Top 11 Apps Similar to 一人暮らし男子がつくる女子に食べさせたいレシピ

料理初心者のための合わせ調味料集 1.1
Sweet Sweets
*****2014/01/06とうとう念願のアンドロイダーさんの公認アプリにしていただきました♪*****このアプリの開発者は、安心・安全なアプリの開発者であるとしてアンドロイダーの公認デベロッパーに認証されています。**************************************************************************************************このアプリはこんな人にもオススメ☆・一人暮らしを始めたばかりの方 ⇒親元を離れ、料理ってどこから手を付けたらいいのかわからない時、  ほんの少しだけ調味料の合わせ方を知っていただけます☆・新婚さんや同棲始めたばかりの方 ⇒好きな人に自分の作ったものを食べてもらう!でも毎日同じじゃ飽きさせちゃうかも…  そんな時、ほんの少しだけ料理にバリエーションが増やせるかも♪・いろいろ料理を知っている方 ⇒自分の得意な料理がある方でも、このアプリを見ていただければ、  いつもと違った目線で、ほんの少し違った料理が作れるかも!?普段料理を作るときの、「あれどうやって作るんだっけ?」「あれってどんな味だっけ?」などの時に、このアプリを起動してもらえば、基本の合わせ調味料の配合を見ることができます。いつも覚えていなくても、このアプリがあれば料理の失敗が少しは減るかもしれませんよ。【主な機能】・合わせ調味料の一覧表示・選択した合わせ調味料のレシピ表示・選択した合わせ調味料の用途、備考の表示・選択した合わせ調味料に対してのメモ記録機能・問い合わせ、追加レシピ案のメール送信機能【現在、実装検討中の機能】・ユーザー自身のオリジナルレシピの保存機能・基本の調味料の紹介・料理で使う計量機器の使い方を紹介・タブレット対応(UI等)・Facebook、Twitter、LINE等への連携etc…(追加時期等については…申し訳ございません、未定です)***** ♪ ***** who hadyouon the official app of andro Idah's long-cherishedfinally2014/01/06The developer of this app is authenticated to the officialdeveloperof andro Idah as a developer of a safe andsecureapplication.**************************************************************************************************This app is recommended for such a person ☆-You are just starting to live alone⇒ If you do not know it off the parents, where to put what Itouchedme cooking,Can you know how to match the seasoning only slightly ☆-You are just starting cohabitation and anewly-marriedcouple⇒ I get to eat something that she had made to a favorite person!ButI might get bored're the same every day ...At that time, ♪ be Fuyaseru variations in cooking only slightly- If you know the cuisine variety⇒ Even if you're there is a good dish of their own, if you canlookat this application,Through the eyes of an unusual, maybe can make dishes just alittledifferent! ?At the time of when making everyday cooking, "I Kke How do Ibuildit?" And "? Was it any taste What the ..."If I get a start this app, you can see the combination ofseasoningtogether of basic.Even if you are not always remember, failure of the dish might bealittle less if there is this app.[Main function]· A List of alignment seasoningRecipe display of seasoning together you have selectedAnd application of seasoning, display of remarks to suit youhaveselected• The memo recording function for seasoning together youhaveselectedAnd inquiry, e-mail transmission function additional recipeidea[Currently, the function of the implementationunderconsideration]And storage functions of the original recipe of your ownFacts about the seasoning of basic• The introduction to using the weighing equipment to be usedincookingTablet support (UI, etc.)And collaboration Facebook, Twitter, etc. to LINEetc ...(There is not ... sorry, but it is not clear for additionaltime,etc.)
今日のごはん 人気のレシピサイトからまとめて検索! 2.1.0
Nadia - プロの料理家のおいしいレシピが満載 3.5.4
Full of easy-to-make and delicious recipes by professionalcooks!This is the official app of Nadia, a recipe site used by 20millionpeople a month.
