Top 6 Games Similar to 101 Schooling

101 Jumping 2.14.049
The hands-down go-to book for hunters,jumpersand eventers intent on taking rider and horse to the top oftheirgame, 101 Jumping Exercises for Horse & Rider is nowinstantlyaccessible via your Android or iOS device.Ideal for instructors, novices, trainers, andexperiencedcompetition riders, the 101 Jumping mobile appprogresses horse andrider from walk-trot basics to complex linesand jumps. Theexercises are easy to follow and include guidance onproper setupand correct execution. As riders and their mountsmaster theseexercises they will achieve the proper balance andtechnique toapproach jumping courses with confidence.The 101 Jumping app is simple to use. It is set up like a deckofcards, each card featuring one of the 101 exercises. The topface ofthe card provides a setup or an illustration of theexercise. Facestwo, three and four take you step by step throughthe exercise andprovide reminders, hints, and tips for what tokeep in mind and howto solve problems.Additional highlights of the 101 Jumping app:COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTION. 101 exercises coveringthesefundamental areas of mastery:• Basic Walk/Trot Exercises• Jumping Gymnastics• Varying Strides Gymnastics• Turns & Straightness• Canter Exercises: Poles• Canter Exercises: Jumps• Dealing with Challenges• Advanced ExercisesPREMIUM CONTENT. The same content found in the best-sellingbook101 Jumping Exercises for Horse & Rider, includingguestexercises by leading equestrians Missy Clark, AnthonyD’Ambrosio,Joe Fargis, Hap Hansen, and James Wofford. Otheroutstandingfeatures:• Expert design – instructional materials developed and used bytheworld's most preeminent riders• Highly intelligible layout – exercises containillustrativediagrams, keys, clear descriptions, and specialtips• Lasting relevance – riders of all levels will perpetuallybenefitby using this app as a training reference• Variety – enough depth of content to keep horse and riderengaged– not boredBROAD UTILITY. The ideal solution for:• All riding disciplines – a focus on jumping skills, yet withpoleexercises applicable to all English and Western horses&riders• Horses of all levels – helps any horse become more supple,strong,flexible, and responsive• Riders of any ability – plenty of exercises for beginners, yetawide variety of challenges for advanced riders• Individuals, trainers, and students – adaptable to self-taughtandformal instruction situations• Coaches – use these exercises to bring variety to yourinstructionand to make sure your students understand the homeworkyouassignINTUITIVE INTERFACE. Features that provide flexibility andeaseof use, such as:• Simplicity – as easy to use as a deck of cards• Structure – logical grouping of exercises into handy,color-codedcategories• Configurability – determine what exercises you’ll work oninadvance and bring them to the top of the list• Accessibility – view exercises one by one, as a list, in avisualflow, or with a random “Surprise Me” option• Outreach – in-app tools for additional information andconnectionsto the rider communityALWAYS ACCESSIBLE.• At the barn – when you’re tacked up and ready to ride• At home – when you’re planning your ride• On the go – when you have a few minutes to spare and you'vegotriding on your mindWith life-long benefits, the 101 Jumping Exercises forHorse& Rider mobile app is the perfect way to use theconvenienceand technology of your mobile device to enhance yourhorse andrider journey.
SafeRider Lite 1.10.3
This is the Lite version of SafeRiderthisversion has fewer features than the real Safe Rider app.Safe Rider Lite is intended as a try out, but alsoensuresthatwhen your buddies just want to know where you are incase ofanemergency, they do get a notification. Receiving alarmswillremainfree this way.• This app shows your position outdoors;• can receive alarms;• can still select buddies;• can’t save the driven route.Safe Rider is an app developed for horseback riders (butcanalsobe used in other sports). This app records the traveledrouteandregisters distance and speed. Safe Rider always marksthestartingpoint so getting lost in the woods is history! TheRidercan easilysee his current position. Most important feature istheSafe Riderfalling alarm with GPS location. This alarm is usedincase ofemergency, and gives the exactly location where helpisneeded. Thealarm can be sent to your "buddies" eithermanuallyorautomatically. Help can be sent quick without having tosearchthevictim in outlying areas.features:• Route navigation with starting marker (always knowwhereyouare)• Registration of distance and speed• Safe Rider fall alarm with GPS coordinates• Buddy system for riders and other athletesContinued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramaticallydecrease battery life.
