Top 21 Apps Similar to Judge it! Vote and chat

Wishbone - Compare Anything 9.2.2
Compare & vote on all the hottest trends like fashion,TikTok,celebs, and more!
Mobile Voting 1.2
Anton Lashkov
This application helps to conduct polls of large numbers of people.
Vote 1.0.80
Vote is a social network for schoolsanduniversities based on questions/questionnaires.The idea is that groups of users can ask each other questionsandvote on them and add their comments on the questions or ontheresults.Users can build 'groups' and publish questions inside thegroups,or 'link' the group to public questions.Users can also publish their questionnaires to all, or toa'reference-group' that they define (based on gender, age...).The results are displayed in pies and graphs with segmentationtospecified sub-groups of users (and even fordifferentcountries).Users can add comments to the questions, and respond tootherusers' comments.In the groups, user can send messages to other members or totheentire group.Vote has many more unique features (you can read about them inthe'Introduction' page).One of its many unique features is the "Nested-groups" thatmakesit very suited for hierarchy institutions such asuniversities andschools.A student in a class can publish his questionnaire on every levelofthe University, and the results will be segmented according tothelower level.Its Comments and Messages systems makes it a good platformfordebates on different topics.Its targeting function, segmentation, different typeofquestions, and graphics representations makes it an idealplatformfor social research.It is also recommended for "Labour Unions" as a decisionaidtool, to increase there level of internal democracy.
Mudamos+ 2.8.0
You can subscribe to popular initiative bills electronically!
Tu Votación 1.7
Join the largest polls site in Latin America and be part ofourgrowing community! Vote in your favourite subjects and createyourown polls. Share them and know people with your sameinterests!More than 15 thousand people visit "Tu Votación" everyday. "TuVotación" is an online community where millions of usersconnect toshare their opinions, knowing other's opinions and makenewfriends. Download the Android app to enjoy the whole site, andalsoreceive notifications when someone sends you a message. Give itatry!
SP Serviços 7.5.7
Find various apps offered to citizens by the state government ofSãoPaulo
WhatsLov Stickers (WASticker) 12.4.3
Love stickers for WhatsApp (WASticker), MMS…Love emojis&animated sticker (GIF)
vote for you 1.0
Take a snapshot from camerathen, select the election support text below the scroll viewclick share icon and share your image( image with overlay onquotes)via WhatsAppPresently Encourage Tamilnadu State Election Monday 16May2016All Country Voters vote for your country.This app is a small support for tn election voters.This app is dedicated to all tamilnadu & india voters.Future Enhancements:share your picture via Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn and etcsocialmediaapps.
Anonymous Chat 1.0
Now you be anonymous chat withanyonethroughoutthe world. Feel free to chat on any topic withanyone.Download“Anonymous Chat” and join the biggest free globalchatroomsavailable. Here you can socialize, meet new people, meetwithpeopleof your interest, flirt and even find out dates aroundyou.It’s freefor all and anyone can join this chat room.Free for allStay anonymousNo age LimitChat with people of your interest and enjoy “AnonymousChat”.Don’tforget to rate and review it.
Caixa Trabalhador 3.24.0
Utilizando o aplicativo CAIXA Trabalhador você tem acessoainformações dos benefícios ao trabalhador de maneira fácil,práticae rápida. Compartilhe essa ideia! As informações que vocêprecisasaber sobre Seguro-Desemprego e Abono Salarial estãonesseaplicativo desenvolvido especialmente para você pela CAIXA.Comapenas alguns toques, você visualiza a situação dos seusbenefíciose as informações de pagamento. Deseja simular o valorprovável derecebimento do seu Abono Salarial? Use a Calculadora doAbono.Temno App! Para conferir a data correta de recebimento do seuAbono,acesse o calendário disponível no ícone Informações AbonoSalarial.As informações do seu NIS podem ser visualizadas ecompartilhadascom os aplicativos do seu celular. Assim, sempre queo empregadorsolicitar o comprovante do seu NIS você terá acesso aele na palmade suas mãos. O aplicativo também reúne as perguntasmaisfrequentes sobre cada benefício para que você não tenhadúvidas,use o menu de Ajuda que preparamos pra você! Com tudo napalma damão, você fica mais seguro e informado! Aproveite!
Easy Politica 1.4
Easy Politica is the app that lets you easily learn Italianpolitics
Círculo Podemos 2.1
Can Circle, circle to unite all.
