Top 2 Apps Similar to Van Gogh Natures

Van Gogh Wallpapers set 1 1.3
Van Gogh Wallpapers set 1Mega collection of paintings of Vincent van Gogh, part1.Paintings from Auvers-sur-Oise (May–July 1890).Features:Save to SDSet as wallpaperLegal notice: We believe our images fall under the fairusedoctrine as they are reduced size and excerpted forinformationalpurposes/or public domain. However, if you would liketo requestremoval of an image from our collection for copyrightreasons, feelfree to contact us at [email protected] and we'll behappy tooblige.In May 1890, Van Gogh left the clinic in Saint-Remy tomovenearer the physician Dr. Paul Gachet in Auvers-sur-Oise, andalsoto Theo. Gachet was recommended by Camille Pissarro, hadtreatedseveral other artists, and was himself an amateur artist.VanGogh's first impression was that Gachet was "...sicker than Iam, Ithink, or shall we say just as much." In June 1890 he paintedanumber of portraits of the physician, including Portrait ofDr.Gachet, and his only etching; in each the emphasis is onGachet'smelancholic disposition. Van Gogh stayed at the AubergeRavoux,where he paid 3 francs and 50 centimes to rent an atticroommeasuring 75 square feet (7.0 m2).Before he left, In his last weeks at Saint-Remy, VanGogh'sthoughts returned to his "memories of the North", and severalofthe approximately 70 oils he painted during his 70 daysinAuvers-sur-Oise, such as The Church at Auvers, are reminiscentofnorthern scenes.Wheat Field with Crows (July 1890) is an example of thedoublesquare technique he developed in the last weeks of his life.In itsturbulent intensity, it is among his most haunting andelementalworks. It is often mistakenly believed to be his lastwork, Hulskerlists seven paintings that postdate it.Barbizon painter Charles Daubigny had moved to Auvers in 1861,andthis in turn drew other artists there, including Camille CorotandHonore Daumier.List of paintings:01 Daubigny s Garden 202 Daubigny s Garden 303 Daubigny s Garden04 Doctor Gachet s Garden in Auvers05 Ears of Wheat06 Farmhouse with Two Figures07 Field with Poppies08 Field with Stacks of Wheat09 Field with Wheat Stacks10 Garden in Auvers11 Haystacks under a Rainy Sky12 Houses in Auvers 213 Houses in Auvers14 Landscape at Auvers in the Rain15 Carriage and Train in the Background16 Landscape with the Chateau of Auvers at Sunset17 Landscape with Three Trees and a House18 Marguerite Gachet at the Piano19 Marguerite Gachet in the Garden20 Plain Near Auvers21 Adeline Ravoux 222 Adeline Ravoux 323 Adeline Ravoux24 Portrait of Doctor Gachet 225 Portrait of Doctor Gachet L Homme a la Pipe26 Portrait of Doctor Gachet27 Glass with Carnations28 Glass with Wild Flowers29 Japanese Vase with Roses and Anemones30 Pink Roses31 Red Poppies and Daisies32 Vase with Flower and Thistles33 Vase with Rose-Mallows34 Thatched Cottages at Cordeville35 Cottages by a Hill36 Cottages in Jorgus37 Thatched Cottages38 Sandstone Cottages in Chaponval39 The Church at Auvers40 The Fields41 The Grove42 The House of Pere Eloi43 The House of Pere Pilon44 The Little Arlesienne45 The Little Stream46 The White House at Night47 Tree Roots and Trunks48 Two Children 249 Two Children50 Two Women Crossing the Fields51 Undergrowth with Two Figures52 View of Auvers with Church53 View of Auvers54 View of Vessenots Near Auvers55 Village Street and Steps in Auvers with Figures56 Village Street and Steps in Auvers with Two Figures57 Village Street in Auvers58 Vineyards with a View of Auvers59 Wheat Field at Auvers with White House60 Under Clouded Sky61 Cornflowers62 Wheat Field with Crows63 Wheat Fields at Auvers Under Clouded Sky64 near Auvers65 Wheat Fields with Auvers in the Background66 Wild Flowers and Thistles in a Vase67 Young Girl Standing Against a Background of Wheat68 Young Peasant Woman with Straw Hat Sitting in the Wheat
Van Gogh Self-Portraits
Vincent van Gogh was a Dutchpost-Impressionistpainter whose work, notable for its roughbeauty, emotional honesty,and bold color, had a far-reachinginfluence on 20th-century art.His work was then known to only ahandful of people and appreciatedby fewer still.Van Gogh began to draw as a child, and he continued todrawthroughout the years that led up to his decision to becomeanartist. He did not begin painting until his latetwenties,completing many of his best-known works during the lasttwo yearsof his life. In just over a decade, he produced more than2,100artworks, consisting of 860 oil paintings and more than1,300watercolors, drawings, sketches and prints. His work includedselfportraits, landscapes, still lifes of flowers, portraitsandpaintings of cypresses, wheat fields and sunflowers.Van Gogh spent his early adulthood working for a firm ofartdealers, traveling between The Hague, London and Paris, afterwhichhe taught for a time in England. One of his early aspirationswasto become a pastor and from 1879 he worked as a missionary inamining region in Belgium where he began to sketch people fromthelocal community. In 1885, he painted his first major workThePotato Eaters. His palette at the time consisted mainly ofsomberearth tones and showed no sign of the vivid colorationthatdistinguished his later work. In March 1886, he moved to Parisanddiscovered the French Impressionists. Later, he moved to thesouthof France and was impacted by the strong sunlight he foundthere.His work grew brighter in color, and he developed the uniqueandhighly recognizable style that became fully realized duringhisstay in Arles in 1888.The extent to which his mental health affected his paintinghasbeen a subject of speculation since his death. Despite awidespreadtendency to romanticize his ill health, modern criticssee anartist deeply frustrated by the inactivity and incoherencebroughtabout by his bouts of illness. According to art criticRobertHughes, van Gogh's late works show an artist at the height ofhisability, completely in control and "longing for concisionandgrace.”If you’re not sure what live wallpapers are, they're a typeofapplication that works on a mobile device using theAndroidoperating system (like your device!). The application worksas awallpaper – providing the background image for the homescreen—butalso works as a conventional application since it canprovideuser-interaction with the touch screen (allowing the imagetochange dynamically, for example) and access other hardwareandsoftware features within the device (accelerometer, GPS,networkaccess, etc.).**Multiple backgrounds!** Switch up the background as often oraslittle as you like with user-configurable options.**Power saving features!** This app uses much less powerthantypical live wallpapers. It will take a bit more power tooperatethan a normal wallpaper, but much, much less battery powerthan theaverage live wallpaper.**Super easy to use!** Upon install the app will bring uptheoptions menu and then immediately let you set the wallpaper.Nohassle and easy to use!**Translated to 35 languages!** Do you really, really wanttolearn Russian? We didn’t think so, but it’s available just incase,in any language your phone can display!Please note that live wallpapers can’t be setautomatically.We’ll bring you to the setup screen where you’llselect the livewallpaper. We’d love to do it automatically butAndroid doesn’tallow it. Maybe some day.Van Gogh has not endorsed this app, but we’re confidenthe’sgoing to get back to us on that. Licensed under thecreativecommons (