Top 6 Apps Similar to Murcia Rural

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A Camino de Santiago Guidebook from St. Jean Pied de PorttoSantiago
Mi Casa Rural 1.9.1
Selection of apartments and boutique hotels in Spain and Portugal
ZonasRurales (casas rurales) 5.0
Looking for Bed? Download our app to find the best homes.
Aplicación creada papa mostrar los encantos de la CasitaCanterapormedio de vistas 360º de sus instalaciones. Casa ruralubicadaenLantejuela (Sevilla) con capacidad para 7 personas,jardínconbarbacoa y piscina. Opciones disponibles en laaplicación:+Localización google map +Contacto para reservas +Enlace a web
Nekatur -Casas Rurales Euskadi 1.0
Cualquier momento y lugar esperfectoparapreparar tus vacaciones. Descárgate la app deNekatur-CasasRuralesgratis y empieza a disfrutar de tu viaje.Entra y conoce la aplicación que Nekatur hadesarrolladoparaAndroid. Con la aplicación Nekatur-Casas Ruralespodráspreparartus vacaciones, puentes o fines de semana desdecualquierlugar.Aquí encontrarás las mejores casas rurales yagroturismos delPaísVasco asociadas a Nekatur, Asociación de CasasRuralesyAgroturismos de Euskadi.Con la aplicación de Nekatur-Casas Rurales podrásbuscaryreservar casas rurales y agroturismos en el PaísVasco,localizarlos alojamientos rurales y recursos turísticos en elmapa,recibiry gestionar avisos o notificaciones y compartirlaaplicación enredes sociales.¿Qué encontrarás en la aplicación Nekatur-Casas Rurales?- ¿Quieres disfrutar de tus vacaciones en el PaísVasco?Ennuestra aplicación para Android tenemos un Buscadordecasasrurales y agroturismos en Euskadi donde encontrarás lamejorofertade la zona con bonos y descuentos.- Desde el Buscador de alojamientos rurales podrás acceder alafichade cada alojamiento, donde consultar informaciónrelevanteconimágenes y contactar directamente con el alojamientomedianteemail oteléfono.- Descubre la ubicación exacta de las casas rurales quemásteinteresan. Mediante la funcionalidad del Mapa podrásubicarlosalojamientos, así como calcular la ruta másrápidaparallegar.- Si ya estás instalado en el alojamiento y deseas visitarlazona,con la aplicación de Nekatur lo tienes muy fácil. Accedealafuncionalidad del Mapa y selecciona Recursos turísticos.Almomentoencontrarás un listado de opciones para disfrutar detusdías dedescanso: naturaleza, ciudades, rutas, eventos,museos,fiestas,ferias, monumentos, restaurantes, sidrerías,playas…Además, podrásver la ubicación del recurso en el mismoMapa,acceder a la fichapara ver información adicional y encontrarlamejor ruta parallegar hasta allí.- Cuando en Nekatur tengamos algo que interesantequecomentarte,recibirás una Notificación push. Mediante lafuncióndeNotificaciones, tendrás toda la información relevanteparaquedisfrutes de tu experiencia en una casa rural del PaísVasco.Através de este apartado también recibirásofertas,promociones,etc.- Las casas rurales y agroturismos de Nekatur recibenviajerosdediversas partes del mundo. Por eso, nuestra aplicacióntambiénestádisponible en varios idiomas: castellano, euskera,catalán,inglés,francés.- Comparte en tus redes sociales la aplicación o lascasasruralesque visitas en tiempo real.- Configura tu aplicación para navegar en el idiomaquedesees.También podrás configurar a qué distancia desdetuubicaciónquieres encontrar casas rurales y/orecursosturísticos.Visítanos y síguenos también en…Nuestra página Web: http://www.nekatur.netNuestro Facebook:íguenos en Twitter: Flickr: en nuestra canaldeYouTube:¿Quieres comentarnos algo? ¡Escríbenos [email protected] pondremos en contacto contigo!Anytime,anywhereisperfect for preparing your holiday. Download theappforNekatur-free cottages and start enjoying your trip.Enter and know the application that was developedforAndroidNekatur. With the application Nekatur-Cottages canprepareyourholidays, long weekends or weekends from anywhere. Herearethebest holiday cottages and farmhouses associatedBasqueNekatur,Association Cottages and Farmhouses of Euskadi.With the application of Nekatur-Cottages can find andbookholidaycottages and farmhouses in the Basque Country,locatelodgings andtourism resources on the map, receive andmanagenotices or noticesand sharing application in socialnetworks.What you'll find Nekatur-application Cottages?- Want to enjoy your holiday in the Basque Country?Inourapplication we have a Finder Android cottages and farmhousesintheBasque Country where you can find the best deal in theareawithbonuses and discounts.- From the rural accommodation search engine can accesseachpropertytab, where you can view images and relevantinformationcontact theaccommodation by email or phone.