Top 8 Apps Similar to Laut Milik Semua - KKI

Komik Ngaco 1.4
AR Soft
Komik asli Indonesia yang lucunya bikinnafasterengah-engah. Ngakaknya bikin perut sakit ga karuan.Komik akan di-update setiap minggunya...Komik bercerita tentang kehidupan sehari-hari di Indonesiadengangaya yang kocak dan ngakakAWAS... Bakal Ga Berhenti Ketawa Loe...The originalcomicIndonesia who makes funny panting breath. Ngakaknya causestomachache ga known.Comic will be updated every week ...Comic tells the story of everyday life in Indonesia withacomical style and laughingCAUTION ... Will Stop Ketawa Loe Ga ...
Budi dan Badu untuk Android 3.2.15
Satria Lebah
Budi dan Badu is a small series about two Indonesian little boysandtheir daily life. Budi, the eyeglasses boy, and Badu,thespike-haired boy will present their stories to your devicesascomic strips weekly."Budi and Badu untuk Android" allows you to subscribe ourcomicstrips for FREE! We will send the notification(s) of thelateststory updates directly to your Android.Features :- Latest episode update notification- Downloaded episodes can be read offline- Share the comic strip to your social mediaFollow us on twitter @budidanbaduLike our facebook fanpage send us an email about any questions you have on this [email protected]
Manga Browser - Manga Reader 13.2.2
Manga Browser - Manga Reader help youreadmanga or comic on your android devices.Optimized user interface, Very easy to use! What you need to doisselect and read.Features:- Search manga with a key word.- Browser manga on local disk, top list, hottest list, updatedlistetc.- Image zoom control.- Fling on images.- Lock Image in partrait or landscape mode.- Format support: png, jpeg, bmp, gif,
ZingBox Manga (Int'l)
ZingBox is a free manga reader app forandroidwhich provides the most amazing manga reading experience.You canread manga in a clean and easy-to-use interface. Itsupportsleft-hand, paper-rolling, page-turning, landscape andportraitmode. Read all your favorite manga here and downloadthemunlimitedly! Danmu and Comment is available, you can now enjoythefun by discussing with others! ZingBox now support12+language.
Komik:Alkitab Jilid 2 1.0
English:The Bible is the holy book of Christians. Sometimes also referredtoas gospel, even though the term actually refers to the factonlyfour of the 66 books, the first four books of the NewTestament.Comics Volume 2 contains the childhood story of Jesus, whenJesuswas tempted Story, Story When Jesus was on Water Street, andwhenJesus called Peter the Rock, and her work will be inestablishedHeavenIndonesia:Alkitab adalah kitab suci umat Kristiani. Kadang-kadang disebutpuladengan istilah Injil, meskipun sesungguhnya istilah itusebenarnyahanya merujuk kepada empat dari 66 kitab, yaitu empatkitab pertamadalam Perjanjian Baru.Komik Jilid 2 ini berisi cerita masa kecil Yesus, CeritaketikaYesus dicobai, Cerita Ketika Yesus Jalan diatas Air, danKetikaYesus menyebut Petrus Batu Karang, dan padanya akan didirikankerjaan Surga
The Life of Buddha 1.0.2
Path of Buddha is a digital comicinteractiveabout the life of Buddha. The illustration style isbased onJavanese Culture. There are 3 option languages to read thisdigitalcomic interactive: English, Chinese, and Indonesia.Buddha means "awakened one" or "the enlightened one." "Buddha"isalso used as a title for the first awakened being in an era. InmostBuddhist traditions, Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as theSupremeBuddha of our age.This digital comic interactive release on Buddhist FestivalonJune 21, 2013 at Surabaya (Organized by Buddhist EducationCenter(BEC) Surabaya).
Komik:Alkitab Jilild 1 1.0
English:The Bible is the holy book of Christians. Sometimes also referredtoas gospel, even though the term actually refers to the factonlyfour of the 66 books, the first four books of the NewTestament.Comic Bible Volume 1 This is the part of the story is alittleold covenant provides a description of the Prophet Joseph sonofJacobIndonesia:Alkitab adalah kitab suci umat Kristiani. Kadang-kadang disebutpuladengan istilah Injil, meskipun sesungguhnya istilah itusebenarnyahanya merujuk kepada empat dari 66 kitab, yaitu empatkitab pertamadalam Perjanjian Baru.
Cinta Sang Fashionista 1.1.0
Cinta Sang FashionistaAuthor : Archie the Redcat, Gita Juwita, BijouRating : TeenGenre : DramaSynopsis:PanelArchie the RedcatPernah punya teman yang hobi sekali menggambar saat di kelas,‘kan?Nah, Fey adalah orang seperti ini. Baginya, menggambarapalagimembuat komik adalah segalanya. Apalagi saat ia mendapatpujiandari komikus terkenal. Ia pun yakin sendirian bisamemenangkanlomba yang diadakan penerbit komik… sampai sekelompokteman Feymenghancurkan naskah komiknya!Cinta Sang Fashionista - Pakai Baju Apa Hari Ini?Gita JuwitaGhea dikenal sebagai orang yang paling punya fashion sensedisekolahnya. Suatu hari ia bertemu Leoni, stylist terkenalartis,yang mau menerimanya bekerja sebagai asistennya, dengansyarat:Ghea harus bisa membuat Yanuar, adik Leoni yang culun jadikeren!Gawat! Soalnya Yanuar adalah salah satu anak yang masukkategoricowok jangkis kronis: jangkung–kurus–najis!Between You and MeBijouUntuk kesepuluh kalinya, Erin dihukum jemur di depan tiangbenderakarena telat datang ke sekolah. “Gantengnya” matahari pagisamasekali nggak seberapa… tapi malunya itu! Apalagi ditertawakanolehAditya sang kakak kelas paling cakep di sekolah. Anehnya,saatbertemu langsung Aditya esok hari, Aditya sama sekali jauhdarisosok hangat yang menertawakan Erin dari kelas…Love The FashionistaAuthor: Archie the RedCat, Gita Juwita, BijouRating: TeenGenre: DramaSynopsis:PanelArchie the RedCatEver had a friend who once drew a hobby while in class, right?Well,Fey is such a person. For him, let alone make a comic drawingiseverything. Especially when he gets praise from renownedartists. Healso believes that alone could win the race heldpublisher of comics... until a group of friends Fey destroy thecomic script!Love The Fashionista - Wear Clothes What Today?Gita JuwitaGhea known as the person who has the most fashion sense inschool.One day he met Leoni, famed stylist artist, who will acceptto workas his assistant, with the condition: Ghea should be able tomakeYanuar, geeky sister Leoni is so cool! Serious! Because Yanuarisone of the children who enter the category of chronic jangkisguy:tall-skinny-unclean!Between You and MeBijouFor the tenth time, Erin was sentenced to dry in the sun in frontofthe flag pole for coming late to school. "Gantengnya" morningsun atall no how ... but it's shame! Moreover, ridiculed by hisbrotherAditya most saucy class at school. Surprisingly, when faceto facetomorrow Aditya, Aditya completely away from the figure ofErinhearty laugh from the class ...