が殺到!コンテストにも優勝しちゃうかも!キャンプ場やアスレチック場などの観光施設を建ててツアー客を呼び込むと収入がぐんと増える。かわいい動物たちが名産品を生み出し、農園をサポートしてくれるぞ。さあ、たくさんの観光客が訪れる、自然豊かな大農園めざして頑張りましょう!!--他のゲームは「カイロソフト」で検索してね。 http://kairopark.jp遊んだことがあるかもしれないような無料ゲームや売り切りアプリが盛りだくさん!2Dドット絵のカイロソフトゲームシリーズだよ。最新情報はツイッターをフォローしてね。 simulationoflonging!Trying to produce a popular tourist farm in the vast site.If Umidase the brand vegetables crisp lettuce and sweetstrawberryaffection plenty brought upShipment request from the neighboring shops flooded! It mightalsowon the contest!It built a tourist facilities, such as campgrounds andathleticfield attract tourists and revenue increases Gunto.Cute animals have produced the local products, it will supportthefarm.Come on, come a lot of tourists, let's do our best with the aimlushplantation !!-The other game I search for "Cairo soft". http://kairopark.jpLots of playing thing is such as may be done free games andsellingout app!It Cairo soft game series of 2D dot picture.We have to follow the Twitter the latest information.
夢のタウン誌編集部シミュレーションゲーム!テーマや切り口を決めて、読者の心をつかむステキな特集を組みましょう。取材に出かければあっと驚く特ダネをゲットしてしまうかも。ゲームを進めていくと市長からスカウトを受けて、なんと地元の町づくり事業にも参加できるようになります。「声かけ運動」「納涼浴衣コンテスト」等の公共事業や、「ファミレス」「健康ランド」等のお店の誘致が助言できて、町の更なる発展が期待できますね。はたしてキミの町のタウン誌は、どこまで発行部数を伸ばせるだろうか?--他のゲームは「カイロソフト」で検索してね。 http://kairopark.jp遊んだことがあるかもしれないような無料ゲームや売り切りアプリが盛りだくさん!2Dドット絵のカイロソフトゲームシリーズだよ。最新情報はツイッターをフォローしてね。 TownmagazineEditorial simulation game!Determine the theme and cut, let's set a nice feature to grabthereader's mind. You might get the exclusive surprised JackRobinsonif Dekakere to interview.As you complete the game in response to a scout from the mayor,howthe local town planning businessAlso you will be able to participate.And public works such as "voice over exercise," "Summer Nightyukatacontest", "family restaurant", "healthland"Made advice shops attract etc., it can be expectedfurtherdevelopment of the town.Would really Town magazine of Kimi of town is, how far canstretchthe circulation?-The other game I search for "Cairo soft". http://kairopark.jpLots of playing thing is such as may be done free games andsellingout app!It Cairo soft game series of 2D dot picture.We have to follow the Twitter the latest information.
Magazine Mogul Lite 1.0.4
Help your community grow through the power of the press inthismagazine sim!
Star Command 1.1.8
Star Command, LLC
Build and command your own starship! Star Command let'syoubuildyour own ship, hire your crew, explore the universeandbattlealien civilizations across the galaxy. “Should youdiveinimmediately? Absolutely.” - TouchArcade “A great mobilespacerompwhich adopts a great theme, great gameplay and will keepyoubusyfor quite a few hours...” - Androidspin • Premium game - noinapppurchase roadblocks • HD support for retina pixel goodness•Levelyour crew members up and earn new skills • Build a shipinyour ownimage • Four distinct ship hulls to choose from •Focusontactical, science or engineering • Amazingsoundtrackintensifiesthe action and exploration • Over 10 alienspecies todiscoverBrought to you in beautiful HD pixelated glory,StarCommand bringsto life the challenges and joys of managingastarship. Upgradeyour ship, get out into the unknown and watchyourcrew die grizzlydeaths all at your command. Strange andannoyingaliencivilizations await you at every turn. Manage each ofyourshipsroles, focusing on science skills, tactical combatandshipengineering. Prevent alien invaders from taking over yourshipandcausing massive amounts of damage with sentry guns.Revivedyingcrew members with new rooms! And don’t forget thatyourdecisionsmatter - an enemy made early could come back to hauntyoulater.
Publisher Tycoon Lite 1.7
Manage your own book publishing company!
This is the game to run a mobile carrier company. Base stationwereinstalled, open the shop, and to develop the model, pleasewonuser!
【体験版】アニメスタジオ物語 Lite 1.0.6
Make hit anime and grow your characters!! Anime studiomanagementsimulation