Top 21 Apps Similar to Sensor Giroscopio Test

Sensor Kinetics 3.1.1
Does your phone have a gyroscope? How does your phonecomparewithyour friend’s phone? Does it have a more advancedaccelerometerorgyroscope? What other mysterious high-tech sensorsdoes yourtablethave hidden on board, and what do they do? Find outwithSensorKinetics®. Sensor Kinetics® is an advanced viewer andmonitorforall of the standard sensors available in your Androiddevice.Itallows you to demonstrate sensor activity and performcomplexanddetailed experiments. The built-in Multi-Sensor Recorderallowsyouto view and record multiple sensors simultaneously.Written byoneof the pioneers of the use of accelerometers andgyroscopeswithinthe modern smartphone, it provides a comprehensivelook atthetotal dynamics of the combined operations of all thesensors.Theapp demonstrates the use of the accelerometer, gyroscopeandtherotation sensor to control a tilt based view navigationliketheRotoView® technology by INNOVENTIONS®. It alsodemonstratestheoperation of the magnetic sensor, the linearaccelerationsensorand the gravity sensor within special graphicaldisplays.UseSensor Kinetics® to monitor and understand the behaviorofthesensors while you change the delay settingoractivate/deactivatespecific sensors. Each sensor is attached toasophisticated chartviewer. The Multi-Sensor Recorderrecordsmultiple sensorssimultaneously at a controlled data rate. Ifyouneed to save orshare sensor charts, please purchase thecompanionSensor Kinetics®Pro. The Pro version is also ad free.Foreducational users, theapp includes comprehensive help fileswhichprovide physicsstudents with hands-on knowledge of howthesesensors interact withsmartphones and suggest numerousexperimentsyou can perform onyour phone or tablet. Who Should UseSensorKinetics®? Developers,students, hobbyists,technicians,engineers... anyone who's curiousabout what lies "underthe hood"of their mobile device! Test yourAndroid phone or tablet:SensorKinetics® allows you to test all ofthe sensors on yourdevice. Forexample, you can quickly determineif your Android devicehas agyroscope sensor and how fast it'soperating. The numerouschartviewers allow you to measure anysensor over time and gaugetheiraccuracy and behavior.Educational: Sensor Kinetics®demonstratesthe physics of gravity,acceleration, rotation,magnetism and moreas these forces aremeasured by your phone ortablet. The appincludes comprehensivehelp files with easy tounderstandinformation and experiments youcan perform with thesensors. AppDevelopers: View in detail thebehavior of the sensorsused in yourapps. Compare the performanceof advanced sensors likegyroscope,linear acceleration sensor andthe rotation sensor. SensorKinetics®relates to gyroscope andaccelerometer data logging and tothescience and physics of themagnetometer, the pressure sensor,therelative humidity sensor,the light sensor, the linearaccelerationsensor, the temperaturesensor, the proximity sensor,and thegravity sensor.
Sensor Box for Android 6.93
Ultimate Diagnosis and Demonstration of the Android Sensors
Giroscopio Test 1.0
Con esta app podrás comprobar si tu dispositivo tienegiroscopio.Esimprescindible disponer de giroscopio para usar lasCartonglassypor lo tanto las aplicaciones de VR (RealidadVirtual).Terecomendamos que instales esta aplicación para comprobarsitudispositivo tiene giroscopio.
KLEKT – Authentic Sneakers 1.1
Buy & Sell Authentic Sneakers and Streetwear with 100%security.
EZE VR 1.1
Checking smartphones compatibility with virtualrealityapplications.
Sensors Multitool 1.4.0
The ultimate tool for the sensors of your smartphone.
Giroscopio Pokémon Go 3.0
Esta app consiste en unaaplicacióndegiroscopio para jugar al juego Pokémon Go ya quepermite, encasode que el hardware del dispositivo disponga delmismo, revisaryoptimizar giroscopio -A la vez que permitevisualizar, entiemporeal, los valores del giroscopio en cadacoordenada (X, Y,Z)-, oen su defecto (Es decir en caso de que elhardware deldispositivono disponga de giroscopio) emularlo para asípoder jugarigualmentesin limitaciones.This app consistsofanapplication gyroscope to play the game Pokemon Gobecauseitallows, if the hardware device has the same gyroscope -Areviewandoptimize time to visualize, in real time, the values​​ofthegyroscope in each coordinate (X, Y, Z) -, or failing (ieifthehardware device does not have gyroscope) emulate it inordertoplay again without limitations.