101 Western Dressage 2.14.049
Following on the heels of the highlysuccessful101 Dressage mobile app, the 101 Western Dressage appfeatures 101exercises designed by Jec Aristotle Ballou andproduced by UnbridledRIder especially for Western Dressagestudents, instructors andtrainers.Fun, convenient, and comprehensive, this new app is availableforuse on your Android and iOS devices. 101 Western Dressage nowtakesits place among the most critical tools for equestrians toown.Recreational and competitive riders alike will find answers totheirtraining challenges and exercises to make progress in theirriding.This new app delivers clear diagrams and step-by-stepinstructionsfor schooling patterns promising to help riders andthe horsesadvance. Additional highlights of the 101 WesternDressage appinclude:COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTION – 101 exercises coveringthesefundamental riding goals:• Softness• Looseness• Rider Development• Engagement• AdjustabilityPREMIUM CONTENT – exercises constructed by Jec AristotleBallou,author of best-selling 101 Dressage Exercises for Horse& Riderbook and now much sought after Western Dressageclinician.Attributes include:• Expert design – instructional materials developed and used bytheworld's most preeminent riders• Highly intelligible layout – exercises containillustrativediagrams, keys, clear descriptions, and specialtips• Lasting relevance – riders of all levels will perpetuallybenefitby using this app as a training reference• Variety – enough depth of content to keep horse and riderengaged– not boredBROAD UTILITY – the ideal solution for:• Western Dressage Riders … or those English riders that want toadda little Western flavor to their journey – or those Westernriderswho want to incorporate the proven benefits of dressage intotheirriding and training regime• Horses of all levels – helps any horse become more supple,strong,flexible, and responsive• Riders of any ability – plenty of exercises for beginners, yetawide variety of exercises for advanced riders• Individuals, Trainers, and Students – adaptable to self-taughtandformal instruction situations• Coaches – use these exercises to bring variety to yourinstructionand to make sure your students understand what homeworkyou’d likethem to do• Growth and improvement – additional content will be availabletokeep pace with your expanding riding interestsINTUITIVE INTERFACE – features that provide flexibility andeaseof use, like:• Simplicity – as easy to use as a deck of cards• Structure – logical grouping of exercises into handy,color-codedcategories• Configurability – filter exercise categories to focus on justtheareas you need• Accessibility – view exercises one-by-one, as a list, in avisualflow, or with a random “Surprise Me” option• Outreach – in-app tools for additional information andconnectionsto the rider communityALWAYS ACCESSIBLE• At the barn – when you’re tacked-up and ready to ride• At home – when you’re planning your ride• On the go – when you’ve got a few minutes to spare and you'vegotriding on your mindThe 101 Western Dressage app will provide ongoing benefits andisthe perfect way to utilize the convenience and technology ofyourmobile device to enhance your horse and rider journey.
Dressage Lite for horse riders 7
Dressage Lite lets you design and share dressage diagrams.