무따 - 결정장애,고민해결을 위한 투표기반 익명SNS앱 1.0.1
무따(MUTTA)남에게는 사소하지만 나에게는 중요한 고민, 무따에 묻다!★ 무따는 이런 분들을 위해 만들어졌습니다. ★- 잦은 결정장애에 시달리시는 분- 어떻게든 선택은 했는데, 자신의 선택이 최선이었을까 의심되시는 분- 직접 털어 놓기 난감한 비밀 혹은 고민을 가지고 계신 분- 이런 비밀 혹은 고민을 누군가와 대화로 해결 하고 싶으신 분시도 때도 없이 겪게 되는 ‘결정장애’ 여러분은 어떻게 극복하십니까?혼자 고민하거나 주변 사람들에게 도움을 요청해서 내린 결정이 정말 최선이라고 확신하십니까?만약 잦은 결정장애에 시달리거나 그에 따른 결정이 과연 최선의 선택이었을까 의심된다면무따 사용을 추천해드립니다.남들이 모르는 나만의 비밀 혹은 고민을 누군가와 대화로 해결하고 싶으신 분그러나 그 비밀, 고민이 털어놓기 난감한 경우, 여러분들은 어떻게 하시겠습니까?익명으로 고민을 털어놓고 다른 사람들의 의견을 들어 보기를 원하신다면무따 사용을 추천해드립니다.무따는 다음의 3가지 핵심기능들로 당신을 도울 것입니다.★ 투표 기능무따는 당신의 고민해결을 위해 투표를 실행합니다. 당신의 고민과 그에 대한 선택지를 작성하면다수의 사람들이 의견을 모아 당신의 고민해결을 도울 것입니다.당신의 마음속 최선의 선택지를 선별해서 투표 보기를 작성해보세요. 다른 사람들의 조언을 필요로 하지만 정작 납득하지못하는당신의 ‘답정너’식 질문에 도움을 줄 것입니다.★ 익명 기반무따는 익명성을 기반으로 하여 당신의 고민상담을 지원합니다. 간단한 결정장애뿐 아니라 남들에게 말하기 힘든 고민도속시원히 털어놓고 다른 사람들의 조언을 들을 수 있습니다.★ 두 개의 글속성진지한 고민을 위한 ‘글 투표’와 결정장애 해결을 위한 ‘사진 투표’. 두 개의 글 속성을 목적에 따라 사용할수있습니다. 자신의 상황이나 생각을 설명해야 하는 고민 상담의 경우 글 투표를 활용해 보다 정확하게 내용을 전달 할수있고, 유사한 디자인 등의 결정장애를 겪는 경우 보기에 사진을 첨부 할 수 있는 사진 투표를 활용하면 더 쉽게다른사람의 조언을 구할 수 있습니다.무따는 10대 20대 청소년과 청년들의 결정장애, 고민해결을 돕고, 생산적인 커뮤니티 공간을제공하고자만들어졌습니다. 정보의 홍수속에서 결정장애에 시달리며, 개인의 파편화, 고립화가 만연한 사회 분위기 속에서위로받을 곳을잃어가는 청소년들을 위해 청소년에 의해 만들어진 무따는 여러분과 공감하고 여러분의 고충을 누구보다 잘 이해할것이며, 그해결을 위해 부단히 노력할 것을 약속드립니다. 적은 자본에도 불구하고 좋은 취지와 가슴 뜨거운 열정으로 힘차게첫발내딛는 무따의 발전을 위해 여러분의 관심과 애정담긴 질책을 기다립니다.Mutta (MUTTA)Others have minor but significant worry for me, bury the mutta!★ made for these people picking radish. ★- Receiving suffered frequent failures minute decision- I somehow choice, doesineun Was selected doubt hisbestminutes- Drop off directly s frustrating it has a secret ordistressedminutes- Want to solve this secret conversation with someone orworriesminutesDo you 'decision disabilities' How do you overcome thatsufferall the time?Are you sure this decision to yourself or to request help fromthepeople around it really the best?If you suffer or subject to frequent failures decide ifselecteddoubt Was this really the best decision accordinglyMutta I recommend using it.The others want to solve your own or worried secretconversationwith someone you do not know in minutesHowever, the secret, distress s frustrating and drop off, areyousure you want to do?Laying off the concerns anonymously or if you want to look fortheopinions of othersMutta I recommend using it.Non picker will help you with the following threecorefunctions.★ votingRun the no-picker vote for your troubles resolved. When youcreateyour worries and combined themA large number of people gather feedback that will help yousolvethe worries.By selecting the best options in your mind, try to create avotingview. Need the advice of others, but does not convince youofjeongjak will help to 'answer jeongneo' type questions.★-based anonymousBased on the non-picker anonymous counseling to supportyourworries. Disability, as well as simple decision put offspeaking toothers, even in tough worry siwonhi you can listen tothe advice ofothers.★ two articles Properties"Photos voted 'for' article voting, and the decision failuretoresolve a serious worry. The two articles attribute can beuseddepending on the purpose. In the case of distressedconsultation toexplain their situation and think can deliver moreaccurateinformation to take advantage of the post voting, if youtakeadvantage of photos votes to attach the photos to seeifexperiencing decide disorders such similar design more Youcaneasily seek the advice of others.Non picking 10 young people and 20 disability decisionyoungpeople, to help resolve the concerns, designed to provideaproductive community space. Sidalrimyeo to determine disabilityinthe flood of information, and those of theindividualfragmentation, isolation agree with you that for the thinyouthlost places get up in the prevailing social atmosphere freemade bythe youth picker to better understand who your grievance,Wepromise to continuously strive for their solutions. Despitethesmall capital for the development of a good first steppowerfullyinto the spirit and passion naedinneun chest mutta awaitsyourattention and affection filled with reproach.