Gyroscope Calibration Fix Lag 15.4
Find Gyroscope sensor details and reduce lag or delay inGyrosensor.
Accelerometer Calibration 7.1
RedPi Apps
Calibrate your phone's accelerometer sensor for better motiongamingexperience.
Sensor Box Plugin 2.2
Shows you what sensors are installed on your device and howtheywork
SmartSensors 3.9
A toolbox of all sensors in yoursmartphone.Discover what is inside your smartphone and how theywork.Simple, light and intuitive user interface. This is freeApp& Ad-Free.Following sensors are included:★ GPS Sensor★ Compass Sensor★ Gyroscope Sensor★ Accelerometer★ Thermometer★ Light Sensor★ Proximity Sensor★ Magnetic Field Sensor (EMF)★ Barometer Sensor★ WIFI Network detector★ Camera★ Battery Meter★ Flash Light★ Touch Screen★ Wireless Bluetooth detector★ Sound meterKeywords:Sensor, Sensors, GPS, Gyroscope, Light, LUX,Acceleration,Accelerometer, Orientation, Proximity, Temperature,Magnetic Field,EMF, Pressure, barometer, WiFi analyzer, torch,flash light,battery, bluetooth, touch screen, sound meter,microphone, Android,Smart, Smartphone
Sensor Test for Android 2.1.1
Axel K
The Sensor Test for Android app helps you to read out allthesensorson your smartphone easily and understandably. Witheveryupdate fromyour smartphone producer or the AndroidOperatingSystem, newsoftware-based sensors can be added. The goalof thisapp is to readout as many sensors as possible andavailable,regardless ofmanufacturer and mobile brand. For theinteresteduser, the mostimportant information is explained inshort textsand summarized.Help me by sending me a short info aboutsensorsthat have no outputand information available. (Described intheapp) All this is, ofcourse, on a voluntary basis. Noannoyingnotifications, no senselesspermissions, only a smalladvertisingbanner which you can alsoremove in the app (if you wantto supportme). Please rate the apphonestly! A one star ratingwithout anytext is not useful for theother users or me. If youhave a problemwith the app (for examplecrash or error), pleaserefer to me byusing the email function inthe app. I will help assoon aspossible and eliminate the error.(Most errors can be fixedwith areboot/ turning of theenergy-saving-mode!) Please be awarethatnot all smartphone comeswith all the sensors that arelistedbelow. Especially tablets do nothave these sensors!-ACCELEROMETER - MAGNETIC FIELD - ORIENTATION -GYROSCOPE - LIGHT-PROXIMITY - GRAVITY - ROTATION VECTOR - RELATIVEHUMIDITY -AMBIENTTEMPERATURE - SIGNIFICANT MOTION - STEPCOUNTERSystem-related orsafety-relevant sensors such as micros,batterytemperature orfingerprint scanner require too manypermissions andare notimplemented here. Thanks for reading;) Axel Ksensor info,sensorcheck, sensor test, phone tester, sensor box,sensor tool,phoneinfo, phone check
Sensor Box 2.5
The Sensor Box application detects all available sensorsonyourAndroid device, and vividly shows you how they workwithamazinggraphics. The Sensor Box application also tells youwhichsensorsare supported by the hardware, and provides extremelyusefulsensortools that could be used in our daily life. FEATURES-GyroscopeSensor Gyroscope sensor can measure six directions atatime. Youwill be able to see the effects immediately byrotatingyour phoneslightly. Now Gyroscope sensor is mostly used in3Dgamedevelopment, and possibly indoor navigation in future.