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Garden Shed Designs 1.0
Garden sheds are very popularamongneighborsthroughout the nation. In fact the demand for gardenshedshasspread fast from coast-to-coast. Today, there are manygardensheddesigns on the market to decide on; the problem ischoosingwhichone to use.Finding the right design is important; it may depend moreonthelandscaping of your backyard, the style of your home,whatwindowsto use, what accessories to add, and the space availabletobuild agarden shed than anything else.Sheds are used for storing garden tools, lawnmovers,gardeningsupplies, equipment, surplus items, outdoorprojects,tillers, andeven the children's toys. There are manydesignsavailable withstep-by-step instructions, videos, and evenworkshopsto assist youin building a shed of your own.Basic Garden Shed DesignsCommon garden shed designs today include the A-frametypeandbarn-style sheds. There are also many other styles suchaspetbarns, saltbox greenhouse, playhouses, cottages, poolcabanas,or aminiature version of your own house. Outdoor storagemay befittedwith a porch and other accessories. When looking atgardensheddesigns, check what each manufacturer has to offer.For a garage shed where you intend to park toyvehicles,bikes,motorcycles, and even cars, there are shed kits thatcomeinvarious sizes available. In choosing, you would of coursehavetotally the number of vehicles in the household.Usually,garagesheds are also designed to house auto repairtools,parts,supplies, and cleaning equipment. Since garage shedsarevalued fortheir interior quality, exterior designs areusuallyminimal andsimplistic.Outdoor garden shed designs for vehicles need tohavestrongfoundation. You may choose from concrete,concreteblock,pressure-treated lumber, brick, or plywood sheets tosupporttheentire structure. The roof height must give adequateroomforpeople to move in and out while the doors may be single,double,orroll-ups. Garden shed ideas may include windows toencourageproperventilation inside the shed.The factors that you are going to have to takeintoconsiderationbefore you purchase your garden shed designs:1. What materials should the garden shed designsbeconstructedfrom?Although wood is more pleasing to the eye when itcomestobuilding garden sheds, it also needs more time spent oncaringandmaintaining it. Every year you will need to carry outaninspectionof the shed and its roof to make sure that there isnodamage andif there is, it needs to be repaired immediately.Failingto keepyour wooden garden shed in good condition will meanat alater datethe whole structure may need replacing.2. What will your shed be used for?By determining how your shed will be used is whatwillthendetermine how large or small it should be. If you arejuststoringgardening equipment in yours, then one that providesamplestoragespace as well as enough room to allow you to gettheequipment inand out easily should be sufficient. Generally, ashedthatmeasures 6ft x 8ft should be more than sufficientforstoringgardening tools in. However, if you are intending tokeepverylarge pieces of garden equipment in yours then a largeshedwithdouble doors would be your best option.