Top 6 Apps Similar to おもしろ画像集

2秒で笑えるボケ画像はアメーバ大喜利!おもしろ写真にボケて♪ 2.0.3
大喜利コミュニティサービス、ついに登場!アメーバ大喜利なら、スマホから手軽にボケ投稿!笑いたい時もこれ。傑作ボケ続々!======================================「アメーバ大喜利」は画像に一言ボケるだけの無料でカンタン、おもしろアプリです。一日に投稿されるボケ数はついに15万を突破!そこから毎日選出されるボケランキングは爆笑必死www一度ご覧あれ!あなたも画像に一言ボケてユーザーランキング全国1位を目指そう!!!Facebook・Twitter・LINEでも簡単にシェアできちゃうよ。◆◇◆アメーバ大喜利の使い方◆◇◆1.スマホから簡単にボケ投稿 文字ボケお題も充実してるから、とってもボケやすい。2.ユーザーから座布団がつく ボケるとみんなから反応が返ってくる! すべる確率はとても少ないよ!w3.ユーザーランキングに入る ボケをヒットさせれば、毎日発表されるランキングに入るよ! どんどんボケて、上位入賞!Facebook・LINE・Twitterでもたくさんシェアして友達に自慢しちゃおう。=======================================  アメーバ大喜利の最終ゴールは  おもしろユーザーを有名人にすることです ^^=======================================◆◇◆実際の大喜利の例◆◇◆お題「 バスの降車ボタン 7回連打すると何が起きる? 」解答例「 次 しばきます 」お題「 みんな一度はやる アホらしいことは? 」解答例「 とんがりコーン指はめ食い 」お題「 【3時間スペシャル】を付け加えてください 」解答例「 キューピー3分クッキング3時間スペシャル 」あなたもアメーバ大喜利でボケてみよう!!!Daikiinterestcommunityservice, finally appeared!You can easily find amoeba Daiki interest, easily blur postfromthesmartphone!This is also when you want to laugh. Masterpiece bluroneafteranother!======================================"Amoeba Daiki interest" is a word to the image blurred onlyFree and easy, it is a fun app.Blur the number of which is posted on the day finallybreakthroughthe 150 000!Blur ranking, which is elected every day from thereLaughter desperate www there be a look at once!You also image Te word blurAim the user ranking national first place! ! !Facebook · Twitter · LINE evenEasily you can share.◆ ◇ ◆ amoeba Daiki interest of how to use ◆ ◇ ◆1. Easily blur post from SumahoSince the character blur theme also are substantial,Cheap very blurred.2. Get cushions from userBlurred and the reaction from everyone comes back!the probability of slipping is very little! w3. Enter the User RankingIf caused to hit a blur, it will be announced every dayTo enter the rankings!More and more blurred, top finishers!Even Facebook · LINE · TwitterThe share to Let proud to friends a lot.=======================================The final goal of the amoeba Daiki interest isIt is to make fun user to celebrity ^^=======================================◆ ◇ ◆ example of actual Daiki interest ◆ ◇ ◆Themed "What if you battered bus get off button7timeshappen?"Example solution is "Masu next Shibaki"Themed "is that it seems everyone once catch on stupid?"Example solution "Tongari cone finger Because eating""Please add a [3 hour special]" ThemedExample solution "QP 3 minutes Cooking 3 hour special"You also Let's blur in amoeba Daiki interest! ! !
【爆笑必至】笑ったら腹筋崩壊! おもしろ画像 0.0.5
Media Free
抱腹絶倒!爆笑必至!おもしろ画像まとめ無料アプリ!掲示板2ちゃんねるでも人気の「笑ったら寝ろ」や画像大喜利アプリ「ボケて(bokete)」でも紹介されているおもしろ画像を厳選し、まとめて電子書籍化しました♪シンプルなインターフェイスでサクサクおもしろ画像が閲覧できます!暇つぶしや息抜き、ご家族、恋人、お友達と楽しんでください♪笑ったらLINEやTwitter、Facebook、カカオトーク、メールでシェアして友達を笑わせよう!Very funny!LOLinevitable!Interesting image together free app!♪ you carefully selected interesting image thathasbeenintroduced "blurred (bokete)" or image Daiki interest andappsand"Sleeping Smiled" is popular in 2 channel bulletin board,wehavee-book of collectivelyI can view the image interesting crunchy simple interface!♪ Please enjoy breather and killing time,family,lovers,friendsLet Warawaseyo your friends to share and TwitterLINE,Facebook,KakaoTalk, by e-mail if you laugh!