-LightSensor Light sensor is applied to detect the lightintensityof theenvironment, and then adjusts screen brightnessanddetermineswhether to turn off the keyboard light. Test theeffectby puttingyour phone in dark place and retrieving it. -OrientationSensorOrientation sensor is applied to detect directionstatus ofthedevice, i.e. auto rotate screen when deviceisrotatedhorizontally. It can also be used as measure equipmentlikeSpiritLevel. - Proximity Sensor Proximity sensor measuresthedistancebetween two objects, usually the device screen andourhands/faceetc. Test the effect by moving your hand forwardandbackward infront of the device. - Temperature SensorTemperaturesensorprovides information about your devicetemperature, thus youcantake action when the temp is too low orhigh. -AccelerometerSensor Accelerometer sensor is applied todetectdevice directions,i.e. auto rotate screen when the deviceisrotated vertically. Itis also widely used in game development.-Sound Sound detects thesound intensity around you and providesyoudetailed informationabout the intensity changes. - MagneticFieldMagnetic Field isused in many areas like metal detectionandcompass, which bring uslot convenience in our life. -PressurePressure is used to detectenvironmental pressure, thus toforecastweather and temperature. -Humidity Sensor The humiditysensor tellsyou the relative humidityin the atmosphere. - RotationVectorSensor The rotation vectorrepresents the orientation of thedeviceas a combination of anangle and an axis, in which the devicehasrotated through an angleθ around an axis. - Location SensorThelocation sensor tells yourdevice’s current location andaddressusing either your GPSprovider or the network provider. -TouchSensor The touch sensortells the number of touch pointsavailableon your device touchscreen. Test it by putting yourfingers one byone on the devicetouch screen. DISCLAIMER In order tokeep theapplication 100%free, ads may appear on its screens. If youhaveany questions orcomplaints, please feel free to contact usdirectlyinstead ofleaving a bad rating. Thank you choosing ourapplication.We hopeyou have great experience with it.
360 VR Player | Videos 4.0.70
✮ ✮ VIRTUAL REALITY VIDEO PLAYER ✮ ✮✮ ✮ Video Player | Social Network | Immersive Videos ✮ ✮------------------ABOUT APP:------------------✔ Plays 360 º degree videos / Local / Online / StreamVRVideos✔ VR / Virtual Reality Videos✔ Use 360 ° degree | immersive | panoramic | spherical | 3D mode|VR mode videos.✔ Use Touch , use Motion✔ Use device gyro sensor to navigate in the video✔ Use Google Cardboard for Virtual Reality videos✔ Use as a default Video player of android✔ Play any video URL using http or on LAN✔ Play one saved 4K HD Video - Very High Resolution✔ Share with friends✔ Buy 360 Degree Cameras and VR headsets✔ Compatible with Oculus, Cardboard, HTC, Gear, HoloLens,RazerOSVR, Fove VR, Zeiss VR etc.✔ Play videos made by cameras of Ricoh , Bublcam, NokiaOZO,Giroptic , Freedom360, GoPro etc.✔ Play Youtube and Facebook Videos✔ Play 4K/8K/1080p/720p HD videos, 3D Blu Ray videos and MKV,MTS,M2TS, AVCHD, MP4 MOV, AVI videos-----------LATEST------------★ Social VideosWatch videos uploaded by users.★ SettingsApp SettingsPlayer Settings★ UploadUpload Your Own 360 Videos and PhotosUpload to AppUpload to FacebookUpload to Youtube---------------LATEST----------------★ 360 Degree Photos : Now, 360 Photos can be shared onsocialnetworks in VR and 360 Mode.TERMS:--------------Unethical Videos are not allowed.Note: Be patient. VR takes time to load because of yourinternetconnection.Please contact us at [email protected] you want to make your own app ,visit
Bubble Level, Spirit Level
Level (waterpas), ruler. Measuring angles and slope.
3D Compass Gyroscope 1.0.2
This is a simple 3D compass using the acceleration andgeomagneticsensor.