KimVote 1.3.09
- Check out the latest trends andhotissues!- Curious to know what other people think aboutyourfavorites?- Your vote matters in KimVote. It becomes the importantinformationto others.- Post your own votes and see what other people thinkaboutthem.
Swift Vote 1.0.6
Richard Pitul
From time to time, you and a group offriendsmay want to vote on something without everyone knowing howyouvoted. Should we go to the movies without George? Now youcanquickly make such a vote on your phone or tablet. Onepersoncreates the vote, then any others can connect to it using ashort 6digit code. Once everyone has voted, the creator taps 'getresults'and everyone can see the result.Purchase the pro version to allow you to create voteswithlabelled options and a vote topic. This enhanced version allowsyouto share votes with everyone including those using thefreeversion. Simply share the access code on social media and seehowmany people you can reach with questions like...What is your favorite food?How much is too much of a good thing?Where did I leave my lunch?It's not just about privately voting, it can be fun too!
ECI360 2.4
01 Synergy
Th​is​ ​is ​all inclusive ​ECI 360​MobileApp​​, developed for Election Commission of India involvingall thestake holders involved in the election process.Voter: As a voter, you can log-in using your EPIC number andviewyour polling station​ (directions and photographs)​, ​listofC​andidate(s) contesting from your constituency​ & theElectionresults.​ You can also get details for your RO (ReturningOfficer),DEO (District Election Officer) & CEO (ChiefElectoralOfficer).PWD (Person with Disability): ​In order to include everyone intheElectoral process, PWD (person with disability) can nowrequestfacility to enable them to vote, the request for additionalservicecan be ​made and monitored online.Candidate:​ ​Once the Contesting Candidate application hasbeenaccepted by the RO (Returning Officer), the access to theCandidateApp will be granted accordingly. ​As a contestingCandidate, ​youcan view list of polling station in your contestingconstituency,along with details of the polling booths. As aCandidate​ you canalso request permission for:A​p​plication for Vehicle PermitApplication for Permit to take out Procession &LoudSpeakerApplication for Permit for Street Corner Meeting &​​LoudSpeakerApplication for Helicopter &​ ​HelipadAp​p​lication for Vehicle Permit (Intra District)Permit for construction of Rostrum/BarricadeCandidate can also see the counting center and the directionsforthe same as well.​Result: Any user can see the result Party Wise, AllCandidatesConstituency Wise & Trends Constituency Wise.SVEEP:​ (S​ystematic Voter's Education and ElectoralParticipation​)​​ As a voter, one can see Public AwarenessEducationalActivities on exercisingAdmin:​ ​The ADMIN part of the ECI 360 Mobile App includes:Access,Control & Monitoring of the entire election process, bythestakeholders, including ECI (Election Commission of India),CEO(Chief Electoral officer), DEO (District Election officer),RP(Returning officer), Supervisor (Sector officer) &PRO(Presiding officer).Media​: ​ As a accredited Media member, you can log-in​ usingtheAccreditation Number provided by the District PublicRelationOfficer (DPRO)​. You can view list of Constituencies intheDistrict along with the list of Polling Stations and theContestingCandidates (along with the affidavit). As a Media member,you willalso be able to access poll percentage.