不審者対策・男性の声で早急応対!-防犯ボイスパートナー 1.0.1
男性による完全肉声・生声での厳選20パターンを収録一人暮らしで不安なことがたくさんあるけど、頼れる男性がいない…とお困りの女性のための防犯アプリが新登場!男性声で早急に対応できるありそうでなかった防犯ボイスアプリ。しかも機械が不自然に読み上げる声(ボイス)ではなく完全肉声!インストール後すぐにご利用いただけます!★こんな時にオススメ★・強引な訪問セールスのインターホン対応に・深夜に不審なドアベルが鳴った時の対応に・帰宅時の一人暮らしカモフラージュに・男性の声で守ってもらいたいときに・男性の頼りになる声を聴きたいときに使い方はとってもカンタン!読み上げて欲しいセリフにチェックを入れて再生ボタンを押すだけ!頼りがいのあるイケボの男性の声(ボイス)で一人暮らしの不安をかき消そう!あなただけの男声パートナーが防犯生活をしっかり守ります!!AndroidView様にレビュー記事掲載していただきました! carefully selected 20 patterns in full naturalvoice,raw voice by manI have a lot to be uneasy at livingalone,security app for women of troubled dependable men not ...with yournew appearance!Crime prevention Voice app was not immediately likely to bedealtwith male voice.Moreover, rather than voice (voice) the machine is readunnaturalcompletely natural voice!Available immediately after installation!★ Recommended this time to ★• The intercom correspondence of assertive visit sales· To respond when a suspicious doorbell rang in the middle ofthenight- To return home when living alone camouflageWhen I want to protect in-male voiceWhen you want to listen to the voice that isdependableof-menIt's easy to use!Just press the play button to check the want dialogue thatreadaloud!Let Kakikeso anxiety of living alone inthevoice of men rely is of the stomach Ikebo (voice)!You just male partner will protect firmly the securitylife!!I was published review articleinAndroidView like!
Checklist of stock 1.0.0
You can manage the inventoryofdailynecessities.In addition, it can also be used as a shopping list.○ Feature of this app- You can manage the inventory of dailynecessitiesandconsumables.- It can be used as a shopping list.- Easily it can be manipulated.- Android 6 supports.- It is the material design.- Describes how to operate in the tutorial.
おいしい献立・レシピの提案アプリ お弁当も簡単「ソラレピ」 1.3.8
ばあちゃんの暦(のんびりと生きよう)癒し系カレンダー。 5.4.0
Fixed a small calendar gap. It's a real calendar app. You canviewthe current month, previous month, and next month. It also hasanannual calendar.
炊飯器で時短レシピ(あべよしこ)by Clipdish 1.0.6
エバラおいしいレシピ 1.2.0
My Recipes 1.1.0
With My Recipes you can finally save on mobile or tablettheserecipes you did once perfect, you wrote down theingredients,steps, etc., on paper and never came back to find! :PBut not onlythat!, you can also invite your friends and family forthem todownload and use the application to share with you thesedeliciousrecipes that you were once cooked and tasted while youenjoyed apleasant evening. The app is designed to provide numerousoptionsthat allow you to manage your own cookbook in an intuitiveandsimple way. Discover them and start saving all the recipes youwant(Spanish cuisine, French, Mexican, Italian dishes,Chinese,Japanese, Indian cuisine, ...) no limits! These are themainfeatures of My Recipes: ● You can save recipes groupedintoappetizers, first courses, second courses, sauces, dessertsanddrinks/cocktails. ● Share recipes with your Google+ contacts. ●Youwill receive a notification when someone sends you a recipe andyouwill have the chance to save it with your other recipes. ● Youcangenerate a PDF with a recipe data to print. ● You can consultatany time your recipes ordering them by type, valuationordifficulty and know what to cook every day. ● You can searchbyname among all your recipes. ● Utility to create andmanageshopping lists, do not forget any ingredients when you go tothesupermarket. ● Utility to create and manage food menus (idealforrestaurants), designs and keeps a complete menu with recipesthathave saved and surprises everyone with a creative lunch oradelicious dinner. ● You can automatically generate a shoppinglistfor any recipe or even a full menu. You no longer have towritedown on paper all the ingredients before you go shopping. Ifyousee any problems or have any suggestions please tell [email protected] and rate the application so thatwe canimprove based on your feedback. We hope you like the app andbonappetite!
No difficult technique In material that is always intherefrigerator You can make immediately Cheap and nourishingGoodthing dressed Noreshipi!