Celebrity checkup & collages 21.0
This is a new, super high quality version of the popularfacecheckupapp!! It utilizes the same face authentication systemusedforsecurity based on identity verification to detectthecelebritiesthat look like you. Even if you think you do notlookalike, sincethese results are detected by the system, theremustbe at least somefeature that looks similar. If you think thisisnot true, please goahead and take a picture of a celebrityfromthe internet and carryout a checkup for them! Now, let’s see.Whodo you look like? AKB48,Momokuro!? A Johnny’s personality suchasthose from ARASHI or NEWS!?For example popularActor(JohnChristopher "Johnny" Depp II,LeonardoWilhelmDiCaprio),Idles(Justin Drew Bieber,OneOneDirection),POPStar(LadyGaga, MichaelJjackson), Or do you lookmorelike a comedian, or apopular announcer!? If you get a name thatyoudo not know, checkit out by tapping on the button to look upthecelebrity on Yahoo.Maybe you can use it when you doyourself-introduction next timeyou go to a party to meet newpeople^^Below is the amount offacial data for target celebrities asofJanuary2015. Male data:2092 / Female data: 2412 There aremanytypes of targetcelebrities: actors and actresses,singers,comedians, athletes,Korean stars, announcers, childactors,Taiwanese celebrities, andeven Hollywood stars! We add newdataevery day, so if you keepdoing checkups, you may findcelebritiesthat look more and morelike you! Other features includedetectingyour face out of thepicture taken to add it to a funnycollage! Theapp also includes afunction to share the results ofyour checkupwith your friends byemail or LINE, and of courseFacebook andTwitter too!!! Try it outwith yourfriends!◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ How to use 1. Launchthe app andchoosewhether you want to do a celebrity checkup ormake a collage.2. Ifyou are doing a celebrity checkup, choose thegender: female,male,or neutral. (By choosing neutral you allowcelebrities ofbothgenders to become search targets.) 3. Thecamera app willbelaunched. Take a picture of your face and clickon the words“Usepicture” at the bottom of the screen. 4. You willbe prompted totheface selection screen. Click on the greensquare. 5. If youaremaking a collage, you can choose to usepictures from your cameraoralbums. Afterwards, the steps tofollow are the same as withthecelebrity checkup. 【Attention】・This app is not supposed toprovidea correct match. Please use itto liven up the atmosphere andhavefun. ・Due to the large amountof facial data registered on theapp,you may get differentcelebrities that have similarexpressions.・Pictures taken withthis app will not be saved on theserver oryour device. Pleaserest assured of this, and enjoy.
おもしろ動物画像集 1.0.0
おもしろかわいい動物たちの笑える画像集です。また画像は、ネット掲示板やwebサイトで公開されてるもので著作権などその他の権利は被写体者や作成者に帰属致します。This istheimagecollection of hilarious fun of cute animals.The image, one that has been published on theInternetbulletinboards and web siteOther rights, such as copyright will be attributed tothesubject'sand author.
トド松┃壁紙画像 1.0
※当アプリはおそ松さんのファンが作成したものであり 制作、販売会社等とは一切関係が無く公式のアプリではございません。※当アプリ内に収録されているイラストは公式のものではなく、全て 同人イラストとなっております。※収録イラスト全ての著作権は原著作者に帰属致します。※ This app isintendedthatyou have created a fan of Mr. OsomatsuProduction, is not in the official app does not haveanyrelationshipwith the sales company and the like.※ Illustration that is included in this application programisnotofficial, allIt has become a coterie illustrations.※ All rights reserved recording illustrations will beattributedtothe original author.
シュールな笑いを誘う画像集[笑ったら寝ろ] 1.0