Top 9 Apps Similar to Calculator Plus

Fraction Calculator Plus 5.4.0
Fraction Calculator - the easiest way to solve everydayfractionproblems!
Account Calculator Plus 會計計算機 6
This is an accounting calculator that you would love – notonlyitlooks and operates like a real one that you will adapttoeasily,it can be FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE with your personalstyles!!INCREDIBLYCUSTOMIZABLE 1 Background with your loved color/pictures withadjustable transparency 2 Display with yourlovedcolor /transparency 3 Display text with your loved color 4EachButtonwith your loved color / corners /transparencyINCREDIBLYFUNCTIONAL 1 15 digits capable 2 Familiarbuttonsarrangements foradapting easily 3 Memory function at yourfingertip4 Copyingfunction - Copy display text to Clipboard for youto pasteatanywhere 5 Answer History Function - store the mostrecentanswersand retrieve the one you want by just a single click6Roundingfunction - Rounding to nearest integer (INT) andnearestthousand(K) It is just an accounting calculator, but itserves allyourneeds!! Make it Simple and Clear + VIVID! If you findany bugsorhave any comments or new ideas on functions abouttheCalculator,please feel free to send [email protected]. We loveall your feedbacks and comments!
Advanced Voice Calculator Plus 2.0.1
Before using the application,wehighlyrecommend you to watch the video on how to usetheapplication.For video on how to use the Voice Command - Please go tothislink- Video on how to use other features of the application -Pleasegoto this link - of Calculator - v2.0:1. Voice Command Support for Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication,Division, Inverse, CubeRoot, SquareRoot,Square,Cube, Power,Percentage.2. Interest Calculator3. Date Calculator4. Unit Converter5. History - Know how calculations are done and reuse ifneeded.Important Note:To use the Voice Command, you should have anactiveinternetconnection. This is limitation of Android andnotourapplication.To effectively use the Voice Command Feature, pleasefollowtheserules:1. Speak clearly with stress on Operators (+, -, *, /, ...)2. Avoid any noisy surroundings. Noise around you maytamperyourcommandRequests to the Users of our application:1. We cannot answer the queries that people post inGooglePlay.So,for any queries, please [email protected]. Please do rate the application, as ratings willboostourconfidence3. Please allow Automatic Updates, so that you may not missoutthefeatures that we add in the future.Disclaimer:We have done our best to get the calculations right. But,theremaybe situations where our application may not producethecorrectresults. We cannot be held responsible forsuchcircumstances. Ifyou are using our application, then you complytothesepolicies.
Percent Calculator Plus 1.7
Percent Calculator Plus allows you tomakepercent related calculations instantly and effortlessly ,by simply entering two values. It's also a tip calculator.Features include:* Percent Calculations* Percent Increase* Percent Decrease* Percentage Change* Tip Calculator* Percent of two valuesIt's useful in many real-life situations:* school (mathematics, statistics, algebra)* finance and business (tax)* shopping (discounts)* tipping* cookingThe app stores your previous entered values.
Calculator Plus Free 1.0
*****Calculator Free of CostandAdsFree*****A Simple and Superb Calculator, the display ofwhichindicatesexpressions and gives easy operation for editing.The calculator includes features below:*Four arithmetic operations, root, percentages,andTrigonometriccalculations*Calculations with parentheses*Easy editing by using a cursor operationFour arithmetic operations:1 + 2 - 3 × 4 ÷ 5 = 0.6Root:√( 2 × 2 ) = 2Parentheses:( 1 + 2 ) × ( 3 + 4 ) = 21( 1 + 2 ) ( 3 + 4 ) ( 5 + 6 ) = 231decimal point:123,456,789.1 + 0.02 = 123,456,789.12123.456.789,1 + 0,02 = 123.456.789,12(Depends on setting)Facebook Angry Birds Twitter Games News Stocks
Land Area Calculator Plus 1.4
Land Area Calculator Plus - Get land area calculated indifferentunits.
Calculator Plus
Use the new AdvancedScientificCalculatorCalculator Plus for FREE!Features:* Stunning "High Resolution" graphics.* And Much MoreMany new updates will be added in future updates.Download the FREE New Advanced Scientific CalculatorCalculatorPlusApp Now!3835dbd80a
Fuel Calculator Plus 1.0
Fuel calculator is a very good calculatorwhichis used for calculating the fuel.
calculator plus 2.1
techno app
This simple interest calculator isperfectforany type of calculations and can be used as selfemploymenttaxcalculator or tax rate calculator or payroll taxcalculatororproperty tax calculator or state income tax calculatoror salestaxcalculator or income tax calculator or taxwithholdingcalculatoror gross margin calculator or investmentcalculator orstock returncalculator or money calculator or discountcalculatoror tipcalculator.