- Discover the precise location of the houses that interestyoumost.Through functionality can locate accommodation Mapandcalculate thefastest route to get there.- If you are already installed in the housing and want tovisitthearea, with the application of Nekatur you have veryeasy.Accessthe map and select functionality tourism resources. Atthetimefind a list of options to enjoy your days off:nature,cities,routes, events, museums, festivals, fairs,monuments,restaurants,cider, beaches ... You can also see theresourcelocation on thesame map, access the tab to viewadditionalinformation and findthe best route to get there.- When Nekatur have something interesting to comment youwillreceivea push notification. By Notifications feature, youwillhave all therelevant information for you to enjoy yourexperiencein a Basquefarmhouse. Through this section you will alsoreceivespecial offers,promotions, etc..- The farmhouses and agritourism travelers Nekaturreceivedaroundthe world. Therefore, our application is alsoavailable inseverallanguages: Castilian, Basque, Catalan,English,French.- Share in your social networking application or housesthatvisitorsin real time.- Configure your application to navigate the language youwant.Youcan also set the distance from your location you wanttofindholiday cottages and / or tourism resources.Visit us and also follow us on ...Our website: http://www.nekatur.netOur Facebook: us on Twitter: Flickr: on our YouTubechannel: comment? Write to [email protected] and wewillcontactyou!
Ruralgia. Cottages. 1.8.0
Ruralgia is an accommodation portalwithover2000 lodgings, campgrounds, rural hotels, hostels.This application will present data portal for an easyandcomfortableyou can find accommodation you need in a singleclick.As simple asopening the application.Just opened, Ruralgia presents a list of 20accommodationsclosestto your current position, and that positionis updated asyou'removing.If you want to leave the display always on indicating itintheoptions menu.At the end of each listing are two buttons: one to getanother20results and other accommodations for listing on the map.Thiswayyou can see exactly where the accommodation in order toselectthosethat best suit you.Clicking on any property listed on the application showsyouthetab with housing information: name, type,pricing,occupancy,lease, photos, description, rates and services.Alsosince you tabthe phones you can use them just by clicking onany ofthem and thephone will give you the option to dial directly.Youcan also writeto the owner through a simple form. As you mayneedto write morethan a message to other owners, the messagecontentwill remain inthe next shipments do. Even in some of thetabs youcan bookaccommodation online, securely and 100%reliable.If instead of the list, you access the map, you can clickonanyicon to go to the information about the accommodation inthesameway from the listing.On the menu we can also find the following: Deals,events,search,map, share, vote, help and always on display.- Book: The same operation as normal listings, but onlycometoaccommodation with deals- Events: List of accommodations you have an upcoming event- Search: Simple search form, where you can filterbytext,population, type, occupancy, prices, places andservices- Map: direct access to the same map explained above- Sharing: share the application with yourfavoriteapplications:facebook, twitter, etc- Vote: market access to comment or vote on the application- Help: A brief explanation of some features oftheapplication- Screen always on: the list allows roaming and not turnoffthescreen.In lodging tabs are different menu options.Map,directions,sharing, about, help and always on display.- Map: In this case the application will take off, theGooglemapso you can explore the place where themorecomfortablyaccommodation- Directions: Here again we leave the application and call theGPStoshow you how to get to the place where theaccommodation.- Screen always on: The tab of the accommodationsfeatureanindicator of the distance to the place where the houseandamini-compass to know which way you are. With this optionwepreventthe screen turns off not able to use thisfunctioncomfortably.We can also be accessed from the tab at the photos, tophones,toform, and expanded descriptions and rates if any.Ruralgia is a simple application for its operation,butcomplexbecause it has many tools that you cansurebenefitsubstantially.Remember to tell the owners that they met inRuralgiaapplicationfor Android.If you encounter a fatal error that prevents you let [email protected] continue, surely has a solution.Visit us on