Covote 1.1.7
Solve group decisions. Getting yourgrouptoagree just got easier! Set a deadline, collect suggestionsandfindthe answer as people vote.Covote is a social voting platform that allows youtocreatequestions and send them to people you know. When youcreateyourquestion you can:- add the options you want people to vote on- set a deadline for the question to end- choose the best type of voting style for your question- add friends from covote- share your question with anyone else that might want tojoininCreate a question and share it with people you know - Youwillseelive updates as they vote. Chat Anonymously 3.325
C2M is a chat application which allows you tochatanonymously.
New Vote 1.7 is a free app that letsyouexpressyour opinions, connect with others and learn moreaboutthingsaround you.See what people think about some of thebiggestconversationshappening to date, and have your say.
Vote Frenzy 6.2.7
Vote Frenzy
Fast becoming the #1 voting app in the Country. Vote, Play, Win!
Votter: The Social Voting App 3.21
Globe Otter
Ask a question and let the world vote!VotterisAndroid's first and best social voting and polling app.Vote onpollsnear your current location or vote on polls across theworld.Vote onphotos before you post them to Instagram,Snapchat,Facebook or othersocial networks! Vote on polls incategories suchas Politics,Fashion, Dating Advice, Fashion Advice,Sports,Technology, Selfiesand more.Browse polls by trending, buzzing (most discussed),recent,orpolls near your current location. Upload a poll about thestoreorrestaurant you are currently in and let other locals voteonit!Let the world know your opinion and cast your vote now!Ask a question:-Ask questions and post images and instantly get feedbackfromaroundthe world.-Your question can be shared on all social networks-Add a Votter Code to your question and give it to yourfriendsforeasy sharing.-Promote your poll for more users to see and vote every dayVote on Polls:-Fashion: Which dress should I wear to Prom?-Dating: Should I ask out my best friend?-Politics: Which candidate will win the 2016election?Romney,Clinton, Paul, or Christy?-Foodie: Would you rather eat a side of asparagus or a sideoffrenchfries?-Pets: How cute is my dog?-Fitness: How does my 6 pack look?-Entertainment: Do you prefer Ariana Grande or Selena Gomez?-Movies: Better movie? Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy?-Am I Pretty? Rate me from 1-10-Sports: Who will win the NCAA or NFL football game thisweek?-Technology: Are you an Apple Iphone or Android Samsung fan?-Travel: What is your favorite country in Asia?Poll Results:-Discuss the results using our built in Disqus pages-See the overall results of your polls or see the results bysexFind Polls for you:-Filter Polls by category-Filter Polls by language-User our quick vote ability to get random polls fromaroundtheworld-Find Polls near you using GPS-Rate stores, restaurants, schools and teachers near you orbyusingour search abilityShare Polls on Social Networks:-Built in social sharing-Add a Votter Code to you page, presentation, or poster todriveyourfans to your Polls or Surveys-Get featured as our Poll of our day on thevotter.comEnjoy and get Vottering!-The Votter TeamVersion 3.15- New language filter! By default you will get polls inEnglishandyour local language. Click languages to add more suchasSpanish,French, German, Korean, Indonesian and more! (you canalsochooseall languages)- New Share page making sharing on Facebook, Instagram,Twitterandother social networks easier- Purchased Votter Codes can now seen on the Share page andonyourPoll's results- Follow us on instagram @thevotter or twitter @thevotterYour Globe Otter Polling TeamVersion 3.13- You can now share two image polls with friends onFacebookandother Social Media- You can now purchase a Votter Code for your Polls thatmakeiteasier to share and promote your polls- Search algorithm has been improved- You can now disable a Poll after you create it- You have the option of voting or not voting on yourownPolls- Speed improvementsVersion 3.06- Filter Polls by Categories added so you can vote onlyonthecategories you are interested in voting on.- Follow your favorite Votter Users- Get alerts when someone comments on your Poll, followsyou,andwhen someone you follow creates a new poll- Some bug fixes for locationVersion 3.05- Now you can Edit your profile and upload your own userimage- Now see what polls are buzzing (the most discussed polls)- Gender results now let you see how males and females voted-------------We are a small android start-up team so if you likeVotterpleaseleave us a review. The more reviews, the moredownloads. Themoredownloads the more people who will vote on yourpolls! If youhaveany suggestions or problems with the app pleaseemail [email protected]