VR Compatibility Checker — Fast & Accurate 9.0
Use this app to find out whether your phone supports VR ornot.Known to detect compatibility with Samsung Gear VR, HTCVive,Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard and many other leading VRheadsetsThis app is used to check whether your phone supportsgyroscopesensor or not, which is used for full compatibility of VR.Withouta gyroscope sensor, you can use VR, but with limitedfunctionality.This app checks for the following features: *Accelerometer *Gyroscope * Compass * Screen Size * ScreenResolution * Androidversion * RAM Reasons to use this app: ◆ Free ◆Lightweight ◆Compatible with Tablets too. Learn how to make GoogleCardboard |Turn your boring Smartphone into cool VR headset by me.Check thisinstructableat isopen-sourced. VRstands forVirtual Reality. Learn Moreat
Sensor Sense Toolbox 7.5
The ultimate sensor toolbox
Bubble level 10.4.3
Hold any of the phone's 4 sides against an object to test itforlevel or plumb.
Fiv Asim
AndroSensor is the absoluteall-in-onediagnostic tool that lets you know virtually everythingabout yourdevice's status.** If you get error -24 on update, please uninstall and reinstalltofix it **AndroSensor supports all the sensors an android device can haveandit will tell you which of them are not supported byyourhardware.View in a single screen the data from all device's sensors inrealtime. Graphical and text output available for each sensor(graphsare not available for proximity, location and batteryinfo).- location, location provider, accuracy, altitude, speed andGPSNMEA data.- Google maps to show the above info. Tapping on your locationshowsyour address, postal code and location accuracy (ifavailable)- accelerometer readings, (incl. linear acceleration andgravitysensors)- gyroscope readings,- light sensor value,- ambient magnetic field values,- device orientation- proximity sensor readings- pressure sensor (barometer)- relative humidity sensor- temperature readings- battery status, voltage, temperature and health- sound level meter (decibel)- If your device supports it, next to the sensor's name, youwillsee how much power the sensor consumes per hour in mA.AndroSensor also allows you to record everything from yoursensorsinto a CSV file.To start recording sensor data, just swipe your finger to therightto reveal AndroSensor QuickBar and tap the record button(seescreenshots)--- Features ---Press MENU to toggle settings, determine which sensors you wishtomonitor, see device info, system log file or the list ofsensorsthat are unavailable for your device.Swipe right to open the AndroSensor Quickbar and take asnapshot,start recording sensor data, or just toggle font size anddecimalpoints.- Device info gathers as much as it can and prints it out inasimple and easy-to-read view. Mobile signal strength, wifiinfo,CPU architecture, available and total RAM, internal andexternalmemory, display metrics, OpenGLES version and kernelversion are asmall part of the information displayed. Clicking on aline copiesit's content to clipboard. A multitouch test isalsoavailable.- Record sensor data to CSV file and automatic send viaemail.- Graphs: You may choose how you want values to be displayed,viareal-time charts or the good-old text layout. You mayswitchbetween graph and text output for each sensor by tapping onthesensor image on the left side. Sensors that have availablegraphsare distinct by the icon in the top left of the sensorspecificsection. Graphs are not available for Location andProximity.- System log viewer and SMS commands available via addons- Apps2SD, tablets, and Lollipop supported.- 19 Languages supported: English, Greek, Italian, Russian,Spanish,French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian, Chinese,Dutch,Swedish, Turkish, Korean, Czech, Polish, Vietnamese,Ukrainian--- Important Notes ---** All permissions required by the app are explained inapp'swebsite along with a detailed changelog. Also visit thewebsite foran explanation about the sensors and a fewmoreclarifications.* NO KIND OF DATA is collected.* No spam, only banner ads inside the app (by AdMob).Pleasepurchase the Donate Key to remove ads.* Automatic email sending is in beta. File size limit is 9MBzipped. If the sending fails for any reason, it will beretriednext time AndroSensor is used. All emails are send fromaddress"[email protected]", so make sure that it doesn't goin yourspam folder.* Please be encouraged to email me at [email protected] if youwishto report a bug, suggest an improvement, request a translationtobe added or if you just have a question about the app.*** Thank you! ***
Sensor Detect 1.0.5
George Fang
Sensors Detect can detect all available sensors on the device.