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Oxford Handbook Publ Health Pr 1.9.1
This Oxford University Presssourceofinformation, Oxford Handbook of Public HealthPractice,ThirdEdition, is developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries.Improveyourperformance with relevant, valid material which isaccessedquicklyand with minimal effort in the palm of your handusingMedHand’spatented technology.• Provides a problem-based approach topublichealthpractice• Emphasises practical advice, contemporary issues,andlatestadvances• Presents world experience at your finger-tips• The global guide for continuing professional developmentNew to this edition• New chapters on globalization,healthcommunication,community-based participatory research,translatingevidence intopolicy, social marketing, andsustainabledevelopment• Includes expanded coverage of advocacy, crisesanddisasters,economic evaluation, ethics, clinical audit andmanyothertopics• Navigability and succinctness has been enhanced, withgreateruseof summaries, bullet points, and diagramsFully revised and updated for the third edition,theOxfordHandbook of Public Health Practice remains the firstresortfor allthose working in this broad field. Structured toassistwithpractical tasks, translating evidence into policy,andprovidingconcise summaries and real-world issues from acrosstheglobe, thisliterally provides a world of experience atyourfingertips.Easy-to-use, concise and practical, it is structuredintosevenparts that focus on the vital areas of assessment,dataandinformation, direct action, policy, health-caresystems,personaleffectiveness and organisational development.Reflectingrecentadvances, the most promising developments inpracticalpublichealth are presented, as well as maintainingessentialsummaries ofcore disciplines. This handbook is designed toassiststudents andpractitioners around the world, for improvedmanagementofdisasters, epidemics, health behaviour, acute andchronicdiseaseprevention, community and government action,environmentalhealth,vulnerable populations, and more.Readership: Students in public health andrelateddisciplines,candidates for professional qualifications inpublichealth, publichealth practitioners, as well as teachers ofpublichealth(Master's of Public Health), health serviceworkers,andenvironmental health officers.Audience: This Oxford Handbook is intended for a UKaudienceaswell as other areas which follow UK medicalpracticeincludingEurope, Australia, the Middle East, India andEastAsia.Authors:Edited by Charles Guest, Walter Ricciardi,IchiroKawachi,and Iain Lang________________________________________MedHand Mobile Libraries offers a SUBSCRIPTIONFREEapplicationwithout edition upgrade. The apps enables you tomakenotes,picture notes, search, add bookmarks and review whatyoupreviouslybeen reading. The app also contains a setofmedicalcalculators.MedHand delivers what you need, trusted knowledge at thepointofcare! Offering most trusted and well recognizedmedicalguidelinesprovided by excellent publishers like OxfordUniversityPress,McGraw-Hill, PDR Network LLC, Wiley and more.
Public Health United
Public health communicationaboutspecificdiseases is extremely challenging. Experts in diseasesareseldomtrained to translate jargon into everyday language,leavingawidening gap between the experts and the public. Withinthisgap,the media has taken on the job—mostly without anyformalpublichealth training—of translating jargon intounderstanding.Thequality of public health reporting varies widelyin popularmediaoutlets as most have strong biases and lack arealunderstanding ofthe disease. This is a dangerous situation:ifexperts can’tcommunicate effectively to the lay audience andthemediamisinforms the public, we risk losing the public’sconfidenceandsupport of our research and interventions, leading torejectionofinterventions, loss of research funding, and delay orevenreversalof public health progress.Public Health United aims to improve publichealthcommunicationthrough podcasts, articles, and outreach.Founded by Nina Martin, PhD student at Johns HopkinsSchoolofPublic Health.
Army Public Health Center 1.0.8
This application serves as the mobiledigitallibrary for Army Public HealthCenter and is a managed collection of information stored indigitalformatsfor accessibility via mobile devices. The application was createdtodeliverreal-time updates and to facilitate the accessibility ofpublichealthinformation.
AZ Infectious Disease Resource 6.23.47
IDAZ is how Arizona providers can get the latest news andpublichealth recommendations about infectious diseases in thestate. -Receive alerts with public health updates - Search forpublicclinics, FQHCs, and RHCS in your area - Contact your localpublichealth dept. with 1-click - Find public health events &CME inyour area - Look up infectious disease info, including AZspecificstatistics and testing recommendations Have questions,problems orfeedback? Reach out to us at [email protected]