10 Kategorien von Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit überBasics& Gesundheit bis hin zum Thema Look ist alles dabei.InformiereDich in unseren Lernvideos, bekomme täglich Tipps vonReitprofiswie Thomas Weinberg und Marcus Ehning und sei immerUp-to-Date wasdie neuste Reitmode betrifft.DressurDas Dressurreiten ist neben dem Springreiten, derVielseitigkeitoder zum Beispiel dem Westernreiten eine DisziplindesPferdesports. Dabei werden die natürlichen VeranlagungendesPferdes durch gymnastische Übungen gefördert. Die BasisderAusbildung eines jeden Pferdes ist die Skala der Ausbildung.Diesebeschreibt die verschiedenen, aufeinander aufbauenden PhasenderReitpferdeausbildung.SpringenDas Springreiten ist eine weitere Disziplin im Pferdesport.BeimSpringreiten müssen Pferd und Reiter einen Parcours bewältigen,deraus mehreren Hindernissen besteht, welche in einerbestimmtenReihenfolge zu überwinden sind.VielseitigkeitDie Vielseitigkeit wird auch als Königsdisziplin imReitsportbezeichnet. Eine Vielseitigkeitsprüfung setzt sichausverschiedenen Disziplinen zusammen: Dressur, Springreiten undeinGeländeritt werden beim Vielseitigkeitsreiten abgefragt.Tipps & NewsBei uns bekommst Du täglich einen Tipp rund um den Reitsport.UnsereTeammitglieder, Webstars und auch Reitprofis wie ThomasWeinbergoder Marcus Ehning geben Dir hilfreiche Ratschläge.Außerdemberichtet REITTV jede Woche brandaktuell vonspannendenReitsport-Events, Reitturnieren, Pferde-Messen, Promisund News ausder Reitsportszene. Mit unseren wöchentlichen News bistDu immerauf dem neusten Stand.WebstarsUnsere REITTV-Webstars sind Reiter, die Ihre Leidenschaft,denReitsport, in Videos festhalten und sie veröffentlichen. Siefilmenihre Trainingseinheiten, ihre Turnierteilnahmen und lassenihreZuschauer in "Follow me arounds" an ihrem Alltag Teil haben.UnsereWebstars haben einen engen Bezug zu ihren Zuschauern undstehen aufverschiedenen Wegen in Kontakt mit ihnen. In sozialenNetzwerkenbloggen sie fast täglich über die Arbeit mit ihrenPferden. Inihren Videos geben sie ihren Zuschauern Anregungen undTipps fürden täglichen Umgang mit dem Pferd.Talk To MeSprich mit Deinen Webstars. In der REITTV-App hast DudieMöglichkeit Deinen Webstars eine Sprachnachricht zukommenzulassen.VIPIn unserer Kategorie VIP findest Du unsere HomestoriesundInterviews mit Reitern aller Art. Wir berichten vom AlltagunsererTeamreiter, Webstars und Reitern derinternationalenReiterszene.Basics & GesundheitDie Basis ist die Grundlage aller Dinge. Bei uns bekommstDuinteressante und hilfreiche Videos zu den verschiedenstenThemenrund um den Reitsport. Hier erfährst Du z.B. wie Du DeinPferdrichtig sattelst. Du hast Dein erstes Turnier genannt undweißtnicht wie Du die Mähne Deines Pferdes einflechten kannst? Auchdaszeigen wir Dir in unseren Lerntutorials. Weiter haben wirauchimmer wieder tolle Tipps zum Thema Pferdeernährung und wirsagenDir was unbedingt in eine Stallapotheke gehört.Specials & EventsJedes Jahr veranstalten verschiedene Organisationen eine VielzahlanReitsportevents. Nicht nur der CHIO in Aachen ist sehr beliebt.AuchMessen wie die EQUITANA locken jedes Jahr viele Menschen indieMessehallen. Wir sind regelmäßig für Dich auf diesenEventsunterwegs und fangen tolle Bilder mit der Kamera ein.LookLook - Lifestyle & Fashion - Ausrüstung für Reiter und Pferd.ObDressur, Springen oder Vielseitigkeit. Ob FreizeitkleidungoderTurnierausstattung. Wir haben die neusten Trends und LifestylesimReitsport für Dich!RassenDie Pferderasse eines Pferdes verrät einiges über denjeweiligenVierbeiner: Die meisten Pferderassen haben besondereMerkmale, wieden Ursprung, die Größe, den Körperbau oder auchdieCharaktereigenschaften des Tieres. Die Fellfarbe variiert jenachAbstammung und Vererbungsmerkmalen der Pferdezucht. Wir stellenDirdie verschiedensten Rassen in unseren Rasseportraits vor.